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The combined fish collection databases of the Albany Museum and the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology are used to identify hotspots of endemism and threatened fish distributions in South Africa. Hotspots of fish species richness occur in the north-eastern lowveld sectors of South Africa and along the ecotone between the tropical/ subtropical and temperate faunal zones. Hotspots of endemic fish richness occur within both the tropical and temperate faunal regions, notably in the Olifants River system, Western Cape and in areas of high relief such as the Cape Fold Mountains, the Amatola-Wrnterberg (Eastern Cape), and the Drakensberg Escarpment {Kwazulu/ Natal-Eastern Transvaal). Threatened taxa are concentrated in the hotspots of endemic species richness which coincide largely with areas of major river conservation concern. There is limited scope for fish conservation within the ambit of formal (or informal) declared reserves, and the survival of the fauna depends on the success of river catchment conservation management. The value of museum collections in identifying areas of conservation concern for freshwater fishes is emphasized, and highlights the importance of well-preserved voucher specimens for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

为了更好地了解青海省国家重点保护野生植物种类、科属组成、特有性、濒危状况及地理分布等特征,依据2021年9月发布的新版《国家重点保护野生植物名录》,通过查阅对比文献和馆藏标本,梳理总结了青海省国家重点保护野生植物的多样性。结果表明:1)相比1999年发布的《国家重点保护野生植物名录》,青海省新增44种国家重点保护野生植物。2)青海省国家重点保护野生植物有3大类22科30属53种1变种,其中一级保护植物1种(发菜),二级保护植物52种1变种。3)物种数量最多的科、属分别为兰科(10种)、杓兰属(8种)。4)中国特有属1个,中国特有属+青藏高原特有属3个,中国特有物种9种,青藏高原特有物种9种,中国特有+青藏高原特有物种13种,另有青海省特有种1种(久治绿绒蒿)。5)青海省54种(含变种)国家重点保护野生植物中有18种处于易危(VU)等级,12种处于濒危(EN)等级,总计受威胁等级物种数30种,占所有物种的55.55%。6)青海省国家重点保护野生植物绝大多数分布在青海东南部,主要在玉树州、果洛州和海东市草原及森林生境中,与青海省植物多样性的分布规律基本一致。青海省国家重点保护野生植物有54...  相似文献   

兰州南北两山种子植物区系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了全面了解兰州南北两山种子植物的生长分布情况及植物区系的地理成分组成,充分认识该区域的自然历史过程,本研究对兰州地区种子植物进行了实地调查。结果表明,兰州南北两山植物种质资源相对丰富,种子植物155种,隶属于39科115属。其中裸子植物1科1属1种;被子植物38科114属154种。较大科(10~29种)的禾本科(Gramineae)、菊科(Compositae)和豆科(Leguminosae)为优势科,中型科(2~9种)构成了植物区系组成的主体;兰州地区种子植物科的优势现象较为明显,禾本科、菊科和豆科的科、属、种分别占总体的7.69%、43.48%和45.80%;属的种类分布较松散,植物分布于多属,属的优势现象表现的不明显;该研究区植物区系科按地理成分可划分为5种类型和4种变型,优势科均为世界广布科,其所占比例最大,占总科数的53.85%,热带分布科和温带分布科也有分布,所占比例分别为总科数的25.64%和20.51%;研究区植物区系中属按地理成分可划分为12种类型和9种变型,温带性属占有绝对的优势地位,占总属数的50.44%,热带成分和地中海成分有一定表现,分别占总属数的15.65%和6.96%,说明兰州南北两山种子植物区系与古地中海植物区系有一定的联系,中亚成分和东亚成分表现微弱,无中国特有科,中国特有属有1属,即文冠果属(Xanthoceras)。在南北两山种子植物种质资源分布差异的研究中发现,北山种子植物物种较南山丰富,南山种子植物密度、分盖度、生物量、株高、冠幅等生长指标整体呈现出较北山大的趋势。  相似文献   

为全面了解甘肃省草原蕨类植物的生长分布状况及植物区系的地理组成成分,充分研究该区域的自然历史过程,本研究在野外调查和已有资料整理的基础上,分析了甘肃省草原蕨类植物区系组成和分布区类型。研究表明,甘肃省草原共有蕨类植物14科19属31种,分别占中国蕨类植物资源(63科230属2 600种)总科数的22.22%,总属数的8.26%,总种数的1.19%。优势科为鳞毛蕨科、水龙骨科;优势属为卷柏属、岩蕨属。科以热带分布型为主;属主要以热带分布型和温带分布型为主,无特有属;垂直分布较为明显;含有古老科属;甘肃省草原蕨类植物丰富程度不高。  相似文献   

Of the approximately 30 extant species of pika (Ochotona; Ochotonidae; Lagomorpha), at least 23 occur in China. Of these, 8 are endemic, and 3 are classified as Endangered by the IUCN. Research into most Chinese species is scarce, and there is much to learn about basic aspects of their ecology. We reviewed the literature on the 23 Chinese Ochotona species, with the aim of highlighting knowledge gaps and biases in research allocation. Specifically, we identify (1) which pika species receive the most attention from researchers, (2) which topics are the most frequently studied, and (3) how well research satisfies conservation priorities. We covered a total of 879 articles, most of which were written in English or Chinese. Around 75% of all publications focused on the plateau pika Ochotona curzoniae. Seven species were represented by 10 or fewer publications each. Endangered and endemic species were particularly poorly represented. 204 papers treated pikas as a pest, while 13 studied conservation issues. Nine species were considered possible targets for pest control, including some poorly known endemics. We make some recommendations on how research into Chinese Ochotona could be improved, including: (1) recognizing that the current species-level taxonomy may be an ineffective way to prioritize conservation research in Ochotona, (2) directing more research toward threatened and endemic species, subspecies, and populations, (3) researching the ecosystem engineering effects of pikas, (4) collecting basic data on natural history of the many understudied species, and (5) researching threats, including climate change and pest control campaigns.  相似文献   

草地作为全球生态系统功能服务最重要的组成部分,是农林牧业发展的基础,探究灌木、草本植物区系与地理分布特征对于揭示区域物种多样性和生物保护策略具有十分重要的意义。本研究通过野外样地调查和历史记录数据库,采用吴征镒植物区系分区方法,对香格里拉灌木和草本植物多样性、区系特点与垂直分布格局进行系统分析。结果表明:1)该区灌木、草本植物物种丰富,共有121科619属2 442种,其中草本植物占优,有94科514属2 048种。2)在科、属构成中,优势科属明显,单种科、寡种属比例高,占比分别为32.23%和51.05%,中国特有属极其丰富,共有28种。3)区系成分多样,含有13个科地理成分及15个属地理分布类型,科的区系分布类型以世界分布、泛热带分布和北温带分布为主,热带性与温带性分布的比值为1.29,热带分布型稍占优势;属的区系分布类型以北温带分布、东亚分布、泛热带分布为主,且热带性与温带性分布的比值为0.39,温带分布型占据主导地位。4)在垂直分布上,随着海拔的升高,热带区系成分占比逐渐降低、温带区系成分逐渐上升,物种丰富度呈先升后降的单峰分布格局,灌木、草本植物物种丰富度峰值位于2 600~2 900 m和3 200~3 500 m处,各海拔段草本物种数量均极显著高于灌木(P < 0.01)。本研究旨在展现“三江并流”世界自然遗产中心地带的植物多样性和同纬度地区植物分区特点,对当地灌木和草本植被生态修复物种选择和合理利用具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

红其拉甫国家公园(国家自然保护区)建立于1975年,地处巴基斯坦北部地区,喀喇昆仑山南坡,介于N36°45.5′和E74°49.7′之间,总面积约5 600 km^2。本研究通过实地考察和查阅相关文献资料,对分布于该地区的野生动物从区系组成、区系性质的角度进行了分析。结果表明,该地区共有野生脊椎动物24目54科113属160种,其中鱼类1目2科7属11种,两栖类1目1科1属2种,爬行类1目3科5属8种,鸟类14目34科72属103种,哺乳类/兽类7目14科28属36种。160种动物中,列入国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)和濒危动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)红色名录和附录的濒危、易危和低危物种有24种。按照李思忠和高行宜等依据世界动物分布型对中国野生脊椎动物所划分的15个分布区(区系)类型,对所整理和统计的野生脊椎动物进行地理成分分析表明,该地区分布的野生脊椎动物可归入8个分布区系类型和3个复合体。其中,北方广布种、高地型种和古北型种最多,分别有39种、34种和23种,占该地区野生动物总种数的21.37%、21.25%和15.00%。由此表明,古北界和全北界属性是该地区动物区系的基本特征。与此同时,该地区动物区系与中亚型-全北型交错较多,其次为东洋型与喜马拉雅-横断山型有一定的交错,而鱼类与两栖类区系成分和复合体的交错分布甚少。  相似文献   

宁夏云雾山自然保护区种子植物区系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云雾山自然保护区有种子植物54科163属243种(不包括栽培植物),区系分析结果表明:植物科属组成特点是少数大科包含多数的种,单种属所占比例高(73.6%),但包含的植物种数少(49.4%);龙胆科(Gentianaceae)、针茅属(Stipa)、委陵菜属(Potentilla)是云雾山草原植物区系的重要组成成分;种子植物属的分布区类型相对简单,中国特有分布属少,温带成分的绝对优势明显,占90.6%(除世界分布属);区系的起源较年轻,表现在植物的古老成分稀少;云雾山种子植物区系与六盘山和贺兰山的比较结果显示:植物区系相似性系数偏低,相对而言,与六盘山的亲缘关系较近;自然保护区的建立对于植物多样性的恢复成效显著。  相似文献   

Cenozoic terrestrial mammals from Sardinia contribute substantial information for reconstructing the complex history of the western Mediterranean. The occurrence of endemic perissodactyls in Eocene marine and marsh deposits suggests the existence of ecological or physical barriers between the Corso‐Sardinian massif and the Iberian‐Occitanic area. At the end of the Oligocene, isolation of Sardinia was almost complete, although a migration from Europe occurred at the beginning of the Early Miocene, as indicated by the unbalanced endemic fauna from Oschiri. During the Late Miocene, the Tusco‐Sardinian palaeobioprovince came into existence as an isolated region inhabited by the quite diversified, but notably endemic, Oreopithecus fauna. Sardinia was definitely isolated from Tuscany by the Messinian, but temporary connections with the European mainland possibly allowed the colonization of forerunners of some Sardinian Pliocene taxa. During the Plio‐Pleistocene, Sardinia maintained permanent isolation. However, sea level drop, resulting in a relatively short distance between Sardinia and the European mainland, allowed different migratory events. From the Late Pliocene to the Late Pleistocene‐Holocene, two main mammalian faunal complexes (FC) can be recognized: the Nesogoral FC (Late Pliocene‐Early Pleistocene) and the Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) FC (late Early Pleistocene‐Early Holocene). At the transition from Nesogoral to Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) FC, approximately 47% of the genera and 76% of the species disappeared, while approximately 58% of the genera and 71% of the species appeared. A noticeable turnover followed the arrival of Neolithic man and his accompanying fauna. Nonetheless, Praemegaceros was still present at about 7000 years BP, while Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) and Prolagus are respectively recorded in the Bronze and Iron Ages.  相似文献   

基于野外实地考察、植物标本的采集与鉴定以及结合文献研究的方法,分析了多儿保护区维管植物区系的物种组成和分布区类型。结果表明,该区维管植物共115科469属1323种,包括蕨类植物14科25属61种,裸子植物4科8属25种,被子植物97科436属1237种。多儿保护区维管植物区系优势现象明显,≥20种的优势科共879种,占该区维管植物总种数的66.44%;小属和单种属成分比例较大,占该区维管植物总属数的95.31%,总种数的75.51%。科级水平上,热带科(30.43%)稍多于温带科(26.96%);属级水平上,温带科(72.49%)明显高于热带科(13.01%);种级水平上,中国特有种有545种,其中538种与周边省份所共有,体现了该区系明显的过渡性和交汇性。该保护区维管植物区系地理成分复杂多样,属的分布有15个分布型和5个变型,温带地理成分占绝对优势,尤其以北温带分布为主。该区珍稀濒危野生植物较多,被列入保护名录有37种;一些古老、孑遗植物在该保护区具有良好的原始类群分布。本研究进一步完善了多儿保护区维管植物区系特征,为以后了解该保护区生物多样性提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

探究安西自然保护区木本植物区系特征,能为该区木本植物资源的保护和利用提供科学依据。本研究在相关文献和网络资料查阅和收集以及野外调查基础上,对甘肃省安西自然保护区木本植物种类构成、区系地理特征和特有种分布进行系统分析。结果表明,1)该区共有木本植物21科48属120种;其中,裸子植物两科两属5种,被子植物19科46属115种;乔木3科4属7种,灌木14科19属55种,半灌木9科24属58种。2)植物区系地理成分较复杂,在科级水平有5个分布类型两个变型,属级水平有9个分布类型及4个变型,中国特有种33种。3)木本植物起源较古老,温带和地中海性质明显,与泛热带有一定关系。4)该区木本植物更能体现地中海性质,而草本植物更能体现世界分布和热带分布性质。  相似文献   

Studies on fish fauna should not only focus on fish composition and the comparison of fish composition among the study region and adjacent regions, but should also explore the origin and uniqueness of different taxa as well as the substitution of genera and species. In this study, the value of floristic presence method was modified and renamed the value of fish fauna presence (VFFP) method. The specific steps of the VFFP method and the traditional fish fauna analysis (TFFA) method were refined and standardized. Then, the VFFP and TFFA methods were applied to study the fish fauna of the upper and middle portions of the Mekong River basin. The results indicate that the TFFA method reflects the families (subfamilies) and genera that constitute the main body of fish in the studied river basin. The results of the VFFP method show which families (subfamilies) and genera are representative for the basin. Therefore, combining the TFFA and VFFP methods to analyze the composition of fish fauna can reflect the characteristics of fish fauna from different perspectives. The case study shows that the fish fauna of the Mekong River is a part of the fish fauna of Southeast Asia. Although it shows some similarities to the composition of South Asian fish fauna, it does not belong to the South Asian fish fauna as a whole, and is essentially different from the East Asian fish fauna. This study provides an objective, quantitative, and verifiable method for studying fish fauna.  相似文献   

按照吴征镒的中国种子植物分布区划分,对甘肃省草地植物区系的组成、植物科、属的统计及其分布特征进行了分析,得出甘肃省草地植物区系物种丰富,共有植物154科706属2 128种;地理成分温带性质明显;有一定的过渡性及相互渗透的特点;区系成分以年轻成分为主,中国特有属较少。  相似文献   

为明确兴隆山自然保护区目前的蝶类组成及多样性状况,选取保护区全部5个林场(麻家寺、官滩沟、兴隆山、马坡和上庄)的8个代表性样线:麻家寺(Ⅰ)、官滩沟(Ⅱ)、兴隆山(Ⅲ)、银山(Ⅳ)、红庄子沟-骆驼岘-马滩(Ⅴ)、秦家湾-徐家峡-分豁岔(Ⅵ)、窑沟-双垄沟(Ⅶ)和马啣山(Ⅷ),进行蝶类调查,共采集蝴蝶标本1 271号,经鉴定隶属7科42属65种。蛱蝶科的种类数(21种)最多,眼蝶科的个体数(729只)最多,是保护区的优势类群,绢蝶科(39只)和凤蝶科(3只)都只有1种,是保护区的稀有物种。初步计算并分析了各样线的蝶类多样性指数、物种丰富度、优势度指数、均匀度指数和生境间相似性系数,结果表明:不同样线其蝴蝶的多样性不同,其中样线Ⅳ多样性指数最高,优势度指数最低;样线Ⅱ的多样性指数和物种丰富度均为最低,优势度指数最高。样线Ⅰ均匀度指数最低,优势度指数仅小于Ⅳ。样线Ⅷ的科数、属数、种数和个数都是最少,均匀度指数则最高。说明生境条件的变化对蝴蝶的多样性产生了影响,因此建议保护植被和环境以保证蝶类乃至其它生物的多样性。区系组成古北种占总数的46.154%,东洋种占3.077%,广布种占总数的50.769%。即保护区的蝴蝶以广布种为主,古北种明显多于东洋种。  相似文献   

祁连山金强河流域种子植物区系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金强河发源于祁连山东段冷龙岭东麓,位于黄河一级支流庄浪河上游,区内海拔2 950~4 300m。按照吴征镒的中国种子植物分布区划分对该流域植物区系进行了分析,并与整个祁连山植物区系进行了比较。结果表明,金强河地区有野生种子植物52科、171属、401种,地理成分以北温带成分和中国—喜马拉雅成分为优势;金强河流域具有明显的过渡性及各种区系成分相渗透的特点,并形成了一些青藏高原特有成分;流域拥有整个祁连山地区全部属分布区类型,体现了地理成分在属级水平上的多样性和代表性;植物区系成分以年轻成分为主,中国特有属较少。  相似文献   

李健  刘文萍  张虹 《野生动物》2010,31(3):145-149,153
对重庆自然博物馆馆藏的两栖动物标本进行清点、整理得到自然博物馆馆藏两栖动物标本163种(亚种),分属于2目,10科,46属。其中正模标本2种,副模标本1种,地模标本12种。  相似文献   

海南坡鹿是中国特有的国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,其栖息地的稳定和发展对该物种种群有重要意义。潜在的外来入侵植物会对栖息地产生长期不可恢复的影响。因此,我们于2009—2011年采用样方调查和线路调查相结合的方法对海南坡鹿的栖息地海南大田国家级自然保护区内的外来植物进行了调查,共记录外来植物40科95属115种。其中,草本植物80种,占总物种数的69.6%;不论从科区系还是属区系上看,外来植物的区系分布都具有热带性;50.4%的外来植物产自美洲,在草地中分布最多。保护区内分布广泛的外来植物已对乡土物种产生一定的影响,也将可能对坡鹿的食物资源产生不利影响。根据调查结果,我们提出了一些保护管理建议。  相似文献   

In order to assess the species richness and diversity profile of helminth parasite fauna in an endemic fish, an investigation was carried out in two urban and two rural lakes of Kashmir. Overall nine species of helminth parasites were observed in four lakes. Of these three were autogenic and six were allogenic. Heteroxenous parasite species were more in number than monoxenous species. Results showed significant differences in heteroxenous / monoxenous ratio between different lakes. Core species (Prevalence?>?20) were only found in hypertrophic lake (Anchar Lake). Overall, majority of helminth species were either secondary or satellite species. Prevalence of some helminth parasites showed significant differences in different lakes. In addition mean intensity showed significant differences between autogenic and allogenic parasites (P?<?0.05). Principle Component Analysis based on prevalence showed that Anchar Lake was strongly associated with most of helminth parasites. Diversity indices showed significant variation between different lakes. Maximum helminth species per host was in Anchar Lake. Finally we concluded that helminth parasite fauna showed significant differences in species richness and infection indices between different lakes. Diversity profile was higher in Anchar Lake in comparison to other three lakes. The results clearly show that environmental features of lake ecosystems have got an impact on distribution pattern of helminth parasites in S. esocinus. We suggest comparative parasitological study should be taken between different species of fish in order to have a clear picture regarding the species composition of helminth species in this region. Also we need to characterize the species spectrum of parasitic worms in fish of freshwater bodies of this region as well as other similar type of climatic zones because parasite fauna is an integral part of the inventory of biodiversity and as possible regulators of host populations in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

在齐齐哈尔市龙江县、富裕县、泰来县的3个肉牛饲养场随机选取改良成年肉牛52头,用蠕虫学剖检法进行寄生性蠕虫区系调查。结果,在牛体内共检获各类寄生性蠕虫13种,隶属于2门、3纲、10科、12属,其中以捻转血矛线虫、牛仰口线虫、前后盘吸虫、食道口线虫、肝片形吸虫、毛圆线虫和莫尼茨绦虫的感染率和感染强度高,分布广,为齐齐哈尔市牛寄生虫的优势虫种。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯成吉思汗陵周边野生种子植物区系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过实地调查和文献资料查阅,对成吉思汗陵周边野生种子植物区系特征、生活型和水分生态型进行分析。结果表明:成吉思汗陵周边有野生种子植物529种隶属260属73科,分别占内蒙古种子植物的23.96%,39.82%,62.39%,在属、种层次上多样性较贫乏;植物科属组成特点是趋向大科、大属分布,寡种科属和单种科属是植物区系主要组成成分,也是植物区系构成和物种多样性的重要来源;区系地理成分混杂,联系广泛;属的分布区类型中温带成分优势明显,泛热带分布次之;特有程度低,表现出一定的古老性;植物生活型以草本植物占绝对优势,占总种数的86.39%;水分生态型以中生植物为主,占总种数的62.38%。  相似文献   

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