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A retrospective study of the histological features of four cases of canine Trichophyton menta-grophytes var erinacei infection is reported. In all four dogs the initial lesions affected the dorsal muzzle and in two dogs the lesions spread to more distant sites on the body. Clinically, the lesions were characterized by scaling, crusting and hair loss. Histologically, the main lesions were characterized by acanthosis, epidermal, ostial and infundibular hyperkeratosis, serocellular crusting, mural folliculitis and furunculosis. Fungal hyphae were usually sparse and often difficult to see in haematoxylin and eosin stained sections. When visible they were seen in the epidermal, ostial and infundibular scale and, less frequently, within hair shafts.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old female spayed Vizsla had intermittent mucoid ocular discharge from the right eye for 7 years. History, clinical findings, imaging studies, and culture and histopathology results confirmed chronic dacryocystitis with granuloma. A dacryocystomaxillorhinostomy was performed to preserve the functional portions of the nasolacrimal system remaining in this patient, as well as to promote healing of the lacrimal sac granuloma and secondary infection. Complete resolution of the clinical abnormalities was achieved, and the dog remains healthy 3 years postoperatively.  相似文献   

Trichophyton benhamiae was diagnosed in a 9-year-old female dog by histopathological evaluation, fungal culture and confirmation by sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA. Successful therapy was achieved with itraconazole, bathing with miconazole and chlorhexidine shampoo, and topical application of sodium hypochlorite as a rinse.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old neutered female poodle with a long history of dermatophytic skin disease was presented with lethargy, anorexia and progressive weight loss. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed markedly enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes and multiple hypoechoic foci in the spleen. Cytology of the mesenteric lymph nodes and spleen showed granulomatous inflammation with fungal organisms and negatively stained intracytoplasmic bacterial rods consistent with Mycobacteria spp. Based on culture, multiplex polymerase chain reaction and sequence analysis, the bacterium was identified as Mycobacterium avium subspecies hominissuis. Despite treatment with antibiotics, the dog’s condition deteriorated, and it died approximately 3 weeks after first presentation.  相似文献   

A young dog was presented with rapidly progressive, unilateral, exophthalmos. Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of the retrobulbar mass resulted in a diagnosis of fibrosarcoma. Magnetic resonance imagery revealed tumor invasion into the brain, and palliative therapy was elected. The dog was euthanized 4 weeks following diagnosis due to progressive neurological signs. The final diagnosis was neurofibrosarcoma involving the pons, brainstem, left orbit and left trigeminal nerve.  相似文献   

A case of mycotic endophthalmitis in the dog caused by Candida albicans is presented. The 3-year-old dog had a history of bloody diarrhea 3 months previously. The dog presented with acute signs of unilateral panuveitis. Aqueocentesis, vitreocentesis, and routine blood tests were performed but did not contribute to the diagnosis. The posterior segment could not be visualized because of flare and fibrin. On day 7 ultrasonography showed retinal separation which progressed to vitreous compartmentalization and abscessation by day 14. Three weeks after onset, glaucoma developed and enucleation was performed. Histology revealed the yeast Candida to be the causative agent. Post-enucleation serum Candida antibody titer was 1 : 640 (human threshold 1 : 120), as determined by agglutination test. A relapse of enteric signs 3 months later led to the diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic enteritis. An hematogenous route of infection is suspected.  相似文献   

Recurrent rectal prolapse caused by colonic duplication in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 9-month-old female Shar Pei cross-bred dog was presented with a history of recurrent rectal prolapse over 7 months. Repeated reduction and anal purse string sutures and subsequent incisional colopexy failed to prevent recurrent rectal prolapse. Digital rectal examination following reduction of the prolapse identified a faeces-filled sac within the ventral wall of the rectum and an orifice in the ventral colonic wall, cranial to the pubic brim. A ventral, communicating tubular colonic duplication was diagnosed by means of a barium enema. Surgical excision of the duplicated colonic tube was performed via a caudal ventral midline laparotomy. At 20 weeks post-operation, there has been no recurrence of rectal prolapse.  相似文献   

This is the first reported case of septic peritonitis caused by Anaerobiospirillum succiniproducens in a dog. The infection was associated with marked exfoliation of reactive mesothelial cells into the abdominal fluid mimicking neoplasia. The source of the infection was not determined but was presumed to be of gastrointestinal origin as A succiniproducens is part of the normal gastrointestinal flora of dogs. Anaerobiospirillum spp. have been previously reported as causing diarrhea and bacteremia in people, particularly if immunocompromised; however, there were no indicators for a compromised immune system in this dog.  相似文献   

Unilateral internal and external ophthalmoplegia caused by an intracranial meningioma occurred in a 15-year-old Belgian Sheepdog. The dog initially presented with ventro-lateral strabismus of the left eye, and ptosis of the left upper eyelid. Anisocoria was present with the left pupil fixed and dilated. Both eyes were visual. Neuro-ophthalmic evaluation revealed a lesion located in the left oculomotor nerve. Pharmacological testing with dilute pilocarpine (0.1% in artificial tears) revealed evidence of parasympathetic denervation of the left eye. Further evaluation via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a well-defined mass to the left of midline and lateral to the sella turcica. An attempt was made to excise/debulk the mass due to worsening conditions and the dog died the following day. Necropsy revealed a mass of randomly arranged bundles and streams of spindle cells. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated a strong avidity for vimentin and a negative response for S-100 protein. These findings suggest a diagnosis of meningioma.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old intact female Australian Cattle Dog presented with a 1-cm diameter nonexudative dermal nodule on the medial aspect of the right thigh. Fine-needle aspiration revealed pyogranulomatous inflammation and many ovoid, 2-4 microm diameter, thin-capsulated, basophilic bodies that appeared to be fungal spores or yeast. Results of CBC, serum chemistry panel, lymph node palpation, and radiographs were unremarkable. Excisional biopsy and histopathology revealed pyogranulomatous folliculitis, furunculosis, and perifolliculitis. Rare fungal hyphae and spore forms were intimately associated with, and occasionally within, hair shafts. A morphologic diagnosis of dermatophytosis was made and Microsporum canis infection was confirmed by fungal culture. M canis is a common infectious agent found within the follicles and superficial keratin layers of canine skin. The kerion-type clinical presentation observed in the dog of this case is uncommonly observed with M canis. Additionally, the cytologic finding of multiple arthroconidia without hyphae is unusual. In the absence of hyphae, M canis arthroconidia may be confused with other fungal yeast bodies; therefore close scrutiny of a cytologic sample for arthroconidia associated with keratin, hair fragments, or hyphal structures is recommended.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old, castrated, male Labrador Retriever was presented to a local veterinary practice for investigation of a firm, deeply pigmented, alopecic, subcutaneous mass (8 mm in diameter) on the left side of the muzzle. A fine-needle aspirate of the mass was submitted for cytologic evaluation to the University of Florida. Microscopically, the preparation contained a predominant population of histiocytes that contained variable numbers of intracytoplasmic, negative-staining, filamentous structures consistent with Mycobacterium sp. A presumptive diagnosis of canine leproid granuloma syndrome was based on the cytologic findings and location of the lesion. Acid-fast staining revealed bright pink, acid-fast organisms within the histiocytic cells, supporting the diagnosis. The bacteria were not detected in histopathologic sections or by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test 1 week later, however, possibly because of spontaneous remission. Canine leproid granuloma syndrome is a common disease in Australia, but is uncommon in dogs in North America. It is caused by a novel, unnamed Mycobacterium species and usually affects the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the head and ears. A diagnosis usually can be made in Wright's-Giemsa and acid-fast-stained cytologic specimens; however, definitive diagnosis requires PCR testing at a specialized laboratory.  相似文献   

A 7-and-a-half-year-old-dog was presented with progressive unilateral exophthalmos. Computed tomography imaging revealed an orbital mass that was surgically excised by lateral orbitotomy to preserve vision. The tumor was diagnosed histologically as a hemangiopericytoma. Twelve months postoperatively there were no signs of a local recurrence. This is the first case report of a hemangiopericytoma involving the orbit of a dog.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old, intact male, mixed breed dog was presented with a complaint of acute blindness. Ten days previously, the area where the dog was walking came under a rocket attack, and a rocket landed and exploded 300 meters away from the dog. Physical examination was unremarkable. Ophthalmoscopic examination revealed posterior segment fibrin clots and extensive vitreal hemorrhage in the right eye. A total retinal detachment (360 degrees retinal dialysis) with no evidence of hemorrhage was noted in the left eye. There was no sign of any penetrating ocular trauma, and it was assumed that the posterior segment findings were primary injuries caused by the blast wave itself. Following anti-inflammatory treatment, partial vision was restored in the right eye. Surgical re-attachment of the retina was discussed and declined by the owner. This report describes, for the first time, vitreal hemorrhage and retinal detachment as the sole injuries caused by an explosive blast wave.  相似文献   

This report describes a 16‐month‐old female, otherwise seemingly healthy, Siberian husky dog with severe oral papillomatosis that did not regress spontaneously and was refractory to surgical treatment over a 6‐month period. Regression of the papillomas was achieved by administering a series of experimental vaccinations starting at the time of the last surgery. The vaccine consisted of systemically administered canine oral papillomavirus major coat protein L1 that has been shown to self‐assemble into virus‐like particles. They cause a humoral response that has been shown to prevent the onset and development of papillomas. In this case, however, following unsuccessful surgical treatment, the vaccine acted therapeutically, causing the papillomas that had regrown to shrink. No side‐effects were noted.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Identification of the species and strain of dermatophyte can play an effective role in control of disease outbreaks by establishing the source of infection. Current methods of identification are based on cultural and microscopic methods, often involving weeks before a positive identification are made. A rapid molecular diagnostic method would therefore be an important laboratory technique, but requires confirmation in equine clinical practice. Objectives: To test the sensitivity and specificity of molecular diagnostic methods applied to a racehorse herd from the Korean Racehorse Authority (KRA). Methods: A total of 57 DNA samples were collected from hairs and crusts of skin lesions in KRA racehorses with histories and clinical signs suggestive of dermatophytosis, which was confirmed by dermatophyte‐specific PCR amplification analysis using the primer pair for the chitin synthase 1 (CHS1) gene. Results: Thirty‐eight racehorses were definitively diagnosed with dermatophytosis using molecular and traditional diagnostic methods. PCR fingerprinting profiles using simple repetitive (GACA)4 primers showed that all diagnosed horses had the same pattern profile. Oligonucleotide sequencing of CHS1 gene PCR products confirmed Trichophyton mentagrophytes as the infectious agent. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the PCR‐based molecular diagnostic method is sensitive and specific and offers fast precise diagnosis of dermatophytosis in horses.  相似文献   

A young adult Boxer dog was presented with a papular dermatitis on the dorsal back and ventral neck that had developed while it was being treated with cyclosporine and cephalexin for atopic dermatitis and secondary superficial staphylococcal pyoderma, respectively. Histopathology demonstrated nodular to diffuse pyogranulomatous dermatitis with focal furunculosis. Numerous bacterial rods, free in the tissue and engulfed by neutrophils and macrophages, could be demonstrated on stained samples (haematoxylin-eosin; Giemsa). Bacterial culture from an aseptically collected skin biopsy punch sample yielded a pure growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, sensitive to a variety of antimicrobials. Successful treatment was accomplished following discontinuation of cyclosporine and an extended course of enrofloxacin. There has not been a recurrence of the pseudomonal pyoderma during the subsequent 2 years.  相似文献   

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