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Many northern hardwood understory plants have medicinal properties but their cost of production under conventional cultivation practices is fairly high. Therefore wild harvesting continues putting the natural populations at risk. Their cultivation in a forest farming system seems a promising alternative. This study was aimed at assessing the impact of canopy opening and soil fertility on growth and active component production of four medicinal plants: black cohosh (Actaea racemosa), wild ginger (Asarum canadense), blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) and bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis). Rhizome sections were planted in two sugar maple forests. Mortality and total leaf area were monitored during 3 years, while subplots were harvested at the end of the second year for biomass and active component analyses. Multiple regressions indicated that all species responded more to acidity related elements (pH, Al, Al + H, Fe, Zn) than to soil fertility (Ca, K, Mg, P, C/N, base saturation and cation exchange capacity). This suggests that adjusting the pH by liming could be appropriate. Growth increased with irradiance, except for blue cohosh, indicating that forest openings could also be part of an appropriate forest management plan for their cultivation. While active component concentrations of rhizomes and roots increased in conditions that negatively affected growth, such as low pH, soil fertility or light availability, their total active component content exhibited responses that were similar to those of the growth variables. Thus, it seems that soil and light conditions that favour the growth of these medicinal plants also favour their total yield in active components.  相似文献   

European Journal of Forest Research - Slavonian oaks (Quercus robur subsp. slavonica (Gáyer) Mátyás) originating from Croatia have been cultivated in Germany mainly in the...  相似文献   

Changes in isozymes of peroxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase, polyphenol oxidase, and esterase and activities of per- oxidase and polyphenol oxidase in two annual Brassica varieties (AS-3 and CON, cold-tolerant and cold-sensitive, respectively) after 4°C treatment were assayed. After the low temperature treatment, PAGE patterns of isozymes of peroxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase, polyphenol oxidase, and esterase showed that the expressions and activities of these enzymes in the AS-3 variety were higher than the CON variety. Under normal and cold conditions, peroxidase and esterase activities of AS-3 were higher than those of CON. The relative freezing tolerance of these two cultivars was discussed.  相似文献   

  • ? Tree recruitment in Mediterranean savannas is generally hampered, in contrast with the original oak forests where these savannas are derived from. We asked whether this difference in recruitment success can be explained by differential post-dispersal survival. For one year we monitored experimentally cached holm oak acorns in a savanna — forest ecosystem in Central Spain, and recorded cache pilferage, type of pilferer, boar rooting, seedling emergence, seedling survival and the cause of mortality.
  • ? Cache pilferage was significantly lower in savanna (8%) than in forest (21%). However, the higher cache survival was more than offset by lower seedling emergence and, particularly, by nine times higher seedling mortality in savanna, mainly due to desiccation. Wild boar rooting did not differ between experimental caches and controls without acorns, indicating that individual cached acorns do not trigger rooting activity.
  • ? Our results indicate that the difference in post-dispersal survival between savanna and forest is due to lower emergence and, primarily, higher seedling mortality in savanna, not to higher cache pilferage. Absence of safe sites such as shrubs, abundantly present in the forest, may well explain the lack of recruitment in the savanna. Management measures appear necessary for long-term persistence of Mediterranean savannas in general.
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    Zusammenfassung Die TannennadelgallmückeAgevillea abietis Hubault(Cecid. Dipt.) tritt in Süddeutschland seit 1954 nachweisbar auf, wobei sie in Höhenlagen bis 500 m im Zuge örtlicher Massenvermehrungen an Jungtannen bis zu 15 Jahren merkliche Schäden verursacht.Klimatische und standörtliche Faktoren, die für das Zustandekommen von Übervermehrungen der Gallmücke ausschlaggebend sind, werden besprochen und Hinweise auf Bekämpfungsmöglichkeiten gegeben.  相似文献   

    1. The appearent leaf consumption by folivorous arthropods (especially sawfly and lepidopteran larvae and beetles) on Grey and Black Alders was investigated in banks of three brooks near Bayreuth (Upper Frankonia, FRG) during 1990. Additional data about some folivorous guilds were drawn by assessement of twig samples.
    2. The gallmites (Eriophyiidae) were the most important gall formers reaching high densities in early summer. Leaf rollers were very, rare.Phyllonorycter species (Gracillariidae) andColeophora serratella (Coleophoridae) were the most significant leaf miners. Nevertheless the miners reached only comparatively low densities in 1990.
    3. The relative appearant leaf consumption on Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa) reached 17% in two of the three investigation areas, at the third site the maximum was 9,7%. The maximal recorded leaf consumption on Grey Alder (A. incana) amount to 14.8%. Between the different feeding tracks the leaf holes and the “window” feeding were likewise responsible for the major amount of the leaf consumption. In contrast to this the leaf tissue loss caused by mines ofC. serratella and by other feeding types was only slight.
    4. The assessment of the early leaf abscission (nearly 40%) showed that leaves consumed to a higher extend felt off earlier than others. In consideration of this, the real leaf consumption is roughly estimated to be about 2% higher than the measured appearent leaf consumption. Also the frequency of gall mites was higher in the early summer leaflitter. The results are not definite in case of the leaf miner guild.
    5. There were distinct between-site differences in consumption rates and its seasonal development. The consumption rates differed only at few sampling dates between the north and south exposed sides of the banks. Remarkable exposition preferences were found in case of a gall mite (Eriophyes laevis). The measurement of leaf area loss in different layers of trees first points to a higher consumption rate at 5 m shifting to lower branches (3.5 m, 2 m) during summer.

    The examples of two species of Gracillariidae,Phyllonorycter robiniella andCameraria ohridella, show how fast the expansion can take place: The robinia-leafminerP. robiniella was first noticed in South Tyrol in 1991 and an outbreak occured on False Acacias near Brixen, already in 1996.—The horsechestnut leafminerC. ohridella was first noticed in the Pusteria Valley near Toblach-Dobiacco, in 1992 (Butin &; Führer, 1994). The latest research, of autumn 1997, shows that they are now distributed on Horse Chestnut Trees (Aesculus hippocastanum) in the whole Isarco Valley, between Fortezza and Bozen-Bolzano (Tab. 1), whereas in the Adige Valley at south and west of Bolzano no occurrence could be found as yet.  相似文献   

    In 1998, a survey of scale insects infesting grapevine (Vitis vinifera) in southwestern Germany yielded four species, namelyHeliococcus bohemicus, Parthenolecanium corni, P. persicae andPulvinaria vitis. P. persicae is recorded for the first time in Germany. The last surveys on scale insects in southwestern Germany were conducted byWünn (1925, 1926) but at this timeP. persicae was not discovered yet in this region. Most probably the thermophilus species immigrated from Swizerland and spread northwards into the Rhine valley during the last two or three decades of years.P. persicae is attacked by four species of parasitoids and a hyperparasitoid. The most common species is the encyrtidBlastotbrix bungarica.  相似文献   

    Long-term (40 years) effects of two soil amelioration techniques [NPKMgCa fertilization + liming; combination of PKMgCa fertilization, liming, tillage, and introduction of lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus L.)] on chemical topsoil properties, stand nutrition, and stand growth at two sites in Germany (Pfaffenwinkel, Pustert) with mature Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest were investigated. Both sites are characterized by base-poor parent material, historic N and P depletion by intense litter-raking, and recent high atmospheric N input. Such sites contribute significantly to the forested area in Central Europe. Amelioration resulted in a long-term increase of pH, base saturation, and exchangeable Ca and Mg stocks in the topsoil. Moreover, significant losses of the forest floor in organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen stocks, and a decrease of the C/N ratio in the topsoil were noticed. The concentrations and stocks of OC and N in the mineral topsoil increased; however, the increases compensated only the N, but not the OC losses of the forest floor. During the recent 40 years, the N nutrition of the stands at the control plots improved considerably, whereas the foliar P, K, and Ca concentrations decreased. The 100-fascicle weights and foliar concentrations of N, P, Mg, and Ca were increased after both amelioration procedures throughout the entire 40-year period of investigation. For both stands, considerable growth acceleration during the recent 40 years was noticed on the control plots; the amelioration resulted in an additional significant long-term growth enhancement, with the NPKMgCa fertilization liming + being more effective than the combination of PKMgCa fertilization, liming, tillage, and introduction of lupine. The comprehensive evaluation of soil, foliage, and growth data revealed a key relevance of the N and P nutrition of the stands for their growth, and a change from initial N limitation to a limitation of other growth factors (P, Mg, Ca, and water).  相似文献   

    The spatial dynamics of soil water-recharge in a forest stand is the product of a number of interacting processes. This study focuses on the role of tree species and antecedent soil water content upon horizontal and vertical patterns of soil water recharge in heavy clay soils of a mixed European beech–Norway spruce stand and of a pure Norway spruce stand after rewetting periods with different rain quantities and intensities. Volumetric water content (VWC) was measured at 194 locations across 0.5-ha plots in each stand using time-domain reflectometry (TDR) with fixed 30- and 60-cm vertical waveguides. This was repeated 28 times (as close as possible) before and after rewetting periods during the vegetation seasons in 2000 and 2001. In addition, the locations of all trees within the plots were recorded. Geostatistics was used to describe the spatial correlation between VWC measurements and to interpolate soil water recharge in space. Spatial patterns of soil water recharge were then evaluated according to antecedent soil water-content and tree species distribution. Open-field precipitation of 30 mm (maximum intensity 10 mm h–1) on extremely dry initial soil conditions resulted in higher subsoil (30–60 cm soil depth) recharge and erratic recharge patterns. This was presumably due to preferential flow in opening shrinkage cracks of the heavy clay soil. A comparable quantity and intensity of rainfall under moderately dry antecedent soil water conditions resulted in almost exclusively topsoil (0–30 cm soil depth) water recharge and patterns of recharge that were clearly related to tree species distribution. The higher recharge around beech trees can be attributed to the lower interception rates there. Spatial patterns of soil water recharge reflect patterns of antecedent soil water conditions.  相似文献   

    We studied temporal changes in the genetic structure and diversity of a naturally regenerated Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Norway spruce) population in the Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest, Poland. The analysis included five age classes of trees: newly germinating seedlings (in laboratory conditions), seedlings up to 3 years old, young trees 4–10 years old, middle-aged trees 11–100 years old, and trees older than 100 years. We conducted genetic analyses of 26 allozyme loci using dormant buds from 405 individuals and 100 embryos. The results showed that the naturally regenerating Norway spruce population is genetically heterogeneous across the studied age classes. As determined by Chi squared tests, there were statistically significant differences in frequencies of alleles and genotypes as well as Wright’s index values (F) among the five age classes. The level of genetic differentiation (pairwise FST = 0.5–2.3 %) among the age class groups was equal to levels previously determined for various populations of this species. The Ewens-Watterson test for neutrality showed that one or two loci across different age classes of Norway spruce were affected by the selection process. The distinctiveness of embryo and seedling classes was confirmed by the number of detected alleles, the number of private alleles, the level of observed heterozygosity, and Wright’s index value. The results obtained in the present study indicate there are interesting dynamics of adaptation processes occurring in the natural age-diverse population of Norway spruce in the Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest.  相似文献   

    Zusammenfassung Beobachtungen von Kalamit?ten der FichtengespinstblattwespeLyda hypotrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) in den letℨten beiden Jahrzehnten in ?sterreich ergaben unter den biotischen Faktoren des Umweltwiderstandes auch das Aufscheinen einer Kernpolyedrose, die vor allem das Fettgewebe, teilweise aber auch das Mitteldarmgewebe ergriff. Die Bedeutung der Erkrankung lag vor allem in den nun erstmalig festgestellten epidemischen Ausbrüchen w?hrend der Fra?periode der Afterraupen in den Kronen. Es wurden dadurch Fra? sch?den weitgehend gemildert und das Abbaumen zahlreicherer vollentwickelter Larven zu den B?den verhindiert. Die reduzierende Wirkung der Erkrankung auf die Latenzlarven in den B?den war von geringerer Bedeutung; sie lag nach vorgenommenen Probegrabungen zwischen 0 und 27%.
    Summary Observations on an atony disease of the false spruce webworm,Lyda hypotrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) in the stage of latency and during its feeding period in tree crowns. Observations on outbreaks of the false spruce webwormLyda hypertrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) during the last two decades in Austria revealed, among biotic factors of environmental resistance, the occurrence of a nuclear polyhedrosis attacking mainly the fatty tissue but partly also the mesenteric tissue. The importance of the disease consisted chiefly in epidemie outbreaks during the larvae's (pseudo-caterpillars') feeding period in the tree-crowns. Damages by the larvae's feeding were greatly reduced by this way, and the descent of numerous larvae from trees to the ground prevented. The reducing effect of the disease on larvae in the stage of latency (diapausis) in soils was of less importance varying between 0% and 27% in sample diggings.

    Résumé Observations sur une atonie de Lyda Hypotrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.)en diapause et pendant la periode de pature dans les cimes d'arbres. Les observations sur des gradations deLyda hypertrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) pendant les deux dernières décennies en Autriche ont révélé, parmi les facteurs biotique de la résistance ambiante, l'apparition d'une polyédrose nucléaire attaquant avant tout le tissu adipeux, mais encore en partie le tissu mésentérique. L'importance de la maladie consistait avant tout en irruptions épidémiques pendant le période de pature des larves (pseudochenilles) dans les cimes d'arbres. Les dégata par pature en furent considérablement modérés et la descente par terre de nombreuses larves vivant sur les arbres fut empêchée. L'éffet réduisant de la maladie sur les larves en diapause dans les sols était de moindre importance, avec une variation entre 0% et 27% dans les déterrements d'échantillonnage.

    Резюме Наблюдения на заб олевании от атони и слового пилильщика — ткач а (Lyda hypotrophica Htg. [Cephaleia abietis L.]) в диапаузе и в п ериод поедания в к ронах. Доцент Др. Эльза Ян Наблюдения на гра дациях слового пи лильщикаткача Lyda hypertrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) в последние два де сятиетия в Австри и показали между биотически ми факторами отпо ра внешной среды и появление ядрового полиэдр оза, поражавлиего прежде всего жирн ую ткань, но частич но и средне кишечную т кань (mesenteron). Значение заболевания сост ояло прежде всего в эпидемических в спышках во время п ериода поедания личинок (ложных гу сениц) в кронах. Так им образом повреж дения от поедания были значительно умерены, а спуску м ногочисленных ли чинок от деревьев на землю было поставлено п репяствие. Уменьшительное д ействие заболева ния на личинок в ди апаузе в почвах бы ло более незначит ельно, колебаясь по испо лненным пробным в ыкопаниям между 0 и 27%.


    Key message

    We estimated the leaf area index (LAI) and canopy chlorophyll content (CC) of Moso bamboo forest by using statistical models based on MODIS data and field measurements. Results showed that the statistical model driven by MODIS data has the potential to accurately estimate LAI and CC, while the structure of the calibration models varied between on- and off-years because of the different leaf change and bamboo shoot production characteristics between these types of years.


    LAI and CC (gram per square meter of ground area) are important parameters for determining carbon exchange between Moso bamboo forest (Phyllostachys edulis (Carrière) J. Houz.) and the atmosphere.


    This study evaluated the ability of a statistical model driven by MODIS data to accurately estimate the LAI and CC in Moso bamboo forest, and differences in the LAI and CC between on-years (years with great shoot production) and off-years (years with less shoot production) were analyzed.


    The LAI and CC measurements were collected in Anji County, Zhejiang Province, China. Indicators of LAI and CC were calculated from MODIS data. Then, a regression analysis was used to build relationships between the LAI and CC and various indicators on the basis of leaf change and bamboo shoot production characteristics of Moso bamboo forest.


    LAI and CC were accurately estimated by using the regression analysis driven by MODIS-derived indicators with a relative root mean squared error (RMSEr) of 9.04 and 13.1%, respectively. The structure of the calibration models varied between on- and off-years. Long-term time series analysis from 2000 to 2015 showed that LAI and CC differed largely between on- and off-years.


    This study demonstrates that LAI and CC of Moso bamboo forest can be estimated accurately by using a statistical model driven by MODIS-derived indicators, but attention should be paid to differences in the calibration models between on- and off-years.

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