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美洲鳗〖Angnillarosrata(Losueur)〗是一种降海洄游鱼类,苗种资源较丰。其与日本鳗(A.japonicusTemmincketschlegel)、欧洲鳗〖A.anguilla(Linnaeus)〗等成为当前养鳗业中主要的饲养品种。台湾于1978年开始引种试养,尔后再波及大陆,真正的规模化养殖还是在近几年开始,养殖产量逐渐提高,技术日趋完善。东莞市水产研究所1997~1999年利用毗邻盐矿厂提取的近饱和地下盐渍矿床溶液调配成人工咸、海水,进行土池饲养美洲鳗试验,探索咸水池塘生态条件下美洲鳗生长特性和养殖可行性,旨在为美洲鳗的池养生产和开发提供依据。1材料和方法1…  相似文献   

近几年,利用海水池塘缢蛏产生良好的经济效益,但缢过冬成活率不稳定,经济效益受到很大影响,本文作者通过调查,试验就提高海水池塘养殖缢蛏过冬成活率浅析、探讨。  相似文献   

为探讨循环水养殖模式(RAS组)和池塘养殖模式(池塘组)对尼罗罗非鱼生长、免疫性能及水质影响的变化规律,开展了为期8周的养殖试验。结果表明:(1)RAS组中鱼体增重率(WGR)(597.36±169.79)显著高于池塘组(470.98±142.99)(P < 0.05),但饲料转化率(FCE)(1.17±0.02)却显著低于池塘养殖系统(1.47±0.03)(P < 0.05)。特定生长率(SGR)和肥满度(CF)也高于池塘养殖系统,但差异不显著(P > 0.05);(2)在第4周和第8周分别测定了鱼体胃和肠中消化酶活性显示,第4周时,RAS组中肠蛋白酶活性值(1387.56±278.43)显著高于池塘组(1129.99±382.67)(P < 0.05);第8周时,肠脂肪酶活性(18.11±4.28)显著高于池塘组(12.89±8.00)(P < 0.05);(3)在第4周和第8周分别测定了鱼体肝胰脏、头肾和血清中碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、溶菌酶 (LSZ)和总超氧化物歧化酶(T-SOD)活性,显示整体上RAS组免疫性能低于池塘组;(4)每周测定水体氨态氮和亚硝态氮含量显示,RAS组氨态氮维持在0.0067 ~ 0.0212 mg / L区间内,亚硝态氮含量位于0.0027 ~ 0.0087 mg / L范围内,均低于池塘组。  相似文献   

本介绍哈尔滨制糖废水污染区的水质常规分析,有机污染几项指标分析、微生物的组成及水平、垂直分布,浮游植物、浮游动物组成及生物量变化,并对水质状况予以评价。结果表明,该区为有机污染区,其污染程度和排污口以下流程和自净程度相关,同时,也与江水水位及流量相关,水位越低污染程度越重,由于制糖废水的排放使原已污染的松花江水污染程度加重,溶解氧低于越冬鱼类正常生命活动的阈值,致使鱼类窒息死亡。  相似文献   

本文介绍了在对虾养殖池中笼养青蟹的研究结果。养殖试验历时60 d,以存活率、蜕壳率、甲长增长率、甲宽增长率和增肉系数为指标参数,比较了不同材质、容积和放置层次的养殖容器对笼养青蟹存活、蜕壳与生长的影响。结果表明:在水温25~30℃、盐度13~20、 pH7.8~8.3条件下,笼养青蟹的存活率为(59.85±9.50)%、蜕壳率为(40.69±5.90)%、甲长增长率为107.73%、甲宽增长率为89.39%、增肉系数为286.11%、肥满度>1。养殖容器的材质、容积和放置层次对笼养效果有影响:胶绳网箱明显优于( P〈0.05)塑料箱;容积10 L组与6 L组、18 L组相比养殖效果最佳,差异显著( P〈0.05), S组略优于B组,差异不明显( P>0.05);第二层(中层)笼箱与第三层(底层)、第一层(表层)相比,笼养效果最佳,差异极为显著(P〈0.01),第三层(底层)笼箱略优于第一层(表层),但差异不明显(P>0.05)。研究结果显示了在对虾养殖池内实施笼养青蟹方式的可行性。  相似文献   

Ontogenetic development of the digestive system in golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus, Linnaeus 1758) larvae was histologically and enzymatically studied from hatch to 32 day post-hatch (DPH). The development of digestive system in golden pompano can be divided into three phases: phase I starting from hatching and ending at the onset of exogenous feeding; phase II starting from first feeding (3 DPH) and finishing at the formation of gastric glands; and phase III starting from the appearance of gastric glands on 15 DPH and continuing onward. The specific activities of trypsin, amylase, and lipase increased sharply from the onset of first feeding to 5–7 DPH, followed by irregular fluctuations. Toward the end of this study, the specific activities of trypsin and amylase showed a declining trend, while the lipase activity remained at similar levels as it was at 5 DPH. The specific activity of pepsin was first detected on 15 DPH and increased with fish age. The dynamics of digestive enzymes corresponded to the structural development of the digestive system. The enzyme activities tend to be stable after the formation of the gastric glands in fish stomach on 15 DPH. The composition of digestive enzymes in larval pompano indicates that fish are able to digest protein, lipid and carbohydrate at early developmental stages. Weaning of larval pompano is recommended from 15 DPH onward. Results of the present study lead to a better understanding of the ontogeny of golden pompano during the larval stage and provide a guide to feeding and weaning of this economically important fish in hatcheries.  相似文献   

Effect of weaning time on the larval performance of golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus was studied in the experimental condition. The same weaning regime started on four different days of posthatch (DPH): 13 DPH (W13), 16 DPH (W16), 19 DPH (W19) and 22 DPH (W22), respectively. Growth, survival, RNA/DNA ratios and mid‐gut cell height of fish were assessed in each weaning regime over time. Growth and survival rates of fish larvae weaned in the W19 and W22 regimes were significantly higher than those in the W13 and W16 regimes. No significant differences were found either between W19 and W22, or between W13 and W16 treatments. Fish showed a decrease in the RNA/DNA ratio in W13, but a trend of increase in W16, W19 and W22. Weaning time significantly affected the mid‐gut cell height in larval golden pompano. On 24 DPH, the mid‐gut cell height of fish in the W13 and W16 treatments was significantly thinner than those in the W19 and W22 treatments. Based on fish growth, survival, RNA/DNA ratio and mid‐gut cell height, weaning can be started on 13 DPH in golden pompano larvae, but we recommend that the best weaning window be 16–22 DPH. These results are supported by histological and nutritional evidence and would guide the weaning process for golden pompano larvae, and offer a useful approach to explore the weaning protocol in larval fish rearing.  相似文献   

The osteological ontogeny and the incidence of deformities occurred in vertebral column and caudal complex were studied from 1 day post hatch (DPH) to 31 DPH in Trachinotus ovatus. Results indicate that the development of both caudal complex and vertebral column initiated between 7 DPH and 9 DPH along with the calcification of haemal arches and neural arches, and occurrence of caudal elements. The last element of caudal complex, uroneural, appeared on 18 DPH. A high number of malformations in the vertebral column and caudal complex were detected in this study. More than 33% experimental fish exhibited at least one type of malformation. Results from this study provide the first reference on the osteological ontogeny and malformation of golden pompano. Such information can be applied to the quality control for fingerling production in golden pompano.  相似文献   

Jaw malformations of hatchery reared golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus larvae were studied from 1 day post hatch (DPH) to 31 DPH. The severity of jaw deformities was classified into three levels where ‘0’ represents normal jaw; ‘1’ is intermediate jaw malformation; and ‘2’ is severe jaw malformation. The severe jaw malformations of golden pompano larvae were clearly observed on 3 DPH. Starting from 3 DPH, both intermediate and severe jaw malformations were observed and the total incidence of jaw malformations ranged from 9.6% to 46.6%. The highest severe jaw malformation occurred on 5 DPH, and 25% larvae exhibited serve jaw malformation. On 11 DPH, jaw malformations reached the peak with 46.6% fish exhibiting jaw malformations of either category 1 or 2. On 26 DPH, the percentage of intermediate jaw malformation reached the peak value (36.4%). This was the first study reporting jaw malformation of golden pompano larvae, and the result can be used as a reference point for future research on the control of jaw malformation in golden pompano.  相似文献   

Effect of rearing salinity on the performance of juvenile golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus (Linnaeus 1758) was studied under a laboratory condition. Fish growth, survival, RNA/DNA ratio, pepsin activity, α‐amylase activity and FCR were used as evaluation criteria. The growth and RNA/DNA ratio were significantly affected by the rearing salinity. High growth rate and RNA/DNA ratio were observed when fish were reared at the salinity of 34‰. The pepsin activity of fish was not significantly affected by the rearing salinity. However, the α‐amylase activity of fish was significantly affected by the rearing salinity. The α‐amylase activity of fish reared at the salinity of 10‰ was significantly lower than fish cultured at the salinity of 34‰. Rearing salinity can significantly affect the FCR of juvenile golden pompano. The FCR of fish cultured at the salinity of 10‰ was 5‐times higher than the FCR of fish reared at 34‰. Results from the present study indicate that juvenile golden pompano can be reared above 26‰ without affecting fish performance, and the salinity of 10‰ may be too low to rear juvenile golden pompano as fish growth, RNA/DNA ratio and α‐amylase activity were reduced.  相似文献   

Juvenile kachlan (Trachinotus ovatus, Linnaeus) were collected with beach seines from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Length frequency distributions of 1 539 fish were used to indicate the arrival of juveniles. The estimated time of arrival is July–August. Stomach contents of 153 juveniles were determined. The fish ranged from 19 to 90 mm in total length. Percent frequency occurrence of diet contents was determined. Juvenile kachlan ate polychaetes, cladocera, copepods, isopods, amphipods, insects and small fish.  相似文献   

The growth, survival, food selection and consumption of pompano larvae under different rotifer densities as well as their colour preference during the rotifer feeding stage were examined in this study. Growth and survival of fish larvae were not significantly affected when rotifer density was between 10 and 20 mL?1. Fish larvae grew slower at 1 and 40 rotifers mL?1 than at 10 and 20 rotifers mL?1, and higher fish survival was achieved when fish larvae were exposed to 10 and 20 rotifers mL?1. The rotifer density of 1 mL?1 not only reduced food ingestion during the early stage, but also delayed diet switch from rotifer to copepod nauplii. On 5 days post hatching (DPH), larval pompano ingested more rotifers in dark‐coloured tanks and ingested more rotifers when prey colour was green. Based on the results obtained in the present study, the culture of larval pompano larvae is recommended using dark wall tanks with a feeding density of 10–20 rotifers mL?1 during the initial feeding stage. This study proposes a management protocol to use appropriate type and quantity of live food to feed pompano larvae in a hatchery rearing condition, which could be applicable to the culture of fish larvae in other marine fish species.  相似文献   

卵形鲳鲹美人鱼发光杆菌杀鱼亚种的分离鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2006年海南省凌水网箱养殖卵形鲳鲹(Trachinotus ovatus)出现大批死亡。肉眼观察病鱼体表完好,部分病鱼内脏稍肿大,病理组织研究显示脾脏和肝脏有灰白色结节。从病鱼的脾脏分离到1株明显优势菌,命名为TOS1,人工感染确认TOS1对卵形鲳鲹有强致病性,其半数致死量为1.1×106CFU/g,组织病理研究显示相同症状,因此确定TOS1为本次流行病的病原菌。经API鉴定系统和16SrDNA序列分析结合常规生化指标,将TOS1鉴定为美人鱼发光杆菌杀鱼亚种(Photobacterium damselae subsp.piscicida)。该菌具有很强的溶血性和较强的蛋白酶活性,对多种抗生素和中草药均具抗性,仅对诺氟沙星、环丙沙星、氯霉素、庆大霉素等敏感,对中草药番石榴(Psidium guajava)和苍术(Atractylodes lancea)高度敏感。以上敏感药物可作为该病预防或治疗的参考用药。  相似文献   

卵形鲳鲹(Trachinotus bolchii),地方名金鲳、黄腊鲹,属鲈形目,鲹科,鲳鲹属.我国东南沿海均有分布,为广盐、暖水性中上层鱼类.  相似文献   

Sparus aurata were cultured during an 8-month period in brackish water (salinity about 25 ppt) in an extensive culture system comprising eight earthen ponds, each with a water surface of 2.1 ha. Initial mean wet weight of fish in all ponds varied from 13.6 ± 1.9 to 19.2 ± 2.6 g/fish. The eight ponds were randomly allocated one of four experimental treatments (two ponds/treatment). In the first treatment, ponds were fertilized monthly with 100 kg urea and 50 kg triple super phosphate. The other treatments (2–4) were fed a locally produced tilapia pellet feed containing 25% crude protein made using different processes. Fish in the second treatment were fed tilapia feed pelleted by compressing machine, whereas in treatments 3 and 4 the pellets were produced by extruder machine (Wenger). Pellets in treatment 3 were floating and in the fourth were semi-sinking. Fish were fed pellets twice daily at 6% of their biomass. The mean final body weight for each treatment respectively was 104.6, 118.9, 156.8 and 158 g. Specific growth rate (SGR) of 0.8, 0.79, 0.99 and 0.95%/day, were obtained in ponds using only inorganic fertilizer, compressed sinking pellets, extruded floating pellets and extruded semi-sinking pellets, respectively. Feed conversion ratios (FCR) for treatments with the extruded tilapia pellets were 2.2 and 2.6 g feed/g gain, which were significantly (P < 0.05) better than treatments with compressed pellets (3.2 g feed/g gain). Production/ha/year were 1389, 1358, 945 and 682 kg fish for the groups fed with extruded floating, extruded semi-sinking, compressed and natural food, respectively. Under the present experimental circumstances, Sparus aurata fed extruded floating tilapia pellets (25% crude protein and 2,600 kcal/g), showed the best productive performance.  相似文献   

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