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草萘胺在五种土壤及其胶体上的吸附行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
何任红  马爱军 《土壤》2011,43(6):993-997
土壤胶体是土壤中颗粒最细小的部分,由于具有巨大的比表面积和较高的吸附容量,是环境中污染物的重要吸附剂,直接影响到污染物的归趋和生物有效性.本文采用批次吸附试验的方法,研究了农药草萘胺在黄棕壤等5种土壤及土壤胶体上的吸附行为.结果表明,草萘胺在供试土壤及胶体上的吸附均能很好地符合Freundlich方程;与本体土壤相比,...  相似文献   

Summary The behaviour and state of soil catalase, dehydrogenases, urease and proteases associated with different soil structural fractions were studied. Assays of the enzymatic sensitivity to pH variation, thermal stability and the calculation of kinetics constants of Michaelis were performed. The results indicated that catalase and urease activity in these soils seem to be of the same type, because the activities presented a similar behaviour in the soil fractions studied. However, their state appeared different in each group of soil units. Dehydrogenases showed a similar state and behaviour while proteases were in a different state and behaviour in each soil fraction.  相似文献   

周思怡  李晓佳  张恂  邵天韵  隆小华 《土壤》2023,55(2):356-362
本文针对江苏省南通市海滨盐碱地特点,设对照、秸秆、膨化鸡粪、腐熟牛粪、功能有机肥、调理剂I和调理剂II共7个处理,通过原位田间小区试验进行不同改良物料对南通海滨沙性盐碱土壤的改良效果研究。结果表明:改良组的pH基本都显著高于对照组;虽各组含盐量结果之间存在一定差异,但改良组两个不同土层(0~10 cm、10~20 cm)的含盐量都分别显著低于对照组,当秸秆、膨化鸡粪、腐熟牛粪、功能有机肥、调理剂I和调理剂II的施入量分别为3.0、1.12、4.5、0.45、0.045和0.060 kg/m2时,0~10 cm深度的土壤中含盐量相较于对照组分别降低91.1%、93.0%、94.3%、88.8%、81.8%、78.5%,而10~20 cm深度土壤中含盐量分别降低75.3%、73.8%、69.3%、79.02%、68.2%、61.5%。研究结果说明施加上述改良物料均对降低土壤含盐量、消减盐碱障碍起到了较为显著的作用,其中在秸秆施入量为3.0 kg/m2时对南通海滨沙性盐碱地改良效果最好。  相似文献   

Soil is usually presented as a complex dynamical system. Nevertheless, evidences based on the theoretical background of complex system physics are still scarce. The main objective of this work was to search for chaotic parameters using some basic concepts of nonlinear dynamical system theory with spatial series of soil properties. Three spatial series consisting of 1000 data point transects were used. We selected horizontal and vertical electrical conductivity (ECh and ECv, respectively) and gravimetric water content from a Vertisol (Typic Hapludert) under rice cropping. Each spatial transect was oriented from South to North with 1-m spacing. It was used the TISEAN Software Package (a public domain software available at http://www.mpipks-dresdren.mpg.de/~tisean) for deriving nonlinear parameters from spatial series. We found interesting evidences of chaotic behaviour as maximal Lyapunov exponents were all positive. They ranged from λm = 0.129 for water content to λm = 0.219 for ECv (filtered series in each case). Original (unfiltered), filtered, and surrogate spatial series confirmed these findings as they also showed positive Lyapunov exponents. All the spatial series showed a higher deterministic component (|κ|> 0.9 in most cases). The Lyapunov range of correlation (ρ) was within the limits 4.56 m (ECv) to 7.75 m (gravimetric water content) as usually reported from geostatistical investigations. Future works based on dynamical system theory will advance our knowledge on spatial variability of important soil properties and the emergence of deterministic and/or stochastic components.  相似文献   

潘岳  张雨  王洋  商建英 《土壤学报》2023,60(3):824-834
根系分泌物是可溶性有机质的主要来源,能够在一定程度上影响胶体在多孔介质中的稳定性和迁移行为。随着生物炭的广泛应用,探究土壤中的根系分泌物对生物炭胶体在地下环境中稳定性和迁移能力的影响非常重要。通过室内聚集和迁移实验探究了根系分泌物的典型组分半乳糖(Gal)、赖氨酸(Lys)以及乙酸(AcOH)对小麦生物炭(WB)和松树木屑生物炭(PB)胶体的稳定性和迁移特性的影响。结果表明:典型根系分泌物组分浓度高低对生物炭颗粒ζ电势具有一定的影响。半乳糖和赖氨酸浓度较低时,其对生物炭胶体聚集和迁移影响较小,难以对生物炭的环境行为造成显著影响;但是乙酸可以明显降低生物炭胶体在NaCl溶液中的稳定性,抑制生物炭胶体在多孔介质中的迁移能力。这可能是因为乙酸中有机酸阴离子容易与生物炭表面含氧官能团形成氢键,增加了生物炭对乙酸的吸附,降低了生物炭胶体的稳定性。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the effects of compaction on water flow patterns at the soil profile scale. Control and trafficked plots were established in field trials at two sites. The trafficked treatment was created by four passes track‐by‐track with a three‐axle dumper with a maximum wheel load of 5.8 Mg. One year later, dye‐tracing experiments were performed and several soil mechanical, physical and hydraulic properties were measured to help explain the dye patterns. Penetration resistance was measured to 50 cm depth, with saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), bulk density, and macroporosity and mesoporosity being measured on undisturbed soil cores sampled from three depths (10, 30 and 50 cm). Significant effects of the traffic treatment on the structural pore space were found at 30 cm depth for large mesopores (0.3–0.06 mm diameter), but not small mesopores (0.06–0.03 mm) or macroporosity (pores > 0.3 mm). At one of the sites, ponding was observed during the dye‐tracing experiments, especially in the trafficked plots, because of the presence of a compacted layer at plough depth characterized by a larger bulk density and smaller structural porosity and Ks values. Ponding did not induce any preferential transport of the dye solution into the subsoil at this site. In contrast, despite the presence of a compacted layer at 25–30 cm depth, a better developed structural porosity in the subsoil was noted at the other site which allowed preferential flow to reach to at least 1 m depth in both treatments.  相似文献   

Severe treading damage to soils often occurs when cattle and sheep graze standing forage crops during winter. Soil recovery is a long process that may take several months if not years. Noninversion tillage can speed up the recovery process by improving drainage and air diffusion. This research assessed the ongoing benefit of noninversion tillage for improving soil structure relative to non‐tillage. This assessment was made following a land‐use transition from winter forage cropping to re‐establishment of seasonal pasture that was rotationally grazed by cattle or sheep. Prior to commencement of this study, the research site had poor soil structure due to four consecutive years of cattle and sheep grazing of winter forage crops [macroporosity (0–100 mm) <0.075 and 0.113 m3/m3 under cattle and sheep, respectively]. Tillage was effective in increasing soil macroporosity to ca. 0.175 m3/m3 under both grazing classes, which was significantly higher than nontilled soils (ca. 0.140 m3/m3, 0–100 mm depth). Improvements gained from tillage generally did not persist longer than 18 months. Average annual pasture production in tilled plots was 22.1 and 20.9 tons of dry matter per hectare (t DM/ha) for respective cattle‐ and sheep‐grazed plots, while in the nontilled plots, it was 19.1 and 18.6 t DM/ha, respectively. Results indicate noninversion tillage can provide an immediate increase in the porosity of compacted soils and improve pasture growth. However, processes involved in the formation of resilient soil aggregates are curtailed if subsequent grazing events coincide with high moisture content that causes recompaction.  相似文献   

土壤有机/无机胶体凝聚的光散射研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱华玲  李航  贾明云  田锐 《土壤学报》2012,49(3):409-416
有机/无机复合体是土壤中最重要的物质形态。本文在不同浓度的CaCl2作用下,对黄壤、胡敏酸、黄壤/胡敏酸混合胶体的凝聚动力学和凝聚体结构特征进行了研究,结果表明:黄壤、胡敏酸、黄壤/胡敏酸混合胶体的凝聚与否均强烈地依赖于体系电解质CaCl2浓度,其临界絮凝浓度(Critical flocculation con-centration,CFC)分别为1.38 mmol L-1、45 mmol L-1、15 mmol L-1。当CaCl2浓度高于CFC时,3种胶体的凝聚均表现为快速的扩散控制团簇凝聚(Diffusion limited cluster-cluster aggregation,DLCA)机制,形成分形维数分别为1.45、1.76、1.46的疏松凝聚体;当CaCl2浓度低于CFC时,3种胶体的凝聚过程对电解质浓度非常敏感,表现为慢速的反应控制团簇凝聚(Reaction limited cluster-cluster aggregation,RLCA)机制,形成分形维数高至1.58、1.86、1.56的相对紧实的凝聚体。凝聚速率越快,形成的凝聚体越疏松。在悬液中黄壤胶体自凝聚形成的结构很疏松,但是非常不稳定,而胡敏酸自凝聚体的结构非常稳定。胡敏酸的参与没有改变黄壤胶体凝聚体的结构性质,但显著促进所形成的凝聚体结构的稳定。  相似文献   

海河低平原不同地貌土壤盐分特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨萍果  杨苗  毛任钊 《土壤》2011,43(2):285-288
以河流冲积扇、河流冲积扇与滨海平原过渡带、滨海平原3种主要地貌类型,分析了海河低平原区土壤盐分含量、盐基离子组成及电导率的变化规律。结果表明:河流冲积扇耕层虽明显脱盐,但由于底土含盐量高,仍存在土壤盐渍化的威胁,阴离子以Cl-和SO42-为主;相反,河流冲积扇与滨海平原过渡带、滨海平原表土含盐量较高,而底土含盐量较低,阴离子以Cl-为主;土壤盐分中阳离子含量以Na++K+为主,盐分组成主要的可溶性盐为NaCl,其次是Na2SO4和CaCl2。  相似文献   

用土壤温度估算表层土壤导温率与热通量的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对比研究了6种用土壤湿度计算表层土壤导温率的方法结果表明,振幅法、相位法、反正切法、对数法虽需较少观测值,计算简单,但结果却不太稳定;谐波法计算过程虽较复杂,但导温度的估算值较稳定,是最可靠的方法之一。利用计算的土壤导温率估算近地表土壤热通量,结果与由温度积分法决定的土壤热通量值非常一致。  相似文献   

培养温度和土壤类型对土壤硝化特性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王帘里  孙波 《土壤学报》2011,48(6):1173-1179
采用室内恒温好气培养方法,研究了温度(15℃、20℃、25℃和30℃)和土壤类型(黑土、潮土和红壤)对土壤硝化率的影响。氮素加入比率为N 200 mg kg-1土壤。结果表明:在15~30℃培养范围内,随着培养温度的升高,硝化率呈升高趋势;硝态氮累积量和培养积温(培养温度×培养天数,温度以0℃为基准)之间的关系可用单参数指数模型表示。在相同培养温度条件下,供试土壤硝化率从大到小的顺序为:高有机质含量潮土>低有机质含量潮土>高有机质含量黑土>低有机质含量黑土>低有机质含量红壤>高有机质含量红壤。硝化率(25℃恒温培养)与土壤全磷含量、全钾含量、黏粒含量及pH呈极显著相关;土壤pH和全磷含量解释了硝化率差异的98.1%。土壤pH是影响其硝化率的主要因素,并抑制土壤有机质含量及温度对硝化率的影响。  相似文献   

土壤胶体理化性质对其稳定性和可移动性的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
商书波  王丰雨  李绪谦 《土壤》2010,42(6):1015-1019
采用长春市具有代表性的阶地农田的黏壤土、河漫滩的细砂土和黄土台地的粉壤土为基质,以提取的土壤胶体为对象,采用实验室模拟方法研究了土壤胶体理化性质对其稳定性和可移动性的影响。研究结果表明3种土壤胶体的临界絮凝浓度(CFC),与伊利石/蒙脱石矿物含量成反比并随着矿物含量的增大而降低,可能是因为伊利石/蒙脱石矿物是易絮凝矿物,水化驱动力及水化后的不稳定性较大;去除游离氧化铁后的农土去铁胶体提高了稳定性,而黄土去铁胶体和河土去铁胶体降低了稳定性,主要是由不同的土壤胶体去除游离氧化铁后性质改变程度不一样引起的;去除有机质后的农土去有机质胶体、黄土去有机质胶体和河土去有机质胶体降低了CFC,并且降低程度是与土壤胶体的有机质含量成反比。  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the organic matter contents of undisturbed soils (under natural vegetation) are in equilibrium with biological and biochemical properties. Accordingly, we hypothesised that such equilibria should be disrupted when soils are subjected to disturbance or stress, and that measurement of this disruption can be expressed mathematically and used as a soil quality index. In this study, we evaluated these hypotheses in soils from the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest in Oregon. Both O and A horizons were sampled from nine sites in Spring 2005 and Fall 2006. Soil samples were analyzed for enzyme activities (phosphatase, β-glucosidase, laccase, N-acetyl-glucosaminidase, protease and urease), and other biological and chemical properties including N-mineralization, respiration, microbial biomass C (MBC), soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen content. In addition, soil samples from one old-growth site were manipulated in the laboratory to either simulate chemical stresses (Cu addition or pH alteration) or physical disturbances (wet-dry or freeze-thaw cycles). The results showed variation in biological and biochemical soil properties that were closely correlated with SOC. Multiple regression analysis of SOC levels against all soil properties showed that a model containing only MBC and phosphatase activity could account for 97% of the SOC variation among the sites. The model fit was independent of spatial and temporal variations because covariates such as site, stand age, sampling date, and soil horizon were found to be not statistically significant. Although the application of stress/disturbance treatments inconsistently affected most of the individual biochemical properties, in contrast, the ratio of soil C predicted by the model (Cp), and soil C measured (Cm) was consistently reduced in soils submitted to at least one level of stress and disturbance treatments. In addition, Cp/Cm was more affected in soils submitted to wet-dry cycles and Cu contamination than to freeze-thaw cycles or shifts in soil pH. Our results confirm previous evidence of a biochemical balance in high quality undisturbed soils, and that this balance is disrupted when the soil is submitted to disturbances or placed under stress conditions. The Cp/Cm ratio provides a simple reference value against which the degrading effects of pollutants or management practices on soil quality can be assessed.  相似文献   

The properties of soils affected by salinity and processes involving degradation of soil structure have been partly recognized. However, the effects of saline and sodic conditions on mechanical and physical properties of soils have been studied to a lesser extent. In this research, the effects of electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) on soils possessing various amounts of organic matter were assessed under laboratory conditions. The soils contained a uniform clay type, predominantly Illite. The major difference of the soils was their amount of organic matter content. The treatments consisted of solutions with definite EC and SAR (two levels of EC: 0.5 and 4 dS/m and three levels of SAR: 0, 5 and 15). The amount of tensile strength was dependent on organic matter, EC, and SAR in a way that with the increase of SAR, the tensile strength decreased. In similar SAR, treatments with higher EC exhibited greater tensile strength. Also, the soils with higher organic matter showed greater tensile strength. The analysis of variance showed the significant difference (at 1%) between the mean of parameters analyzed (soil type, sampling depth, EC, and SAR). The order of averages of tensile strength were: permanent pasture (Agropyron elengatum)Festuca arusdinaceae)相似文献   

研究了苏云金芽胞杆菌库斯塔克亚种(Btk)两种分子量不同的杀虫蛋白(65 kDa和130 kDa)在红壤胶体上的吸附、解吸和杀虫活性。Btk杀虫蛋白容易被红壤胶体吸附,0.5 h即达到吸附平衡,65 kDa蛋白的吸附速率高于130 kDa蛋白。两种Btk杀虫蛋白在0.1 mol L-1Tris缓冲液(pH 8)中的等温吸附曲线均符合Langmuir方程(R2>0.992),65 kDa蛋白的吸附量高于130 kDa蛋白。在10~50℃范围内,温度升高吸附量略有降低。pH 6~8范围内,吸附量随pH升高而下降。两种Bt蛋白在红壤胶体吸附前后对棉铃虫均具有杀虫活性,而且吸附后杀虫活性提高了2~5倍。解吸实验表明,Btk杀虫蛋白与红壤胶体结合比较牢固,吸附态65 kDa蛋白和130 kDa蛋白经3次去离子水解吸,总解吸率分别为37.2%和22.9%,经3次pH8的Tris缓冲液解吸,总解吸率分别为20.7%和14.8%。红外光谱分析表明,两种分子量的Bt蛋白在吸附前后结构没有明显变化。透射电镜分析表明,吸附前后红壤胶体颗粒粒径未发生改变。吸附态Bt蛋白杀虫活性提高且不易被解吸,提示转Bt基因作物释放蛋白可能存在环境风险。  相似文献   

Natural desalting in saline land with shallow groundwater and high evaporation is proceeding slowly. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of straw mulching on desalinization by rainfall in saline land. Two sites of Solonchaks with different electrical conductivity (EC1:5) were selected to compare topsoil (0–40 cm) EC1:5 dynamics between bare land and straw mulching treatment. Soil samples were taken from May 2014 to April 2015 for determination of EC and pH, initial and termination samples were also used to measure Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ for calculating sodium adsorption ratio. The results demonstrated that supplementing salt leaching with straw mulch significantly decreased the EC1:5 of the soil profile (0–80 cm) when compared with no mulch. The both of topsoil (0–40 cm) EC1:5 and ECa/ECi decreased exponentially with the increase of cumulative rainfall and Dw/Ds under straw mulching, respectively. 178.6 and 351.9 mm of averaging rainfall were needed for removing 80% of salts in the 0–20 and 0–40 cm soil profile layers, respectively across all the cases of straw mulching and various EC1:5. These findings suggested that rainfall combined with straw mulching could be popularized as effective measures to ameliorate saline soil for agriculture and forestry utilization.  相似文献   

Despite the critical role of biological soil crusts (BSCs) in arid and semi-arid ecosystem function, few studies are found concerning the most important environmental variables affecting their distribution and physiology. This study seeks to determine soil and microenvironmental factors affecting the spatial distribution and pigment production of BSC-forming lichens and mosses in open patches of a semi-arid Mediterranean kermes oak thicket. We measured late-successional BSC cover, shrub cover, distance to nearest kermes oak (to test for effects of kermes oak thicket microenvironment on BSC), and pigment concentration of one lichen (Cladonia foliacea) and one moss (Pleurochaete squarrosa) species in the Nature Reserve El Regajal-Mar de Ontígola (Central Spain). At the macroscale (>0.5 m), results showed that BSC distribution and pigments were tightly coupled to a suite of soil properties, in particular soil pH, Fe, and Ca. Specifically, soil pH had a positive relationship with the cover of five individual BSC-forming lichen species and was negatively related to pigment production in C. foliacea. When pH was excluded from the analysis, Ca appeared as the main soil variable and was correlated with total BSC cover and total lichen cover. The micronutrient Fe had a significant positive relationship with the concentration of eight pigments in P. squarrosa and was also coupled with the cover of two BSC-forming lichens. Manganese, previously proposed as a key limiting micronutrient for BSCs, affected lichen diversity in a negative way. At the microscale (∼0.5 m), kermes oak microenvironment, shrub cover, and moss cover were determinants of BSC distribution, and total lichen and total BSC cover were overrepresented on N and E-facing shrub microsites. Our findings suggest that soil chemical variability and microsite diversity created by neighbouring vegetation affect BSC distribution in complex and essential ways and that studies aiming to explore BSC-environment relationships should be conducted at various spatial scales. Studies based on species- or group-specific responses are, thus, inadequate to unveil the main factors determining the distribution of the diverse organisms that constitute BSCs and/or to propose potential tools aiming to restore BSC in arid and semiarid ecosystems.  相似文献   

In the present work, the exchangeable acidity of a red soil colloid and a latosol colloid at different pH during reacting with four neutral salts was measured. The results show that the exchangeable acidity increased with increasing amounts of the neutral salts added, and the relation between them was almost linear. When the amount of the neutral salt added was lower than a certain value, the slope of the line was high, and the slope turned low when the amount exceeded that value, so there was a turning point in each line. The addition amounts of the neutral salts for the turning points were affected by the cation species of the neutral salts, but pH had less effect on them. After the turning points occurred, the exchangeable acidity of the red soil colloid still gradually increased with the addition amounts of the neutral salts, but that of the latosol colloid did not increase any more. The exchangeable acidity in NaClO4, KClO4 and NaCl solutions increased at first, and then decreased with increasing pH, that is to say, peak values appeared. The peak positions of the exchangeable acidity in relation to pH changed with neutral salt solutions and were affected by the surface characteristics of the soil colloids, but not affected by the amounts of the neutral salts added. The exchangeable acidity in the Ba(NO3)2 solution increased continuously with increasing pH. The exchangeable acidity of the red soil colloid was obviously larger than that of the latosol colloid.  相似文献   

采用新电导率指标分析土壤盐分变化规律   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
土壤电导率(Electrical conductivity,EC)是限制植物和微生物活性的阈值,影响到土壤养分和污染物的转化、存在状态及有效性[1],反映了在一定水分条件下土壤盐分的实际状况,且包含了土壤水分含量及离子组成等丰富信息[2]。在一定浓度范围内,土壤溶液含盐量与电导率呈正相关,溶解的盐类越多,溶液电导率就越大,故可根据溶液电导率的大小,间接地测量土壤含盐量[3-5]。  相似文献   

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