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<正>按照《2014年国家动物疫病监测与流行病学调查计划》、《2014年山东省动物疫病监测与流行病学调查计划》有关要求,为了摸清山东省禽病流行现状,科学评估疫病发生风险,2014年11月,山东省疫控中心和17市疫控中心、检测中心共同实施了禽病风险因素现状调查,现报告如下:1调查的方式方法 1.1调查时间2014年11月1日~2014年12月15日1.2调查范围全省范围内每个县(市、区)选择蛋鸡、肉鸡、蛋鸭、肉鸭养殖场各2个。全省64个动物门诊诊疗数  相似文献   

为分析我国生猪养殖、流通和屠宰等环节的生物安全水平,提升非洲猪瘟防控工作的针对性、科学性,采用问卷调查和现场调查相结合的方式,对湖南、河南、重庆、辽宁、安徽等5个省(直辖市)15个县(市、区)的196个生猪养殖场(户)、69个生猪经纪人和19个屠宰场进行调查。结果显示:截至2019年9月,调查县(市、区)养猪场(户)数较2017年减少了50%~80%;生猪饲养模式以自繁自养为主,小规模场生物安全措施实施率较低;生猪经纪人行为复杂,如经纪对象多样、活动范围广、兼营其他相关业务、同批次收购不同养殖场(户)生猪等,仍有47.8%的经纪人称还会进圈挑选猪;73.7%的屠宰场运猪车辆没有有效执行离场清洗消毒措施。结果表明,我国生猪价值链各环节的生物安全水平仍有较大上升空间。提议继续推进规范化养殖场建设,加强生猪经纪人管理,加强生猪运输车辆的清洗消毒,促进生猪产业一体化发展。  相似文献   

养禽业中最大的威胁是禽病,一个养禽现代化高密度鸡群的饲养过程使得有效的卫生消毒、生物安全措施和免疫变得尤为重要。禽病不仅造成养殖企业的损失,还可能影响整个行业,造成社会恐慌,资源浪费。主要解决方法仍是做好生物安全工作,通过对工作人员的约束、设施的改进、制度的完善等来改善家禽生存的环境,以提升家禽的福利,提高家禽的生产能力和经济效益。生物安全管理和隔离区划分是现代养禽生产的第一原则,也是大型养殖企业赖以生存的基本保障。它不但适用于种禽场,也同样适用于规模化肉鸡场和蛋鸡场。生物安全的实质是指对环境、鸡群及从业人员的兽医卫生管理。  相似文献   

太原虽然不是家禽养殖大市,但蛋鸡、肉鸡养殖也具有一定特色。为了更好地了解目前太原市蛋鸡、肉鸡养殖现状,山西省畜禽繁育工作站联合太原市畜禽繁育站组成调研组,深入太原市的两个县(区)、四个乡镇、五个村、六个规模场进行了家禽养殖调研活动,详情如下。  相似文献   

为掌握我国长三角和珠三角地区肉鸡养殖卫生状况,调研组联合江苏、安徽等5省(市)相关兽医技术支撑部门开展了肉鸡卫生状况调查。调查发现:两地78.6%的出栏肉鸡来自“公司+农户”或公司;72.9%的养殖场户采取全进全出方式饲养,且不同类型养殖场户饲养方式存在明显差别;10个生物安全防护措施指标平均得分56.2,生物防护安全水平随着规模化程度的提高而上升;H5亚型禽流感、新城疫和传染性法氏囊的场户免疫率超过95%;2%的场户以丢弃、出售或饲喂其他动物的方式处理病死禽。5省(市)肉鸡生长周期内的平均死淘率为7.23%(95%CI:4.24%~11.49%);平均每只肉鸡防疫投入0.99元,其中疫苗和兽药费用占比大于88%。调查结果显示,长三角和珠三角地区进一步提升动物疫病防控水平,需要逐步淘汰防疫条件较差的养殖场户,减少活禽调运,杜绝随意丢弃或出售病死禽类的现象。  相似文献   

在非洲猪瘟仍无有效疫苗可用的防控形势下,生物安全措施是最经济、最有效的动物疫病防控手段。为了解北京市某区生猪养殖场生物安全状况,提出针对性改善措施,组织人员对某区34个生猪养殖场进行了生物安全状况调查,设置了40个评估项。通过问卷调查、现场走访、材料核实、数据分析、风险评估发现:与周边村庄等人口聚集区之间的距离、与周边主干道的距离、养殖场门口和围墙防疫条件、人员进场管理和消毒制度、入生产区人员隔离消毒通道、生物安全分区及管理、出猪过程的人员隔离要求等7个评估项合格率低于60%;58.8%的被调查场为生物安全高风险场,41.2%为中风险场;存在外部生物安全环境复杂、场区布局不合理、未按生物安全等级分区管控、生物安全屏障措施不到位等问题,并相应提出了针对性措施。本调查可为相关企业和管理部门开展养殖场生物安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

  2012年下半年以来,家禽业发展可谓多事之秋,白羽肉鸡事件的影响刚刚淡去,“H7N9流感”病例事件接踵而至,山东省家禽生产遭遇严重冲击,影响程度之深、波及范围之广,均远远超出预期,其影响至今仍在发酵。2013年4月后,种禽企业、养殖场户、加工企业、产品市场等多个环节均陷入低迷,损失惨重。主要表现为家禽及其产品价格快速下跌、屠宰企业产品库存增加、禽产品销售迟缓或停顿、禽苗价格大幅下跌甚至无人问津、种禽淘汰增加、养殖户补栏积极性不高等。截止目前,山东省毛鸡和毛鸭价格分别为8.0元和6.8元,较3月末分别下降18.6%和10.6%,蛋鸡淘汰鸡价格8.0元,下降12%;肉鸡产品10000元/t,下降1000元,降幅10%;肉鸭产品7500元/t,下降1500元,降幅16.7%。鸡蛋价格7.1元,较3月末下降9.2%,家禽产品销量减少60%。全省220家肉鸡屠宰加工企业产品库存36.96万吨,较3月份增加53.29%;159家肉鸭屠宰加工企业产品库存21.87万吨,较3月份增加53.98%。种禽企业销量下降20%~70%不等,孵化场处于停产或半停产状态。养殖户亏损严重,每千克鸡蛋直接亏损1元以上,形势最严竣时每羽商品肉鸡亏损4~6元。据行业统计,全省家禽业养殖环节每天损失1亿多元。由于销售不畅,库存高企,不少养殖企业和养殖户资金链越来越吃紧,一些养殖户不得不选择退出市场。  相似文献   

李增光 《山东家禽》2011,(10):17-19
消毒和隔离是现代家禽养殖场生物安全管理的两个重要环节,是保证养鸡场远离疫病、确保安全生产和获得良好经济效益的基本保障,也是现代家禽养殖场兽医卫生管理的第一原则。  相似文献   

在影响肉鸡与蛋鸡生产水平的诸多因素中,鸡群健康状况的好坏是最重要的因素之一.保持鸡群良好的健康状况,需要有效的清洁与消毒措施、合理的免疫程序以及良好的生物安全体系等综合防制措施的实施.这些卫生防疫措施的实施,加上优质的饲养管理,会给家禽生产带来巨大成功.  相似文献   

7月26日至8月20日山东省种畜禽鉴定委员会家禽专业组一行10人,对省内18个祖代种禽场进行了鉴定验收和复查,其中肉鸡祖代场10处,蛋鸡祖代场7处,水禽场1处,共鉴定祖代肉鸡33896套,祖代蛋鸡90544只,麻鸭10000只。被鉴定的品种有AA、爱维茵、宝星、明星、京白、滨白、星杂579、白壳蛋系A、B、C,寿光鸡,微山麻鸭等。  相似文献   


Aims: To collect baseline data on the contact risk pathways and biosecurity practices of commercial poultry farms in New Zealand, investigate the relationship between the farm-level disease contact risks and biosecurity practices, and identify important poultry health concerns of producers.

Methods: A cross-sectional survey of all registered New Zealand commercial poultry operations was conducted in 2016 collecting information on farm demographics, biosecurity practices, and contact risk pathways. Survey responses were used to generate an unweighted subjective disease risk score based on eight risk criteria and a subjective biosecurity score based on the frequency with which producers reported implementing seven biosecurity measures. Producer opinions towards poultry health issues were also determined.

Results: Responses to the survey response were obtained from 120/414 (29.0%) producers, including 57/157 (36.3%) broiler, 33/169 (19.5%) layer, 24/55 (44%) breeder, and 6/32 (19%) other poultry production types. Median disease risk scores differed between production types (p?<?0.001) and were lowest for breeder enterprises. The greatest risk for layer and broiler enterprises was from the potential movement of employees between sheds, and for breeder enterprises was the on- and off-farm movement of goods and services. Median biosecurity scores also differed between production types (p?<?0.001), and were highest for breeder and broiler enterprises. Across all sectors there was no statistical correlation between biosecurity scores and disease risk scores. Producers showed a high level of concern over effectively managing biosecurity measures.

Conclusions: The uptake of biosecurity measures in the commercial poultry farms surveyed was highly variable, with some having very low scores despite significant potential disease contact risks. This may be related to the low prevalence or absence of many important infectious poultry diseases in New Zealand leading farmers to believe there is a limited need to maintain good biosecurity as well as farmer uncertainty around the efficacy of different biosecurity measures. Further research is needed to understand barriers towards biosecurity adoption including evaluating the cost-effectiveness of biosecurity interventions.  相似文献   

The isolation and identification of Avibacterium paragallinarum serovar B-1 from severe infectious coryza outbreaks in broiler breeders in Panama is reported for the first time. Infectious coryza was absent for over a decade in the breeder farms area. Disease outbreaks were characterized by an up to 45% drop in egg production and increased mortality. Use of a commercial trivalent bacterin and a strengthened biosecurity program prevented outbreaks in susceptible flocks in the farm.  相似文献   

The recent outbreak of avian influenza in the poultry sector of Cameroon has raised a concern about the level of implementation of biosecurity measures (BM) on poultry farms. Therefore, a study using a questionnaire on 102 randomly selected poultry farms was undertaken. Some measures with high adoption levels (>?90%) included “protection of airing openings of poultry barns by a wire mesh,” “no external animal allowed to enter the farm,” “respect of all-in all-out principle,” “functional footbath,” “rodent control,” and “feedstuff protection from access to rodents.” The least implemented measures (less than 20%) were “wearing of dedicated clothing (clean coveralls and boots) by workers,” “disinfection of visitors,” and “presence of storage room for dead animals.” Only for “isolation” component of biosecurity, compliance with biosecurity measures was good, with more than 50% of farms having an adoption rate greater than 75%. The mean biosecurity score for the assessed farms was 19.29?±?1.89 for a maximum score of 38 points. The score was significantly and positively correlated (p?<?0.05) with the number of chicken and the geographic location of farms. The other results showed that the mean number of broiler per cycle was 550.82?±?76 for a stocking density of 27.20?±?6.64 birds per m2. In conclusion, broiler production in the Western highland is dominated by small-scale units with low level of biosecurity practices positively and significantly (p?<?0.05) influenced by some production characteristics. To improve biosecurity practices in the area, efforts must focus on measures concerning “sanitation” and “traffic control” components of biosecurity.  相似文献   

A two-part serial survey of 49 broiler breeder farms was conducted in four south-eastern states: Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia and North Carolina. Broiler breeder farms from three to five broiler company complexes in each state were visited on two separate occasions to document management practices and perform environmental sampling for Salmonella prevalence estimation. Salmonella was detected in 88% of the broiler breeder houses that were sampled and was identified on all 49 farms enrolled. Many management characteristics were consistent across the different states and companies. Multilevel analysis was used to evaluate management characteristics as risk factors for Salmonella prevalence and to estimate the proportion of variance residing at the different hierarchical sampling levels. Management characteristics associated with increased Salmonella prevalence included treatment of the flock for any disease, having dusty conditions in the house, having dry conditions under the slats and walking through the house more than one time per day to pick-up dead birds. After adjusting for state as a fixed effect, the percentages of variance in Salmonella prevalence occurring at the complex, farm, visit, house and individual sample levels were 5.2%, 6.8%, 11.8%, 2.8% and 73.4%, respectively. The intraclass correlations for samples collected from the same house; for samples from different houses during the same visit; for samples from different visits to the same farm; and for samples from different farms in the same complex were as follows: 0.27, 0.24, 0.12 and 0.05, respectively.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in South Georgia to assess the carbon footprint of poultry farms. The study included broiler grow-out farms, pullet farms, and breeder farms from one commercial broiler complex. Data collection included the fuel and electricity bills from each farm, house size and age, flock size and number of flocks per year, and manure management. Emissions were calculated using a greenhouse gas (GHG) calculation tool. The carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane (CH4) emissions were computed and a carbon footprint determined. Carbon footprint comparisons were made based on house construction and age. Based on these results, an evaluation of the mechanical sources of emissions showed that approximately 96% of the emissions from the broiler and pullet farms were from propane use, while only 3.9% of the total mechanical emissions from breeder farms were from propane use. On breeder farms, 83% of mechanical GHG emissions were the result of electricity use, while the pullet and broiler grow-out farms accounted for 2.9 and 2.7%, respectively, of the total mechanical emissions from electricity use. The data collected from the farms and entered into the GHG calculation tool revealed that breeder houses had higher levels of CH4 emissions from manure management when compared to emissions from broiler and pullet houses. Even though the GHG emissions from poultry production farms were minimal compared to other animal production farms, the different sources of emissions were identified, thereby enabling the farmer to target specific areas for mitigation.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2005 and 2006 in three geographical areas of Madagascar to investigate and differentiate swine farm management and biosecurity practices in smallholder farming communities. Questionnaire data from a total of 709 pig farms were analysed using multiple factor analysis (MFA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). Variables describing management and biosecurity practices were organised into five groups: structure of the farm, animal-contacts, person- and vehicle-contacts, feeding, and sanitary aspects. In general, few biosecurity measures were implemented in the pig farms included in the study. Regional differences in management and biosecurity practices emerged from the MFA and were mainly due to, in order of decreasing importance: structure of the farm, sanitary aspects, feeding and animal-contacts and, to a lesser extent, person- and vehicle-contacts. HCA resulted in the differentiation of four distinct types of farms in each of two study areas, Arivonimamo and Marovoay, while no grouping could be identified amongst farms in Ambatondrazaka area. The characterisation of the different types of smallholder pig farms will allow adapting recommendations on husbandry practices and control measures in pig farms of these regions of Madagascar. The development of tailored recommendations is essential for Malagasy smallholders who have limited resources and need to make evidence-based management changes to reduce the risk of contagious diseases in their herds.  相似文献   

Isolates of Eimeria species obtained from broiler or from breeder farms were compared for their sensitivity to two ionophorous anticoccidial drugs, monensin and lasalocid. All of 25 isolates from broiler farms were resistant to 100 ppm monensin or 90 ppm lasalocid, while 14 of 16 isolates were resistant to monensin and seven of 16 to lasalocid from breeder farms (replacement layer and broiler breeder).  相似文献   

肉种鸡的后备期生长发育状况对其产蛋期有很大的影响,后备期的生长性能是否达标,是保证产蛋数量和质量的先决条件,也是提高种鸡场经济效益的关键环节。汇总并分析了实际生产中爱拔益加肉鸡父母代种鸡场的第一手资料,结合理想状态下的生产性能标准,通过直观的数据表和曲线图展示了后备期生长性能以周为单位的波动情况,进而对如何缩小实际值与理论值的差距,如何提升后备期生长性能,以及采用何种措施加强饲养管理工作做了深入分析,以期提高广大养殖户对肉种鸡后备期生产管理的重视程度,切实做好产蛋之前的准备工作,以获得更大的经济效益,为市场供应更多更优质的产品做出贡献。  相似文献   

Velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease (vvNCD), which is endemic in Cambodia, can be prevented in theory by a combination of biosecurity and immunization of broiler flocks. The relative contribution of appropriate biosecurity and effective vaccination was quantified at the farm level, applying realistic projections for capital investment, fixed and variable production costs and losses following infection. Non-protected broiler flocks generate a loss when the probability of vvNCD infection exceeds 0.4. Applying both biosecurity and effective vaccination would sustain profitability up to a probability of exposure of 1.0. The benefit to cost ratios for alternative strategies were evaluated for a range of probabilities of exposure to vvNCD extending from 0.1 to 1.0. The benefit-to-cost ratio for biosecurity exceeded unity at a risk of exposure exceeding 0.1, and 0.2 for vaccination and the combination of vaccination and biosecurity respectively. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the efficiency of protection, feed cost, and financial consequences of infection markedly affected the projected benefit-to-cost ratios associated with alternative methods of prevention.  相似文献   

The integrated commercial poultry system is a highly connected network in which routine activities keep farms within a geographic area in constant contact. Consequently, biosecurity practices designed to minimize the transmission of infectious diseases between and within farms are an important component of modern flock health programs. A survey of Georgia poultry growers was conducted in order to assess the level of adoption of standard biosecurity measures by farm personnel and visitors. The results showed that compliance with recommended biosecurity practices did not significantly vary by company, farm size, or number of farms owned by the same grower. However, biosecurity was higher in the northern part of the state, where the density of farms is higher, and where there was an ongoing outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis at the time of the study. The survey found that growers place more emphasis on biosecurity measures targeting farm visitors than those targeting farm personnel. Most growers reported that all visitors to the farm were required to wear shoe covers, although visitors were not typically required to park outside the farm entrance or to wash tires on their vehicles. No visitor type was reportedly excluded from poultry houses during grow out on all farms. The results highlight the need to evaluate the comparative efficacy of specific biosecurity measures in order to set priorities and attain feasible rates of implementation of targeted biosecurity practices.  相似文献   

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