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Changing land-use practices in northern Thailand have increased tillage intensity. This study re-assesses the rate of tillage erosion by manual hoeing on steep slopes (17–82%) in northern Thailand. Previously collected soil translocation data during an on-farm tillage erosion experiment and additionally collected data during an on-farm tillage erosion survey have been analysed whereby a new calculation method (i.e. trapezoid tillage step) has been used. A comparison with previously collected data indicates that the trapezoid tillage step method and the tracer method are the most reliable methods to assess downslope translocation by manual tillage. Based on newly acquired understanding of the processes involved, soil fluxes by tillage erosion are quantified by linear functions for different slope gradient classes rather than one single diffusion-type equation for the whole slope range. For slope gradients smaller than 3%, soil fluxes are close to zero as farmers do not have a preferred tillage direction. For slope gradients between 3% and 70%, soil is tilled only in the downslope direction and soil fluxes range between 16 and 67 kg m−1 tillage pass−1. On slopes with gradients in excess of 70%, the angle of repose for soil clods is often exceeded resulting in a sliding down of the complete tilled top layer. These data are used to assess the soil flux for complete cropping cycles for the most dominant cropping systems in the highlands of northern Thailand: i.e. upland rice, maize, (soy) beans, cabbage and ginger. The on-site effects of tillage erosion will be very pronounced if parcels are short with respect to their slope length, cultivated for upland rice or cabbage, or when weed pressure is high. Tillage erosion results in a tillage step with low soil fertility and low infiltration capacity. Solutions to reduce tillage erosion intensity depend on the degree that tillage intensity can be reduced. This might happen by an improved weed management or by changing landuse to perrenial cropping. Other strategies are concentrating nutrients on the truncated hillslope sections and retaining soil on the field by vegetative buffers.  相似文献   

Tillage erosion studies have mainly focused on the effect of topography and cultivation practices on soil translocation during tillage. However, the possible effect of initial soil conditions on soil displacement and soil erosion during tillage have not been considered. This study aims at investigating the effect of the initial soil conditions on net soil displacement and the associated erosion rates by a given tillage operation of a stony loam soil. Tillage erosion experiments were carried out with a mouldboard plough on a freshly ploughed (pre-tilled) soil and a soil under grass fallow in the Alentejo region (Southern Portugal).

The experimental results show that both the downslope displacement of soil material and the rate of increase of the downslope displacement with slope gradient are greater when the soil is initially in a loose condition. This was attributed to: (i) a greater tillage depth on the pre-tilled soil and (ii) a reduced internal cohesion of the pre-tilled soil, allowing clods to roll and/or slide down the plough furrow after being overturned by the mouldboard plough.

An analysis of additional available data on soil translocation by mouldboard tillage showed that downslope displacement distances were only significantly related to the slope gradient when tillage is carried out in the downslope direction. When tillage is carried out in the upslope direction, the effect of slope gradient on upslope displacement distances was not significant. This has important implications for the estimation of the tillage transport coefficient, which is a measure for the intensity of tillage erosion, from experimental data. For our experiments, estimated values of the tillage transport coefficient were 70 and 254 kg m−1 per tillage operation for grass fallow and pre-tilled conditions, respectively, corresponding to local maximum erosion rates of ca. 8 and 35 Mg ha−1 per tillage operation and local maximum deposition rates of ca. 33 and 109 Mg ha−1 per tillage operation.  相似文献   

Seven mouldboard ploughing experiments were conducted to systematically investigate the effect of different tillage directions on soil redistribution on hillslopes. The present study included tillage directions other than parallel to the gradient or along the contour, that is, in our experiments the slope gradient changed simultaneously in tillage and in turning direction. Using physical tracers we developed a model of the two-dimensional tracer displacement as a function of topography and tillage variables. The displacements in tillage and in turning direction were separately described as 2nd degree polynomials in both tillage and in turning directions. This model fully accounted for the directionality of tillage. Displacement in turning direction additionally depended on tillage depth, while that in tillage direction was affected by tillage speed and soil bulk density. We found a large effect of tillage directionality on soil redistribution, and tillage at 45° to the gradient turning soil upslope was the least erosive tillage direction. We obtained non-linear relationships between soil redistribution and profile curvature, instead of the linear relationships reported previously. Consequently tillage erosivity varied in tillage direction and a unique tillage transport coefficient could not be obtained for all tillage directions.  相似文献   

In Venezuelan Amazonian, some producers have established small agroforestry systems of production on sandy savanna soils by a long-term addition (more than 25 years) of animal manures at a low dressing (2 Mg ha−1) as fertilizer input. As a result of the organic fertilizers regime, the original savanna soil has been changed in terms of soil quality parameters. The main objective of the study was to investigate using sequential fractionation of soil P the impact of organic manures on the amount and partitioning of bioavailable P in soils of the Amazonas. Fractionation was carried out on Typic Ustipsamments amended with three different organic manure sources for extended periods. In general, after fertilization, all Pi and Po fractions increased significantly. The increase was striking in the resin-Pi and HCl-Pi, and among the organic P fractions, the changes were highest for the NaOH-Po sonicated and non-sonicated fractions. The total P increment was more relevant when soils were amended with chicken manure (1,194 mg Pt kg−1) and less relevant for the farm soil treated with compost (500 mg Pt kg−1), where the soil amended with cattle waste presented an intermediate value in total soil P (851 mg Pt kg−1). The importance of this field study was to assess the sustainability of long-term established organic management characterized by the low inputs, and this information is poor in the Amazonas.  相似文献   

Most of the tillage erosion studies have focused on the effect of tractor-plough tillage on soil translocation and soil loss. Only recently, have a few studies contributed to the understanding of tillage erosion by manual tillage. Furthermore, little is known about the impact of tillage erosion in hilly areas of the humid sub-tropics. This study on tillage erosion by hoeing was conducted on a purple soil (Regosols) of the steep land, in Jianyang County, Sichuan Province, southwestern China (30°24′N and 104°35′E) using the physical tracer method.

The effects of hoeing tillage on soil translocation on hillslopes are quite evident. The tillage transport coefficients were 26–38 kg m−1 per tillage pass and 121–175 kg m−1 per tillage pass respectively for k3- and k4-values. Given that there was a typical downslope parcel length of 15 m and two times of tillage per year in this area, the tillage erosion rates on the 4–43% hillslopes reached 48–151 Mg ha−1 per year. The downslope soil translocation is closely related to slope gradient. Lateral soil translocation by such tillage is also obvious though it is lower than downslope soil translocation. Strong downslope translocation accounts for thin soil layers and the exposure of parent materials/rocks at the ridge tops and on convexities in the hilly areas. Deterioration in soil quality and therefore reduction in plant productivity due to tillage-induced erosion would be evident at the ridge tops and convex shoulders.  相似文献   

Soil translocation by soil tillage can have a considerable importance on arable land. These results were published in the international literature. The aim of the experiments is to quantify the translocation of soil due to tillage with different typical tools. A mouldboard plough and a disc harrow were tested in field experiments on a slope (4° inclination) with sandy soil. The average movement of soil particles of the top soil was determined about the changed tracer concentration. The tracer coloured gravels were most suitable of all tested tracer. The comparison of the tools showed more soil translocation caused by mouldboard plough (145?kg) than by disc harrow (12?kg). The transport was also different: plough 0.50?m and disc harrow 0.11?m average distance.  相似文献   

Most of the erosion research in the Palouse region of eastern Washington State, USA has focused on quantifying the rates and patterns of water erosion for purposes of conservation planing. Tillage translocation, however, has largely been overlooked as a significant geomorphic process on Palouse hillslopes. Tillage translocation and tillage deposition together have resulted in severe soil degradation in many steep croplands of the Palouse region. Few controlled experiments have heretofore been conducted to model these important geomorphic processes on Palouse hillslopes. The overarching purpose of this investigation, therefore, was to model tillage translocation and deposition due to moldboard plowing in the Palouse region. Soil movement by moldboard plowing was measured using 480-steel flat washers. Washers were buried in silt loam soils on convex–convex shoulder, linear-convex backslope, and linear-concave footslope landform components, and then displaced from their original burial locations by a moldboard plow pulled by a wheel tractor traveling parallel to the contour at ca. 1.0 m s−1. Displaced washers were located using a metal detector, and the distance and azimuth of the resultant displacement of each washer from its original burial location was measured using compass and tape. Resultant displacement distances were then resolved into their component vectors of displacement parallel and perpendicular to the contour. A linear regression equation was developed expressing mean soil displacement distance as a function of slope gradient. Tillage translocation and deposition were modeled as diffusion-type geomorphic processes, and their rates were described in terms of the diffusion constant (k). A multivariate statistical model was developed expressing mean soil displacement distance as a function of gravimetric moisture content, soil bulk density, slope gradient, and direction of furrow slice displacement. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a weak correlation between soil displacement and both bulk density and moisture content. Soil displacement was, however, significantly correlated with direction of furrow slice displacement. Tillage translocation rates were expressed in terms of the diffusion constant (k) and ranged from 105 to 113 kg m−1 per tillage operation. Tillage deposition rates ranged from 54 to 148 kg m−1 per tillage operation. With respect to tillage deposition, the diffusion constant calculated from volumetric measurements of tillage deposits equals ca. 150 kg/m. The rates of tillage translocation and deposition are not completely in balance; however, these rates do suggest that soil tillage is a significant geomorphic process on Palouse hillslopes and could account for the some of the variations in soil physical properties and crop yield potential at the hillslope and farm-field scale in the Palouse region.  相似文献   

This article reviews the basic relationships between the geometry of tillage tools and soil physical properties on the nature of the soil disturbance ahead of the tool. These relationships are valuable to designers and operators of cultivation equipment in selecting the optimal design of the soil working elements and their supporting frame. In addition to the disturbance, the magnitude and direction of the resulting soil forces are important when both designing and using such equipment. Reference is made to an integrated model to predict these forces using a number of spreadsheets, which predict the draught force of a range of implements to within 20% of the measured value.  相似文献   

黄土半干旱丘陵区陡坡地土壤水分空间变异性研究   总被引:30,自引:11,他引:30  
通过对黄土半干旱丘陵区陡坡坡地土壤水分变异规律研究,阐明陡坡坡面土壤水分变化特征,0~200 cm土层内土壤含水量垂直变化呈高—低—高趋势;陡坡土壤水分沿坡顶向下变化总趋势是先增加后持平或减小;在坡面有浅沟微地形存在的情况下,虽然纵向和横向坡位对坡面土壤水分分布均存在影响,但纵向坡位的影响要较横向显著;地统计学对有浅沟微地形存在的陡坡坡面土壤水分变异特征不能进行很好地描述。  相似文献   

用土壤温度估算表层土壤导温率与热通量的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对比研究了6种用土壤湿度计算表层土壤导温率的方法结果表明,振幅法、相位法、反正切法、对数法虽需较少观测值,计算简单,但结果却不太稳定;谐波法计算过程虽较复杂,但导温度的估算值较稳定,是最可靠的方法之一。利用计算的土壤导温率估算近地表土壤热通量,结果与由温度积分法决定的土壤热通量值非常一致。  相似文献   

Soil physical properties affect the establishment of crops; these properties are influenced by cultivation incurred during seedbed preparation and vary greatly depending upon the intensity of applications. However, there is little quantified data concerning the influence of cultivation upon the precise soil structural arrangement and the effects of this on crop establishment. The dynamics of soil macrostructure properties on a range of seedbeds and how they relate to crop establishment are considered in this paper. Significant interactions between cultivation techniques, soil physical properties, the soil macropore structure of the seedbed and the interaction with crop establishment were identified. The relationship between soil structure and crop establishment was highly significant, with increased pore space reducing final establishment numbers. An improvement to a previously developed model (soil quality of establishment (SQE)) was developed following the addition of soil macrostructure properties, accounting for improved predictability of between ca. 6% and 19% of the variation accounted across soil types, environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Chiselling in air-dry soils can rapidly create inverse grading of the plough layer as field experiments showed, i.e., the largest particles (rock fragments) are brought to the surface and the smallest particles concentrate at the bottom of the plough layer. Since no information about the effect of soil moisture and fine earth characteristics on this process is available laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the effect of soil moisture and fine earth characteristics on the vertical movement (segregation) of rock fragments due to tillage. An experimental trough, 120×60×40 cm3, was filled with three layers (each 4 cm thick) of fine earth (sand or silt loam), and rock fragments (1.2–2.2 and 2.7–4.0 cm). Tillage was simulated by moving a hand-held cultivator through the mixture. The results for the sandy soil matrix showed that inter-particle percolation was slowed down by soil moisture, however, at the same rate for different moisture levels. This was attributed to water-films that surround the sand particles. In the silt-loam soil matrix inter-particle percolation was stronger than that occurring in the sandy matrix at similar volumetric moisture contents but vertical movement was impossible at higher moisture contents (0.17 m3 m3) because of a strong increase in stickiness. The results imply that at low moisture contents farmers in areas threatened by desertification can use moderate tillage as a means to create a surface rich in rock fragments which helps to increase water infiltration and decrease erosion.  相似文献   

Yield decline (YD) of sugarcane is a widespread problem throughout the Australian sugar industry. It is defined as “the loss of productive capacity of sugarcane-growing soil under long-term monoculture”. Factors contributing to YD are the monoculture itself, excessive tillage of the soil at planting and severe soil compaction resulting from the use of heavy machinery during the harvesting operation. Collectively, these crop management practices have led to the development of sugarcane-growing soils that are low in organic C and cation exchange capacity, have a high bulk density and have a low microbial biomass. This in turn is associated with a build up of populations of detrimental soil organisms, which affect the growth and health of the sugarcane root system. Significant yield increases have been demonstrated following pasteurization or fumigation of the soil or treatment of the soil with fungicides or nematicides. Several detrimental soil organisms associated with YD have been identified, including a fungal root pathogen (Pachymetra chaunorhiza) and the lesion nematode (Pratylenchus zeae). Experimental evidence, however, suggests there are many other unidentified detrimental soil organisms associated with YD.

In order to circumvent YD, major changes to the cane cropping system need to be considered. Different rotation breaks (sown pasture, alternate crops, bare fallow) were evaluated for their impact on soil health and the composition of the community of organisms in soil previously under cane monoculture. Despite the breaks having different effects on populations of beneficial soil biota, all breaks reduced populations of known detrimental soil biota and significantly increased the yield of the following cane crop. A single legume-based break crop appeared to be sufficient to capture the majority of these benefits. Other possible management options including the use of organic amendments and minimum tillage techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

Soil aggregation is influenced by the tillage system used, which in turn affects the amount of C and N in the different aggregate fractions. This study assessed the impact of different tillage systems on soil aggregates by measuring the aggregate stability, the organic carbon (Corg) and the total nitrogen (Ntot) contents within different aggregate fractions, and their release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Soil samples were collected from the top 0 to 10 cm of a long-term tillage experiment at Fuchsenbigl (Marchfeld, Austria) where conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT), and minimum tillage (MT) treatments were applied to a Chernozem fine sandy loam. The stable aggregates (1000–2000 μm) were subject to dispersion by the soil aggregate stability (SAS or wet sieving) method after Kemper and Rosenau (1986), and the ultrasonic method of Mayer et al. (2002). Chemical analysis of the soil was obtained for the aggregate fractions 630–1000, 250–630 and 63–250 μm gathered from the ultrasonic method. Using the SAS method, CT and RT had the least amounts of stable aggregates (18.2% and 18.9%, respectively), whereas MT had twice as much stable aggregates (37.6%). Using the ultrasonic method, MT also had the highest amount of water stable aggregates in all three fractions (1.5%, 3.7%, and 35%, respectively), followed by RT (1%, 2.3%, 32.3%), and CT (0.8%, 1.7%, 29.1%). For comparison, a reference soil, EUROSOIL 7 (ES-7) was also analysed (40%, 6.7%, and 12.1%). The highest amounts of Corg and Ntot were measured under MT in all three fractions, with 8.9%, 3.8%, and 1.3% for Corg, and 0.4%, 0.3%, and 0.1% for Ntot. Apart from the fraction 630–1000 μm, the aggregates of RT and CT contained <50% of the Corg and Ntot values of MT. The C/N ratio was least favourable for CT (42.6) in the aggregate fraction 630–1000 μm. The DOC release from stable aggregates after 10 min of ultrasonic dispersion was highest from MT soil (86.7 mg l−1). The values for RT and CT were 21% and 25% below this value. The results demonstrate that tillage type influences both aggregate stability and aggregate chemical composition. This research confirms that CT interferes more with the natural soil properties than RT and MT. Furthermore, MT has the highest potential to sequester C and N in this agriculturally used soil.  相似文献   

The submontaneous tract of Punjab comprising 10% of the state, is prone to soil erosion by water. Soils of the area are coarse in texture, low in organic matter and poor in fertility. High intensity rains during the monsoon season result in fertile topsoil removal. There is an urgent need to control soil erosion in this region so as to improve soil productivity. A field study was conducted to estimate the effect of tillage and different modes of mulch application on soil erosion losses. Treatments comprised two levels of tillage, viz. minimum (Tm) and conventional (Tc) in the main plots and five modes of straw mulch application, viz. mulch spread over whole plot (Mw), mulch spread on lower one-third of plot (M1/3), mulch applied in strips (Ms), vertical mulching (Mv) and unmulched control (Mo), in subplots in a replicated split plot design. Rate of mulch application was 6 t ha−1 in all modes. Compared with Mo, Mw reduced runoff by 33%. Runoff and soil loss were 5 and 40% higher under Tc than under Tm. Though other modes of straw mulch application (M1/3, Ms and Mv) controlled soil loss better than Mo, their effectiveness was less than Mw. Tm was more effective in conserving soil moisture than Tc. Compared with Mo, Mw had 3–7% higher soil moisture content in the 0–30 cm soil depth under Tm. Minimum soil temperature of the surface layer was 1.4–2.4 °C lower under Mw than under Mo. Straw mulching reduced maximum soil temperature and helped in conserving soil moisture. Minimum tillage coupled with Mw was highly effective in reducing soil erosion losses, decreasing soil temperature and increasing moisture content by providing maximum surface cover.  相似文献   

Soil tillage practices can affect soil hydraulic properties and processes dynamically in space and time with consequent and coupled effects on chemical movement and plant growth. This literature review addresses the quantitative effects of soil tillage and associated management (e.g., crop residues) on the temporal and spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties. Our review includes incidental management effects, such as soil compaction, and natural sources of variability, such as topography. Despite limited research on space–time predictions, many studies have addressed management effects on soil hydraulic properties and processes relevant to improved understanding of the sources of variability and their interactions in space and time. Whether examined explicitly or implicitly, the literature includes studies of interactions between treatments, such as tillage and residue management. No-tillage (NT) treatments have been compared with various tillage practices under a range of conditions with mixed results. The trend, if any, is for NT to increase macropore connectivity while generating inconsistent responses in total porosity and soil bulk density compared with conventional tillage practices. This corresponds to a general increase in ponded or near-zero tension infiltration rates and saturated hydraulic conductivities. Similarly, controlled equipment traffic may have significant effects on soil compaction and related hydraulic properties on some soils, but on others, landscape and temporal variability overwhelm wheel-track effects. Spatial and temporal variability often overshadows specific management effects, and several authors have recognized this in their analyses and interpretations. Differences in temporal variability depend on spatial locations between rows, within fields at different landscape positions, and between sites with different climates and dominant soil types. Most tillage practices have pronounced effects on soil hydraulic properties immediately following tillage application, but these effects can diminish rapidly. Long-term effects on the order of a decade or more can appear less pronounced and are sometimes impossible to distinguish from natural and unaccounted management-induced variability. New standards for experimental classification are essential for isolating and subsequently generalizing space–time responses. Accordingly, enhanced methods of field measurement and data collection combined with explicit spatio-temporal modeling and parameter estimation should provide quantitative predictions of soil hydraulic behavior due to tillage and related agricultural management.  相似文献   

Secondary tillage performed under inadequate soil water contents usually leads to a poor seedbed. Under normal Swedish weather conditions, clayey soils ploughed during autumn form a very dry top layer in spring, which acts as an evaporation barrier so that deeper layers remain wet. Thus, the conventional approach considering soil workability in relation to a single value of soil water content is difficult to apply. Hence, a field experiment was carried out to study the effect of seedbed preparation date, the associated soil water contents and traffic consequences on the physical properties of a spring seedbed. The field was autumn ploughed and the experiment started as soon as the field was trafficable after winter thawing. The seedbed preparation consisted of three harrowing operations on plots 8 m×8 m (three replications) with a spring tined harrow and a tractor mounted with dual tyres and was performed on 10 occasions from the beginning of April to the middle of May. With the exception of some short periods after rain, the soil had a clear water stratification during the experiment, with a very dry superficial layer (5–20 mm thick) contrasting to water contents over 300 g kg−1 from only 40 mm depth. After the harrowing operation, the seedbed aggregate fraction less than 2 mm increased from about 40% at the beginning of April to about 60% for the last four treatments in May. Contributing factors to the rise were attributed to the lower water contents of the top layer (<40 mm) and the drying–wetting and freezing–thawing cycles that occurred in the surface layer during April. There were no significant differences in bulk density after harrowing between the treatments but an increase in penetration resistance up to a depth of 180 mm in the harrowed plots was statistically significant (P<0.001). In the non-harrowed soil, penetration resistance also increased, including in those soil layers where water contents kept nearly constant.

In conclusion, the seedbed preparation dates had only a minor effect on soil compaction, as measured by bulk density and penetration resistance, due to the slow drying beneath the dry top layer. The fraction of fine aggregates in the seedbed increased with time. Thus, the optimal time for seedbed preparation depended mainly on soil friability and not on the risk of compaction.  相似文献   

通过设置在甘肃省定西市李家堡镇的不同耕作措施试验, 利用CO2分析仪、静态箱-气相色谱法对双序列轮作次序下春小麦地、豌豆地生育期内CO2、CH4和N2O通量进行了测定。试验结果表明: 4种耕作措施下春小麦地和豌豆地在生育期内均表现为CO2源、N2O源和CH4汇的功能。传统耕作不覆盖、免耕不覆盖、免耕秸秆覆盖和传统耕作结合秸秆还田下, 春小麦生育期内平均土壤CO2通量(μmol·m-2·s-1)分别为0.203 6、0.221 2、0.241 8、0.224 9, CH4通量(mg·m-2·h-1)分别为-0.041 6、-0.078 0、-0.081 8、-0.053 7, N2O通量(mg·m-2·h-1)分别为0.089 1、0.069 2、0.046 1、0.065 6; 豌豆生育期内平均土壤CO2通量(μmol·m-2·s-1)分别为0.273 6、0.261 6、0.218 1、0.236 0, CH4通量(mg·m-2·h-1)分别为-0.055 0、-0.073 7、-0.066 2、-0.054 5, N2O通量(mg·m-2·h-1)分别为0.123 4、0.084 7、0.080 6、0.035 0。少免耕及小麦秸秆覆盖有利于减少土壤CO2排放通量, 免耕不覆盖、免耕秸秆覆盖及传统耕作结合秸秆还田均能不同程度地增加CH4吸收通量、减少N2O排放通量。综合来看, 免耕不覆盖、免耕秸秆覆盖和传统耕作结合秸秆还田3种保护性耕作措施有助于减少土壤温室气体的排放量。春小麦地CO2通量随着土壤温度、土壤含水量的逐渐升高而增大; CH4吸收通量随着土壤含水量的逐渐升高而增大, 而随着土壤温度的逐渐升高而减小。豌豆地CO2通量的变化与土壤含水量存在极显著正相关关系; 而春小麦地N2O通量则与平均土壤温度呈显著正相关, 豌豆地则为极显著正相关。  相似文献   

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