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We present spatial coherence measurements of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light generated through the process of high-harmonic up-conversion of a femtosecond laser. With a phase-matched hollow-fiber geometry, the generated beam was found to exhibit essentially full spatial coherence. The coherence of this laser-like EUV source was shown by recording Gabor holograms of small objects. This work demonstrates the capability to perform EUV holography with a tabletop experimental setup. Such an EUV source, with low divergence and high spatial coherence, can be used for experiments involving high-precision metrology, inspection of optical components for EUV lithography, and microscopy and holography with nanometer resolution. Furthermore, the short time duration of the EUV radiation (a few femtoseconds) will enable EUV microscopy and holography to be performed with ultrahigh time resolution.  相似文献   

Singlet diradicals are usually not energy minima. As observed by femtosecond spectroscopy, they readily couple to form final sigma bonds. Substituent effects allow lifetimes to increase into the microsecond range. Taking advantage of the properties of hetero-elements, a diradical has been prepared that is indefinitely stable at room temperature. The availability of diradicals that can be handled under standard laboratory conditions will lead to further insight into their chemical and physical properties, raising the likelihood of practical applications, especially in the field of molecular materials such as electrical conductors and ferromagnets.  相似文献   

Neuronal networks in vivo are characterized by considerable spontaneous activity, which is highly complex and intrinsically generated by a combination of single-cell electrophysiological properties and recurrent circuits. As seen, for example, during waking compared with being asleep or under anesthesia, neuronal responsiveness differs, concomitant with the pattern of spontaneous brain activity. This pattern, which defines the state of the network, has a dramatic influence on how local networks are engaged by inputs and, therefore, on how information is represented. We review here experimental and theoretical evidence of the decisive role played by stochastic network states in sensory responsiveness with emphasis on activated states such as waking. From single cells to networks, experiments and computational models have addressed the relation between neuronal responsiveness and the complex spatiotemporal patterns of network activity. The understanding of the relation between network state dynamics and information representation is a major challenge that will require developing, in conjunction, specific experimental paradigms and theoretical frameworks.  相似文献   

Studies of chemisorption phenomena, the cornerstone of heterogeneous catalysis, have become the central part of contemporary surface science. As a result of the great variety of the available experimental techniques, a backlog of information, some of which conflicts with current theoretical constructs, has accumulated. New models that combine analytical and computational facets have now begun to appear, revealing intrinsic relations among seemingly disparate chemisorption phenomena. Among the major findings are (i) the crucial role of antibonding adsorbate orbitals in bond activation and in the heat of chemisorption, (ii) adsorbate-induced surface polarization leading to a decrease of the metal work function and to an increase of the surface core binding energy, and (iii) important differences between atomic and molecular adsorbate modes of bonding and surface migration.  相似文献   

Measuring gene expression with light   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  

Phase-matched harmonic conversion of visible laser light into soft x-rays was demonstrated. The recently developed technique of guided-wave frequency conversion was used to upshift light from 800 nanometers to the range from 17 to 32 nanometers. This process increased the coherent x-ray output by factors of 10(2) to 10(3) compared to the non-phase-matched case. This source uses a small-scale (sub-millijoule) high repetition-rate laser and will enable a wide variety of new experimental investigations in linear and nonlinear x-ray science.  相似文献   

Toward Heisenberg-limited spectroscopy with multiparticle entangled states   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The precision in spectroscopy of any quantum system is fundamentally limited by the Heisenberg uncertainty relation for energy and time. For N systems, this limit requires that they be in a quantum-mechanically entangled state. We describe a scalable method of spectroscopy that can potentially take full advantage of entanglement to reach the Heisenberg limit and has the practical advantage that the spectroscopic information is transferred to states with optimal protection against readout noise. We demonstrate our method experimentally with three beryllium ions. The spectroscopic sensitivity attained is 1.45(2) times as high as that of a perfect experiment with three non-entangled particles.  相似文献   

Compact solid-state sources of terahertz (THz) radiation are being sought for sensing, imaging, and spectroscopy applications across the physical and biological sciences. We demonstrate that coherent continuous-wave THz radiation of sizable power can be extracted from intrinsic Josephson junctions in the layered high-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8. In analogy to a laser cavity, the excitation of an electromagnetic cavity resonance inside the sample generates a macroscopic coherent state in which a large number of junctions are synchronized to oscillate in phase. The emission power is found to increase as the square of the number of junctions reaching values of 0.5 microwatt at frequencies up to 0.85 THz, and persists up to approximately 50 kelvin. These results should stimulate the development of superconducting compact sources of THz radiation.  相似文献   

To do large-scale quantum information processing, it is necessary to control the interactions between individual qubits while retaining quantum coherence. To this end, superconducting circuits allow for a high degree of flexibility. We report on the time-domain tunable coupling of optimally biased superconducting flux qubits. By modulating the nonlinear inductance of an additional coupling element, we parametrically induced a two-qubit transition that was otherwise forbidden. We observed an on/off coupling ratio of 19 and were able to demonstrate a simple quantum protocol.  相似文献   

The precise manipulation of a propagating wave using phase control is a fundamental building block of optical systems. The wavefront of a light beam propagating across an interface can be modified arbitrarily by introducing abrupt phase changes. We experimentally demonstrated unparalleled wavefront control in a broadband optical wavelength range from 1.0 to 1.9 micrometers. This is accomplished by using an extremely thin plasmonic layer (~λ/50) consisting of an optical nanoantenna array that provides subwavelength phase manipulation on light propagating across the interface. Anomalous light-bending phenomena, including negative angles of refraction and reflection, are observed in the operational wavelength range.  相似文献   

Plasmonics provides a route to develop ultracompact optical devices on a chip by using extreme light concentration and the ability to perform simultaneous electrical and optical functions. These properties also make plasmonics an ideal candidate for dynamically controlling nonlinear optical interactions at the nanoscale. We demonstrate electrically tunable harmonic generation of light from a plasmonic nanocavity filled with a nonlinear medium. The metals that define the cavity also serve as electrodes that can generate high direct current electric fields across the nonlinear material. A fundamental wave at 1.56 micrometers was frequency doubled and modulated in intensity by applying a moderate external voltage to the electrodes, yielding a voltage-dependent nonlinear generation with a normalized magnitude of ~7% per volt.  相似文献   

Suppressing drosophila circadian rhythm with dim light   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drosophila larvae were reared and allowed to pupate in continuous bright white light. The pupae were then transferred to a much dimmer blue light. In continuous blue light of intensity below 0.001 erg per square centimeter per second, adult flies emerged in pulses 24.7 hours apart, each pulse occupying about 6 hours. But in continuous light of intensity exceeding 0.1 erg per square centimeter per second, they emerged at a steady rate. This intensity range from effective darkness to effective light is roughly from starlight to moonlight. Inside this range, the emergence peaks broaden for about a week with little change of period.  相似文献   

A visual pigment with two physiologically active stable states   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Red illumination of a Balanus amphitrite photoreceptor that has been adapted to blue light leads to prolonged depolarization in the late receptor potential. This depolarization can be switched off by further exposure to a blue stimulus. The early receptor potential in this cell is purely depolarizing or largely hyperpolarizing; the former is true if the cell has been adapted to red light, and the latter, if blue light has been used. The color-adaptation "memories" for both early and late receptor potentials appear to be permanent. The existence of two stable states for the early receptor potential directly implies a pigment with two stable states, and these apparently contribute antagonistically to the late receptor potential.  相似文献   

The results have shown that selective excitation obtained with a tunable monochromatic laser is a useful technique for studying photochemical and energy transfer processes. A new phenomenon in the photochemistry of bromine was observed, in which bound excited molecules, and not atoms, were formed in the primary process. The mechanism of the subsequent reaction consists of collisional dissociation of the excited molecules into atoms, which then initiated free-radical chains. A quantitative estimate of the collisional electronic relaxation rate for excited bromine molecules was obtained, and a new upper limit to the continuous absorption strength at 14,400 cm(-1) was determined.  相似文献   

李成  李俊明 《油气储运》2013,(11):1206-1208
为分析冷凝法回收挥发油气的经济性,结合中国石化长岭分公司在油气装车时检测的由14种气体组成的油气混合物及其组分浓度数据,对采用三级冷凝工艺回收挥发油气的方案进行建模和计算.3级制冷系统分别采用R22、R404A和R508B作为制冷工质,得到各级制冷系统的制冷系数及其能量消耗结果,采用ChemCAD软件获得油气回收效率,通过计算求得制冷系统年平均运行能耗、运行费用、初期投资和收益.分析结果表明:采用冷凝法对油气进行回收时,该工艺系统投运一年内即可完全收回初期投资和当年运行费用,且当处理油气量为40 kg/h时,当年净盈利可以达到4.487 1×104元,年平均净收益远大于年平均总投资.(表5,图1,参4)  相似文献   

What is the complex impedance of a fully coherent quantum resistance-capacitance (RC) circuit at gigahertz frequencies in which a resistor and a capacitor are connected in series? While Kirchhoff's laws predict addition of capacitor and resistor impedances, we report on observation of a different behavior. The resistance, here associated with charge relaxation, differs from the usual transport resistance given by the Landauer formula. In particular, for a single-mode conductor, the charge-relaxation resistance is half the resistance quantum, regardless of the transmission of the mode. The new mesoscopic effect reported here is relevant for the dynamical regime of all quantum devices.  相似文献   

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