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The thermo-stability of two widely used oral rabies vaccine viruses, SAD B19 and SAD P5/88, was examined under various laboratory and field conditions. In the laboratory, both vaccine viruses were kept at 35 degrees C and titrated after 3 days. The titer of both vaccine viruses was also determined after 4 and 7 days when stored at 20 degrees C. Furthermore, vaccine baits were placed in three different micro-environments during two successive 21-day observation periods (11.9.01-2.10.01 and 2.10.01-23.10.01); (i) wooded area--location A, (ii) grassy meadow--location B, and (iii) barren soil--location C. Baits were re-collected 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 21 days after distribution and the vaccine virus was subsequently titrated. The temperature stress for the vaccine baits was highest at location C, followed by location B and the lowest at location A. The vaccine baits were exposed to higher temperatures and higher temperature fluctuations at location B and C during trial I than during trial II. However, for both vaccines the loss of titer was more pronounced during trial II than during trial I. It is therefore suggested that under the given climatic conditions, the stability of the virus was hardly influenced by the temperatures and temperature fluctuations.  相似文献   

A comparative study of immunogenicity and efficacy of the oral rabies virus vaccine SAD P5/88 in raccoon dogs and foxes was conducted. The raccoon dogs received 10(6.9) (n = 6), 10(6.3) (n = 6) or 10(5.7) FFU SAD P5/88 (n = 5) by direct oral application, and subsequently all animals seroconverted. The foxes received 10(7.2) (n = 4), 10(6.2) (n = 4), 10(5.2) (n = 4) and 10(4.2) FFU SAD P5/88 (n = 5) by the same route. On days 106 and 196 post vaccination 10 raccoon dogs and 16 foxes were challenged with a relevant street virus, respectively. All 10 raccoon dogs vaccinated with 10(6.3) (n = 5) or 10(5.7) FFU SAD P5/88 (n = 5) survived the challenge, whereas all control animals (n = 5) died of rabies. Two foxes vaccinated with 10(4.2) FFU and one fox vaccinated with 10(5.2) FFU died of rabies on day 7, 17 and 12 post infection, respectively. Also all control foxes succumbed to rabies. Our findings demonstrate that SAD P5/88 is not only an effective vaccine for oral vaccination of foxes but also for that of raccoon dogs.  相似文献   

To optimise spring vaccination campaigns the following set of data has been analysed; (i) population dynamics of the red fox, (ii) onset and progress of the reproductive season, and (iii) maternal immunity and the immune response of fox cubs to oral vaccination. The field data originated from foxes caught in Bavaria, Germany. The results of our analysis clearly demonstrate that certain periods during spring are less suitable for bait distribution. If the objective of a vaccination campaign is to reach only the adult foxes, it is suggested to conduct the campaign during the first half of March. If also young foxes are to be vaccinated, baits should not be distributed before the end of May in previously baited areas, because a large segment of the young fox population can not be vaccinated effectively before this date as a result of maternally transferred immunity. In areas vaccinated for the first time, baits can be distributed earlier, since 5 weeks old cubs are already immunocompetent.  相似文献   

Oral rabies vaccination (ORV) has become the method of choice in fox rabies control in Europe. During the past three decades fox-mediated rabies virtually disappeared from Western and Central Europe. Following Switzerland, Germany was the second European country to launch ORV field trials on its territory in 1983. This paper provides a historical overview on the emergence of fox rabies in Germany; describing the basic principles and milestones of the German rabies eradication programme and presenting results of two decades of efforts to control the disease in foxes. Also, setbacks as well as country-specific differences and particularities on Germany's long way to rabies elimination in comparison to other European countries are addressed. Since the first field trials in Germany the number of rabies cases steadily decreased from 10 484 in 1983 to three cases recorded in 2006. On February 3rd 2006 the last case of terrestrial rabies in Germany was detected in a fox near the town of Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate. In 2008, ORV ceased after 25 years and Germany was officially declared as free from terrestrial rabies. The German rabies eradication programme did cost approximately 100 million euro of which 37 million euro were covered by the EU. For the future, efforts should focus on maintaining a rabies free status by implementing measures to prevent reintroduction of terrestrial rabies from endemic countries.  相似文献   

Foxes given ERA rabies vaccine baits were challenged at one, six, 12 and 24 months later and showed a resistance to challenge in 80%, 78%, 60% and 44% of individuals respectively. All animals showing seroconversion following vaccination, resisted challenge at 24 months, suggesting that successful vaccination by the oral route could confer a relatively long term duration of immunity. The trials showed that fox pups did not immunize as easily as adult foxes using ERA rabies vaccine baits. Back-passage studies and the consumption of ERA injected mice by foxes failed to show any reversion of the vaccine virus to a virulent state. The fox and mouse are shown to be highly susceptible to rabies street virus, while the domestic species tested are consisderably more resistant. Monkeys were found to be intermediate in susceptibility to the virus. Safety tests carried out on various species of wildlife showed only the mouse to be susceptible to infection from ingesting the vaccine in the form of a bait. ERA rabies vaccine was shown to be safe in monkeys even when high titred virus was administered by the oral route.  相似文献   

BackgroundRabies is a viral disease that causes severe neurological manifestations both in humans and various mammals. Although inactivated and/or attenuated vaccines have been developed and widely used around the world, there are still concerns with regard to their safety, efficacy, and costs.ObjectiveAs demand has grown for a new rabies vaccine, we have developed a new vesicular stomatitis viruses (VSVs) based rabies vaccine that replaces glycoproteins with rabies virus (RABV) glycoprotein (GP), or so-called VSV/RABV-GP.MethodsVSV/RABV-GP production was measured by sandwich ELISA. The generation of VSV/RABV-GP was evaluated with GP-specific antibodies and reduced transduction with GP-specific neutralizing antibodies. Virus entry was quantified by measuring the luciferase levels at 18-h post-transduction. BALB/c mice (three groups of six mice each) were intraperitoneally immunized with PBS, RABA, or VSV/RABV-GP at 0 and 14 days. At 28 days post-immunization serology was performed. Statistical significance was calculated using the Holm–Sidak multiple Student’s t test.ResultsMice immunized with VSV/RABV-GP produced IgM and IgG antibodies, whereas IgM titers were significantly higher in mice immunized with VSV/RABV-GP compared to inactivated RABV. The secretion profiles of IgG1 and IgG2a production suggested that VSV/RAVB-GP induces the T helper cell type-2 immune bias. In addition, the average (±SD; n = 3) serum neutralization titers of the inactivated RABV and VSV/RABV-GP groups were 241 ± 40 and 103 ± 54 IU/mL, respectivelyConclusionOur results confirm that VSV/RABV-GP could be a new potential vaccination platform for RABV.  相似文献   

Approximately 30% of foxes given two doses of an inactivated rabies antigen delivered directly into the intestinal tract developed an immune response as measured by rabies serum neutralizing antibodies. Seven of ten previously immunized foxes showed an anamnestic response following a booster dose of inactivated rabies antigen delivered to the intestinal lumen. Stomach and particularly intestinal contents were destructive to rabies antigen and virus. This effect could be partially neutralized in vitro by the addition of Questran and soybean trypsin inhibitor. Small enteric coated tablets fed to foxes in a hamburger bolus remained in the stomach for up to 13 hours and therefore would provide a poor vehicle for the delivery of antigen to the intestinal tract.  相似文献   

Distribution of oral rabies vaccine (ORV) is an effective but costly strategy to control raccoon rabies. Because of high costs, ORV for raccoon rabies in the U.S. has been limited primarily to epizootic areas, leaving extensive raccoon rabies regions without any ORV intervention. Several cost scenarios for ORV application in raccoon rabies enzootic and epizootic regions were modelled in New York State to obtain estimated costs of ORV baits per scenario and potential savings compared with a uniform ORV baiting strategy. These cost scenarios modelled at the census tract, level the application of ORV baits at different densities according to levels of risk defined by the observed number of raccoon rabies cases per km2 and the expected number of cases per km2 estimated with a Poisson regression model. Bait purchase costs were lower using the modelled cost scenarios than a uniform baiting strategy, for both the NYS enzootic region and the Long Island epizootic zone. The proportion of savings for the NYS enzootic region was 29.57%, and the proportion of savings for the Long Island epizootic zone was 38.9%. Use of these cost scenarios to determine bait distribution by rabies risk level should be considered to maximize efficacy and reduce costs of ORV interventions.  相似文献   

The oral rabies vaccination (ORV) programme is the most widespread vaccination programme that is implemented in the European Union and targets wildlife diseases. The size of the project requires significant financial resources, so a cost–benefit analysis is necessary to establish the economic value of the project. We summarized all ORV costs during the period 2011–2016 in Croatia, calculated all established benefits and presented the cost–benefit ratio (CBR). Additionally, we analysed all components included in the ORV and rabies control programme (surveillance, preventive human treatment and vaccination of dogs) to find possibilities to increase the benefits. According to our results, in the period 2011–2016, the CBR was only 0.05, and the majority of the cost was derived from the preventive vaccination of dogs (72.3%). With the implementation of 2‐ or 3‐year vaccination intervals, the CBR can be increased to 1.46 or 1.92, respectively, confirming positive economic value. This study shows the importance of analysing all rabies control and eradication components based on the specific characteristics of a particular country to determine the factors that can be modified to potentially improve the benefits of ORV.  相似文献   

狂犬病病毒(RV)囊膜糖蛋白(G)是该病毒诱导保护性免疫反应的主要抗原.为研究G蛋白基因的DNA免疫效果,本研究构建了表达哺乳动物密码子优化的RVG基因的重组真核表达质粒pCAGG-RVG,间接免疫荧光试验及westem blot结果表明,重组RV G基因在pCAGG-RVG转染的BHK-21细胞中获得正确表达.将pCAGG-RVG按500 μg剂量经肌肉注射途径免疫比格犬,间隔4周以相同剂量、途径加强免疫一次,并于初次免疫前、后不同时间检测血清RV的中和抗体.结果显示,pCAGG-RVG一次免疫即可诱导产生显著的中和抗体反应,二次免疫中和抗体滴度表现出显著地增强效果.二次免疫后,中和抗体滴度缓慢下降,保持持续平稳,至初次免疫后第54周,7只免疫犬病毒中和抗体滴度平均为2.88 IU/mL,并且全部高于0.5 IU/mL,即全部高于对强毒攻击保护的最低中和抗体滴度要求.因此,本研究构建的pCAGG-RVG具有预防狂犬病的潜力,是一种有希望的狂犬病候选疫苗.  相似文献   

Preconditions for successful field application of the idea to orally immunize foxes against rabies were a) the development of an efficacious and safe vaccine and an attractive bait and b) a suitable strategy to reach a high proportion of the vector population with vaccine-ladden baits. A geographical and epidemiological concept on how to implement the vaccination strategy and how to achieve a sufficiently high level of surveillance were further cornerstones contributing to the success of the method. Finally, political decisions and a legal basis for the application of the method of oral immunization were required to eradicate fox rabies in Switzerland.  相似文献   

Inactivated rabies vaccines prepared from common vaccine strains of virus were inoculated into foxes by the intramuscular and intestinal route. There were differences among the vaccines in the duration of antibody produced after intramuscular administration. Inactivated vaccines deposited directly into the lumen of the duodenum by means of a fiberscope caused seroconversion in some foxes, especially following a booster dose, but the antibodies produced were for the most part of short duration. The ERA modified live virus vaccine, in contrast, produced a satisfactory and long lasting antibody after intestinal instillation.  相似文献   

猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)是引起断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合征(PMWS)的主要病原,疫苗是防制该病的主要手段.为研究PCV2灭活疫苗的免疫效果,本研究将PCV2 SH株灭活,用生理盐水稀释成5×105.0TCID50/mL(高剂量)、2.5×1050 TCID50/mL(中等剂量)、1.25×105.0 TCID50/mL(低剂量)、6.3×104.0 TCID50/mL(超低剂量)4种剂量,与等量白油佐剂乳化后,通过断乳仔猪的免疫攻毒试验观察该灭活疫苗的免疫特性.结果表明,PCV2疫苗抗原含量大于1.25×105.0 TCID50/mL时免疫仔猪后均可以产生特异性抗体,能够明显减轻攻毒后仔猪的临床症状、缓解组织病变、降低病毒血症,对免疫猪有一定的保护效果,可以作为预防PCV2感染的疫苗使用.本研究为研制商品化的PCV2灭活疫苗提供实验依据.  相似文献   

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