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李亚宁  张红 《中国农学通报》2012,28(11):181-185
为了深入解读村落的社会分化,通过访谈调查和案例分析。从村落的经济结构、职业结构以及收入来源等方面对发生在M村的社会分化过程展开调查研究。研究结果表明:村落的社会分化是在多种因素的共同作用下得以实现的,并且这些影响因素主要包括国家的土地政策、土地的"倒逼"机制、农民自身自主性的发挥以及外部市场的引力这4种因素。村落不仅是一种静态的社会形态,也是一种动态的社会过程;并且村落的社会分化过程,也是其社会分工程度不断加深、有机性不断增强的过程。农民的理想图景应该是成为理性小农以及农民市民化,同时设想了3种村落的未来走向。  相似文献   

冯燕  张红 《中国农学通报》2012,28(2):171-177
在农业现代化进程的背景下,以农业技术为切入点,采用质性研究方法,通过对陕西省杨村进行实地考察,沿着个人-家庭-村落的思路,从微观到宏观层次探讨了农业技术对村落变迁的影响作用。研究表明:温室大棚技术对村民的身份、观念、家庭关系、村落经济、社会交往方式影响作用非常明显,而对村落的政治、习俗没有明显的影响作用。农业技术是杨村变迁的主要推动力,而政府和市场是影响技术对村落变迁作用的重要因素。  相似文献   

赵卫红 《中国农学通报》2012,28(14):214-217
以城市外来农村已婚女性劳动力为研究对象,构建二元Probit回归模型,实证分析城市外来农村已婚女性劳动力就业的制约因素。研究表明:技能是制约城市外来农村劳动力就业的关键因素,且相对于城市外来农村男性劳动力,城市外来农村已婚女性劳动力就业受技能因素的影响更大。因此要改善农村已婚女性劳动力在城市就业的状态,必须要加大职业技能培训,同时尽快建立城市外来农村劳动力非正规就业劳动组织,对促进农村劳动力转移和推进城市化进程具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了探讨农村户用沼气池的经济、社会和生态效益及其计算方法。通过对甘肃省平凉市崆峒区西阳乡农村沼气池建设及使用状况进行调查,采用影子价格法、替代成本法、机会成本法对沼气池的经济、社会、生态环境价值进行计量。结果表明:沼气可产生733.62元/(户·年)的经济价值,同时沼气的使用降低了妇女使用传统生物质能的时间机会成本,为农户创造了273.20元/(户·年)的社会效益;此外,有沼气的农户人均能源消费量低于无沼气农户,沼气替代秸秆、薪柴的直接燃烧,产生130.20元/(户·年)的生态环境效益。研究结论表明,农户对沼气的利用较为单一,基本限于做饭和烧水。沼气后期推广应采用沼气综合利用模式,将沼气、沼液、沼渣有效结合,以最大限度发挥沼气的综合效益。  相似文献   

为了推动浙江省省级现代农业园区又好又快发展,为浙江省毛竹现代林业园区的健康发展提供依据,笔者采用参与式乡村快速评估(PRRA)法对浙江省安吉、遂昌、庆元3县17个毛竹现代林业园区进行调查,对园区农户特征和生产经营状况进行分析。结果表明:(1)农户收入方式正发生结构性变迁,从传统以竹林经营为主要收入来源逐渐向工资性收入为主的生产方式转变。(2)农户兼业特征明显,大量农村劳动力从林地经营转移为产业工人(占90%以上)或从事农家乐等服务业,林地流转成为现代林业发展的一个新趋势。(3)现有的林业科技推广主要是政府主导、技术为主体,并从上而下的主要依靠行政推进;农户对实用新技术的需求大,但很大程度上缺少对技术选择的自主权,技术断层现象明显。(4)农民专业合作社建设处于初级阶段,但已成为提高林农组织化程度,推动小农生产与大市场的有效对接的重要手段。  相似文献   

宋伟 《中国农学通报》2012,28(2):129-133
为了提高农村居民点用地挖潜的可行性,促进农村居民点用地的节约集约利用,探讨了经济欠发达区域农村居民点的用地标准。农村居民点用地标准通过农村宅基地挖潜的可行性分析推定,农村宅基地数据主要来源于农户调查。结果表明:(1)农村宅基地可以划分为生产用地和生活用地2个类型,生产用地主要包括农村宅基地内的种植、养殖以及农机具存储用地,生活用地主要包括起居室、堂屋、粮食储存等用地;(2)在保障农民必要生产和生活用地的基础上,舒兰县农户的人均农村宅基地标准在162.46m2左右比较合适;(3)通过农村宅基地用地标准推定,舒兰县合理的人均农村居民点用地标准应在232~295m2之间。人均150m2的农村居民点用地标准缺乏挖潜的可行性,标准应该按照保证农民正常生产与生活需求的原则确定。  相似文献   

中国名花之多,为世界之冠,被誉为世界园林之母、名花佳卉的故乡。面对我国繁多的名花,在工作中又自然形成各种不同的概念,如传统名花、天然名花、历史名花、现代名花、进口名花等等。而传统名花在当今中国花卉事业中,显得特别重要。所谓传统名花,都具有三个基本条件:一是中国原产,二是有中华民族特色,三是既为历史名花,又为现代名花。如果有的品种,虽然原产不是中国,但在中国  相似文献   

家庭教育支出在居民日常支出中占有较大份额。近年来,受家庭人均纯收入、居住支出、通货膨胀和政府教育支出等因素的影响,广东省农村家庭教育支出增长缓慢、教育支出占总支出的比例日趋下降。为此,对家庭教育支出变动的成因进行分析。探索性的研究发现家庭教育支出变动的成因在于:当家庭人均纯收入水平达到一定量时,教育支出的增长速度低于收入的增长速度,教育支出随收入的提高反而下降,同时,随着通货膨胀的上升,家庭居住支出对教育支出的挤出效应明显,政府教育支出对家庭教育支出的收入效应相对弱化,从而导致家庭教育支出占总支出的比例减小。因此,必须妥善引导农民的消费观念,优化农村家庭的消费支出结构,继续加大政府对农村地区教育支出的力度,适当控制通货膨胀的速度,以达到农民增加教育文化支出的目的。  相似文献   

王印传  王军 《中国农学通报》2012,28(23):191-195
为了改善农村环境污染的现状,维护农村的生产和生态功能,采用问卷调查、典型分析和对比分析的方法,应用环境经济学中供给和需求、环境外部成本内部化等有关理论,分析了农村环境政策的供给与需求状况,提出并分析了农村环境污染外部环境成本内部化系数,分析了农村环境治理适用的环境政策类型,最后探讨了"征补共治"型农村环境政策的制定框架。由此认为"征补共治"型农村环境政策是适合我国农村环境治理的政策类型。  相似文献   

现代社会的主要特征之一是职业化,因此若测试城中村融入城市以及村民市民化的程度,则首先应当关注村民的职业化。以太原市城中村为例,以部分城中村青年作为调查研究样本,对其就业现状进行初步分析,认为工作的不稳定性、相对集中以及与现实差距较大的就业期望是这类群体就业的基本特点。  相似文献   

优化乡村人居环境,改善农户生活质量,统筹城乡发展是社会主义新农村建设的一项重要内容。以实地调研为基础资料,以湖南省新农村示范点——工联村为例,探索制度约束下乡村人居环境建设的特征、困境与优化路径。在集体合作经营体制下,工联村人居环境建设在筹集资金、约束农户人居行为、改善基础设施、推进社会事业等方面具有一定的制度优势,但也存在诸多困境。从4个方面提出了优化路径,即鼓励制度创新,完善人居环境建设模式;优化村庄布局,规范农户居住行为;加快村庄整治,引导农户生活行为;整体营销村庄,扩大人居环境示范效应。  相似文献   

The paper studies the role of population mobility in the transformation of the Mae Sa village community in Mae Rim District of Chiang Mai Province, northern Thailand. Data for the analysis derive from an in-depth investigation in 1976–1977 and successive studies over the following 22 years including a substantial reinvestigation in 1995–1996. In these two decades, the village has been transformed from a traditional agricultural community to a ‘modern’ rural community with considerable employment outside the village and other links to the outside world. The paper discusses the complexity of the in- and out- migration process and the significance of the roles played by permanent and non-permanent migration in the transformation of the village resource base and social institutions. Special attention is given to social relations at the individual, family and community levels with implications on the definition of movement for the people of Mae Sa.  相似文献   

张鼎如 《中国农学通报》2006,22(11):508-508
主流城市化理论的预设前提是,城市化的结果就是农民的“终结”,因而把城市化起点的农村给忽略或遮蔽了。学界在除蔽中取得“农村就地城市化”的研究成果。农村就地城市化是指农村一般村落,有着高度的发达经济,有着兼具城市文明和乡村文明的和谐文明。这里居民的收入接近城市居民的收入,享受城市相似的社会保障和公共服务,享受相当于城市的现代化而又具有乡村特色生活方式。  相似文献   

Agricultural production, rural areas, and farmers are three key aspects of agriculture related to sustainable economic and social development in China. Rural development is a process of multi‐participation, which involves actors from governments, village committees, villagers, rural economic cooperatives, enterprises, financing institutions, and non‐government organizations (NGOs). Based on social network analysis (SNA), this article analyzes the social network structures and characteristics of various actors in different stages of rural development in Yanhe village, Hubei Province, China. The results show that both the village committee and villagers have great influence on rural development; NGOs are the leaders of rural environmental improvement; village cooperatives are the promoters of rural economic development; enterprises are the accelerators of rural construction and development. The study outlines the rural development model in Yanhe village where the village committee is the leader and multiple forms of participation and cooperation are present; there are excellent partnerships and communication mechanisms among the participants. The endogenous and sustainable development model identified from Yanhe village is valuable for other villages in China to adopt.  相似文献   

Major urban areas in the United States have undergone rapid shifts in their ethnic compositions. However, ethnic change is not limited to urban areas; rural areas, likewise, have witnessed substantial changes in recent decades. Scholarship, though, has paid minimal attention to the day–to–day lives of migrants in non–urban, and ethnically–homogenous, locations. And yet the ‘migrant experience’ is fundamentally different. Using Friedman’s concept of a ‘geographics of identity’, this paper provides insight into the day–to–day activities of two Filipinas as they adjust to living in rural northeast Ohio. Findings suggest that difficulties may accrue at a multitude of social scales, including tensions and contestations not only between Filipinas and non–Filipinas, but also among the Filipinas themselves. Moreover, the constant ‘becoming’ of identity is highlighted through their experiences.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influences of Malaysia's Federation Land Development Authority (FELDA) scheme in fostering inclusive rural development. Based on the model of holistic inclusive development, the paper investigates the performance of FELDA from four perspectives: social development, industrialisation, modernisation and basic needs. The main findings of the study indicate that, to a large extent, the scheme has successfully stimulated both the social and economic development of the community. Nonetheless, establishing a strong trust, social cohesion and rapport between the public authorities and community remain the main challenges in determining the success of this state‐led agenda. Moreover, keeping traditional values in the modern system will be the key principle for the sustainability of the programme if plans are made to adopt the scheme in other regions.  相似文献   

Agrotourism in Vietnam has been identified as one of the strategies used to achieve green growth and countryside modernisation, and it is often included as part of the national and local agenda. In this paper, we examine agrotourism in a village in the periphery of Hội An city (an international tourism hub in central Vietnam) to question tourism's interaction with ongoing development processes. More specifically, we aim to understand the impact of fast peri-urbanisation on agrotourism and the impacts of agrotourism on people's daily lives, specifically when it comes to physical changes in their living environment, tensions in their social life and their concerns about the future. Our analysis is supported with data generated from interviews with farmers, local officials, tourism workers and tourists. We find that agrotourism products lacked authenticity and farming was not of great interest for tourists, yet the state's investment in the village tended to favour spaces and infrastructure that could attract more tourists and generate profit, to the detriment of cultural infrastructure. Land speculation and an unequal distribution of income were the main tensions in the village along with farmers' concerns about their rural heritage, income diversification and environmental quality. As such, agrotourism in the village has been driven by rapid urbanisation and mass tourism, creating a competition between a consumption activity and a productive activity. Those are important parameters that future policymakers need to take into consideration in order to sustain the city's food production and tourism.  相似文献   

农村社区科普运行机制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李华  刘义诚 《中国农学通报》2011,27(17):162-167
随着城市化、城镇化和新农村建设的推进,大量农村人口由乡村转移到城镇,农村也由村落向社区发展。农村社区作为农村居民以农业生产方式为基础所组成的社会生活共同体,能够反映农村社会生活中的各种现象,并具经济、政治、文化和社会建设的多功能性。笔者在分析对比农村科普、现代科普、城市科普特点的基础上,简述了农村社区科普的内涵,回顾了中国农村社区科普实践。在总结农村社区科普工作经验的基础上,构建了农村社区科普工作运行机制框架,提出了开展农村社区科普应注意的几个问题,以期为农村社区科普工作开展和农民素质提高发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

Within the context of economic and social change in rural Australia, this paper identifies four structural dimensions of non‐metropolitan communities that are shown to influence a range of areal and socio‐demographic characteristics. The analysis shows that such influence is essentially maintained whether the social catchments forming the database are subdivided by State or by an equivalent number of landscape types. Also, although the dimensions influence both the urban and dispersed elements of the communities, the strength of the relationships is substantially greater if those elements are considered as a symbiotic whole. Throughout, net rural local density (as opposed to gross density) is shown to be a consistently important dimension of rural communities in relatively sparsely settled lands such as those of south‐eastern Australia, supported by the important subsidiary influence of relative settlement dispersal and town size. The paper concludes with a discussion of the processes involved in the impact of those structural dimensions upon rural society.  相似文献   

乡村旅游吸引物体系的构建研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
刘沙 《中国农学通报》2012,28(9):312-316
中国乡村旅游起步于20世纪80年代后,发展于90年代中后期。经济的发展,收入的增加,生活观念和消费结构的转变以及生活质量的提高,推动了休闲生活方式的变革和需求。乡村旅游已经成为现代城市与乡村作用体系中必然的产物,是中国解决“三农”问题而产生的一项新产业,在未来的发展中将发挥更加突出的作用。文章针对乡村旅游开发规划的重点--旅游吸引物进行研究,简述了乡村旅游与旅游吸引物的关系,并从旅游者的感知和旅游要素集成2个方面讨论了乡村旅游吸引物体系的构建,希望能为乡村旅游的规划提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

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