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所谓渔业补贴,从根本上是政府干预或缺少干预,且这种干预或减少干预对渔业部门有影响并有经济价值。据有关文献报道,就东海区为例,渔业补贴种类主要有:  相似文献   

金枪鱼类是高度洄游鱼种,其渔场广泛分布于公海以及众多沿海国的专属经济区.金枪鱼的经济价值在各个国家和地区,甚至同一国家都有很大的不同.而且金枪鱼的经济价值随鱼体体长也有变化.生鱼片市场和罐头市场的加工就有很大的差别,商业性渔业和娱乐性渔业捕获的鱼,价格上也有实质性的差别.因此,国际上对于金枪鱼渔业的管理,需要考虑到不同渔业类型、地区和经济的差异.……  相似文献   

陈碧  骆乐 《齐鲁渔业》2003,20(10):38-40
1 补贴和渔业补贴概述 WTO的《补贴与反补贴协议》(以下简称反补贴协议)对补贴的概念和范围是从形式和效果2个方面来界定的。补贴就其形式来说有2种:(1)政府或任何公共机构提供的财政捐助(financial contribution);(2)任何形式的收入或价格支持(income or price support)。但具备这2种形式并不一定构成补贴,构成补贴还要求上述行为的结果是使有关企业或个人获得利益,而这种利益是正常商业条件下,企业或个人无法获得的。  相似文献   

渔业补贴是一个备受争议的概念。WTO虽然在主持渔业补贴纪律的谈判,但是目前没有给出一个广为接受的渔业补贴定义。渔业补贴在国际社会被广泛运用,作为扭曲贸易流动的重要因素,应当予以规制。有害的渔业补贴应当予以禁止,取消或限制使用渔业补贴是WTO成员的共识。我国应积极参与WTO渔业补贴新纪律的谈判,表达我国的立场与关切。  相似文献   

合理运用渔业补贴促进我国渔业经济的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、补贴和渔业补贴的概述WTO的《补贴与反补贴协议》对补贴的概念和范围是从形式和效果两个方面来界定的。补贴就其形式来说有两种:(1)政府或任何公共机构提供的财政捐助;(2)任何形式的收入或价格支持。但具备这两种形式并不一定构成补贴,构成补贴还要求上述两种政府行为的结果是使有关企业或个人获得利益。而这种利益是正常商业条件下,企业或个人无法获得的。《协议》根据补贴对国际贸易的扭曲程度将补贴分为三类:不可申诉补贴、可申诉性补贴和禁止性补贴。学者们用交通中的红、黄、绿灯的规则作比喻,将上述三类补贴分别形象的称为“绿…  相似文献   

渔业补贴对渔业生产影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张枫 《中国水产》2011,(6):30-32
随着全球气候改变和环境污染的日趋严重,厄尔尼诺、拉尼娜现象等反常气候现象的频发,水生生物的繁衍、栖息必然遭受巨大的影响。特别是随着人类大范围的滥捕滥杀,全球渔业资源的大幅度衰退,渔业资源的可持续利用问题越来越成为公众关注的焦点。  相似文献   

金麟根 《海洋渔业》2001,23(1):49-50
渔业部门一直是国际贸易中一个相当重要的领域,但在现存的关贸总协定(GATT)第一、第三条款中一般责任中找不到;在WTO责任中,对于把GATT/WTO纪律应用于渔业补贴领域方面,也缺乏明确的规定。显然,签约各方无意使渔业部门服从于新纪律并在“农业协议”中承担削减补贴的义务。在最近对渔业补贴作了一次大规模调研后,WTO的委员们开始认识到补贴问题的严重性,因此,WTO委员们认为,既然渔业补贴问题没有列入“农业协议”中,那就应该受到更为严格的“补贴与补偿尺度协议”(简称“双补尺度协议)的纪律约束。  相似文献   

金麟根  李娟 《海洋渔业》2000,22(3):141-142
<正> 渔业补贴指一国的捕捞船队受到本国政府或本国任何公共体财力上的支持,以及来自境外以外援形式提供的某种支付或补贴。这就是说从提供补贴的主体看,补贴大致可分为来自国内的财力支持和来自境外的支付或补贴;前者主要包括低息贷款、免税、渔船回购计划及作为收入和价格支持计划的直接支付等,这些国内补贴与海洋法公约无关。而后者涉及到沿海岛国提供入渔便利,外国船队作为入渔的回报,需向该国支付一定的入渔费,这笔资金即为来自境外的渔业补贴。这一做法从海洋法公约来看是合法的,但依据WTO目前应用于渔业补贴的“补贴与补尝尺度协议”,可被认定为“可控诉补贴”。  相似文献   

WTO(世贸组织)实施渔业补贴的初衷是希望发达国家在购买发展中国家的水产品时,可以通过一定的补贴形式(价格、关税或其它贸易待遇),帮助发展中国家进一步发展渔业生产。但这一补贴规则在实际操作中却遭到了泰国等发展中国家的质疑,其主要质疑点有3个:(1)对是否是在EEZ(专属经济海域)所捕鱼类的认证应由产地国认定;(2)对EEZ水域的水质环境和所捕鱼品的质量标准应达到国际上多数国家都可接受的水平;  相似文献   

海洋法公约中确定了专属经济区制度,肯定了各沿海国在此区域内的渔业资源主权。许多国家都制定了自己的渔业政策,包括实施各种渔业补贴措施。但是渔业补贴却可能损害渔业资源的可持续发展、妨碍有效的渔业管理、扭曲贸易。只凭单个国家的力量去减少和消除补贴收效甚微,多哈部长会议正式授权对渔业补贴进行“澄清和改进”,但却一直进展缓慢。表面上因为淡判各方利益冲突意见相左,深层次原因则是为WTO的授权范围所限。  相似文献   

从对国内外渔业油价补助政策的实践来看,该政策对于稳定渔业生产发展有着重要作用。通过会议座谈、重点调查和问卷调查等方法对我国现行渔业油价补助政策进行了调研分析,认为我国渔业油价补助方法不够科学合理,不仅与现行渔业政策不协调,还暴露出实际操作比较困难、支撑渔业油价补助发放的配套制度不够健全等问题。结合我国渔业产业实际,建议应调整完善海洋捕捞业和水产养殖业的油价补贴办法、统一细化全国渔业柴油补贴扣减政策、完善渔船管理和渔政执法管理相关制度等,提高渔业油价补助决策的科学性和民主性。  相似文献   

当前,我国渔业正处在从传统渔业向现代渔业过渡的转型期,这对政府渔业管理职能提出了新的要求,但政府渔业管理职能转变的步伐却始终未能快步向前。论文分析了政府渔业管理职能转变迟缓引发的不良后果,根据我国渔业经济发展和渔业管理面临的新形势,对如何加快政府渔业管理职能转变进行了探索,提出只有切实加快政府渔业管理职能转变的进程,才是解决当前我国渔业管理种种问题的根本之道。  相似文献   

一九九九年全国渔业经济形势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1999年,面临国内需求不旺、物价总体水平持续下降、经济增长速度放慢的宏观经济形势,渔业仍得到了持续稳定的发展,水产品产量稳步增长但速度放慢,产业结构和品种结构进一步趋于合理,水产品币场供求平稳,市场价格持续走低,水产品进出口贸易呈现恢复性增长。一、主要统计指标及增减情况据对全国对个省、自治区、直辖市和中国水产总公司的统计年报汇总,并与国家统计局核对一致,1999年我国水产品总产量为412243万吨(此数减去11728万吨海藻类后的4005.15万吨可与FAO接轨),比上年增加215.78万吨,增长552de;其中海洋捕捞149762万…  相似文献   

我国渔业机械专利分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中国专利数据库为数据源,定量分析了包括捕捞机械、养殖机械、水产品加工机械和绳网机械在内的我国渔业机械领域专利技术的基本状况与发展态势,以及专利分布、主要机构和核心人物、专利技术生命周期,并归纳出我国渔业机械专利发展状况的3个特点。  相似文献   


Despite a generally uniform federal support infrastructure, aquaculture development in individual states differs widely in the United States. Even among eastern coastal states with shared natural attributes, introduction of reared species and rates of development may differ noticeably. Aquaculture development reflects existing natural, human and physical capital resources and may be influenced by statutes, regulations and public support. One dimension of the existing and emerging industry support involves financial and development programs. This paper presents data on the structure and utilization of public financing programs and nonprofit economic development support by commercial marine and inland aquaculture enterprises in the United States and selected subdivisions. The research illustrates the scope and magnitude of public sector financial support in eight states; however, the costs and benefits of the public investment need to be carefully examined.  相似文献   

United States of America Trade in Ornamental Fish   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ornamental fish production is among the leading cash crops of the United States of America aquaculture economy, and retail value of the fish trade is worth approximately US$l,000 million. However, few studies exist to document this trade. Using import and export documents we report trends in total values for the U.S. trade in ornamental fish. Also, we determined the number and value of the most commonly imported ornamental fish. In 1992, approximately 201 million fish valued at $44.7 million were imported into the U.S. The port of Los Angeles handled 39% of all trade activity, Miami 22%, New York 16%, Tampa 6%, and Honolulu 6%. Freshwater fish accounted for approximately 96% of the total volume and 80% of the value of the imports. Most freshwater ornamental fish were farm-raised and imported from Southeast Asia. Most U.S. exports of ornamental fish were cultured in the state of Florida. Although saltwater fish had a high market value (20% of the declared value of the imports), the volume of these fish was only 4%. Most imported and exported saltwater ornamental fish were collected from the wild. Of the 1,539 species declared as ornamental fish, 32 species dominated the trade. These were all of freshwater origin. The guppy Poecilia reticulala and neon tetra Paracheirodon innesi were the most popular ornamental fish kept in U.S. households. The average prices paid for imported ornamental freshwater fish were 45 cents for egg layers and 22 cents for live bearers. The results of this study document the importance of the ornamental fish industry and identifies the most valuable species in the trade for potential domestic culture and protection in the wild.  相似文献   

美国水产品质量安全体系概况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对美国的水产品质量安全体系进行了系统的分析,指出我国在水产品质量安全方面存在的不足,对我国如何建立完善的水产品质量安全体系提出了一些具有指导性的建议,如健全我国有关水产品的法律法规,加强水产品质量检测体系的建设等.  相似文献   

The lack of approved drugs and chemicals needed to manage disease and pests in culture systems is the major constraint facing the penaeid shrimp culture industry in the United States. The industry needs the timely approval of the therapeutants for disease control for cost effectiveness and public safety. The approval process for the needed chemotherapeutants (drugs, parasiticides, disinfectants, and water quality agents) is administered by the US. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the US. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Both FDA and EPA have procedures for registration of compounds for minor use whereby needed approvals may be obtained at far less cost than is typical for uses in major agricultural industries.
Aquatrine® is the only compound with specific approval for use in shrimp culture. Three others—formalin, oxytetracycline, and trifluralin—have entered the approval process. Because of human safety concerns, replacements are needed for malachite green, chloramphenicol, and the nitrofurans. Candidates for replacing these compounds include trifluralin, oxolinic acid, nalidixic acid, the potentiated sulfonamides, erythromycin, and oxytetracycline. A need exists for an environmentally safe and effective agent to treat fusarium disease.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Interregional Research Project Number 4 (IR-4), in conjunction with FDA, has begun addressing the problems of the aquaculture industry. Thus, the penaeid shrimp industry has an excellent opportunity to obtain the approvals of chemotherapeutants that are needed for continued growth toward a full potential in this country.  相似文献   

Due to a significant increase in the farming of crawfish by pond culture methods in the southern United States this paper briefly summarises the current practice being developed there.

Crawfish are cultured in shallow, open ponds surrounded on all sides by levees. The water depth seldom exceeds 45–61 cm. Area may vary, but the most popular sizes range from 2 to 16 ha. A rotation scheme involving rice and crawfish is generally practised, with rice serving as food for the crawfish.

Good management techniques are required for maximum crawfish production. One essential element is circulation of water through the ponds to keep dissolved oxygen concentrations above 5 mg litre−1. With good quality water and proper management a harvest of up to 2200 kg ha−1 yr−1 may be realised.  相似文献   

2000年,全国渔业经济继续保持良好的发展态势,渔业生产稳步发展,结构调整取得了新的进展,水产养殖发展势头迅猛,海洋与内陆捕捞计划产量“零增长”目标顺利实现,远洋渔业结构调整力度加大,水产品市场运行平稳,进出口贸易增势强劲,渔业法制建设取得突破性进展,渔业环境和资源保护力度加大,渔业经济增长的质量和效益得到了提高。据对全国31个省、自治区、直辖市和中国水产总公司的统计年报汇总,并与国家统计局核对一致,2000年我国水产品总产量为4278.99万吨,比上年增加156.5万吨,增长3.80%;其中海…  相似文献   

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