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It has previously been shown that a bacterial 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) encoding gene AM79 aroA can be a candidate gene to develop glyphosate-tolerant transgenic crops (Cao et...  相似文献   

Using linker peptide LP4/2A for multiple gene transformation is considered to be an effective method to stack or pyramid several traits in plants. Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt) cry gene and epsps(5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase) gene are two important genes for culturing pest-resistant and glyphosate-tolerant crops. We used linker peptide LP4/2A to connect the Bt cry1 Ah gene with the 2m G2-epsps gene and combined the wide-used man A gene as a selective marker to construct one coordinated expression vector called p2 EPUHLAGN. The expression vector was transferred into maize by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation, and 60 plants were obtained, 40% of which were positive transformants. Molecular detection demonstrated that the two genes in the fusion vector were expressed simultaneously and spliced correctly in translation processing; meanwhile bioassay detection proved the transgenic maize had preferable pest resistance and glyphosate tolerance. Therefore, linker peptide LP4/2A provided a simple and reliable strategy for producing gene stacking in maize and the result showed that the fusion gene transformation system of LP4/2A was feasible in monocot plants.  相似文献   

Using linker peptide LP4/2A for multiple gene transformation is considered to be an effective method to stack or pyramid several traits in plants. Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt) cry gene and epsps(5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase) gene are two important genes for culturing pest-resistant and glyphosate-tolerant crops. We used linker peptide LP4/2A to connect the Bt cry1 Ah gene with the 2m G2-epsps gene and combined the wide-used man A gene as a selective marker to construct one coordinated expression vector called p2 EPUHLAGN. The expression vector was transferred into maize by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation, and 60 plants were obtained, 40% of which were positive transformants. Molecular detection demonstrated that the two genes in the fusion vector were expressed simultaneously and spliced correctly in translation processing; meanwhile bioassay detection proved the transgenic maize had preferable pest resistance and glyphosate tolerance. Therefore, linker peptide LP4/2A provided a simple and reliable strategy for producing gene stacking in maize and the result showed that the fusion gene transformation system of LP4/2A was feasible in monocot plants.  相似文献   

Glyphosate is a highly efficient, broad-spectrum nonspecific herbicide that inhibits the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase(EPSPS)-mediated pathway of shikimic acid. The screening of glyphosate-resistant EPSPS gene is a major means for the development of new genetically modified glyphosate-resistant transgenic crop. Currently, the main commercialized glyphosate-resistant soybean contains glyphosate-resistant gene CP4-EPSPS. In this study, a G10-EPSPS gene was reported providing glyphosate resistance in Zhongdou 32. Here, G10-EPSPS gene was introduced into soybeans through Agrobacterium-mediated soybean cotyledon node. PCR, Southern blotting, semi-quantitative RT-PCR, qRT-PCR, and Western blotting were used, and the results revealed that G10-EPSPS had been integrated into the soybean genome and could be expressed steadily at both mRNA and protein levels. In addition, glyphosate resistance analysis showed that the growth of transgenic soybean had not been affected by concentrations of 900 and 2 700 g a.e. ha~(–1) of glyphosate. All the results indicated that G10-EPSPS could provide high glyphosate resistance in soybeans and be applied in production of glyphosate-resistant soybean.  相似文献   

CCCH锌指蛋白是一类重要的转录调控因子。从玉米中分离得到一个受干旱和ABA诱导表达的CCCH型锌指蛋白基因ZmC3H54,通过构建过量表达载体并转化水稻来进一步研究其功能。 与对照组相比,转基因植株在干旱胁迫处理下具有更高的相对含水量与存活率以及较低的相对电导率,表明过量表达ZmC3H54基因可以提高转基因水稻的耐旱性。此外,转基因水稻幼苗对外源ABA敏感性更高。以上结果表明玉米ZmC3H54基因可能是通过ABA信号通路调控植物对干旱的耐受性。  相似文献   

旨在从玉米中克隆耐盐相关基因ZmSC1,分析其分子特征并在拟南芥中研究其耐盐性的生物学功能。以玉米B73为试验材料,克隆ZmSC1全长序列,与其他物种进行同源性比对,解析其盐诱导表达模式和亚细胞定位情况,将ZmSC1转入到拟南芥突变体atsc和野生型中,观察在盐处理下种子萌发率和主根根长情况,利用荧光定量PCR分析相关逆境(140 mmol·L-1胁迫)基因的表达量。结果表明,ZmSC1基因全长为423 bp,编码141个氨基酸,ZmSC1和小麦、拟南芥中已知的TaSC1、AtSC1具有较高保守性。烟草细胞瞬时表达、玉米原生质体亚细胞定位研究表明ZmSC1定位于细胞膜中。生物学功能研究发现在140 mmol·L-1的NaCl的盐处理下,相比较于拟南芥突变体,回补植株拟南芥的种子萌发率和主根根长得到了明显改善,这说明ZmSC1基因可以回补拟南芥同源基因AtSC1突变体植株在盐胁迫下的表型。ZmSC1基因过表达拟南芥植株的种子萌发率和主根根长也显著高于野生型植株。荧光定量PCR结果显示相较于野生型,在过表达植株中AtRD29AAtSOS2AtSOS3AtCDPK1等胁迫相关基因的表达量也明显增强。研究结果表明TaSC1AtSC1的同源基因ZmSC1对提高拟南芥的耐盐性具有重要作用。  相似文献   

抗草甘膦转基因大豆生物与环境安全性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
世界转基因作物发展速度迅猛,其中抗除草剂转基因大豆的种植面积和作物产量都占有较大比例,其安全性也受到人们极大关注。文章通过对抗除草剂转基因大豆多年的研究总结,并结合国内外抗除草剂转基因大豆的研究文献,阐述了抗草甘膦转基因大豆现状及其发展,并对其生物和环境的安全性问题进行评价。  相似文献   

As abiotic stresses become more severe as a result of global climate changes, the growth and development of plants are restricted. In the development of agricultural crops with greater stress tolerance, AmDUF1517 had been isolated from the highly stress-tolerant shrub Ammopiptanthus mongolicus, and can significantly enhance stress tolerance when inserted in Arabidopsis thaliana. In this study, we inserted this gene into cotton to analyze its potential for conferring stress tolerance. Two independent transgenic cotton lines were used. Southern blot analyses indicated that AmDUF1517 was integrated into the cotton genome. Physiological analysis demonstrated that AmDUF1517-transgenic cotton had stronger resistance than the control when treated with salt, drought, and cold stresses. Further analysis showed that trans-AmDUF1517 cotton displayed significantly higher antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione S-transferase (GST)) activity and less reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation, which suggests that overexpression of AmDUF1517 can improve cotton resistance to stress by maintaining ROS homeostasis, as well as by alleviating cell membrane injury. These results imply that AmDUF1517 is a candidate gene in improving cotton resistance to abiotic stress.  相似文献   

玉米转Bt基因后代的抗虫性鉴定及其遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用田间接虫鉴定与室内PCR扩增,对玉米4个遗传背景,2个不同回交世代转基因材料进行了抗虫性鉴定.结果表明:回交3代、4代转基因材料平均抗虫性与其阴性对照相比达到了显著或极显著水平,外源Bt基因在回交后代中符合孟德尔定律1:1的分离比例.在4个遗传背景共98株含Bt基因的单株中,田间抗虫性表现高抗73株,抗5株,中抗7株,感2株,高感11株,抗虫株率占86.7%.  相似文献   

为提高转基因玉米中目的基因的检出效率,以猪传染性胃肠炎病毒纤突糖蛋白(TGEV-S)转基因玉米为材料,利用PCR方法检测样品中的目的基因.通过对PCR反应体系中4种不同DNA聚合酶和8种退火温度进行比较,建立和优化了转基因玉米中TGEV-S基因的PCR检测方法.对450株转基因玉米叶片DNA和种子DNA中的TGEV-S基因片段进行检测,并设计33对引物检测插入转基因玉米基因组DNA中的质粒pBAC9020DNA片段.结果显示,LA Taq酶对叶片DNA和种子DNA中TGEV-S片段的PCR扩增敏感性和特异性均优于其他Taq聚合酶,且退火温度为53~55℃时扩增效果较好.分别对450份转基因玉米叶片DNA和种子DNA检测结果显示阳性率分别为82.5%和76.3%.利用33对引物进行的PCR扩增及测序结果显示质粒pBAC9020基因片段已全部插入该玉米基因组DNA中.本试验建立的转TGEV-S基因玉米PCR检测方法敏感性和特异性高,为转基因玉米阳性植株的检测奠定了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

Maize is one of the most important crops worldwide, but it suffers from salt stress when grown in saline-alkaline soil. There is therefore an urgent need to improve maize salt tolerance and crop yield. In this study, the SsNHX1 gene of Suaeda salsa, which encodes a vacuolar membrane Na+/H+ antiporter, was transformed into the maize inbred line 18-599 by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgenic maize plants overexpressing the SsNHX1 gene showed less growth retardation when treated with an increasing NaCl gradient of up to 1%, indicating enhanced salt tolerance. The improved salt tolerance of transgenic plants was also demonstrated by a significantly elevated seed germination rate (79%) and a reduction in seminal root length inhibition. Moreover, transgenic plants under salt stress exhibited less physiological damage. SsNHX1-overexpressing transgenic maize accumulated more Na+ and K+ than wild-type (WT) plants particularly in the leaves, resulting in a higher ratio of K+/Na+ in the leaves under salt stress. This result revealed that the improved salt tolerance of SsNHX1-overexpressing transgenic maize plants was likely attributed to SsNHX1-mediated localization of Na+ to vacuoles and subsequent maintenance of the cytosolic ionic balance. In addition, SsNHX1 overexpression also improved the drought tolerance of the transgenic maize plants, as rehydrated transgenic plants were restored to normal growth while WT plants did not grow normally after dehydration treatment. Therefore, based on our engineering approach, SsNHX1 represents a promising candidate gene for improving the salt and drought tolerance of maize and other crops.  相似文献   

将转基因大豆、玉米和水稻的主要外源Cry1A(B)基因、BAR基因、CP4-EPSPS基因、PAT 基因和内参RBCL基因目标片段分别克隆到克隆载体pMD18-T中,构建获得的质粒可作为定性检测3种转基因粮食作物的上述外源基因的通用标准分子质粒pMD18-T-PAT-CP4-EPSPS-Cry1A(B)-BAR-RBCL,长约4.7 kb.经过双酶切、测序及PCR扩增,获得与预期片断大小及序列一致的目的基因片段,证明所构建的标准分子质粒是正确的,可以用来作为不同品种转基因粮食作物定性检测CP4-EPSPS基因、Cry1A(B)基因、BAR基因和PAT基因的通用阳性标准分子.  相似文献   

Sucrose non-fermenting-1 related protein kinase 2(Sn RK2) is a unique family of protein kinases associated with abiotic stress signal transduction in plants. In this study, a maize Sn RK2 gene Zm Sn RK2.11 was cloned and characterized. The results showed that Zm Sn RK2.11 is up-regulated by high-salinity and dehydration treatment, and it is expressed mainly in maize mature leaf. A transient expression assay using onion epidermal cells revealed that ZmS nR K2.11-GFP fusion proteins are localized to both the nucleus and cytoplasm. Overexpressing-Zm Sn RK2.11 in Arabidopsis resulted in salt and drought sensitivity phenotypes that exhibited an increased rate of water loss, reduced relative water content, delayed stoma closure, accumulated less free proline content and increased malondialdehyde(MDA) content relative to the phenotypes observed in wild-type(WT) control. Furthermore, overexpression of Zm Sn RK2.11 up-regulated the expression of the genes ABI1 and ABI2 and decreased the expression of DREB2 A and P5CS1. Taken together, our results suggest that Zm Sn RK2.11 is a possible negative regulator involved in the salt and drought stress signal transduction pathways in plants.  相似文献   

脯氨酸是植物中的渗透调节物质,Δ1-吡咯啉-5-羧酸合成酶(P5CS)是其合成过程中重要的调控因子。为探究P5CS基因功能,克隆了碱蓬SgP5CS基因并导入拟南芥,使其在拟南芥中过表达,然后进行相关指标测定和耐旱性鉴定。结果显示,干旱胁迫诱导2周后,SgP5CS过表达的拟南芥植株具有较长的根系,同时游离脯氨酸的含量显著增加,丙二醛含量显著降低,表明SgP5CS基因在拟南芥中过表达能够增强拟南芥耐旱性。研究结果为深入了解碱蓬中SgP5CS基因的功能及其在植物中的抗旱机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

热带玉米耐低氮性状的遗传变异   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用6个国际玉米小麦改良中心的热带玉米自交为亲本,按Griffing方法2组配成双列杂交,在高氮和低氮条件下对各主要性状进行鉴定,并估算其遗传参数。结果表明,从高N到低N,籽粒产量降低程度最大,降减系数(RI)达0.4845,与叶绿素含量降低程度几乎一致。自交系间和杂交组合间在产量的降解系数上明显的遗传差异。低氮条件下,籽粒产量、穗行数、百粒重、穗长、单株穗数、穗位以下绿叶数、雌雄开花差期、穗位叶  相似文献   

过量表达AtNHXS1新基因显著提高水稻的耐盐性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以转基因和野生型水稻为材料,通过农杆菌介导法将AtNHXS1转到水稻植株中花11号中,分析在盐胁迫下Na+、K+含量的变化,对两者耐盐性进行比较,并对转基因株系进行分子鉴定和转录表达分析。结果表明:PCR初步鉴定得到了20个转基因株系,随机挑选2个PCR阳性株系进行Southern blot鉴定,确定AtNHXS1以单拷贝的形式成功插入到水稻基因组中。耐盐性分析表明,在盐胁迫条件下,转基因水稻植株的生长状况、干质量、鲜质量、Na+含量显著优于或高于野生型水稻植株;此外,300mmol/L NaCl处理下,转基因水稻植株能够正常存活,而野生型水稻5d内几乎全部死亡。将300mmol/L NaCl处理过的植株在无盐胁迫的条件下进行恢复生长试验,转基因植株10d内恢复正常,而野生型则不能。过量表达改组后的AtNHXS1新基因显著提高了水稻的耐盐性。  相似文献   

耐旱性玉米筛选的形态指标研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
试验以20个CIMMYT选育的耐旱种质DTPWC9的不同株系为材料,对充足灌水、中度水分胁迫和严重水分胁迫几种不同供水条件下植株的一些形态指标与耐旱性的关系进行了研究。结果表明:除子粒产量外,单株穗数、雌雄穗开花间隔、叶片衰老指数及叶片卷曲指数是耐旱性筛选的重要性状指标。研究结果对大田玉米耐旱性筛选具有指导意义。  相似文献   

不同耐旱基因型玉米根系生理性状研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究玉米根系生理性状与耐旱性的关系,以生长于田间的玉米掖单13(耐旱)和丹玉13(不耐旱)为试验材料,分别于苗期、拔节期、孕穗期和灌浆期测定其根系分布、保水力、吸收面积、氧化力、硝酸还原酶活性以及总糖和还原糖含量等项指标.结果表明:耐旱基因型玉米在21 cm以下土层中的根干重以及根系氧化力极显著高于不耐旱基因型玉米根系(P<0.01);根系保水力、可溶性糖含量、还原糖含量以及硝酸还原酶活性显著高于不耐旱基因型玉米根系(P<0.05);根系总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积在两基因型玉米根系之间差异不显著(P>0.05).这些结果表明,根系所具有的吸水、保水能力和生物节水能力对玉米耐旱能力的发挥起着重要作用.  相似文献   

为鉴定和发掘玉米渍水胁迫抗性基因,克隆玉米ERF家族成员ZmEREB46(Zm00001d015759)基因,同时对该基因进行重测序分析、功能变异位点鉴定以及表达模式分析,并进一步在模式植物拟南芥中初步探究ZmEREB46参与耐渍的功能。结果显示,ZmEREB46编码1个AP2/EREBP类转录因子;相较于耐渍自交系A3237,ZmEREB46基因编码区及启动子区在渍水敏感自交系A3239中分别存在1个G/A的转换以及1个911 bp片段插入,911 bp片段的插入显著抑制了渍水敏感自交系A3239中ZmEREB46基因的表达;亚细胞定位结果显示,ZmEREB46定位在细胞核中;荧光定量PCR结果显示,ZmEREB46受渍水胁迫诱导上调表达,渍水处理8 h后ZmEREB46在耐渍自交系A3237中的表达量是渍水敏感自交系A3239中的2倍。结果表明,ZmEREB46在拟南芥中过量表达提高了拟南芥苗期的耐渍性。  相似文献   

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