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Cytologic sampling of the ultrasonographically normal spleen and liver is not implemented routinely in the clinical staging of canine cutaneous mast cell tumors and normal ultrasound findings are often accepted as sufficient evidence for ruling out splenic or liver metastasis. Our objective was to define the specificity and sensitivity of ultrasound findings for diagnosis of mast cell infiltration when verified with cytologic evaluation, and to define the prognostic role of cytologic evaluation of liver and splenic aspirates. Dogs with a diagnosis of clinically aggressive grade II, or grade III mast cell tumor treated with a combination vinblastine/CCNU chemotherapy protocol, were selected retrospectively based on availability of cytologic evaluation of spleen plus or minus liver for staging. Out of 19 dogs, 10 dogs had a grade II tumor and nine a grade III tumor. Seven dogs had mast cell infiltration of the spleen, liver, or both. The sensitivity of ultrasound for detecting mast cell infiltration was 43% for the spleen and 0% for the liver. Dogs with positive cytologic evidence of mast cell infiltration to spleen, liver, or both had significantly shorter survival (100 vs. 291 days) than dogs without evidence of mast cell infiltration (P<0.0001). Routine splenic aspiration should be performed regardless of ultrasonographic appearance in dogs with a clinically aggressive mast cell tumor.  相似文献   

Forty-eight fine-needle aspiration biopsy specimens of intrathoracic lesions were obtained with a Westcott needle by localizing needle placement using TV-monitored, image-amplified fluoroscopy and by detecting changes in tactile sensation. Thiryt-five lesions were pulmonary in origin and 13 were within the mediastinum. Most biospy specimens were obtained with the patients sedated, however, general anesthesia was used in one patient to prevent movement that could have resulted in puncture of a critical structure. The only clinical and radiographic complication from this procedure was pneumothorax, occurring in eight dogs and resulting in one death. Definitive diagnoses were made from tissue obtained from 37 of the 48 lesions sampled for a sensitivity rate of 77.1%. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy was found to be a simple, safe, and accurate diagnostic technique.  相似文献   

Our goal was to develop and validate a technique to identify the sentinel lymph nodes of the mammary glands of healthy dogs with contrast‐enhanced ultrasound, and evaluate the feasibility of obtaining representative samples of a sentinel lymph node under ultrasound guidance using a new biopsy device. Three healthy intact female adult hounds were anesthetized and each received an injection of octafluoropropane‐filled lipid microspheres and a separate subcutaneous injection of methylene blue dye around a mammary gland. Ultrasound was then used to follow the contrast agent through the lymphatic channel to the sentinel lymph node. Lymph node biopsy was performed under ultrasound guidance, followed by an excisional biopsy of the lymph nodes and a regional mastectomy procedure. Excised tissues were submitted for histopathologic examination and evaluated as to whether they were representative of the node. The ultrasound contrast agent was easily visualized with ultrasound leading up to the sentinel lymph nodes. Eight normal lymph nodes (two inguinal, one axillary in two dogs; two inguinal in one dog) were identified and biopsied. Lymphoid tissue was obtained from all biopsy specimens. Samples from four of eight lymph nodes contained both cortical and medullary lymphoid tissue. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound can be successfully used to image and guide minimally invasive biopsy of the normal sentinel lymph nodes draining the mammary glands in healthy dogs. Further work is needed to evaluate whether this technique may be applicable in patients with breast cancer or other conditions warranting evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes in animals.  相似文献   

Techniques for obtaining percutaneous ultrasound-guided biopsies of the gastrointestinal tract were evaluated. The efficacity of ultrasonographic detection of gastrointestinal lesions has been established in veterinary medicine. Percutaneous ultrasound-guided aspiration biopsies were performed using either a 22 gauge spinal needle or a 20 gauge Westcott needle. The microcore automated biopsy was performed using a 18 gauge Tru-cut-like needle, assisted by an automated biopsy gun. These techniques are rapid, and easily performed. The techniques were considered safe for the patient, no complications such as hemorrhage, peritonitis or abscessation have occured in our study. These techniques are of particular interest when lesion can not be biopsied successfully by endoscopy and when surgical resection is not recommended.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy and core biopsy in the diagnosis of infiltrative gastrointestinal diseases. Six dogs and seven cats with clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease underwent ultrasonography and intestinal lesions were identified. One or more ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy and/or core biopsy procedures were performed in each patient. Each patient also underwent one of the following additional procedures for comparison of results: 1) surgery (n=4), 2) endoscopy (n=2), 3) post mortem exam (n=3), and, 4) for lymphoma diagnosed with ultrasound-guided procedures, response to chemotherapy (n=4). Correct diagnoses were obtained in nine of the 13 patients, incorrect diagnoses in two of the 13 patients, and inconclusive diagnoses in two of the thirteen patients. Of the 16 total ultrasound-guided procedures performed, ten were confirmed as correct, three as incorrect, and three were non-diagnostic. Intestinal lesions with bowel wall thickness greater than 2.0 cm had a higher percentage of correct diagnoses than lesions of lesser wall thickness. Gastric lesions had a higher percentage of correct diagnoses than small and large intestinal lesions. Malignant lesions had a higher percentage of correct diagnoses than benign lesions. There were no complications. Ultrasound-guided gastrointestinal fine-needle aspiration biopsy and core biopsy appears to be a safe, accurate, and rapid procedure for use in the diagnosis of infiltrative gastrointestinal disease.  相似文献   

Sixty-nine hepatic, 25 renal, and 16 prostatic biopsies were performed under ultrasound guidance using a biopsy guide. The majority (98 of 110) were tissue-core biopsies. Multiple attempts at obtaining a sample were required; however, in the kidney, the number of attempts was restricted to two. Adequate samples were obtained in 94% (65/69) hepatic, 88% (22/25) renal, and 94% (5/6) prostatic biopsies. Postbiopsy scanning did not demonstrate parenchymal hemorrhage. In three renal and one prostatic biopsy, gross hematuria, noted immediately following biopsy, resolved in 2–3 days. Animals with prostatic disease frequently had hematuria, making evaluation for this complication difficult. One animal died acutely 2 days following prostatic biopsy due to an unrelated problem, a ruptured aortic àneurysm. Complications were not encountered with the liver biopsy procedure. Animals biopsied under sedation tolerated the procedure well. The authors preferred to anesthetize uncooperative animals and those needing kidney biopsy to minimize the likelihood of complications. Problems encountered during the procedure, overlying bowel gas obscuring the target organ or poor visualization of the biopsy needle, were corrected by changing patient or transducer position or the procedure was postponed. The usefulness of the biopsy procedure is illustrated in four case reports.  相似文献   

An accurate method for guiding injections into the canine hip would facilitate diagnostic localization of lameness and targeted treatments. Ultrasound‐guided hip injections are commonly used in humans and large animals. Aims of this prospective study were to describe ultrasound (US) anatomy of the adult canine hip and determine the feasibility and accuracy of intra‐articular placement of injectate using US‐guidance. Seven adult dogs were used to describe US anatomy, five dog cadavers were used to assess the feasibility of the injection technique and 11 dog cadavers were used to assess accuracy of injections. For the accuracy test, 22 joints were injected with iodinated contrast medium by three operators with different experience. With dogs in lateral recumbency, the hyperechoic femoral head surface was identified by following the femoral neck from the greater trochanter or the acetabular rim was localized by following caudally the ilium from the iliac wing.  An anechoic gap between the femoral head and acetabular surface represented the joint. The capsule was visible as a triangular echoic structure and the femoral head articular cartilage appeared as an anechoic band. The needle was inserted axial to the greater trochanter and directed in a dorsolateral–ventromedial direction toward the joint space and then pushed through the capsule. Based on postinjection radiography, accuracy was 81.8% at first attempt and 100% at second attempt. This study indicated that US‐guided injection is a feasible and accurate technique for injecting the adult canine hip. Future studies in live dogs are needed to assess safety and efficacy.  相似文献   

The safety of a technique for ultrasound-guided biopsy of renal allografts was evaluated based on 348 consecutive procedures in cynomolgus monkeys. A spring-loaded biopsy device with an 18G tru-cut biopsy needle was used to biopsy renal allografts in 139 cynomolgus monkeys performed either on clinical indication (n = 95 animals) or as serial protocol biopsies (n = 44 animals) for a total of 348 biopsies. Monkeys having serial biopsies received between 3-9 biopsies per animal. All others received non-protocol biopsies that were performed on clinical indication, and the range was 1-15 biopsies per animal. No life-threatening complications or deaths occurred and there were no clinically detectable minor complications such as macrohematuria. Self-limiting complications such as small arteriovenous fistulas (n = 4, 3-5 mm large) were detected with Doppler ultrasound and resolved hemodynamically after 2-4 weeks. Three animals developed hematomas ranging 4 mm-2 cm in diameter and were no longer sonographically evident 2-4 weeks later. Ultrasound-guided biopsy of renal allografts can be performed with a high degree of safety in small (3-5 kg) laboratory animals such as the cynomolgus monkey and provides a valuable tool for renal transplantation research. Even when cores were taken at two week intervals no major complications occurred and only rarely were clinically irrelevant complications detected. Experience with diagnostic ultrasound, both gray scale and Doppler, is important for both safety and the recognition of complications that may arise.  相似文献   

Differentiating hepatocellular disease versus biliary obstruction can be challenging in dogs presented for icterus. The purpose of this prospective study was to determine the feasibility of percutaneous contrast ultrasound‐guided cholecystography in dogs. Ten normal dogs weighing 7.6–13.0 kg (median 9.8 kg) were recruited. All dogs were considered normal based on complete blood count, serum chemistry profile, ultrasound examination, and percutaneous radiographic cholecystography. Percutaneous contrast ultrasound‐guided cholecystography was performed using 0.5 ml of commercially available contrast agent and two conventional ultrasound machines for simultaneous scanning at two different locations. Two observers independently evaluated the time to initial detection of contrast in the proximal duodenum and duration of contrast enhancement via visual monitoring. Dynamic contrast enhancement was calculated using time‐intensity curves. Mean (±SD) and median (range) of time to initial detection were 8.60 s (± 3.35) and 8.0 s (2.0–11.0), respectively, and mean and median duration were 50.45 s (±23.24) and 53.0 s (20.0 – 70.0), respectively. Mean, median, and range of peak intensity were 114.1 mean pixel value (MPV) (SD ± 30.7), 109.2 MPV, and 79.7–166.7, respectively, and mean, median, and range of time to peak intensity were 26.1 s (SD ± 7.1 s), 24.0 s, and 19.0–41.0 s, respectively. Findings indicated that percutaneous contrast ultrasound‐guided cholecystography is a feasible technique for detecting and quantifying patency of the bile duct in normal dogs. Future studies are needed to assess the diagnostic utility of this technique for dogs with biliary obstruction.  相似文献   

Localized tumor implantation of the ventral abdominal wall was found at 2, 5, and 8 months following percutaneous ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of transitional carcinoma of the bladder, urethra, or prostate in 3 dogs. To our knowledge this complication has not been reported in dogs following FNAB. Despite the rarity of needle-tract implantation, the potential for this complication with transitional cell carcinomas is apparently not negligible and warrants consideration. We recommend traumatic urethral catheterization to obtain a cytologic diagnosis of potential transitional cell carcinomas of the lower urinary tract or prostate whenever possible until more information becomes available. However, needle-track implantation is so rare that it should not influence the decision to perform a percutaneous FNAB if the urethra cannot be catheterized.  相似文献   

Peritoneal, mesenteric, and omental diseases are important causes of morbidity and mortality in humans and animals, although information in the veterinary literature is limited. The purposes of this retrospective study were to determine whether objectively applied ultrasound interpretive criteria are statistically useful in differentiating among cytologically defined normal, inflammatory, and neoplastic peritoneal conditions in dogs and cats. A second goal was to determine the cytologically interpretable yield on ultrasound‐guided, fine‐needle sampling of peritoneal, mesenteric, or omental structures. Sonographic criteria agreed upon by the authors were retrospectively and independently applied by two radiologists to the available ultrasound images without knowledge of the cytologic diagnosis and statistically compared to the ultrasound‐guided, fine‐needle aspiration cytologic interpretations. A total of 72 dogs and 49 cats with abdominal peritoneal, mesenteric, or omental (peritoneal) surface or effusive disease and 17 dogs and 3 cats with no cytologic evidence of inflammation or neoplasia were included. The optimized, ultrasound criteria‐based statistical model created independently for each radiologist yielded an equation‐based diagnostic category placement accuracy of 63.2–69.9% across the two involved radiologists. Regional organ‐associated masses or nodules as well as aggregated bowel and peritoneal thickening were more associated with peritoneal neoplasia whereas localized, severely complex fluid collections were more associated with inflammatory peritoneal disease. The cytologically interpretable yield for ultrasound‐guided fine‐needle sampling was 72.3% with no difference between species, making this a worthwhile clinical procedure.  相似文献   

Epidural injections are commonly performed blindly in veterinary medicine. The aims of this study were to describe the lumbosacral ultrasonographic anatomy and to assess the feasibility of an ultrasound‐guided epidural injection technique in dogs. A cross sectional anatomic atlas of the lumbosacral region and ex vivo ultrasound images were obtained in two cadavers to describe the ultrasound anatomy and to identify the landmarks. Sixteen normal weight canine cadavers were used to establish two variations of the technique for direct ultrasound‐guided injection, using spinal needles or epidural catheters. The technique was finally performed in two normal weight cadavers, in two overweight cadavers and in five live dogs with radiographic abnormalities resulting of the lumbosacral spine. Contrast medium was injected and CT was used to assess the success of the injection. The anatomic landmarks to carry out the procedure were the seventh lumbar vertebra, the iliac wings, and the first sacral vertebra. The target for directing the needle was the trapezoid‐shaped echogenic zone between the contiguous articular facets of the lumbosacral vertebral canal visualized in a parasagittal plane. The spinal needle or epidural catheter was inserted in a 45° craniodorsal–caudoventral direction through the subcutaneous tissue and the interarcuate ligament until reaching the epidural space. CT examination confirmed the presence of contrast medium in the epidural space in 25/25 dogs, although a variable contamination of the subarachnoid space was also noted. Findings indicated that this ultrasound‐guided epidural injection technique is feasible for normal weight and overweight dogs, with and without radiographic abnormalities of the spine.  相似文献   

Desmitis of the collateral ligament of the distal interphalangeal joint is a cause of lameness in performance horses. The objective of this prospective, experimental, ex vivo feasibility study was to evaluate the success of ultrasound‐guided injection of the collateral ligaments of the distal interphalangeal joint in the equine forelimb. Seventy‐six ultrasound‐guided dye injections of the collateral ligament of the distal interphalangeal joint were performed on horses’ cadaver limbs. The hooves were sectioned transversely to verify the location of the dye relative to the collateral ligaments and surrounding structures. Evaluations of transverse sections were performed independently by two experienced observers. A scoring system was used to assess injection of the collateral ligament of the distal interphalangeal joint at the proximal, middle, and distal aspect over the length of the ligament. The collateral ligament was injected at any point in 97.4% of cases. The ligament was injected over the entire scored length in 43.2% of cases (32/74), over two scored length areas in 45.9% of cases (34/74), and in one area in 10.8% of cases (8/74). The distal interphalangeal joint and the common digital extensor tendon were also injected in 81.6% (62/76) and 43.4% (33/76) of the cases, respectively. Use of the ultrasound had a positive and negative predictive value of 98% and 9%, respectively. In this study, ultrasound guidance was useful for confirming injection of the collateral ligament of the distal interphalangeal joint but did not prevent injecting the distal interphalangeal joint and the common digital extensor tendon.  相似文献   

The ultrasonographic appearance of splenic torsion has been described; the splenic parenchyma can be normal, hypoechoic or anechoic with interspersed linear echoes (coarse/"lacy" appearance). The ultrasonographic parenchymal appearance of 15 dogs in this report with splenic torsion varied: mottled hypoechoic regions (n=2), diffusely hypoechoic (n=11) and normal (n=2). Because splenic torsion causes vascular congestion due to splenic vein compression and eventual thrombosis, visible splenic vein intraluminal echogenicities compatible with thrombi were seen in 13 dogs using B-mode. Using spectral Doppler and color Doppler imaging of the splenic veins, no measurable flow velocities were detected in any of the 15 dogs. The varied B-mode ultrasonographic appearance of the splenic veins for intraluminal echoes and spectral or color Doppler evaluation for absent velocity flow.  相似文献   

Four dogs with an accessory spleen are described. The accessory spleens appeared as a round‐to‐triangular structure located in the perisplenic area. They were homogeneous and isoechoic with the adjacent spleen. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound was performed using a second generation microbubble contrast medium (sulfur hexafluoride). The type and timing of enhancement of the accessory spleen was similar to that of the parent spleen. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound is a noninvasive modality useful in distinguishing an accessory spleen from a mass of another origin.  相似文献   

Subarachnoid lumbar puncture is used commonly in the dog for cerebrospinal fluid collection and/or myelography. Here in we describe the percutaneous ultrasound anatomy of the lumbar region in the dog and a technique for ultrasound‐guided lumbar puncture. Ultrasound images obtained ex vivo and in vivo were compared with anatomic sections and used to identify the landmarks for ultrasound‐guided lumbar puncture. The ultrasound‐guided procedure was established in cadavers and then applied in vivo in eight dogs. The anatomic landmarks for the ultrasound‐guided puncture, which should be identified on the parasagittal oblique ultrasound image are the articular processes of the fifth and sixth lumbar vertebrae and the interarcuate space. The spinal needle is directed under ultrasound‐guidance toward the triangular space located between the contiguous articular processes of the fifth and sixth lumbar vertebrae and then advanced to enter the vertebral canal. Using these precise ultrasound anatomic landmarks, an ultrasound‐guided technique for lumbar puncture is applicable in the dog.  相似文献   

The standard technique for placing a needle into the canine lumbar subarachnoid space is primarily based on palpation of anatomic landmarks and use of probing movements of the needle, however, this technique can be challenging for novice operators. The aim of the current observational, prospective, ex vivo, feasibility study was to compare ultrasound‐guided vs. standard anatomic landmark approaches for novices performing needle placement into the lumbar subarachnoid space using dog cadavers. Eight experienced operators validated the canine cadaver model as usable for training landmark and ultrasound‐guided needle placement into the lumbar subarachnoid space based on realistic anatomy and tissue consistency. With informed consent, 67 final year veterinary students were prospectively enrolled in the study. Students had no prior experience in needle placement into the lumbar subarachnoid space or use of ultrasound. Each student received a short theoretical training about each technique before the trial and then attempted blind landmark‐guided and ultrasound‐guided techniques on randomized canine cadavers. After having performed both procedures, the operators completed a self‐evaluation questionnaire about their performance and self‐confidence. Total success rates for students were 48% and 77% for the landmark‐ and ultrasound‐guided techniques, respectively. Ultrasound guidance significantly increased total success rate when compared to the landmark‐guided technique and significantly reduced the number of attempts. With ultrasound guidance self‐confidence was improved, without bringing any significant change in duration of the needle placement procedure. Findings indicated that use of ultrasound guidance and cadavers are feasible methods for training novice operators in needle placement into the canine lumbar subarachnoid space.  相似文献   

Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound of the spleen enables the dynamic assessment of the perfusion of this organ, however, both subjective and quantitative evaluation can be strongly influenced by sedative agent administration. The purpose of this prospective, experimental study was to test effects of two sedative agents on splenic perfusion during contrast‐enhanced ultrasound of the spleen in a sample of healthy dogs. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound of the spleen was repeated in six healthy Beagles following a cross‐over study design comparing three protocols: awake, butorphanol 0.2 mg/Kg intramuscular (IM), and dexmedetomidine 500 μg/m2 IM. After intravenous injection of a phospholipid stabilized sulfur hexafluoride microbubble solution (SonoVue®, Bracco Imaging, Milano, Italy), the enhancement intensity and perfusion pattern of the splenic parenchyma were assessed and perfusion parameters were calculated. Normal spleen was slightly heterogeneous in the early phase, but the parenchyma was homogeneous at a later phase. Sedation with butorphanol did not modify perfusion of the spleen. Dexmedetomidine significantly reduced splenic enhancement, providing diffuse parenchymal hypoechogenicity during the entire examination. Measured parameters were significantly modified, with increased arrival time (AT; (< 0.0001) and time to peak (TTP; P < 0.0001), and decreased peak intensity (PI; P = 0.0108), wash‐in (P = 0.0014), and area under the curve (AUC; P = 0.0421). Findings supported the use of butorphanol and contraindicated the use of dexmedetomidine as sedatives for splenic contrast ultrasound procedures in dogs. Short‐term and diffuse heterogeneity of the spleen in the early venous phase was determined to be a normal finding.  相似文献   

Alain  Giroux  DVM  MS  Jeryl C.  Jones  DVM  PhD  Jan Helge  Bohn  MS  PhD  Robert B.  Duncan  DVM  PhD  Don R.  Waldron  DVM  Karen R.  Inzana  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2002,43(3):229-236
An inexpensive device was created for computed tomographic (CT)-guided stereotactic biopsy of the canine brain. The accuracy of the device was tested using 16, formalin-perfused, canine head specimens. For each dog, a 6-inch biopsy needle was guided into pituitary gland and caudate nucleus targets. Needle tracks were measured using the CT computer and infused with tissue staining solution. Hit success and actual needle track lengths were determined from sliced brain specimens. The device enabled accurate orientation and placement of the canine head in the slice plane, such that progressive penetration of the biopsy needle could be monitored. The caudate nucleus was hit 12/16 times (75% accuracy) and the pituitary gland 15.5/16 times (98.6% accuracy). Hit proportions for the two targets did not differ (P < 0.05). A significant difference was found between CT and actual track length for both targets (P < 0.01). This was attributed to incomplete staining of the bevel portion of the needle track.  相似文献   

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