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The 1997-1998 epidemic of classical swine fever in the Netherlands   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In 1997, the pig husbandry in the Netherlands was struck by a severe epidemic of classical swine fever (CSF). During this epidemic 429 CSF-infected herds were depopulated and approximately 1300 herds were slaughtered pre-emptively. In addition millions of pigs of herds not CSF-infected were killed for welfare reasons (over crowding or overweight). In this paper, we describe the course of the epidemic and the measures that were taken to control it.The first outbreak was detected on 4 February 1997 in the pig dense south-eastern part of the Netherlands. We estimate that CSF virus (CSFV) had already been present in the country by that time for 5-7 weeks and that the virus had been introduced into approximately 39 herds before the eradication campaign started. This campaign consisted of stamping-out infected herds, movement restrictions and efforts to diagnose infected herds as soon as possible. However, despite these measures the rate at which new outbreaks were detected continued to rise. The epidemic faded out only upon the implementation of additional measures such as rapid pre-emptive slaughter of herds in contact with or located near infected herds, increased hygienic measures, biweekly screening of all herds by veterinary practitioners, and reduction of the transportation movements for welfare reasons. The last infected herd was depopulated on 6 March 1998.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to describe the severe epidemic of classical swine fever (CSF) in The Netherlands in 1997–1998 under a policy of non-vaccination, intensive surveillance, pre-emptive slaughter and stamping out in an area which has one of the highest pig and herd densities in Europe.

The primary outbreak was detected on 4 February 1997 on a mixed sow and finishing pig herd. A total of 429 outbreaks was observed during the epidemic, and approximately 700 000 pigs from these herds were slaughtered. Among these outbreaks were two artificial insemination centres, which resulted in a CSF-suspect declaration of 1680 pig herds (mainly located in the southern part of The Netherlands). The time between introduction of CSF virus (CSFV) into the country and diagnosis of CSF in the primary outbreak was estimated to be approximately 6 weeks. It is presumed that CSFV was spread from The Netherlands to Italy and Spain via shipment of infected piglets in the beginning of February 1997, before the establishment of a total stand-still of transportation. In June 1997, CSFV is presumed to be introduced into Belgium from The Netherlands.

Pre-emptive slaughter of herds that had been in contact with infected herds or were located in close vicinity of infected herds, was carried out around the first two outbreaks. However, this policy was not further exercised till mid-April 1997, when pre-emptive slaughter became a standard operational procedure for the rest of the epidemic. In total, 1286 pig herds were pre-emptively slaughtered. (approximately 1.1 million pigs). A total of 44 outbreaks (10%) was detected via pre-emptive slaughter.

When there were clinical signs, the observed symptoms in infected herds were mainly atypical: fever, apathy, ataxia or a combination of these signs. In 322 out of 429 outbreaks (75%), detection was bases on clinical signs observed: 32% was detected by the farmer, 25% by the veterinary practitioner, 10% of the outbreaks by tracing teams and 8% by screening teams of the veterinary authorities. In 76% of the outbreaks detected by clinical signs, the farmer reported to have seen clinical symptoms for less than 1 week before diagnosis, in 22% for 1–4 weeks before diagnosis, and in 4 herds (1%) the farmer reported to have seen clinical symptoms for more than 4 weeks before diagnosis.

Transportation lorries played a major role in the transmission of CSFV before the primary outbreak was diagnosed. It is estimated that approximately 39 herds were already infected before the first measures of the eradication campaign came into force.

After the first measures to stop the spread of CSFV had been implemented, the distribution of the most likely routes of transmission markedly changed. In most outbreaks, a neighbourhood infection was indicated.

Basically, there were two reasons for this catastrophe. Firstly, there was the extent of the period between introduction of the virus in the region and detection of the first outbreak. As a result, CSFV had opportunities to spread from one herd to another during this period. Secondly, the measures initially taken did not prove sufficient in the swine- and herd-dense region involved.  相似文献   

The National Reference Laboratory for classical swine fever (CSF) virus in the Netherlands examined more than two million samples for CSF virus or serum antibody during the CSF epizootic of 1997–1998. The immense amount of samples and the prevalence of border disease (BD) virus and bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus infections in Dutch pig herds necessitated the diagnostic efforts of the laboratory to be focused on generating CSF specific test results throughout the eradication campaign.

Detection of 82% of the 429 outbreaks was achieved through the combined use of a direct immunofluorescence and peroxidase assay (FAT/IPA) with samples (tonsils) collected from clinically-suspected pigs. This suggests that in the majority of the outbreaks, the pigs had clinical signs that were recognised by the farmer and/or veterinarians, indicating the presence of CSF virus in a pig herd. A positive diagnosis of 74% of all the tissue samples (tonsils) collected at infected pig holdings was established by FAT. More than 140,000 heparinised blood samples were examined by virus isolation, resulting in the detection of 4.5% of the infected herds. CSF virus was isolated in approximately 29% of all the blood samples collected from pigs at infected or suspected farms.

Several serological surveys — each done within a different framework — led to the detection of 13.5% of the total number of outbreaks. The detection of CSF virus antibody in serum was carried out by semi-automated blocking ELISA. Approximately 28.5% of the sera which reacted in the ELISA were classified as CSF virus-neutralising antibody positive and 26.5% as positive for other pestiviruses following the virus neutralisation test (VNT).

We concluded that two of the CSF laboratory diagnostic methods described were determinative in the eradication campaign: first, the FAT for the screening of diseased pigs; and second, the ELISA and VNT when millions of predominantly healthy pigs needed to be screened for the presence of CSF serum antibody. Decision-making on the basis of results generated by either method can, however, be seriously hindered when samples are examined from pig herds with a high prevalence of non-CSF pestiviruses.  相似文献   

Data of the 1997–1998 epidemic of classical swine fever (CSF) in The Netherlands were analysed in survival analysis to identify risk factors that were associated with the rate of neighbourhood infections. The study population consisted of herds within 1000 m of exclusively one previously infected herd. Dates of virus introduction into herds were drawn randomly from estimated probability distributions per herd of possible weeks of virus introduction. (To confirm the insensitivity of the results for this random data-selection procedure, the procedure was repeated 9 times (resulting in 10 different datasets).) The dataset had 906 non-infected and 59 infected neighbour herds, which were distributed over 215 different neighbourhoods. Neighbour herds that never became infected were right-censored at the last date of the infectious period of the infected source herd. Neighbour herds that became empty within the infectious period or within the following 21 days due to preventive depopulation or due to the implemented buying-out programme were right-censored 21 days before the moment of becoming empty. This was done as a correction for the time a herd could be infected without being noticed as such.

The median time to identified infection of neighbour herds was 2 weeks, whereas the median time to right censoring of non-infected neighbour herds was 3 weeks. The risk factors, radial distance ≤500 m, cattle present on source herd and increasing herd size of the neighbour herd were associated multivariably with the hazard for neighbour herds to become infected. We did not find an association between time down wind and infection risk for neighbour herds. Radial dispersion of CSFV seemed more important in neighbourhood infections than dispersion along the road on which the infected source herd is situated. The results of this study support the strategy of preventive depopulation in the neighbourhood of an infected herd. Recommendations are presented to adapt the applied control strategy for neighbourhood infections.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of antibodies against 6 Leptospira serovars and determine risk factors associated with positive Leptospira titers in healthy client-owned dogs in Michigan. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. ANIMALS: 1,241 healthy dogs at least 4 months of age. PROCEDURES: Dogs were examined by veterinarians at private practices. Vaccinated and unvaccinated dogs were enrolled in the study, which occurred prior to the availability of a 4-serovar (Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Icterohaemorrhagiae, and Pomona) Leptospira vaccine. Sera were tested by use of the microscopic agglutination test to determine antibody titers against Leptospira serovars Bratislava, Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Hardjo, Icterohaemorrhagiae, and Pomona. A questionnaire was used to collect demographic information about each dog to identify risk factors associated with seropositive status. RESULTS: 309 of 1,241 (24.9%) dogs had antibody titers against at least 1 of the 6 Leptospira serovars, which suggested exposure to Leptospira spp. Prevalence of antibodies was highest to serovar Grippotyphosa, followed by Bratislava, Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae, and Pomona. Age, travel outside Michigan, exercise outside fenced yards, and exposure to livestock and wildlife were significant risk factors for positive titers. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Among healthy dogs from the lower peninsula of Michigan, > 20% have antibodies against leptospiral serovars historically considered uncommon but more recently incriminated as causing clinical canine leptospirosis. Wildlife and livestock may be of increasing importance as reservoirs for canine leptospirosis as urbanization continues to occur. Expanded vaccination strategies may partially mitigate these trends.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the transmission of Classical Swine Fever virus (CSF virus) within herds during the 1997–1998 epidemic in the Netherlands. In seven herds where the infection started among individually housed breeding stock, all breeding pigs had been tested for antibodies to CSF virus shortly before depopulation. Based upon these data, the transmission of CSF virus between pigs was described as exponential growth in time with a parameter r, that was estimated at 0.108 (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.060–0.156). The accompanying per-generation transmission (expressed as the basic reproduction ratio, R0) was estimated at 2.9. Based upon this characterisation, a calculation method was derived with which serological findings at depopulation can be used to calculate the period in which the virus was with a certain probability introduced into that breeding stock. This model was used to estimate the period when the virus had been introduced into 34 herds where the infection started in the breeding section. Of these herds, only a single contact with a herd previously infected had been traced. However, in contrast with the seven previously mentioned herds, only a sample of the breeding pigs had been tested before depopulation (as was the common procedure during the epidemic). The observed number of days between the single contact with an infected herd and the day of sampling of these 34 herds fitted well in the model. Thus, we concluded that the model and transmission parameter was in agreement with the transmission between breeding pigs in these herds.

Because of the limited sample size and because it was usually unknown in which specific pen the infection started, we were unable to estimate transmission parameters for weaned piglets and finishing pigs from the data collected during the epidemic. However, from the results of controlled experiments in which R0 was estimated as 81 between weaned piglets and 14 between heavy finishing pigs (Laevens et al., 1998a. Vet. Quart. 20, 41–45; Laevens et al., 1999. Ph.D. Thesis), we constructed a simple model to describe the transmission of CSF virus in compartments (rooms) housing finishing pigs and weaned piglets. From the number of pens per compartment, the number of pigs per pen, the numbers of pigs tested for antibodies to CSF virus and the distribution of the seropositive pigs in the compartment, this model gives again a period in which the virus most probably entered the herd. Using the findings in 41 herds where the infection started in the section of the finishers or weaned piglets of the age of 8 weeks or older, and of which only a single contact with a herd previously infected was known, there was no reason to reject the model. Thus, we concluded that the transmission between weaned piglets and finishing pigs during the epidemic was not significantly different from the transmission observed in the experiments.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine history, clinical and electrocardiographic abnormalities, treatment, and outcome of dogs exposed to toxins produced by the Bufo marinus toad. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 94 dogs. PROCEDURE: Medical records of dogs examined between July 1997 and July 1998 for which a diagnosis of toad intoxication had been made on the basis of history and physical examination findings were reviewed. RESULTS: Most (66) dogs were treated during the spring and summer. For 54 dogs, exposure to toads had been witnessed. For the remaining 40, toad intoxication was diagnosed on the basis of history and clinical signs. The most common clinical signs were neurologic abnormalities, hyperemic mucous membranes, ptyalism, recumbency or collapse, tachypnea, and vomiting. The oral cavity was lavaged with tap water in all dogs. Fifty-two dogs were hospitalized for treatment. Body weight of dogs hospitalized > 2 hours was significantly less than that of dogs treated as outpatients. The most common electrocardiographic findings were sinus arrhythmia, sinus tachycardia, and normal sinus rhythm. Eighty-nine dogs recovered fully, 4 died, and 1 was euthanatized. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In areas in which B marinus toads are endemic, toad intoxication should be considered in the differential diagnosis for dogs with an acute onset of neurologic abnormalities, hyperemic mucous membranes, and ptyalism, especially during the spring and summer months. The prognosis is good for dogs with toad intoxication that receive appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

A survey of 287 dogs for antibodies against Babesia canis in dogs in an endemic area, using ELISA, produced a prevalence of 43 per cent. Antibodies occurred in dogs of all age groups, the prevalence being significantly lower in dogs aged 1 to 6 months than in older dogs. There were no differences between indigenous Nigerian dogs and exotic (foreign) dogs; and between the sexes in the prevalence of antibodies. Antibodies were more prevalent in dogs with B. canis parasitaemia and in those with a higher risk of infection. Also antibodies were detected in some puppies born to seropositive bitches. The ELISA test failed to detect antibodies in 36.1 per cent of dogs with B. canis parasitaemia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the seroprevalence and aspects of the epidemiology of canine adenovirus (CAdV) and canine herpesvirus (CaHV-1) in European red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Australia. DESIGN: Serum samples were collected opportunistically from foxes in 1991-1994 in Western Australia (WA) and South Australia (SA) and in 1980-1984 and 1990-1994 in New South Wales (NSW) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The sera were examined for antibody to CAdV and CaHV-1 using ELISAs. Seroprevalence in the different regions was determined for both viruses and the CAdV data were analysed for interactions between decade of collection, age, season, region and gender using logistic regression. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of antibody to CAdV was 23.2% (308/1326) but was significantly higher in sera collected in the eastern states of Australia (47%: 233/498) than in WA (9%: 75/828). Overall, in NSW and the ACT, there was a significantly lower prevalence in juveniles than in adults and the prevalence in juveniles in the 1990s was significantly lower than in the 1980s. The prevalence was also significantly lower in the autumn than in the winter for juveniles but the reverse held for adults. The NSW and ACT data were subdivided into eastern (including the ACT) and western regions. This revealed a significantly higher prevalence in the winter than in the autumn for the west and the reverse in the east. In WA, the northern rangeland regions of WA had lower prevalence (1.9%) than the southern agriculture regions (10.7%). Seasonally, there was a peak prevalence in the spring dropping through the summer and autumn and rising again in the winter. This seasonal pattern was also found in the combined data for all sites in the 1990s. There was no gender difference in prevalence of CAdV either overall or in different regions. The overall prevalence of antibody to CaHV-1 was 2.2% (28/1300). The small number of positives allowed only limited statistical analysis that did not reveal any differences in decade of collection, age, season or region. CONCLUSIONS: CAdV infection is common in the Australian fox population whereas CaHV-1 infection is rare. For CAdV, the age and seasonal patterns of seroprevalence were generally consistent with the recruitment of young susceptible foxes into the population in the spring and the accumulation of infections with age. The differences in regional prevalences correlated with fox density. The low prevalence of antibody to CaHV-1 suggests that CaHV-1 may be a more suitable vector than CAdV for bait delivery of immunocontraceptive antigens to foxes in Australia.  相似文献   

From February 1997 till May 1998 the national reference laboratory for classical swine fever (CSF) in the Netherlands was confronted with millions of samples taken from pigs during an outbreak of CSF in a pig dense region. In a limited period major logistic problems needed to be solved regarding the processing of samples and information at the laboratory facilities.In total over 2.3 million samples were examined by different CSF diagnostic methods. The majority (approximately 2.1 million) of these samples were blood samples which were tested for CSF serum antibody in a semi-automated ELISA. Approximately 166,000 samples were examined for the presence of CSF virus or viral antigen. Automated preparation and testing of blood samples for CSF serum antibody, the obligatory identification and registration system of pig holdings and the computerised laboratory management system made it possible to process the huge amount of samples and information presented in a limited period. The majority of the test results was sent to the veterinary authorities via e-mail or a computerised fax system.Of the 429 outbreaks 82% were detected via a direct immunofluorescence technique performed on cryostat sections of the tonsil. The sampling of clinically suspected pigs ('guided' sampling) for this diagnostic method provided rapid positive and negative results and thus played a paramount role during the eradication campaign. Serological surveys identified 13.5% of the infected pig holdings: such surveys proved very effective in the screening of holdings which were subjected to restrictions (protection or surveillance zones) for many months. Virus isolation performed on different types of samples detected 4. 5% of the infected pig holdings.In conclusion, analysis of data collected in the laboratory and epidemiological analysis should result in an improved eradication plan for the future control of outbreaks of CSF in the Netherlands supported by optimised CSF diagnostic methods.  相似文献   

Viral diseases can influence the population dynamics of wild carnivores and can have effects on carnivore conservation. Hence, a serologic survey was conducted in an opportunistic sample of 137 foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and 37 wolves (Canis lupus) in Spain for 1997-2007 to detect antibodies against canine distemper virus (CDV) and against canine parvovirus (CPV) by indirect ELISA. Antibodies against CDV were detected in 18.7% of the analyzed animals and antibodies against CPV in 17.2%. There was no difference in antibody prevalence to CDV between both species, even in the same region (P>0.05), but there was a significant difference in antibody prevalence to CPV between foxes (5.1%) and wolves (62.2%) (P<0.05). In fox populations there was a significant difference in antibody prevalence to CDV between geographic areas (Aragón 26.4%, La Mancha 7.8%, P<0.05). In wolf populations there was significantly higher antibody prevalence against CPV (P<0.05) in Castilla y León (100%) than in the Cantabric region (53.3%). There was no significant sex or age-related difference in the antibody prevalence against CDV or CPV in foxes. These results indicate that contact with CDV is widespread among wild canid populations in Spain and that CPV is endemic in the Iberian wolf population. The implications of these results are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Sixteen classical swine fever virus (CSFV) field isolates from outbreaks of classical swine fever from the period between February 1997 and March 1998 in the Netherlands were sequence analysed. Parts of the 5' noncoding region (5'NCR) and the E1/E2 gene were sequenced after RT-PCR. The obtained sequences were compared with isolates of recent outbreaks in Europe and those of former outbreaks in the Netherlands. Sequence alignment of the 5'NCR region (321 bp) revealed that the isolates of the Dutch outbreak of 1997-1998 were closely linked to an isolate of the CSF outbreak that started in Paderborn, Germany in 1996. A relatively large fragment of the E1/E2 gene of 850 bp, including the antigenic region of E2, which is one of the most variable regions of the CSFV genome, was sequenced to determine whether this region can be used for epidemiology within an epizootic. Epidemiological tracing of transmission of virus was followed, starting from the first isolate and a line of five generations of viruses was analysed. Besides this, new isolates which could not be epidemiologically linked to preceding ones were also characterised. Differences between the isolates of the Dutch outbreak were minor both for the linked as well as for the non-linked isolates, indicating that all isolates have a common origin. Furthermore, our data show for the first time the genetic stability of CSFV even in the highly variable antigenic region of the E2 gene during a major epidemic lasting more than 1 year.  相似文献   

To determine the prevalence of antibodies to four major canine viruses, serum samples were obtained from 190 dogs presented to the Small Animal Hospital at the University of Liverpool. Antibodies to canine coronavirus (CCV), canine distemper virus (CDV), canine parvovirus (CPV) and rotavirus (RV) were assayed using serum neutralisation (CCV and CDV), haemagglutina-tion inhibition (CPV) and indirect fluorescent antibody (RV) techniques. Overall 54 per cent of dogs were seropositive to CCV, 84 per cent to CDV, 70 per cent to CPV and 86 per cent to RV, The antibody titres obtained were analysed with respect to a number of different parameters including: age, sex, breed, vaccination status, exercise regime, diet, Liverpool district in which the dog resided and the presence of diarrhoea, The prevalence and titres of antibodies to CCV, CDV and RV appeared to be influenced by age, CDV by vaccination status, and CCV by the presence of diarrhoea; no other influencing parameters were found.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe a method to quantify the transmission of Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV) between herds from data collected during the 1997–1998 epidemic in the Netherlands. From the contacts between infected herds and the serological findings shortly before depopulation, we estimated the week of virus introduction and the length of the period over which the herd emitted virus for each CSFV-infected herd. From these data, we estimated the infection-rate parameter β (the average number of herds infected by one infectious herd during one week) and the herd reproduction ratio, Rh (the average total number of secondary outbreaks caused by one infectious herd, i.e. in its entire infectious period), using a SIR-model for different sets of CSF control measures. When Rh > 1, an epidemic continues to grow. On the other hand, when Rh < 1 an epidemic will fade out.

During the phase before the first outbreak was diagnosed and no specific measures had been implemented, β was estimated at 1.09 and Rh at 6.8. In the subsequent phase infected herds were depopulated, movement restrictions were implemented, infected herds were traced forward and backward and the herds in the protection and surveillance zones were clinically inspected by the veterinary authorities (regional screening). This set of measures significantly reduced β to 0.38. However, Rh was 1.3 and thus still >1. Consequently, the number of outbreaks continued to grow. After a number of additional measures were implemented, the value of Rh was reduced to 0.5 and the epidemic came to an end. These measures included pre-emptive slaughter of herds that had been in contact with infected herds or were located near an infected herd, increased hygienic procedures, replacement of transports of pigs for welfare reasons by killing of young piglets and a breeding ban, and regional screening for CSF-infected herds by local veterinary practitioners.  相似文献   

The central and regional organisation of the campaign to eradicate the CSF epidemic in the Netherlands in 1997/1998 is described. The main instruments used in the campaign were based on stamping-out and movement restrictions specified by the European Union. Additional instruments were used for the first time, namely, pre-emptive culling of contact and neighbouring farms, compartmentalisation of transport, monthly serological screening in established surveillance areas and supervised repopulation of all farms in the former surveillance zone. Two other measures, the killing of very young piglets and a breeding ban were introduced to reduce production in established surveillance zones. Several factors complicated the eradication campaign, for instance, the late detection of the first infection; artificial insemination as a source of infection; the organisation of pig farming in the Netherlands, with its highly concentrated production and dependence on the transport of stock from one unit to another; insufficient rendering capacity; decreasing sensitivity of clinical inspection; and extremely high costs.  相似文献   

Summary The prevalence of antibodies to various viruses was investigated in a series of serum samples collected from horses in the Netherlands between 1963 and 1966 and from 1972 onwards. Neutralizing antibodies to equine rhinopneumonitis virus, equine arteritis virus and to equine rhinovirus types 1 and 2 were detected in respectively 76%, 14%, 66% and 59% of the equine serum samples tested. The observed incidence of serum samples positive to equine adenovirus in the complement fixation test was 39%. Precipitating antibodies to equine infectious anaemia virus were detected only in serum samples from two horses imported from abroad. Haemagglutination inhibiting antibodies to Myxovirus influenzae A / equi-1, M. Influenzae A / equi-2, and Reovirus types 1, 2, and 3 were present in respectively 82%, 50%, 10%, 33% and 3.6% of the serum samples tested. The most frequently observed incidence of antibodies to the various equine respiratory viruses occurred in the groups of horses having repeatedly contact with other horses.  相似文献   

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