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王凤鹤  陈强  杨甫 《蜜蜂杂志》2009,29(6):15-15
无刺蜂多在热带亚热带地区分布,喜欢在高温高湿条件下生活.云南、海南田间森林地区均有无刺蜂分布,一些无刺蜂常在废弃或生长着的树洞内筑巢,有些种类在土坡内蚂蚁巢穴旁边筑巢,以当地植物花蜜为食.蜂蜜多为酸性,浓度较低,含水量在30%以上,味道酸甜爽口,深受广大消费者欢迎.  相似文献   

张河勇 《蜜蜂杂志》2021,41(1):46-47
近年来,由于蜂蜜越来越受人们的青睐,业余养蜂的队伍也越来越壮大.因此于荒山野岭,以摆放诱蜂桶的诱蜂者,也越来越普遍.放眼望去,岩石下、斜坡旁、古树下,诱蜂桶比比皆是.诱蜂桶放置多了,给极个别偷蜂者提供了便利——常有已诱入蜂桶的蜂群被盗走.由于山高路远,偷蜂者为了掩人耳目、方便行窃,通常只携带个大布袋,将诱蜂桶中的蜜蜂抖...  相似文献   

<正>无刺蜂个体小、行动灵活,适应于热带和亚热地地区的环境,是这一地区植物的主要传粉昆虫之一,全世界已知有500多种,广泛分布于热带和亚热带地区。在泰国、马来西亚、菲律宾、巴西、澳大利亚等国的部分地区均有分布,我国仅在海南和云南南部地区有分布。由于无刺蜂没有螫针,对人畜不会造成  相似文献   

无刺蜂是蜜蜂总科蜜蜂亚科麦蜂族(Meliponini)昆虫,全世界有500多种无刺蜂分布在热带和亚热带地区,如南美洲、非洲及东南亚各国,我国的海南及云南西双版纳等地均有分布。无刺蜂的人工饲养历史悠久。马德里的玛雅典籍中对无刺蜂就有大量的记载,在一些地区的宗教仪式中用到无刺蜂。由于无刺蜂的生存依赖于大面积的森林,因而无刺蜂正日益面临着文化、经济及生态方面的挑战。同时,无刺蜂的兴衰在一定程度上成为反映当地森林采伐及生物多样性的一个参考指标[1]。1999年7月,第一次无刺蜂国际研讨会在墨西哥召开。同年,在哥伦比亚召开的第3次南美…  相似文献   

张河勇 《蜜蜂杂志》2020,40(12):33-34
很多蜂友都会摆放诱蜂桶诱捕蜂群,但每个蜂农诱捕的蜂群多少不一,即使同一个人于不同区域摆放的诱蜂桶。有的区域蜂桶几乎被放烂了也诱不来一群蜜蜂,究其原因有下列几点。1附近蜜蜂种群的多少每个地区蜜蜂的养殖密度,存在着很大的差异。有的村寨房前屋后,经常可以见到分蜂团,蜜蜂甚至飞到农户的陶罐、家具内营巢;有的村庄一年到头,也见不到一个分蜂团。若周边几千米内,没什么蜜蜂种群的地方,就尽量避开,不去设置诱蜂桶。  相似文献   

<正>在现实中,想吃土蜂蜜、想养蜂又舍不得掏钱买蜂者大有人在。其实,"养蜂不要种,只要勤做桶"。野生中蜂群、分蜂群、逃蜂群的诱捕对于新手来说,可能有点新鲜感,甚至有点刺激,但是对于多年跟蜂打交道的老师傅来说,写这样的文章,就显得贻笑大方。在这,介绍诱蜂的一些基本方法——想诱得蜜蜂要满足4个条件。一是有蜂源的地方。在常有蜜蜂出现的地方放置诱蜂箱,一般是第一天来一二只侦察蜂,第二天十多只或几十只蜜蜂来看  相似文献   

无刺蜂是一个单系的真社会群居昆虫类群,是最丰富多样的一类蜜蜂群体。在世界上所有的热带和亚热带地区都有分布,也是这些地区植物的传粉昆虫之一。无刺蜂主要依靠共生微生物的发酵来保存蜂蜜和转化储存食物中的花粉。蜂巢里有各种各样的微生物群,包括细菌、酵母菌、丝状真菌和病毒。这些微生物可以通过共生关系与无刺蜂相互作用,或者它们可以作为昆虫的食物,或者产生生物分子,帮助蜂产品进行生物转化,如蜂蜜和蜂粮的酿造。某些微生物种类也能产生抗菌化合物,抑制无刺蜂病原体发生。综述了无刺蜂蜂巢环境中的各种微生物、肠道菌群、真菌及病毒的研究进展,并阐述了相关微生物的功能及与无刺蜂的相互作用。  相似文献   

目前我国饲养的蜜蜂,主要是西方蜜蜂和东方蜜蜂两大类。然而,在自然界中还有另一种小蜜蜂——麦蜂。这种可供家养的蜜蜂,大小相差很大,小的体长仅2~3毫米,大的也只有10毫米左右,由于体型微小,故群众称它为“蚊蜂”或“酸蜂”,科学上一般称为无刺蜂或热带蜂。为了充分发掘我国野生蜂种资源,现将有关麦蜂的情况简介如下。我国幅员广大,地处热带、亚热带的南方各省,都有麦蜂的分布。据我们1976年到  相似文献   

很多飞逃的家养蜂群,或者分蜂后没有及时收留的蜂团,派出的侦察蜂,因为长时间寻找不到合适的营巢新洞穴时,也会在露天屋檐下或者粗壮的树丫、枝干下,岩石边临时筑巢繁衍较长一段时间(起码是孵化出一代新蜂的时间,约30 d。如果巧逢各方面生存环境条件理想的年景,有的露天蜂群会生活大半年时间。罕见有露天越冬的蜂群),以后往往因季节、气象环境不利生存和天敌骚扰后,弃巢远迁,再度去寻找合适的场所重新筑巢。  相似文献   

分蜂是蜜蜂种族繁衍的一种本能,就中蜂而言,野生蜂群分蜂行为是按其自然习性进行的;人工饲养的蜂群,则受人为操作影响,如果在某些环节上出现偏差,那么,蜂群在自然习性和人为操控的双重作用下,分蜂行为将会发生改变。一、正常分蜂1.自然分蜂蜂群的自然分蜂通常发生在天气温和,蜜源丰富的春、秋两季。此时,适宜的温湿度促使工蜂采集兴奋,蜂王大量产卵。随着时间的推移,新蜂猛增,群势迅速增大。在满足分蜂条件时,蜂群会根据天气情况进行分蜂。分出的蜂飞离原巢,通常在100m范围内的较矮附着物上结团,蜂量约占原群的3/5左右。少数蜂群还会进行第二次分蜂。  相似文献   

无刺蜂的生物学特性及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
授粉昆虫的工作效率与其生物学特性及周围环境有关,由于无刺蜂具有对人无害、采集作物范围广、耐高温等优点,成为具有很大潜力的温室授粉昆虫。介绍无刺蜂的生物学特性,以利更好地为温室作物授粉。  相似文献   

Honeybees are the most critical pollinators providing key ecosystem services that underpin crop production and sustainable agriculture. Amidst a backdrop of rapid global change, this eusocial insect encounters a succession of stressors during nesting, foraging, and pollination. Ectoparasitic mites, together with vectored viruses, have been recognized as central biotic threats to honeybee health, while the spread of invasive giant hornets and small hive beetles also increasingly threatens colonies worldwide. Cocktails of agrochemicals, including acaricides used for mite treatment, and other pollutants of the environment have been widely documented to affect bee health in various ways. Additionally, expanding urbanization, climate change, and agricultural intensification often result in the destruction or fragmentation of flower-rich bee habitats. The anthropogenic pressures exerted by beekeeping management practices affect the natural selection and evolution of honeybees, and colony translocations facilitate alien species invasion and disease transmission. In this review, the multiple biotic and abiotic threats and their interactions that potentially undermine bee colony health are discussed, while taking into consideration the sensitivity, large foraging area, dense network among related nestmates, and social behaviors of honeybees.  相似文献   

魏福伦 《蜜蜂杂志》2007,27(9):9-10
在中蜂的饲养管理中,蜂群失王且工蜂产卵后,一般处理方法都是并入它群;实验是在不得已的情况下,将3群失王且工蜂产卵超过23 d的中蜂群合并的同时,介绍蜂王获得成功.  相似文献   

Viruses of the honey bee have been known for a long time; however, recently the attention of scientists and apiculturalists has turned towards the relationship between these viruses and the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni. Although clinical symptoms indicated the presence of some of the viruses of bees in Hungary, none have previously been isolated or identified. During July unusual adult bee and brood mortality was observed in some colonies of an apiary in Budapest known to be infested with Varroa jacobsoni. Large amounts of acute paralysis virus (APV) were detected serologically in healthy honey bee pupae killed by the injection of a bacteria-free extract of diseased adult bees. Crystalline arrays of 30 nm particles were seen in ultrathin sections of the tissues of injected pupae and naturally infected adult bees. In spite of the application of acaricide treatments the bee population in several colonies had collapsed by the end of summer and the apiary suffered severe wintering losses.  相似文献   

苜蓿切叶蜂一年异地两次为苜蓿授粉的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
陈合明  马福田 《草地学报》1995,3(4):289-296
苜蓿切叶蜂是为苜蓿授粉最有效的昆虫。利用我国幅员辽阔,南北气候差异大、苜蓿开花期不同的特点,每年5月中下旬至6月下旬在北京苜蓿开花期间放第一次蜂,回收后立即运往吉林白城地区于6月下旬至7月初放第二次蜂,为当地苜蓿授粉,8月中下旬收回。经过三年共六次的释放试验表明,这种一年异地两次放蜂的方法是可行的,取得了蜂产量增长2~3倍,苜蓿种子增产2~4倍的良好结果。评价了蜂茧的产量、质量及苜蓿种子增产的效益。还对该蜂的羽化、筑巢的动态以及一些生态要求等进行观察与分析。为在我国开发和利用苜蓿切叶蜂提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Emerging and re-emerging viruses of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Until the late 1980s, specific viral infections of the honey bee were generally considered harmless in all countries. Then, with the worldwide introduction of the ectoparasite mite Varroa destructor, beekeepers encountered increasing difficulties in maintaining their colonies. Epidemiological surveys and laboratory experiments have demonstrated that the newly acquired virulence of several viruses belonging to the family Dicistroviridae (acute bee paralysis virus, Kashmir bee virus and Israeli acute paralysis virus) in Europe and the USA had been observed in relation with V. destructor acting as a disseminator of these viruses between and within bee colonies and as an activator of virus multiplication in the infected individuals: bee larvae and adults. Equal emphasis is given to deformed wing virus (DWV) belonging to the Iflaviridae. Overt outbreaks of DWV infections have been shown to be linked to the ability of V. destructor to act not only as a mechanical vector of DWV but also as a biological vector. Its replication in mites prior to its vectoring into pupae seemed to be necessary and sufficient for the induction of a overt infection in pupae developing in non-viable bees with deformed wings. DWV in V. destructor infested colonies is now considered as one of the key players of the final collapse. Various approaches for combating bee viral diseases are described: they include selection of tolerant bees, RNA interference and prevention of new pathogen introduction. None of these approaches are expected to lead to enhanced bee-health in the short term.  相似文献   

为了弄清西方蜜蜂在不同方法下进行分蜂后的繁蜂效果和生产性能,对2011年石榴花期前1个月左右已达11脾的蜂群,采取异地和本地分蜂两种方法进行人工分蜂,并对两种分蜂方法的蜂群增殖情况和蜂蜜产量进行了分析。结果表明,第1种分蜂方法优于第2种分蜂方法。第1种分蜂方法分出的蜂繁殖快、进蜜好,是一种理想的分蜂方法。  相似文献   

近几年来,南宁的许多中华蜜蜂(以下简称中蜂)养殖场经常出现麻色蜜蜂和黄色蜜蜂混同一起的种群(简称双色群),引起中蜂养殖者的高度关注。笔者在南宁市吴圩镇(广西国有七坡林场)定地养殖中蜂十余年,每年都有少量双色蜂种群出现,为此对双色中华蜜蜂进行了详细观察、记录、验证,认为双色蜂不是一个独立品种,是外来黄色蜂种与本地麻色蜂种杂交的结果。  相似文献   

Black queen cell virus(BQCV) is a common bee virus, usually outbreaks in spring and early summer, and mainly infects bee larvae and pupae, the bees will die within a short time after illness, at last, the queen cell walls turn black.BQCV has been widely spread among different bee species in the world, often exists in the colonies with no obvious symptoms of inapparent infection, shows strong pathogenicity coinfection with bees Nosema, and causes huge losses to the beekeeping.We summarized the current research on etiology, epidemiology, clinical symptoms, pathogenic processes, diagnostic techniques, prevention and control of BQCV infection, so as to provide a reference for further study of BQCV and prevention and control methods.  相似文献   

胡蜂对蜜蜂采集行为影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
选择云南高原温带型东方蜜蜂和云南低海拔热带型东方蜜蜂各2群,在蜂箱门口用活体黑盾胡蜂(Vespa Velutina)干扰蜜蜂采集活动,干扰的时间分别为3 min,6 min和12 min.每分钟为一计数单位,记录蜜蜂采集蜂飞出的数量.结果发现蜜蜂采集蜂飞出的数量随干扰时间的增加而明显下降,干扰的时间越长,蜜蜂采集蜂恢复到正常数量的时间就越长;高原温带型东方蜜蜂和低海拔热带型东方蜜蜂在胡蜂干扰时,在数量变化上有明显的差异,后者对胡蜂的干扰比前者更为敏感(P<0.05).  相似文献   

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