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Porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) was used, in conjunction with a conjunctival graft, to repair a full thickness corneoscleral defect resulting from the excision of a limbal melanoma in a German shepherd dog. The SIS was found to provide adequate mechanical support and to act as a suitable physical barrier in place of the excised cornea and sclera. Corneal vascularisation was present distant to the graft by two weeks postoperatively but this was effectively controlled with topical cyclosporin. By six weeks postoperatively, the graft had become incorporated into the cornea and sclera, and the associated corneal neovascularisation had resolved. From this initial case, porcine SIS would appear to be a suitable material for the repair of corneoscleral defects in dogs.  相似文献   

An eight‐month‐old Labrador retriever was presented with a grade IIIb open shearing injury of the left tarsus. Acute severe surgical site infection developed 2 days after pan‐tarsal arthrodesis, resulting in wound dehiscence. Vacuum‐assisted wound therapy was carried out for 12 days to treat an extensive full‐thickness soft tissue defect with exposure of metal implants. New granulation tissue formation covering most of the defect was achieved by day 10 of this therapy. Epithelialization was achieved by second intention healing with open wound management. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first veterinary clinical case report documenting complete healing over exposed metal implants without any requirement for surgical revision.  相似文献   

The combined use of CO2 laser ablation and doxorubicin hydrochloride (30 mg/m2) administered twice, 4 weeks apart, resulted in complete remission of vaginal fibrosarcoma in a 10-year-old Miniature Poodle. The tumor had redeveloped when only CO2 ablation was used for treatment and doxorubicin hydrochloride alone has had marginal influence on fibrosarcomas; however, use of both treatments in this dog resulted in a 20-month, disease-free period. This treatment combination was minimally traumatic to the dog, easily accomplished, and effective, and it allowed retention of the normal anatomy and function of the urogenital tract.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To develop an in vivo perineal hernia model, to develop a technique for using small intestinal submucosa (SIS) in perineal hernia repair, to further elucidate the biological behavior of SIS, and to compare SIS herniorrhaphy with the internal obturator muscle transposition (IOT) technique. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective evaluation comparing SIS herniorrhaphy with IOT. ANIMALS: Twelve adult castrated male, large-breed dogs. METHODS: All dogs had bilateral pelvic diaphragm defects created by complete excision of the levator ani muscle. Each dog had one side repaired using SIS and the other by IOT. Pain and inflammation were subjectively scored. Dogs were killed 2 weeks (n = 4), 12 weeks (n = 4), or 16 weeks (n = 4) after surgery. Each pelvic diaphragm was biomechanically tested to failure. The pelvic diaphragms from 2 normal dogs (n = 4 sides) were also biomechanically tested. Failure site, maximum pressure, displacement at failure, and initial linear stiffness values were determined. Histologic assessment was performed. Statistical analysis was performed with significance set at P <.05 RESULTS: No significant postoperative complications were noted. There were no significant differences in maximum pressure to failure, displacement, or stiffness when comparing normal, SIS, and IOT at any time point. The SIS group had significantly less displacement (P =.004) at 2 weeks than at weeks 12 or 16. For all herniorrhaphy techniques, the failure site was central (n = 22) or at the suture line (n = 2). At 2 weeks, histologic evaluation of tissues from the IOT group showed inflammation, mineralization, and necrosis, which were not present in tissues from the SIS group. Histologic examination at 12 and 16 weeks showed no microscopic differences in cell population or tissue characteristics between the IOT and SIS groups. CONCLUSIONS: SIS herniorrhaphy was successfully performed in this in vivo model of perineal hernia in the dog. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study suggests that SIS can be used as a primary means of repair, as augmentation when the internal obturator muscle is thin and friable, or as a salvage procedure in cases of recurrence in dogs with perineal hernia.  相似文献   

A 4-month-old Labrador was presented for forelimb lameness and elbow pain. Radiography revealed asymmetric premature closure of the distal radial physis resulting in humeroradial and humero-ulnar subluxation. A four-ring circular external fixator applied to the antebrachium was used to perform distraction osteogenesis. After a 4 day latency period, varying rates of linear distraction were used to lengthen the radius by 50% of its original length, which is significantly longer than has been previously reported. By 69 days after performing the radial osteotomy, the distraction callus had achieved clinical union and the fixator was removed. One year postoperatively, mild lameness was present after exercise and minimal elbow osteo-arthritis was evident radiographically. Complications observed included pin tract drainage, transient carpal contracture and radio-ulnar synostosis.  相似文献   

Surgical management of deformity due to premature closure of the distal ulnar growth plate in a growing dog is discussed. The method of management selected was ulnar diaphyseal ostectomy with transphyseal wiring of the distal radius. Elbow subluxatin and degenerative joint disease as a consequence of premature ulnar closure are also discussed.  相似文献   

A 5‐year‐old female spayed Shetland sheepdog presented for evaluation of bandage sores on the left pelvic limb after a splint was placed to stabilise a digit fracture incurred approximately 2 weeks previously. Multiple areas of necrosis were identified upon bandage removal. After debridement of devitalised tissue, a 4 cm wound on the plantar surface of the metatarsal bones (with exposed bone and tendons) remained. The Papineau technique (which involves removal of infected or necrotic tissue, placement of autogenous cancellous bone graft within a wound, and delayed skin closure) was used to treat this wound. Use of bone graft in this manner aims to promote early granulation tissue formation and reduce the time until wound reconstruction can be performed. Autogenous cancellous bone graft was harvested from the proximal humerus and placed within the metatarsal wound. Once a healthy granulation tissue bed was noted to cover the bone graft, a meshed full thickness skin graft was placed. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the Papineau technique being used for this purpose in a dog.  相似文献   

A neutered male German shorthaired pointer sustained severe bite wounds to the left caudal flank and thigh area. Thorough wound lavage and debridement was performed immediately and also three days after presentation. Daily wound dressing resulted in the production of a mature granulation tissue bed. Prior to wound closure, colour flow Doppler ultrasonography was used to confirm blood flow through the right and left caudal superficial epigastric arteries and veins. Sixteen days after presentation, right and left caudal superficial epigastric axial pattern flaps were simultaneously elevated to cover the defect. The right flap was elevated as an island flap, rotated 120 degrees and used to cover the caudodorsal aspect of the defect. The left flap was elevated and rotated dorsally to cover the cranioventral aspect of the defect. Ninety per cent wound coverage was achieved and flap survival was total. The donor site defect was closed primarily and no dehiscence occurred. Three months postsurgery, the entire defect was closed and limb function was normal.  相似文献   

T-plate for middle carpal and carpometacarpal arthrodesis in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Partial arthrodesis was performed for carpal hyperextension injury in a dog. T-plate application for middle carpal and carpometacarpal arthrodesis was associated with low patient morbidity and allowed normal pet activity without clinical lameness. Radiography revealed bony healing of arthrodesed joints, reactive bone formation over the dorsal aspect of the plate, and periarticular osteophyte formation. A guarded prognosis is advised for degenerative joint disease that may lead to decreased range of motion of the antebrachiocarpal joint.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe preoperative use of skin stretchers to elongate a peninsular thoracodorsal axial pattern flap to close a large antebrachial wound on a dog. Study Design: Case report. Animals: A 21 kg, 7‐year‐old, male intact mixed breed dog. Methods: Two skin stretchers were applied to the site of the thoracodorsal axial pattern flap 4 days before surgery. The elastic cables connecting the adhesive pads were tightened daily to increase the skin available for a peninsular thoracodorsal axial pattern flap, which was created and rotated 180° to cover an antebrachial defect to a level 2 cm proximal to the carpus. Results: The entire flap survived; there was a small amount of incisional separation at the distal margin of the flap that healed without further treatment. Conclusion: Preoperative skin stretching provided additional skin for the axial pattern flap used.  相似文献   

Here we describe the use of a novel lip-to-nose flap technique for nasal planum reconstruction after tumour removal in a dog. A mast cell tumour involving the nasal planum was first resected by removing the roof and the wing of the left nasal vestibule. An interpolation subdermal plexus flap was derived from the left caudal lip with vascular contribution from the lateral nasal artery. This lip-to-nose flap was rotated into the defect via a bridging incision. The mucocutaneous junction of the lip was used to emulate the keratinised nasal planum and the buccal mucosa was sutured to be congruent with the mucosa of the vestibule. This resulted in the lip-to-nose flap successfully closing the surgical defect and giving an aesthetic appearance similar to the original nasal planum.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide laser removal of a verrucous sarcoid from the ear of a horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A verrucous sarcoid was removed from the ear of a horse, using a carbon dioxide laser. The use of carbon dioxide laser excision and ablation enabled complete removal of tumor cells, with minimal damage to underlying normal cartilage. Cosmetic healing was observed with minimal disfigurement. Recurrence of the tumor was not observed after 11 months.  相似文献   

A limbal, epibulbar melanocytoma was treated by use of a full-thickness eyewall resection. The resulting defect was repaired by use of a synthetic graft of polytetrafluoroethylene. The graft remained in place for 7 weeks and was well tolerated, but failed to be incorporated by the surrounding tissues. New, healthy tissue did grow beneath the graft and allowed the graft to be surgically removed at 7 weeks.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether atropine altered the degree of mucosal eversion during jejunal resection and anastomosis in the dog. STUDY DESIGN: Part I: Prospective, blinded, randomized, controlled study using a therapeutic dose (0.04 mg/kg systemic) of atropine. Part II: Prospective, unblinded, assigned, controlled study using a pharmacologic (0.04 mg/kg local arterial) dose of atropine. ANIMALS: Part I: Twenty-two young adult female Beagle dogs used during a nonsurvival third-year veterinary student surgical laboratory (small intestinal resection and anastomosis). Part II: Ten young adult female Beagle dogs used immediately after completion of a nonsurvival third-year veterinary student orthopedic surgical laboratory. METHODS: Part I: Dogs were randomly assigned to receive either atropine (0.04 mg/kg), or an equal volume of saline, given intramuscularly (premedication) and again intravenously prior to intestinal resection. Part II: In each dog, atropine (0.04 mg/kg)/saline was alternately given in the proximal/distal jejunum. RESULTS: Part I: There was no clinically or statistically significant difference between systemic atropine and saline solution on the degree of jejunal mucosal eversion after resection. Part II: There was a statistically significant decrease in jejunal mucosal eversion with atropine compared with saline solution when injected into a local jejunal artery. CONCLUSION: Systemic atropine (0.04 mg/kg) does not alter the degree of jejunal mucosal eversion during resection and anastomosis. Jejunal intraarterial atropine (0.04 mg/kg) reduced jejunal mucosal eversion during resection and anastomosis. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The clinical usefulness and consequences of jejunal arterial atropine administration to reduce mucosal eversion remain to be determined.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old Springer Spaniel was referred because of a 6-week history of progressive left forelimb lameness. A marked pain response was elicited by palpation over the left accessory carpal bone. Radiography revealed a lytic, markedly expansile lesion of the accessory carpal bone. The bone was excised, and pancarpal arthrodesis was performed. Histologic examination of the excised bone revealed giant cell tumor. At 14 months after surgery, the dog was using the limb normally. Radiography of the carpus revealed satisfactory progression of the arthrodesis, and thoracic radiographs were negative for metastases.  相似文献   

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