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1临床检查病犬精神状态一般。口舌黏膜、眼结膜苍白,心律齐,P:112次/min,双肺无明显异常,R:32次/min,体温39℃,胃腹腔无压痛及包块。2实验室检查WBC:2150万个/mm3(正常值为1700~7500个/mm3),RBC:245万个/mm3(正常值550~850万个/mm3),血涂片新甲基蓝超活体染色,红细胞内或边缘有明显的小球状物。膀胱导尿,尿液呈红色,尿涂片瑞氏染色无红细胞。3诊断根据病史,结合临床症状和实验室检查结果,诊断为犬洋葱中毒。4治疗由于该犬发生严重溶血性贫血,因此采用输血、抗氧化、…  相似文献   

1 发病情况2 0 0 2年 9月 2 6日 10时 ,家住柳州市京都花苑的沈女士带其宠物犬来我站门诊部就诊。该犬为北京哈巴狗 ,雄性 ,4岁 ,5 5千克。主人取其尿液要求检验。病史调查 :2 0 0 2年 9月 2 5日下午 3时左右 ,该犬拉红褐色尿液 ,至 9月2 6日上午 10时来我站门诊就医时 ,其尿色未见好转 ,精神稍比平时差些 ,食量减少 ,体温38 5℃ ,呼吸加快 ,可视粘膜苍白 ,问畜主最近一两天给犬吃过什么异常食物没有 ,答没有。笔者提醒畜主是否给其犬吃过洋葱 ,畜主马上想起在 9月 2 4日晚上 19时给该犬吃过 6~ 7条洋葱 ,畜主肯定地说以前从未给该犬吃过…  相似文献   

犬在采食一定量的洋葱后可能会出现中毒表现,即发生溶血性贫血。笔者在2014年9月上旬连续接诊2例犬疑似中毒病例,经过病情问诊、临床检查、实验室检查后诊断为洋葱中毒。通过抗氧化药物治疗和相应的支持治法,使患犬得以痊愈。  相似文献   

犬中毒性溶血这种病症常见于误食洋葱之后,如果犬类不慎食用了洋葱会引起一系列的不良反应,例如:呕吐、腹泻以及食欲下降等,将会严重影响犬类健康,如果病情严重还会导致沉郁以及血尿等不良反应。主要是因为洋葱中含有的成分会造成血红蛋白急速凝固,加速红细胞衰亡,从而导致犬中毒。如果不采取正确措施及时治疗,就会引发肝脏损伤,出现胰腺炎等严重疾病。基于这样的前提,本文将重点对犬类洋葱中毒诊断的方法进行研究,提出治疗的最佳方案,给爱犬人士以参考。  相似文献   

洋葱营养丰富,有特殊的刺激性气味,富含维生素C,对人体有益无害,深受人们喜爱。人们很难将洋葱和中毒联系起来,但犬食用洋葱后却易容易引起中毒。  相似文献   

洋葱属百合科葱属植物,犬猫采食后易引起中毒,临床上主要表现为排红色或红棕色尿液.  相似文献   

洋葱属于百合科,葱属,对人类无害,但犬猫采食后易引起中毒,犬发病较多,猫少见。1930年,Sebrell首次发现了洋葱可导致犬贫血。1931年,Grauhzit证明了洋葱所致贫血属溶血性贫血。我国1998年首次报道了犬洋葱中毒。国内文献记载的犬洋葱中毒剂量为15~20g/kg体重。随着宠物行业的兴起,家庭养犬数量的急剧增加,洋葱中毒病例逐渐增多。  相似文献   

洋葱属于百合科,葱属,对人类无害,但犬猫采食后易引起中毒,犬发病较多,猫少见。1930年,Sebrell首次发现了洋葱可导致犬贫血。1931年,Grauhzit证明了洋葱所致贫血属溶血性贫血。我国1998年首次报道了犬洋葱中毒。国内文献记载的犬洋葱中毒剂量为15~20g/kg体重。随着宠物行业的兴起,家庭养犬数量的急剧增加,洋葱中毒病例逐渐增多。  相似文献   

<正>犬免疫介导性溶血性贫血是由于红细胞表面覆盖有免疫球蛋白或补体导致红细胞存活时间缩短,红细胞大量短时间破坏而产生急性血管内溶血的一种免疫性疾病。这是犬最常见的溶血性疾病,多为再生性贫血。此病多发于2~8岁犬,雌犬比雄犬发病率高。  相似文献   

The effects of canine parvovirus (CPV) infection in dogs with hemolytic anemia was compared with the clinical effects of human parvovirus-induced aplastic anemia in human beings with chronic regenerative anemias. Phenylhydrazine was used to induce a transient, severe, hemolytic anemia in dogs to evaluate the effects of CPV infection on rapidly dividing bone marrow precursors. Erythrocyte colony-forming unit bone marrow cultures and cytologic examination of bone marrow were used to determine the effects of CPV infection on erythroid bone marrow precursors. The induced hemolytic anemia regenerated rapidly and although the bone marrow was infected, it was determined that CPV infection did not induce a detectable decrease in erythroid progenitors in dogs with severe hemolytic anemia.  相似文献   

Objective – To investigate the clinical application and potential utility of plasmapheresis in canine immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.
Case Summary – A 7-year-old spayed female Maltese diagnosed with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia was initially treated with prednisone, cyclosporine, and received multiple transfusions of packed RBC. Because of the progression of clinical signs despite traditional medical therapy, plasmapheresis was initiated. Plasma immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M levels were measured before, during, and after treatment to help determine if there had been a significant decrease in immunoglobulin levels with plasmapheresis. Plasmapheresis was successfully performed over a 2.5-hour period in this dog with minimal complications. Hypocalcemia was identified as a known complication of circuit anticoagulation, and was corrected through calcium supplementation. Post-plasmapheresis there was a decrease in immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M levels, and the patient showed clinical improvement. Following discharge the dog had no known complications of therapy, and had complete resolution of the anemia.
New or Unique Information Provided – Plasmapheresis was performed successfully with minimal complications. Because transfusion requirements appeared to be reduced, and the procedure was well tolerated, there may be a place for this modality in severe cases to act as a bridge until medical therapy takes full effect. Because of the cost of performing this therapy, and the potential requirement for multiple treatments, it should be reserved for selected patients.  相似文献   

The mechanism of hemolysis induced by onion poisoning in dogs was studied. Six adult, clinically normal Pekingese dogs were fed cooked onions at 30 g/kg body weight/day for 2 days. Blood samples were collected on days 1, 3, 5, 8, 12, 18 and 24 after onion administration, and urine was collected the day after bleeding. Red blood cell counts, hemoglobin and hematocrit were decreased from day 1, and significantly so on day 5 (P < 0.01), contrary to the results of white blood cell counts. So the plasma bilirubin levels and urobilinogen were increased on day 3 (P < 0.01) and day 4 (P < 0.01), respectively. The Heinz body counts were increased dramatically from day 1 (P < 0.01), peaking on day 3 (P < 0.01). Reticulocyte counts were increased from day 1 and the highest value was on day 8 (P < 0.01). Besides anemia, the following erythrocyte parameters were altered: erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was reduced from day 1 and reached the lowest value on day 5 (P < 0.01); the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate was decreased on day 1 (P < 0.01); reduced glutathione was decreased from day 1 (P < 0.01) and the lowest value was on day 3 (P < 0.01); glutathione-peroxidase was increased on day 1, but decreased significantly on day 3 (P < 0.01); hydrogen peroxide was increased on day 1 (P < 0.01), then went down on days 3-12 (the undermost value on day 5, P < 0.01); catalase was risen dramatically on day 5 (the peak value, P < 0.01); malondialdehyde (MDA) was increased on days 1-8, (P < 0.01), and reached the peak value on day 5 (P < 0.01). Deformity of the erythrocyte membrane was decreased on days 1-12 and fluorescence polarization (rho) and microviscosity (eta) of the erythrocyte membrane were increased on days 1-12 (P < 0.01). There were positive correlations between MDA and rho as well as eta, with correlation coefficients of 0.908 and 0.922, respectively (P < 0.01), but there was a negative correlation between MDA and deformity index, with a correlation coefficient of -0.887 (P < 0.05). This study confirmed that onion poisoning in dogs causes hemolytic anemia.  相似文献   

Immune mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) in dogs is a severe disease with a high mortality rate. As human immunoglobulin (HIG) was reported to be beneficial for the treatment of IMHA in dogs we examined the influence of HIG on the course of the disease in our dogs with IMHA. Of 22 dogs with primary IMHA 9 dogs received in addition to routine immunosuppressive therapy HIG at a dose of 0.19 to 0.68 g/kg (median 0.35 g/kg), 13 dogs did not receive HIG (-HIG group). Both groups were similar in terms of age, weight, the presence of autoagglutination, spherocytosis, positive Coombs' test, icterus and pigmenturia. The lowest hematocrit measured during the disease was significantly lower in the +HIG group compared to the -HIG group and dogs in the +HIG group received significantly more transfusions than those of the -HIG group. This is an indication for more severe disease signs of the +HIG group dogs. Although mortality during hospitalization and the time from hospital admission to release or death was not significantly different between the two groups, we interpret this similar course of the IMHA despite more severe signs of the +HIG group dogs as a potential positive effect of the HIG therapy.  相似文献   

Canine distemper virus (CDV) has long been recognized as a cause of myocarditis; however, cases of myocarditis caused by naturally acquired CDV infection have been reported only rarely in dogs. We describe here our retrospective study of naturally acquired systemic CDV infection in 4 dogs, 4–7 wk old, that had myocarditis, with myocardial necrosis and fibrosis. One of the 4 dogs had intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion bodies in cardiomyocytes. Other lesions included bronchointerstitial pneumonia (4 of 4), necrotizing hepatitis (2 of 4), splenic lymphoid necrosis (2 of 4), encephalitis (1 of 3; brain was not submitted in 1 case), and necrotizing gastroenteritis (1 of 4). The presence of CDV in the heart was confirmed by immunohistochemistry in all 4 dogs.  相似文献   

Zinc-induced hemolytic anemia caused by ingestion of pennies by a pup   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 4-month-old Pomeranian pup was examined because of anorexia, salivation, and persistent vomiting. Initial laboratory testing revealed marked hemolytic anemia with spherocytosis. Survey abdominal radiography revealed 4 metal objects which, when removed by gastrotomy, were identified as pennies. Of 4 pennies, 3 were minted since 1983 and were heavily pitted over the surface and rim. Partially digested pennies were composed of a copper-plated high zinc concentration alloy. Further laboratory testing indicated a marked increase in serum zinc concentration in the pup (28.8 mg/L), confirming metal toxicosis. Serum zinc concentrations decreased during recovery.  相似文献   

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