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Canine coronavirus (CCoV) and feline coronavirus (FCoV) belong to α-genus coronavirus of coronavirus family,porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV),porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) also belong to the same genus.Genetic evolution analysis showed that different genotype of the virus could produce new variant strains through gene recombination,which caused great obstacles to the diagnosis and control of the disease.β-genus coronaviruses include bovine coronavirus (BCoV),canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV) and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV).Among them,CRCoV has the highest homology with BCoV,but there are great differences in genomic structure,pathogenic mechanism and infection symptoms between this kind of coronavirus and α-coronavirus.CCoV and FCoV are widely spreading around the world,characterized by high morbidity and low mortality.Due to the characteristics of RNA virus and the influence of environmental selection pressure,the viruses continue to mutate and evolve,and new virulent strains appear one after another.The virulence of feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) is greatly enhanced,some specific point mutations in the virus genome change the cellular tropism against the host.The pathogenesis of the virus mainly depends on the antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) induced by virus infection.The epidemiological investigation and prevention and control of CCoV and FCoV should not only rely on the single factor of vaccine immunity,but also comprehensively consider the virulence of the virus,environmental conditions,pet self-immune resistance, and so on.The identification of CCoV and FCoV should be based on clinical symptoms,combined with routine hematological examination,serum biochemical examination and laboratory diagnosis techniques to prevent false positive and false negative results.  相似文献   

犬冠状病毒(canine coronavirus,CCoV)与猫冠状病毒(feline coronavirus,FCoV)同属于冠状病毒科冠状病毒属α属,与其同属的病毒还有猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus,TGEV)、猪流行性腹泻病毒(porcine epidemic diarrhea virus,PEDV)等。遗传进化分析表明,该种属不同基因型病毒通过基因重组能产生新型变异毒株,为疾病的诊断与防控造成了很大的阻碍。β属冠状病毒包括牛冠状病毒(bovine coronavirus,BCoV)、犬呼吸道冠状病毒(canine respiratory coronavirus,CRCoV)、严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒(severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus,SARS-CoV)等,其中CRCoV与BCoV同源性较高,该类病毒与α属冠状病毒在基因组结构、致病机制、感染症状等方面差异较大。CCoV与FCoV在全球范围内广泛传播,具有发病率高、死亡率低的特点。由于RNA病毒本身的特点和环境选择压力的影响,这两种病毒不断变异进化,新的强致病力毒株相继出现。经FCoV基因突变演化而来的猫传染性腹膜炎病毒(feline infectious peritonitis virus,FIPV)毒力大大增强,病毒基因组中某些特异性的点突变使得针对宿主的细胞嗜性发生改变,该病毒的致病机制主要依赖于病毒感染后诱导机体产生的抗体依赖性增强作用(ADE)。针对犬猫冠状病毒的流行病学调查及防控不能仅依赖于疫苗免疫单一因素,还应综合考虑病毒毒力、环境条件、宠物自身免疫抵抗力状态等。针对犬猫冠状病毒的诊断应根据临床症状,结合常规血液学检查、血清生化检查和实验室诊断技术来进行全面的鉴定,防止出现假阳性及假阴性结果。  相似文献   

Canine and feline dermatomycosis is the common skin disease in small animal,which not only affects the appearance of the canine and feline, but also leads to itching or pain, and even increases the risk of dog and cat owners suffering from dermatomycosis. Dermatomycosis is harmful to health of animals and human beings. The dermatomycosis is difficult to identify, has long treatment cycle and high recurrence, and affected by regional or/and environmental factors, lead to its prevalent and brought great difficulties to the clinical diagnosis and treatment. Canine and feline dermatomycosis could be diagnosed according to illness history survey, clinical symptoms, isolation and identification of pathogens and histopathological examination. In order to curing canine and feline dermatomycosis effectively, systemic therapy combined with topical administration, scientific and rational use of antibiotics, and improvement of animal feeding management should be carried.  相似文献   

犬猫皮肤癣菌病是小动物临床一种常见的皮肤病,该病不仅影响犬猫的外观,且可导致犬猫的瘙痒,严重时可引起疼痛,并显著增加畜主感染皮肤癣菌的几率,严重危害着动物及人类的健康。由于犬猫皮肤癣菌病本身的鉴别难度大、治疗周期长、复发率高及相关地域和环境因素的影响,导致近年来该病普遍流行并给临床诊疗工作带来极大困难。临床上可根据病史调查、临床检查、病原分离鉴定、皮肤病理组织活检等对该病进行诊断,并通过局部用药结合全身治疗,科学合理选用抗真菌药物,加强饲养管理等措施综合防制犬猫皮肤癣菌病。  相似文献   

犬瘟热流行病学调查与防制措施   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
陈秀 《中国畜牧兽医》2012,39(12):169-172
为了掌握菏泽地区犬瘟热流行病学情况,采用临床症状观察与实验室诊断相结合的方法对菏泽市3家动物医院共2716份病例进行检测。结果表明,检出犬瘟热阳性病例754份,总感染率为27.8%。犬瘟热感染存在品种、年龄、季节、性别和免疫状况的差异。其中,纯种犬发病率最高,为51.6%,土种犬发病率最低,为18.3%;3~12月龄的犬感染犬瘟热的比率最高,为65.1%,而3月龄以下的犬感染率最低,仅为2.5%;4~6月份是该病的高发期,从未接种过犬瘟热疫苗的犬发病率较高,而严格按照免疫程序接种疫苗的犬发病率较低。犬瘟热传播速度快、传染性强,因此做好犬瘟热病的免疫、隔离和消毒工作尤为重要。  相似文献   

为了解成都地区宠物犬犬瘟热病毒(canine distemper virus,CDV)和犬呼吸道冠状病毒(canine respiratory coronavirus,CRCoV)的感染情况,本试验应用RT-PCR对采自成都地区8家动物医院共计420份出现呼吸道症状的宠物犬鼻腔棉拭子样本进行分子检测。结果发现,从420份样本中,检出213份CDV阳性,检出率为50.71%;检出247份CRCoV阳性,检出率为58.81%;CDV和CRCoV混合感染的检出率为41.19%。表明成都地区宠物犬感染CDV和CRCoV较为严重,且二者混合感染率较高。宠物犬CDV和CRCoV的检出率与年龄、性别、品种、季节和免疫状况等因素的关系存在不同程度的差异。其中,1~3月龄幼犬检出率最高,分别为74.40%和79.20%;纯种犬的检出率较其他犬种高,分别为59.37%和62.22%;春季CDV的检出率较高,为56.19%,而冬季CRCoV的检出率较高,为67.59%;未免疫犬的检出率较高,分别为64.42%和63.46%。该研究丰富了成都地区宠物犬CDV和CRCoV的流行病学资料,为该地区宠物犬CDV和CRCoV的诊断及防控提供了基本数据。  相似文献   

兰州市犬瘟热、犬细小病毒病及犬副流感的感染调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为查清兰州市宠物犬犬瘟热、犬细小病毒病、犬副流感的感染情况,本研究对2004年~2009年前来宠物医院就诊的有临床症状的犬进行检测,共采集犬瘟热疑似病犬眼鼻分泌物、唾液2238份;犬细小病毒病疑似病犬粪便2423份;犬副流感疑似病犬眼、鼻分泌物334份。用快速检测试纸卡进行检测,结果显示兰州市宠物犬犬瘟热平均阳性率达27.52%,自2004~2009年间呈逐渐下降趋势。犬细小病毒病平均阳性率为25.88%,自2004~2008年间呈逐渐下降趋势,2009年略有反弹。首次证实犬副流感在兰州市宠物犬中流行,其中犬副流感病毒平均阳性率为37.72%,犬腺病毒Ⅱ型平均阳性率为19.46%,从流行周期看,2004年以犬副流感病毒感染为主,2005年以犬腺病毒Ⅱ型感染为主,而后连续两年以混合感染为主,到2008年又以犬副流感病毒感染为主,2009年再次以混合感染为主。  相似文献   

透射电镜下,犬传染性肝炎急性坏死型病例肝细胞线粒体高度肿胀,嵴断裂。病变严重的,肝细胞胞浆固有结构崩解、碎裂。核内包涵体由基质和ICHV粒子构成;在不含包涵体的核内也见到ICHV粒子。核内的ICHV粒子通过溶解的核膜或由于核崩解而释入胞浆;当细胞膜局部破裂或整个细胞崩解时,细胞内的ICHV粒子释放于细胞外。在嗜酸性小体的胞浆内观察到ICHV粒子。窦状隙内皮细胞和星状细胞呈现与肝细胞类似的变化。扫描电镜下,组织学呈凝固性坏死的胆囊粘膜袁面平坦无结构;亦见胆囊粘膜有局部灶坏死,与周围界限明显,坏死灶外围的上皮细胞结结构不整,上皮顶部凸出的颗粒大小不一或脱落。透射电镜下,呈坏死的胆囊粘膜上皮细胞固有结构消失,呈均质状;其余部位的上皮细胞微绒毛断裂、脱落;线粒体肿胀,嵴溶解,上皮顶部堆集大量的致密小体,细胞间连接复合体结构消失;亦见血管均质坏死,血管内皮的坏死与粘膜上皮的坏死同步或先于其发生。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the role of pigment dispersion and inflammation in the pathogenesis of goniodysgenesis-related glaucoma (GDRG). PROCEDURES: Cases of GDRG were selected when the duration of the disease was specified and there was not any confounding pathology. Cases were grouped into < or = 7-day (acute), and > 7-day (chronic) durations, based on the time required to effect end-stage retinal damage. Acute cases were further divided into < 4-day and 4-7-day groups to assess peracute changes. Slides were evaluated for four individual signs of pigment dispersion: segmental loss of posterior iris pigment epithelium, clumping of posterior iris pigment epithelium, pigmented cells in the trabecular meshwork or anterior chamber and preferential settling of pigmented cells in the ventral aspect of the iridocorneal angle. Slides were also evaluated for the presence of neutrophils and/or lymphoplasmacytic cells in the trabecular meshwork (TM). Differences between groups were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: Of 100 cases evaluated, 34 were < or = 7-days (acute) (14 < 4-day and 20 4-7-day) and 66 were > 7-days (chronic) in duration. Of all globes examined, 96% had at least one sign of pigment dispersion, with no significant difference between groups. Two or more signs of pigment dispersion were present in 76% of all globes. The 4-7-day group was significantly more likely than the < 4-day group to have at least two signs. The difference was not significant between < or = 7- and > 7-day groups. Neutrophils were present in the TM of 86% of < 4-day and 50% of 4-7-day cases. Cases in the < or = 7-day group were significantly more [corrected] likely than > 7-day cases to have neutrophils in the TM, with 65% and 17% [corrected] positive cases, respectively. Lymphoplasmacytic inflammation was present in 53% of all cases, with no significant difference between groups. Cases in the < or = 7-day group were significantly more likely than > 7-day cases to have both types of inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that both acute inflammation and pigment dispersion may be key factors in the pathogenesis of GDRG. Pigment dispersion is prevalent at all time points and increases during the first 7 days. The finding of iris pigment epithelial loss supports the theory that pupillary block associated with iris-lens touching may be important in the pathogenesis of GDRG.  相似文献   

旨在观察犬细小病毒特异性免疫球蛋白治疗犬细小病毒病的临床应用效果,本文收集了中国农业大学动物医院自2016年1月—2019年11月接治的犬细小病毒病患犬的病历资料,筛选出病历资料完整的并使用了犬细小病毒单抗或犬细小病毒特异性免疫球蛋白治疗的患犬病例进行跟踪以及回访。对收集的病例数据进行了总治愈率、各初始抗体水平的治愈率、各月龄段的治愈率和治愈病例的病程分析。结果显示,犬细小病毒特异性免疫球蛋白和犬细小病毒单克隆抗体在总治愈率、相同初始抗体水平治愈率、相同月龄段治愈率均无显著差异(P>0.05)。但使用特异性免疫球蛋白的病例痊愈时间显著低于使用单克隆抗体的病例(P=0.02<0.05)。综上表明,犬细小病毒特异性免疫球蛋白的临床应用效果良好,可为犬细小病毒病的治疗提供新的药物选择。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to survey clinics’ guidance about recommended fasting duration (FD) prior to lipoprotein analysis, and to characterize lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in obese and overweight dogs categorized on the basis of the 5-point body condition score (BCS) scale. A dataset was created from lipoprotein analysis medical records of 1,538 dogs from 75 breeds in 354 clinics from 2012 to 2013. A phone survey was conducted to obtain the clinics’ FD. Two-level linear mixed-effects models were applied to the data. Over 50% of the clinics said they recommended fasting for 12 hr or more. Dogs in clinics with FD 12 hr or more had lower chylomicron triglyceride concentrations than those in clinics with FD less than 8 hr (P=0.05). Mean (± SEM) BCS at sampling was 3.7 ± 0.02. Obese and overweight dogs had higher very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations than ideal dogs (P<0.05), but no such difference was found for low density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations (P≥0.07). Across all BCS, as dog age rose from 0 to 8 years old, HDL cholesterol concentrations decreased by 13.5 mg/dl, whereas VLDL triglyceride concentrations increased by 81.7 mg/dl (P<0.05). In conclusion, FD of 8 hr or less may affect lipoprotein lipid concentrations. Obese and overweight dogs were characterized as having high VLDL and HDL cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations.  相似文献   

Tick-borne diseases are often encountered in canine clinical practice. In the present study, a molecular epidemiological survey of dogs in Japan was conducted to understand the prevalence and geographical distribution of Babesia spp., Hepatozoon spp., Ehrlichia spp. and Anaplasma spp. Pathogen-derived DNA in blood samples obtained from 722 dogs with a history of exposure to ticks and/or fleas was examined by PCR. The prevalence of Babesia gibsoni, Babesia odocoilei-like species, Hepatozoon canis and Ehrlichia spp./Anaplasma spp. was 2.4% (16/722), 0.1% (1/722), 2.5% (18/722) and 1.5% (11/722), respectively. While B. gibsoni and Ehrlichia spp./Anaplasma spp. were detected in the western part of Japan, H. canis was detected in Tohoku area in addition to western and central parts of Japan.  相似文献   

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