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ABSTRACT: Chub mackerel (34–35 cm, approximately 500 g), which were caught by fishing with a rod and line at the Bungo Channel, Oita prefecture, were rested overnight in a fish preserve and either killed by decapitation (control group) or allowed to struggle in air for 30 min (struggled group). Muscle samples were excised every 4 h, and measurements on breaking strength and histological observations were done for both groups. The breaking strength of muscle in the control group was significantly higher than that in the struggled group, whereby a decrease in breaking strength was delayed for 12 h compared to the struggled group. Light microscopy showed space extension among muscle cells in association with a decrease in breaking strength. Especially in the struggled group, the extended area was larger and the difference in area was significant at the time when breaking strength showed a significant difference. Using electron microscopy, the extended area showed cut and/or disappeared collagen fibrils. From these results, it was demonstrated that struggling to death promoted the degradation of collagen fibrils and the weakening of connective tissue and, resultantly, led to the faster softening of muscle of chub mackerel.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The seasonal intrinsic variability of the North Aegean Sea Mediterranean horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus population has been studied from monthly samples taken from the Greek purse-seine fishery over a 4-year period (2001–2005). The length and weight frequency distributions differed significantly by season, the highest mean lengths and weights attained in spring and the lowest in autumn. Length-weight relationships were determined on a monthly and annual basis, and monthly variations on the allometry coefficient were found. The differences between the coefficient obtained for annual data and the coefficients for each month were not significant in 50% of the cases. The b -values obtained both in this study and some of the previously reported in the Mediterranean Sea and other Greek waters were compared, showing basic similarities and minor spatial variation. The seasonal cycle in Mediterranean horse mackerel condition appears to be related to the reproductive cycle of the fish. Values of muscle yield ranged between 23.33% and 33.07% (mean value 28.48 ± 2.49%), but variations within seasons were not significant.  相似文献   

Growth traits of juvenile Japanese jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) were estimated based on otolith daily increments in spring during 2011–2016 in the southwestern part of the Sea of Japan (SWSJ). Spatial variability in growth traits was examined between the western and eastern areas of the study area. Back-calculated body length at 50 days post hatch varied among areas and years between 26 and 40 mm. Body lengths at age in the eastern area were significantly smaller than those in the western area. Slower growth rate in the eastern area was associated with the lower ambient temperature in the eastern area than in the western area. In the eastern area, interannual variations in the instantaneous growth rate positively correlated with ambient temperature. Furthermore, interannual variations in back-calculated body length during the late larval and early juvenile stages positively correlated with the juvenile abundance. These results suggest that the thermal conditions in the eastern area are indicative of the growth rate and abundance of juvenile T. japonicus in SWSJ. We further examined relationships between juvenile abundance and thermal conditions during 2003–2019 using archived data of this survey and found that the ambient temperature in the eastern area positively correlated with the juvenile abundance and also the strength of the Tsushima Warm Current. Thus, higher temperatures derived from the Tsushima Warm Current result in a faster growth rate during the late larval and early juvenile stages and subsequently higher abundance of T. japonicus juveniles in SWSJ.  相似文献   

We examined the distribution and migration of age-0 jack mackerel in the East China Sea (ECS) and Yellow Sea, based on data from seasonal bottom trawl surveys. Sampling was conducted at 79–161 stations during five cruises in spring (April–June), early summer (May–July), late summer (August–October), autumn (October–December), and winter (January–February). During early summer, jack mackerel (mean 92 mm fork length), which were estimated to have hatched in the southern East China Sea (SECS) during winter, began to occur abundantly, especially along the shelf-break region of the central East China Sea (CECS). In late summer, the distribution center of young fish (mean 126 mm) shifted northward into the shelf region of northern East China Sea (NECS), corresponding with the rise of bottom water temperature and high prey abundance. In winter when the bottom water temperature declined in the shelf region, the distribution center of jack mackerel (mean 144 mm) shifted southward, with high densities occurring in the SECS and CECS. In spring, overwintering jack mackerel that had become age-1 (mean 175 mm) were distributed abundantly along the shelf-break region of the ECS. On the other hand, jack mackerel were only sporadically found, generally at low densities, in the Yellow Sea during all seasons. High densities of jack mackerel were largely restricted to areas of >15°C bottom water temperature during all seasons. Our results indicate that the seasonal shifts of the 15°C isotherm of the bottom layer and the food conditions are significant environmental factors determining the migration of jack mackerel within the ECS.  相似文献   

Two experiments, dealing with short‐term storage of ova and thermal conditions to optimize gamete and eggs management in hatcheries of the African catfish, Heterobranchus longifilis, were carried out. In the first experiment, ova collected by stripping from two strains of H. longifilis were stored for intervals up to 8 h at two temperature regimes: in a domestic refrigerator (3–5°C) and at ambient room temperature (20.5–22°C). In the second experiment, eggs were incubated from fertilization to hatching at different experimental temperatures (21, 25, 29, 32 and 35°C) to determine the effects of temperature on the kinetics of white egg appearance, hatching times and hatching quality. Gamete storage at warmer temperatures significantly prolonged viability irrespective of the strain used. In fact, the hatching rate for ova stored at 20.5–22 and 3–5°C for 5 h ranged between 75.2–79.3% and 6.5–9.4% respectively. Loss of viability was most noticeable after 6 h storage at ambient room temperature. Post‐storage viability significantly declined after 2 h exposure to the domestic refrigerator temperature. No hatching of normal larvae took place after 8 h post‐storage time. Results from the second experiment showed that time to maximum whitening of eggs was both strain‐ and temperature‐dependent. The time to maximum mortality of eggs was shorter in the Layo strain (LS) than in the Noun strain (NS), regardless of incubation temperature. The appearance of white eggs was shorter with increasing incubation temperatures. Hatching times decreased with increasing temperature, regardless of strain. Hatching took place from 21 to 27 h and 19 to 24 h after fertilization at temperature of 29°C, respectively, for NS and LS. The length of the hatching period was remarkably shorter for LS than NS at any tested incubation temperature, except 35°C. No hatching took place at 21°C. The highest proportion of normal larvae occurred at 25 and 29°C, respectively, for NS and LS. Hatching rate was highest at 25 and 29°C, respectively, for NS and LS. There was a significantly higher proportion of deformed larvae at 35°C regardless of the strain.  相似文献   

The effects of different stunning/killing procedures on flesh quality of European sea bass were investigated: (1) anaesthesia with clove oil, (2) anaesthesia with 2‐phenoxyethanol, (3) percussive stunning, (4) immersion in ice/water slurry, (5) chilling on ice and (6) anaesthesia with clove oil followed by immersion in ice/water slurry. Muscle pH values were significantly lower in sea bass anaesthetized or stunned by a blow to the head compared with fish immersed in ice/water slurry, chilled on ice or immersed in ice/water slurry after clove oil anaesthesia. Lightness was highest in sea bass anaesthetized by 2‐phenoxyethanol or percussively stunned and lowest in ice‐chilled fish. Redness and yellowness were highest in fish chilled on ice and lowest in fish anaesthetized with clove oil. Liquid loss, fat loss and shear values were not significantly different among the procedures. In general, lipid oxidation values during refrigerated or frozen storage did not significantly differ among treatment groups. Combination of clove oil anaesthesia followed by chilling on ice/water slurry appears to improve both flesh quality and welfare of sea bass, although the implementation of further studies is warranted to consolidate this finding.  相似文献   

实验检测了条和红鳍红鲌在30℃下贮存48 h内每隔6 h的挥发性盐基总氮(TVBN)和9种生物胺(尸胺、腐胺、组胺、酪胺、5-羟色胺、亚精胺、精胺、多巴胺和章鱼胺)含量的变化,并对TVBN和生物胺含量与时间的相关性进行分析,以期为淡水水产品类饵料安全投喂和人类食品安全提供基础资料。结果显示,两种鱼在相同贮存条件下TVBN和生物胺含量均存在一定差异。其中,TVBN含量均随着贮存时间的延长而逐渐增加且与时间存在明显的相关性。红鳍红鲌除在42 h时TVBN含量低于■条外,其他时间均高于■条。在30℃贮存下,■条和红鳍红鲌的TVBN含量均在12 h时超过30 mg/100 g,因此,这两种鱼在12 h后不推荐食用。尸胺、腐胺、酪胺和组胺是这两种鱼主要的生物胺类型,且有随贮存时间延长含量显著增高的趋势,并与时间呈显著性相关,可推荐用于评价此两种水产品食用安全的生物胺类型。除此之外,在可测到的生物胺中,红鳍红鲌的尸胺和组胺含量明显高于■条,且红鳍红鲌体内的5-羟色胺与时间也呈显著性相关。  相似文献   

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