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Homologous recombination(HR) and nonhomologous end joining(NHEJ) are considered the two main double-strand break(DSB) repair approaches in eukaryotes. Inhibiting the activities of the key component in NHEJ commonly enhances the efficiency of targeted gene knockouts or affects growth and development in higher eukaryotes. However, little is known about the roles of the NHEJ pathway in foliar pathogens. Here we identified a gene designated St KU80, which encodes a putative DNA end-binding protein homologous to yeast Ku80, in the foliar pathogen Exserohilum turcicum. Conserved domain analysis showed that the typical domains VWA, Ku78 and Ku-PK-bind are usually present in Ku70/80 proteins in eukaryotes and are also present in St Ku80. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that St Ku80 is most closely related to Ku80(XP_001802136.1) from Parastagonospora nodorum, followed by Ku80(AGF90044.1) from Monascus ruber. Furthermore, the gene knockout mutants ΔSt KU80-1 and ΔSt KU80-2 were obtained. These mutants displayed longer septas, thinner cell walls, smaller amounts of substances on cell wall surfaces, and more mitochondria per cell than the wild-type(WT) strain but similar HT-toxin activity. The mutants did not produce conidia and mature appressoria. On the other hand, the mutants were highly sensitive to H_2O_2, but not to ultraviolet radiation. In summary, the St KU80 plays devious roles in regulating the development of E. turcicum.  相似文献   

在研究苹果清洗设备发展现状及各种清洗设备优缺点的基础上,设计了一种新型苹果清洗设备,并进行了校核。该新型苹果清洗设备采用两级螺旋输送机,在实现涡流清洗的同时将苹果送往下步工序,可实现连续生产,提高了生产效率。在浮洗机中采用低速拨轮淹没洗涤、高速拨轮高压鼓泡和高速湍流洗涤,并辅以苹果自身摩擦作用,可达到良好的清洗效果。另外,洗涤用水采用回流水,节约了水资源。  相似文献   

为解决传统板栗(Castanea mollissima BL.)生产中收集、剥苞两步人力劳动大、生产效率低、传统机械落后等问题,设计了由树莓派3B+主控板为控制核心,Arduino为开发平台,蓄电池和电机为动力,实现板栗自动收获和剥苞的板栗自动收获剥苞机。板栗自动收获剥苞机由控制系统实现在板栗园内的自动循迹行走;经鬃毛刷转动可实现板栗的捡拾收集,捡拾精度高;板栗经由双辊轮转动所带动的其上以聚四氟软管刀片的挤压实现剥苞,板栗受损率低、剥苞效率高。该整机结构简单,实用性强,以期为进一步提高板栗生产效率提供参考。  相似文献   

Morphine has been found in cow and human milk at concentrations of 200 to 500 nanograms per liter. Multistep purification yields a material that has immunological, biological, pharmacological, and chemical properties identical to those of morphine. Similar morphine-like material, which has been tentatively identified in some common plant sources, may be a ubiquitous dietary constituent and a possible source for the material in milk. Since morphine (mu) receptors have a low affinity for enkephalins, and since morphine-like materials have been described in brain and intestine, it is possible that morphine in food may be the source of this material and a normal ligand specific for mu receptors.  相似文献   

新型对行中耕除草施肥机设计及试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对农田大量使用除草剂对环境带来的危害,研究设计了一种新型中耕除草施肥机.介绍了设计机具的结构特征、工作原理,并确定了机具关键部件的合理参数,即当刀片安装倾斜角度为10°,刀片底部间距为18mm时除草效果最好.田间试验表明,设计机具作业效率高,有利于农作物增产增收.  相似文献   

为解决现有多数葡萄埋藤机埋土量少和埋藤质量差等问题,研制了一种新型冬季葡萄越冬埋藤机。对该机的关键部件:掘土部件,输土机构和减速、换向装置进行了设计研究,并采用正交试验方法进行了田间试验,以掘土铲的长度、纵向输送带的线速度与横向输送带的线速度为因素,以覆土厚度、覆土宽度和抛土距离为指标。在利用试验结果的基础上做出了方差分析,得出影响葡萄埋藤机工作性能的因素主次,进一步优化了组合部件参数。试验结果表明掘土铲的长度为40 cm、纵向输送带的线速度为1.4 m·s-1、横向输送带的线速度为1.65 m·s-1时,葡萄埋藤机的埋藤效果良好,能够满足葡萄越冬埋藤的农艺要求。  相似文献   

SGTN-180型旋耕埋草施肥联合作业机的设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对现有秸秆还田机械存在的正转秸秆还田机械覆盖性较差、功能单一,需多次作业才能满足农艺要求;而反转秸秆还田机械刀辊前方壅土严重,功耗较大等问题,设计了SGTN-180型旋耕埋草施肥联合作业机。该联合作业机采用双辊配置:前辊正转,进行秸秆粉碎;后辊反转旋耕,完成秸秆翻埋和碎土作业的独特作业模式,有效提高覆盖性能和降低功耗;并设计有施肥装置,完成播种前土壤整备的联合作业。鉴定检测试验结果表明:该旋耕埋草施肥联合作业机可一次性实现秸秆粉碎还田、旋耕碎土、施肥等多项作业,具有较好的耕作质量:作业后,植被覆盖率94.8%、碎土率93.1%、耕后平整度0.4 cm、耕深稳定性97.2%,肥料在2~11 cm耕层内与土壤混合,呈条带状分布。  相似文献   

针对现有鱼体定向整理装置工作环境嘈杂,工作稳定性差的问题,本研究设计了一种基于机器视觉的鱼体定向整理装置.采用卷积神经网络Resnet-18对鱼体头尾朝向进行识别,采用图像处理的方法提取鱼体轮廓并进行网格划分,通过比较灰度值大小判断鱼体的腹背朝向.当检测到鱼体尾部朝前时,气缸推杆将其推出剔除,实现鱼体头尾定向;当鱼体头...  相似文献   

针对西北地区干旱、风沙大、苜蓿播种存在种子发芽率低、播量调节困难等问题,研制了一款旱地苜蓿全膜覆盖精量播种机,介绍了该机的工作原理、主要工作部件的结构特点,利用Solidworks对平土板进行强度校核,并进行了田间播种性能试验.结果表明:平土板以最小安全系数大于1.29的5mm厚钢板最经济可靠;土壤类型、播种深度、机具速度是影响播种机作业质量的重要因素,播种机以4km/h速度在砂土里作业,播深20mm时,作业效果最好,空穴率为2.9%,膜下播深合格率为92%,穴粒数合格率为90.8%.  相似文献   

Soil depth is critical for eco-hydrological modeling, carbon storage calculation and land evaluation. However, its spatial variation is poorly understood and rarely mapped. With a limited number of sparse samples, how to predict soil depth in a large area of complex landscapes is still an issue. This study constructed an ensemble machine learning model, i.e.,quantile regression forest, to quantify the relationship between soil depth and environmental conditions. The model was then combined with ...  相似文献   

A microfluidic device has been developed that can adsorb proteins from solution, hold them with negligible denaturation, and release them on command. The active element in the device is a 4-nanometer-thick polymer film that can be thermally switched between an antifouling hydrophilic state and a protein-adsorbing state that is more hydrophobic. This active polymer has been integrated into a microfluidic hot plate that can be programmed to adsorb and desorb protein monolayers in less than 1 second. The rapid response characteristics of the device can be manipulated for proteomic functions, including preconcentration and separation of soluble proteins on an integrated fluidics chip.  相似文献   

针对甘肃省河西灌区玉米机械化收获作业后,部分秸秆残留附着在地面上,使得残膜难以回收且回收后含杂多,可利用价值低的问题,设计一种膜面清洁打捆自卸式残膜回收机。机具主要由悬挂装置、机架、传动装置、膜面清洁装置、起膜装置、捡拾喂入装置、打捆装置、卸膜装置和地轮组成,可同时完成膜面清洁、地膜捡拾与自动打捆卸膜作业。膜面清洁装置设计是在现有灭茬机构基础上,重新设计了灭茬甩刀的数量及在刀轴上的排列方式,并增加了秸秆输送搅龙,利用负压将切碎的秸秆输送到已作业地表;根据河西灌区的地形,对起膜铲的形状和入土倾角进行设计,取最佳入土倾角为23°;根据起膜铲的结构和排布,设计了偏心伸缩扒齿的排列方式;参照秸秆圆捆打捆机的设计,确定成捆室中转辊的数量为12根。田间试验结果表明:机具作业速度为1.39 m/s时,残膜拾净率为92.46%,含杂率2.15%,机具运行平稳,无故障出现,实现了膜土分离、膜杂分离,且地膜回收率高。  相似文献   

柑橘皮可分为白皮层和色素层,分别含有不同的有效成分,将白皮层和色素层分开利用可有效提高柑橘皮的利用率。试验设计一种可将柑橘皮白皮层与色素层切割分层的设备,以甜橙皮为材料,分别考察橙皮传输速率、带锯齿深、带锯转速、柑橘皮面积对设备分层效果的影响。确定了柑橘皮分层设备的操作优化工艺:传输装置的输送速率为40~60片·min-1,带锯齿深为5 mm,转速1 400 r·min-1,柑橘皮面积≤5 cm2时,分层均一性可达到98%;当用分层设备切割橙皮从外表皮向内2 mm位点时,用上下两层橘皮分别提取类胡萝卜素和果胶,相比以全果皮提取的果胶和类胡萝卜素,果胶亮度L*值提高了53%;相同溶剂提取类胡萝卜素量可提高3.2倍。  相似文献   

根据我国现有的香菇烘干机的基本结构,以及在使用和生产中发现的问题,经过多次试验,研制成6JH60-2T小型箱式烘干机。该机与国内同容量的烘干机相比,机重减轻44%,造价降低45%,燃料消耗降低38%,电耗降低63%,现已在实际生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

针对当前农业植保施药落后、农药使用量大、有效利用率低、现代施药装备缺乏等关键问题,设计出一种可变雾滴直径农业喷雾机喷雾装置(发明专利申请号:200810108124.6),并设计出3WD-12(24)型采用可变雾滴直径农业喷雾机喷雾装置的农业喷雾机械。试验结果表明,雾滴直径在13~90μm之间变化,喷雾的药液流量可在440~660 mL.m in-1之间调节,比常规的喷雾机节约了1/3以上用药量;实现植保机具一机多用,既能喷雾又能喷烟,且可实现对搭架式葡萄和果园等进行立体喷雾或喷烟,配套可变地隙拖拉机植保作业;根据喷雾作业对象及生长状态的不同而改变喷雾方式,从而可以达到高效施药、保护环境的目的。  相似文献   

A small molecule, alpha-(trichloromethyl)-4-pyridineethanol (PETCM), was identified by high-throughput screening as an activator of caspase-3 in extracts of a panel of cancer cells. PETCM was used in combination with biochemical fractionation to identify a pathway that regulates mitochondria-initiated caspase activation. This pathway consists of tumor suppressor putative HLA-DR-associated proteins (PHAP) and oncoprotein prothymosin-alpha (ProT). PHAP proteins promoted caspase-9 activation after apoptosome formation, whereas ProT negatively regulated caspase-9 activation by inhibiting apoptosome formation. PETCM relieved ProT inhibition and allowed apoptosome formation at a physiological concentration of deoxyadenosine triphosphate. Elimination of ProT expression by RNA interference sensitized cells to ultraviolet irradiation-induced apoptosis and negated the requirement of PETCM for caspase activation. Thus, this chemical-biological combinatory approach has revealed the regulatory roles of oncoprotein ProT and tumor suppressor PHAP in apoptosis.  相似文献   

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