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The bean fly (Ophiomya spp) is the most important yield limiting insect pest of common bean in Africa. The insect pest can cause complete crop loss affecting bean production and productivity under epidemic conditions. Effective control of bean fly is essential for sustainable bean production Africa. The overall progress, opportunities and challenges of the bean fly control strategies. The biology and ecology of bean fly and the economic importance of the insect pest is presented as well as the existing controlling strategies, with an emphasis on the breeding on breeding strategies used, research progress achieved challenges and opportunities. In conclusion, significant research progress have been made in breeding for bean fly resistance evident by identification of breeding lines, understanding resistance mechanism and development of breeding strategies. However, there is a need for further research to validate the available information and also explore new breeding methods such molecular breeding which has not been explored at present. Such studies will accelerate breeding for bean fly resistance.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.) is a traditional crop in Portugal, where farmers growvarieties selected and maintained by themselves. A collection of 88landraces of common bean was evaluated for 17 quantitative andqualitative traits and the biochemical marker phaseolin to displaythe degree of variation of this germplasm. Agronomic data weresubjected to cluster analysis and several groups were identified,with three groups clustering most of the landraces. Regardingphaseolin variation the C and T banding patterns are the mostfrequent ones, so the origin of the Portuguese beans is thus probablythe Andean region of South America. These results give informationabout the origin, diversity and breeding value of the Portuguesegermplasm, that could be useful to widen the genetic base ofcurrently cultivated bean varieties in Europe.  相似文献   

 Most soils sown with field beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) contain indigenous rhizobia which might interfere with the establishment of inoculated strains. As a consequence, the benefits of bean inoculation are usually questioned, and the use of N fertilizer is gradually becoming a common practice. The present study had the objective of evaluating the effectiveness of inoculation and N fertilization in field soil with (site 1) and without (site 2) a previous bean-cropping history. At site 1, which had a rhizobial population of 7×102 cells g–1 soil, inoculation had no effect on nodulation or yield, whereas at site 2 (<10 cells g–1 soil) inoculation increased nodulation, nodule occupancy by the inoculated strain and grain yield. N fertilizer decreased nodulation at both sites, but increased grain yield at site 1 but not at site 2, indicating that the response to inoculation and N fertilization depends on the cropping history. When bean was cultivated for the first time, indigenous populations of rhizobia were low and high yields were accomplished solely with seed inoculation, with no further response to N fertilizer. In contrast, previous cultivation of bean increases soil rhizobia, preventing nodule formation by inoculated strains, and N fertilizer may be necessary for maximum yields. A significant interaction effect between N fertilizer and inoculation was detected for serogroup distribution only at site 2, with N fertilizer decreasing nodule occupancy by the inoculated strain and increasing the occurrence of indigenous strains. Consequently, although no benefits were obtained by the combination of inoculation and N fertilizer, this practice may be feasible with the selection of appropriate N-tolerant strains from the indigenous rhizobial population. Received: 26 May 1999  相似文献   

Responses of proton release to phosphorus (P) availability by nodulated roots of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were investigated for lines BAT 477 and CocoT, inoculated with Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 in hydroaeroponic culture under glasshouse conditions. Phosphorus was supplied as KH2PO4 at 15 and 60 μmol plant–1 week–1 (15P and 60P). Proton release was higher for BAT 477 than for CocoT under both P supplies. However, it was higher for 60P than 15P, whatever the line. The ratio of proton release per unit biomass of nodulated root was higher for BAT 477 than for CocoT, independent of P deficiency. Proton release was correlated with the nodulated‐root respiration for both genotypes and with the nodule respiration linked with nitrogen fixation for CocoT. Thus, the nodulation was more limited by 15P than root and shoot growth and more in CocoT than in BAT 477. It is concluded that independent of symbiotic N2 fixation, proton release was higher in BAT 477 than in CocoT and that the nodulated legume releases a substantial amount of protons into its rhizosphere that is correlated with its nitrogen fixation that eventually depends upon the nodule permeability to O2 diffusion.  相似文献   

 The effects of inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense Cd on root morphology and growth of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were studied under different growth systems and water regimes. The root systems were evaluated by image analysis. In a PVC-tube growth system, inoculation with A. brasilense at 107 colony forming units (CFU) ml–1 increased root length, root projection area, specific root length (m g–1) and specific root area (cm2 g–1), as compared with non-inoculated controls, resulting in root systems with longer and thinner roots. Water stress induced similar root responses to those observed after inoculation with A. brasilense. No increase in plant biomass was observed in inoculated plants, suggesting that under the tested growth conditions, a relatively larger amount of resources is required for the maintenance of the thinner roots. In water-stressed potted plants, the effect of A. brasilense on tap root length was inoculum-concentration dependent. At 107 CFU ml–1 this effect was significant as compared to non-inoculated controls. In a pouch system without water stress, inoculation with A. brasilense at a concentration of 105–107 CFU ml–1 2 days after germination resulted initially (2 days after inoculation) in an increase in root length (95%) and root fresh weight (66%), but reduced root diameter (20%), compared to controls. At this early stage of growth the distribution of root length among the different root diameter classes changed: the thinner-root classes had the largest proportion of longer roots. Received: 3 January 2000  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) proved to be very sensitive of low pH (4.3), with large genotypic differences in proton sensitivity. Therefore, proton toxicity did not allow the screening of common bean genotypes for aluminium (Al) resistance using the established protocol for maize (0.5 mM CaCl2, 8 μM H3BO3, pH 4.3). Increasing the pH to 4.5, the Ca2+ concentration to 5 mM, and addition of 0.5 mM KCl fully prevented proton toxicity in 28 tested genotypes and allowed to identify differences in Al resistance using the inhibition of root elongation by 20 μM Al supply for 36 h as parameter of Al injury. As in maize, Al treatment induced callose formation in root apices of common bean. Aluminium‐induced callose formation well reflected the effect of Ca supply on Al sensitivity as revealed by root‐growth inhibition. Aluminum‐induced callose formation in root apices of 28 bean genotypes differing in Al resistance after 36 h Al treatment was positively correlated to Al‐induced inhibition of root elongation and Al contents in the root apices. However, the relationship was less close than previously reported for maize. Also, after 12 h Al treatment, callose formation and Al contents in root apices did not reflect differences in Al resistance between two contrasting genotypes, indicating a different mode of the expression of Al toxicity and regulation of Al resistance in common bean than in maize.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of 10 commercial cultivars of common beans, developed in Northern Argentina was analyzed based on RAPD markers. Sixteen primers were assayed and among them only 4 showed polymorphisms. A similarity matrix was generated by applying three different association coefficients, Simple Matching, Jaccard and Dice. By the UPGMA method dendrograms were generated and also the principal coordinate analysis was performed. The similarity values found were higher than 40% suggesting that genetic diversity is low. Both cluster analysis and principal coordinates analysis associated commercial cultivars either to the Andean or the Mesoamerican gene pool.  相似文献   


This study examined if dwarf French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown at northern latitudes develop seeds with superior yielding potential compared with plants grown at more southern latitudes. Two lines (BND3085 and BND3106) were grown at four sites across latitudes ranging from 52°N to 3°S. BND3085 and BND3106 seeds from Saskatoon grown plants (52°N) had the least damaged seed coats but the highest degree of electrolyte leakage from the seed and the lowest maximum germination rates. The Saskatoon (BND3085 and BND3106) and Nunhem (BND3106) seed lots had the lowest maximum germination rates when germinated at 28°C, 12°C, or when exposed to saline (100?mM NaCl) conditions. Saskatoon BND3085 seed produced plants with the lowest aboveground vegetative and total seed dry matter as well as the lowest pod number per plant. In contrast, plants grown from Saskatoon BND3106 seed produced 1.5-fold more total pods, 1.3-fold more total pods and 1.4-fold higher seed dry matter per plant as compared to plants grown from the Nunhem (51°N) or Arusha seed sources. This resulted in a 2.4–4.5% higher harvest index. These results suggest cultivar-specific dwarf French bean seed propagation at more northern sites may increase the productivity of the resulting crop.  相似文献   


Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) has recently been shown to act as a plant-to-bacteria signal. We tested the hypothesis that pre-induction of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli cells with genistein and/or MeJA would at least partially overcome the negative effects of low root zone temperature (RZT) on bean nodulation, nitrogen fixation and plant growth. Otebo bean plants were grown at constant air temperature (25oC) and two RZT regimes (25 and 17oC) and inoculated with R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli pre-induced with MeJA and/or genistein. Our results indicate that low RZT inhibited nodulation, nitrogen fixation and plant growth. The plants growing at low RZT began fixing nitrogen seven days later compared to those at higher RZT. The low RZT plants had fewer nodules, lower nodule weight, less N fixation, slower plant growth, fewer leaves, smaller leaf area, and less dry matter accumulation comared to plants at a higher RZT. Rhzobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli cells induced with genistein and/or MeJA enhanced bean nodulation, nitrogen fixation and growth at both optimum and suboptimum RZTs. The results of this study indicate that MeJA improves bean nitrogen fixation and growth at both optimum and suboptimum RZTs, and can be used alone or in combination with genistein to partially overcome the low RZT induced inhibitory effects on nodulation and nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

A glasshouse study was undertaken to investigate the effects of the copper fungicide Kocide 101 and its residues in soil on the growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixation of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The soil used was a sandy clay loam classified as Typic Rhodustalf. The bean variety SUA 90 was used as test crop. The bean rhizobia strains CIAT 899, PV, and a local isolate were used. Kocide 101 applied at the recommended rate (equivalent to 1.7 mg kg‐1 soil) had no significant negative effects on the growth, nodulation or nitrogen fixation of bean plants. Higher levels of Kocide 101 significantly (P < 0.05) reduced plant growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixation. The bean plants inoculated with the “local isolate”; rhizobia had the highest dry matter weights, nodule numbers and nodule dry weights, and also had more N fixation. They were followed by those inoculated with the PV, strain and, lastly, those inoculated with CIAT 899. The growth and nodulation of bean plants were still curtailed by the Kocide 101 residues four months after the fungicide was first applied to the soil. Therefore, occurrence of high levels of Kocide 101 in soils can have long‐term effects on the performance of the bean‐rhizobia symbiosis.  相似文献   


The effect of P deficiency on nodulation, nodule P content, nodule O2 permeability and N fixation rates in Phaseolus vulgaris–rhizobia symbiosis was studied under glasshouse conditions. Four recombinant inbred lines (L34, L83, L115 and L147) and one variety cultivated in Morocco (Concesa) were inoculated with Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 in hydroaeroponic culture. Two P levels i.e. 75 (deficient level) and 250 µmol plant?1 week?1 P (sufficient level) were applied and the trial was assessed 42 days after transplanting that coincide with plant flowering stage. Under P-deficiency, decrease of plant growth (18%) and nodule biomass (19%) was detected and significantly pronounced in the sensitive line L147 compared with the remaining genotypes. Additionally, under P-deficiency, the efficiency in use of rhizobial symbiosis, estimated by the slope of the regression model of shoot biomass as a function of nodule biomass, was significantly increased in the four lines. This constraint did not significantly influence nodule P content in Concesa, but it was 24 and 41% lower in the tolerant and in the sensitive lines, respectively. Nodule P content was positively correlated to nodule biomass, r=0.75, and shoot N, r=0.92. These genotypic variations were associated with variability in nodule O2 permeability that was significantly affected by the P level-bean genotype interaction. Under P-deficiency, nodule O2 permeability was significantly reduced in the tested genotypes and accompanied with a decrease in shoot N content, especially in the sensitive lines (35%). Moreover, the ratios plant N fixed: nodule P content and plant N fixed:nodule dry weight were affected under P-deficiency in four lines with an exception observed in Concesa. Depending on the observed data we concluded that N2 fixation efficiency could be influenced by nodulation and level of nodule P requirement which depend on both bean genotypes and P level.  相似文献   


While pulses are staple food-legumes in Ethiopia, their productivity is low due to low soil fertility. Elite rhizobial strains that significantly increased shoot dry weight and nitrogen (N) contents of common beans and soybeans in greenhouse were selected for two-year field trials to evaluate their effect on yields of the pulses in the field. Each pulse had six treatments, namely four rhizobial inoculants, uninoculated control, and synthetic N fertilizer. In the drought-affected year 2015, inoculated pulses tolerated moisture stress better than non-inoculated controls. Inoculation was conducive to higher or equivalent yields compared to synthetic N fertilizer. At Halaba, bean inoculated with strain HAMBI3562 gave the highest grain yield (1500 ± 81 kg ha?1; mean±SE) while the control yielded only 653 ± 22 kg ha?1. At Boricha, HAMBI3570 gave a grain yield (640 ± 35 kg ha?1) comparable to synthetic N. When rainfall was optimal in 2016, inoculation with HAMBI3562 and HAMBI3570 gave grain yields (around 4300 kg ha?1) equivalent to synthetic N. With soybean, strain HAMBI3513 produced consistently higher or comparable biomass and grain yields compared to synthetic N. In conclusion, HAMBI3562 and HAMBI3570 for beans and HAMBI3513 for soybeans can serve as inoculants for areas having similar conditions as the test areas.  相似文献   

Iron-deficiency chlorosis (IDC) is an important abiotic constraint affecting the growth and yield of groundnut in calcareous and alkaline soils worldwide. The present study investigated the inheritance of IDC resistance among four straight crosses of groundnut involving four IDC susceptible cultivars as females and a common IDC resistant male parent. The F1's of all the four crosses were resistant to IDC indicating the dominant nature of IDC resistance. The F2's of all the four crosses showed a good fit to the ratio of 15 (IDC resistant): 1 (IDC susceptible) and their behavior among the F3's was as per the expected ratio of 7:4:4:1. The IDC resistance in groundnut is under the control of duplicate dominant genes wherein, the presence of a dominant allele at either of the loci results in IDC resistance, while duplicate recessive results in IDC susceptibility. This information would facilitate development of IDC resistant cultivars of groundnut.  相似文献   

The bioavailability of Fe from 24 select genotypes of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seeds containing a range of concentrations of Fe, myo-inositol pentaphosphate plus phytic acid (IP5+IP6), and tannins was studied using a rat model. Bean accessions, selected from field trials for their variations in Fe, phytate, and tannin seed concentrations, were grown in a greenhouse in nutrient solutions radiolabeled with (59)Fe. Mature seeds were autoclaved and lyophilized. Test meals (containing 1 g of dried bean, 0.5 g of sucrose, and 1 g of basal Fe-deficient diet) were fed to marginally Fe-depleted weanling rats over a 3-h period; rats were radioassayed in a gamma-spectrometer immediately after feeding and daily thereafter for the next 10 d. Radioiron retention data were used to calculate percent Fe absorption (i.e., Fe bioavailability) from the meals. Seed Fe concentrations ranged from 52 to 157 microg g(-)(1) dry weight. There was a tendency to also select for higher Zn concentrations in the beans when selecting for high Fe concentrations. The Fe bioavailability to rats from test meals depended on the genotype and varied from 53% to 76% of the total Fe. Bean genotypes with higher seed Fe concentrations resulted in increased amounts of bioavailable Fe to rats. There was no significant correlation between the Fe concentration in different bean genotypes and Fe bioavailability to rats attributable to variations in IP5+IP6 or tannins, even though these antinutrients varied widely (i.e., from 19.6 to 29.2 micromol of IP5+IP6 g(-)(1) and from 0.35 to 2.65 mg of tannins g(-)(1)) in the test meals. Other unknown seed factors (i.e., antinutrients or promoter substances) may be contributing factors affecting Fe bioavailability from bean seeds.  相似文献   


Immediate induction of rhizobial chemotaxis and nod genes by seed and root exudates of the common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. was investigated. One hour after the onset of Rhizobium incubation in a culture medium composed of common bean exudates and soil extract, a large number of Rhizobium cells were attracted by the seed exudates of all the cultivars (cvs Hokkaikintoki, Himetebou and Kurodanekinugasa), while the media containing root exudates was not statistically different from the control. After 1 h of incubation, the nod genes were induced significantly by the seed exudates of Himetebou and Kurodanekinugasa. In contrast, the seed exudate of Hokkaikintoki and the root exudates of all the cultivars failed to exert a beneficial effect on the immediate induction of the nod genes. These results suggested that the seed exudates displayed a higher potential for immediate induction of rhizobial chemotaxis and nod genes than the root exudates, except for nod gene induction by the seed exudate of Hokkaikintoki.  相似文献   

The potential of agrobased paper mill effluent (PME) as ferti-irrigant was assessed. Ferti-irrigation responses to 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100% of PME doses on Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Annapurna, in the rainy and summer seasons were investigated. The fertigant concentrations produced changes in electrical conductivity (EC), pH, organic carbon (OC), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), phosphate (PO43–), sulfate (SO42–), iron (Fe2+), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) of the soil in both seasons. The agronomic performances of P. vulgaris increased from 5 to 25% in both seasons compared to controls. The accumulation of metals increased in soil and P. vulgaris from 5 to 100% PME concentrations in both seasons. The contamination factor (Cf) of various metals was in order of Cr > Mn > Cu > Cd > Zn for soil and Mn > Zn > Cu > Cd > Cr for P. vulgaris in both seasons after fertigation with PME. Therefore, PME can be used to improve the soil fertility and yield of P. vulgaris after appropriate dilution.  相似文献   

Exogenous application of thiamine (vitamin B1) during imbibition improved germination and seedling development of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Lasso) seeds, which were exposed to soaking injury by submergence. Leaching of the vitamin into the incubation medium was not increased in submerged seeds. However, translocation of the thiamine reserves from the cotyledons to the seedling axis was reduced in response to soaking injury. After exogenous application of free thiamine to the seeds, thiaminedi-phosphate (TDP), which is the physiologically active coenzyme form of thiamine, accumulated in the seedling axis of submerged seeds, suggesting an increased demand for thiamine-dependent metabolic reactions in these tissues. Limited oxygen supply of the seeds during the soaking period induces a shift from respiration to fermentation of carbohydrates. Neither thiamine-dependent ethanolic fermentation, nor ATP production or adenylate energy charge (AEC) of the seedling axis were affected by exogenous thiamine application, suggesting that there is no limitation of thiamine-dependent reactions in the energy metabolism of the seedlings. Thus the physiological mechanisms improving germination and seedling development of submerged seeds in response to thiamine seed treatment are still not clear.  相似文献   

This paper describes findings in the characterization of 300 accessions in a collection of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Honduras. The plant material was collected from 1990 to 1994 (4 years before the damaging Mitch Hurricane) covering most of the Departments of the country and kept at the Escuela Agrícola Panamericana Zamorano. Thirty-two morpho-agronomical characters were evaluated and the results were grouped by classes. The studied accessions showed a marked diversity with high predominance of red and small seeds. The accessions with purple flowers had black seeds and originate mainly from the western area of the country where this type of seed is preferred. Principal Component Analysis shows that clearly defined groups do not exist. The conservation of this diversity is recommended for future propagation, breeding and the investigation of the genetic relationships and other studies.  相似文献   


Bacteria were isolated from the root nodules using common bean as a trap host. Growth and morphological characteristics of the bacterial isolates were described on yeast extract mannitol mineral salts agar and broth media. The results showed that over 67% of the isolates produced extracellular polysaccharide with an entire margin and convex elevation. The others differentiated into cream yellow, cream white and milky white colouration with colony area ranging from 0.8 to 26?mm2. The population levels of bacteria nodulating common bean varied in soils and were not affected by the cropping system. However, selected soil parameters greatly influenced the occurrence and distribution of these bacteria. The isolation of indigenous bacteria in all the soils with different cropping systems is an indication that the soils are favourable for nitrogen fixation. Based on the differences in cultural characteristics of the isolates, our data demonstrate the presence of high diversity of bacteria associated with bean nodules.  相似文献   

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