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The distribution of molybdenum in tomatoes, sunflowers and beans and their sensitivity towards molybdenum. The influence of increasing levels of molybdenum on the growth, molybdenum uptake and distribution in individual plant organs was investigated in tomatoes, beans and sunflowers in a 9 day trial. With tomatoes, which showed marked damage with high molybdenum levels, the molybdenum content of dry matter was highest in the leaf and lowest in the stem. On the otherhand, beans, insensitive towards the high molybdenum level, dry matter molybdenum content was appreciably higher in the stem than in the leaf. It is supposed that in plant species, insensitive to high molybdenum levels, such as beans, molybdenum preferably accumulates in the vacuoles of the vascular parenchyma. In contrast in tomatoes, sensitive to high molybdenum levels, molybdenum is held less firmly in this tissue and can attain damaging levels in the cytoplasm of the youngest leaf tissue cells. It is supposed, on the basis of the reactions which were carried out with expressed root juice and on the basis of the yellow colouration attainable in vitro in the tissue caused by the addition of molybdate solution, that the yellow colouration appearing in the cells and plant organs of various plant species, here tomatoes and sunflowers, with high molybdenum levels is due to a reaction between molybdenum and polyvalent phenols in cellsap.  相似文献   

Seven multisectional profiles are described, taken mainly from loess soils and loess-like sediments in Northwest Spain, Central Spain, Southeast Spain and the South of France. The silty sediment sequences all show several soil formations, developed to varying extents In addition, a terrace profile with silty surface layers (Ciempozuelos, south of Madrid) and a terrace profile with silty inter-layers (Arobes, near Ribadesella) were found. Because of their morphological situation, their strata sequence and facies, we have classified the profiles as upper and middle Pleistocene. This is based on the hypothesis that climatic variations and the resulting pedogenetic superimpositions of the sediments behaved similarly to those in Central Europe. Our chronological classifications - apart from the profile in Tapia de Casariego in NW Spain - should be understood as suggestions, which do not preclude the possibility that new findings may make revision necessary. The profile at Tapia de Casariego, however, exhibits many similar features to the Central European Würm-Eem standard profile. 14C-dates do not contradict this statement.In addition, views are expressed on the question of the origin of the loess and the medium of transport. Consideration is given to the Holocene surface soils, as well as to the climatic preconditions which come into question in the formation of paleosoils in the study area.


Es werden sieben mehrgliedrige Profile vornehmlich in Lössen und lößartigen Sedimenten aus NW-Spanien, Zentralspanien, Südostspanien und Südfrankreich beschrieben. Die Sedimentabfolgen mit schluffigem Charakter weisen alle mehrere unterschiedlich intensiv ausgeprägte Bodenbildungen auf. Es konnte ferner ein Terrassenprofil mit schluffigen Deckschichten (Ciempozuelos südlich Madrid) sowie ein Terrassenprofil mit schluffigen Zwischenlagen (Arobes bei Ribadesella) gefunden werden. Zeitlich stufen wir die Profile aufgrund ihrer morphologischen Lage sowie ihrer Schichtenabfolge und Fazies ins Jung- und Mittelpleistozän ein. Dabei gehen wir von der Basishypothese aus, daß sich in Südfrankreich und Spanien die Klimaschwankungen und die auf sie zurückzuführenden pedogenetischen Überprägungen der Sedimente ähnlich verhalten haben wie in Mitteleuropa. Unsere zeitlichen Einstufungen sind - vom Profil in Tapia de Casariego in Nordwestspanien abgesehen - als ein Datierungs-Vorschlag zu verstehen, was nicht ausschließt, daß bei weiter fortgeschrittenem Kenntnisstand eine Umdeutung vorzunehmen ist. Das Profil von Tapia de Casariego weist allerdings große Gemeinsamkeiten mit dem mitteleuropäischen Würm-Eem-Standardprofil auf. 14C-Daten sprechen nicht gegen diese Aussage. Ferner wird zur Lößherkunft und zum Transportmedium Stellung genommen. Die holozänen Oberflächenböden finden ebenso Beachtung wie die klimatischen Voraussetzungen, die bei der Ausbildung von Paläoböden im Bearbeitungsgebiet in Betracht kommen.  相似文献   

Amount and distribution of nitrogen in fulvic-, humic- and silico humic acids from a garbage-sewage sludge compost During the course of composting for 106 days of a mixture of solid wastes and sewage sludge subsamples were taken at different time intervals. They were extracted for fulvic-, humic- and silico-humic acids which in turn were fractionated for different nitrogen fractions. Basic nitrogen fractions such as amino acids (AS), amino sugars (AZ), real amide nitrogen (ADe), pseudo amide nitrogen (ADp), remainder nitrogen of the hydrolysate (RNHY) and total nonhydrolyzable nitrogen (ΣNnhy) have been determined. The most pronounced transformations of nitrogen within the organic matter of the compost took place during the first 10–14 days of composting.  相似文献   

Development and Classification of Marsh Soils from the Unterweser Region, West Germany. I. Total Nutrients, Carbonate Content, Exchangeable Cations and Diatom Flora as Indicators of the Role of Sedimentation Conditions in Soil Development This study was carried out to see how much sedimentation conditions determine the properties– in particular the Ca/Mg ratio – of marsh soils (fluvaquents of coastel areas). The following results show, that the marsh soils properties are not determined by different sedimentation conditions: – The vertic fluvaquents don't have a higher clay content than the mollic and aeric fluvaquents – The total (t) contents of P, Ca, Mg, K and Na varied because of different soil development – The Cat/Mgt ratio in soils with CaCO3 was higher than in soils without CaCO3, and – related to the Caa/Mga ratio – it can also be used as a classification characteristic (a = exchangeable) – The Caa/Mga ratio varied greatly because of differences in exchangeable Ca content. Vertic fluvaquents sometimes, but not often, have a higher content of exchangeable Mg than the mollic and aeric fluvaquents. Comparing maps of the Weser area as it appeared at various times in the Holocene with the soil map, shows that the sedimentation pattern is invariably brackish-marine. This is further confirmed by the diotom flora of the soils tested. Thus the properties of marsh soils, long believed to be dependent on sedimentation conditions, are the product of different continuance and intensity of soil development.  相似文献   

Homogeneity, inhomogeneity and equality of soil bodies An attempt is made at defining homogeneity, inhomogeneity and equality of soil bodies. A body of soil is called homogeneous if — when separated into partial units smaller than the smallest analytically assessable unit of volume — there is agreement in all properties. Any differences of properties between these partial units signify inhomogeneity. Natural soils are inhomogeneous per se. Inhomogeneity is an inherent property with specific differences between soils. In accordance to this definition it is not very meaningful to test for homogeneity, but rather to quantify the extent of inhomogeneity. Inhomogeneity can be evaluated by the following parameters: 1. Variability: The variance between partial units of a body of soil. Variance is specific to the property evaluated and to the soil under investigation and is closely dependent on the volume of the partial units. 2. The deviation from the ideally statistical arrangement (AviA): Partial units may, in respect to their local connection, be combined to larger volume units, which possess more similar properties within than between each other. These fields of similarity in turn form superior units in form, volume and pattern, which are called pattern complexes. Several such pattern complexes are superimposed in soil bodies. Soil investigations can only assess a limited section of the total inhomogeneity. Volume of sample, intensity of sampling and method of selection must be adequate to the type of research. Partial units of soil bodies are equal (or comparable) if their inhomogeneity does not exceed a preset limit specific to the objectives of the investigation.  相似文献   

Radio gaschromatography of carbohydrates, organic acids and amino acids A method for the radio-gaschromatographic determination of carbohydrates, organic acids and amino acids as well as the simultaneous recording of the specific activity of radioactive labelled compounds of these fractions is described and its application to the analysis of plant extracts or protein hydrolysates demonstrated. The application of 0.05–0.1 mCi 14C/g fresh weight of plant material is enough to obtain a sufficiently strong labelling even in short-term incubation experiments (15 sec.), as for example in photosynthesis research.  相似文献   

Adsorption of Water, Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether as well as Nitrogen and its Relation to Properties of German and Israeli Soil Samples To determine the specific surface area, samples taken from 140 soil horizons were selected and the significant physical and chemical properties were investigated. The specific surface area of the samples was determined by adsorption of H2O, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether (EGME) and N2. A comparison of the three methods shows that the specific surface area determined by the adsorption of H2O and EGME does not differ significantly. However, the specific surface determined by N2-adsorption differs markedly from the results obtained using the polar substances. As a dependent variable the specific surface area is mainly influenced by the clay content and clay mineral type. Further, the organic substance content as well as the iron- and manganoxide content have a more significant influence on the specific surface area the lower the clay content is, or the content of three layer minerals. As an independent variable, the specific surface area determined by adsorption of EGME, proved to be the characteristic soil factor which reflects the effective cation exchange capacity as well as the hygroscopicity with the highest degree of accuracy.  相似文献   

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