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To evaluate ultrasonography as an alternative to contrast radiography for diagnosis of ectopic ureter in dogs, ultrasonography of the urinary tract was performed prospectively in a series of urinary incontinent dogs anesthetized for contrast radiography. Fourteen dogs had ectopic ureter based on surgical, necropsy or unequivocal contrast radiographic findings. There were eight females and six males of a variety of breeds; five were Labrador retrievers. Mean (range) age at the time of diagnosis was 1.2 (0.2–4) years for females and 3.5 (0.3–5) for males (p < 0.05). Ectopic ureters were unilateral in five dogs (2 left; 3 right) and bilateral in nine dogs. Both ultrasound images and contrast radiographs were positive for 21 (91%) ectopic ureters; the same two ectopic ureters were not detected using either modality. The termination of each of the five normal ureters was visible on ultrasound images; two (40%) were visible on radiographs. Other ultrasonographic findings included dilatation of the ectopic ureter and/or ipsilateral renal pelvis in ten (43%) instances, evidence of pyelonephritis in two dogs (with enlargement of the contralateral kidney in one dog), and urethral diverticuli in one dog. Ultrasonography is a practical diagnostic test for ectopic ureter in dogs. In this series there was close correlation between the ultrasonographic and contrast radiographic findings for each ectopic ureter, but ultrasonography enabled more accurate determination of normal ureteral anatomy.  相似文献   

Pancreatitis can be induced in dogs by intravenous infusion of supraphysiologic doses of synthetic cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8). Eight anesthetized female beagles were given either CCK-8 or saline in a randomized, blinded fashion and had abdominal ultrasonography to study the development of pancreatic lesions. Pancreatic lesions were apparent 2 hours after the start of CCK-8 infusion and included swelling, interlobular and subcapsular fluid accumulation and patchy hypoechogenicity of the gland parenchyma. CCK-8 had a variable effect on gallbladder emptying. No signs of biliary obstruction or duodenal lesions were identified. Dogs given CCK-8 had severe edematous pancreatitis at necropsy six hours after the start of the infusion. Compared to the oleic acid model of pancreatitis, CCK-8 infusion induces a rapid onset of pancreatitis and an ultrasonographic appearance that reflects diffuse edema of the gland. The short time-scale of the experiment may account for the relative absence of secondary lesions affecting the biliary tract or duodenum compared to the naturally-occurring disease.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was performed to evaluate the sonographic features of gastrointestinal (GI) perforation in dogs and cats. Sonographic findings in 19 animals (14 dogs and 5 cats) included regional bright mesenteric fat (19), peritoneal effusion (16), fluid-filled stomach or intestines (12), GI wall thickening (11), presence of free air (9), loss of GI wall layering (9), regional lymphadenopathy (8), reduced GI motility (7), pancreatic changes (4), corrugated intestines (4), presence of a mass (3), presence of a foreign body (3), and mineralization of the gastric wall (1). In 14 patients, "perforation" was listed as a differential diagnosis by the sonographer. Abdominal radiographs and radiographic reports were available for 14 patients. Radiographic findings were decreased serosal detail (12), free air (8), peritoneal contrast medium (1), and suspected foreign body (1). GI perforation was listed as radiographic diagnosis in eight patients, seven of which had evidence of pneumoperitoneum, and one had leakage of contrast material on an upper GI study. In 9/14 patients with radiography, "GI perforation" was listed as a sonographic diagnosis. In three patients in which free air was diagnosed sonographically, radiographs were either not available (2) or the presence of free air was not detected at presentation (1). Peritoneal fluid analysis was performed in nine patients, five of which were identified as septic inflammation, and the remaining four were classified as neutrophilic inflammation with no etiologic agent identified. The histologic or surgical diagnoses were as follows: three intestinal surgical dehiscence; one percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube site leakage; one duodenal adenocarcinoma; one ileocolic lymphoma; one trichobezoar; one ascarid impaction; and one bobby pin foreign body. In the remaining 10 patients, a focal area of gastric/intestinal ulceration or transmural necrosis with perforation was identified without evidence of an underlying cause.  相似文献   

Abdominal ultrasonography is one of the most common diagnostic imaging modalities used for dogs with suspected insulinoma; however, pancreatic masses are clearly identified in fewer than half of affected dogs and benign pancreatic nodules can be difficult to differentiate from malignant ones. The purpose of this prospective study was to describe contrast‐enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) characteristics of confirmed pancreatic insulinoma in a group of dogs. Inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) repeated hypoglycemia (blood glucose levels <60 mg/dl, twice or more); (2) elevated blood insulin levels with hypoglycemia; (3) pancreatic nodules detected with conventional ultrasonography; and (4) histological confirmation of pancreatic islet cell carcinoma. Immediately following conventional ultrasonography of the entire abdomen, CEUS of the pancreatic nodule and adjacent parenchyma was performed using contrast‐specific technology pulse inversion imaging and perflubutane microbubble contrast agent. Three dogs met inclusion criteria. Pancreatic nodules in all the three dogs became more clearly demarcated after injection of the contrast agent. Each nodule showed different enhancement patterns: markedly hyperechoic for 5 s, slightly hyperechoic for 1 s, and clearly hypoechoic for over 30 s. These results were not in complete agreement with previously reported CEUS findings in human patients with insulinoma. All nodules were surgically resected and histopathologically confirmed as malignant insulinomas. Findings from the current study indicated that contrast‐enhanced ultrasound may help to increase conspicuity of pancreatic insulinomas in dogs and that enhancement characteristics may be more variable in dogs than in humans.  相似文献   

Fourteen dogs with enlarged gallbladders and immobile stellate or finely striated bile patterns on ultrasound are described. Smaller breeds and older dogs were overrepresented, with 4/14 Cocker Spaniels. Most dogs presented for nonspecific clinical signs such as vomiting, anorexia and lethargy. Abdominal pain, icterus and hyperthermia were the most common findings on physical examination. All dogs except one had serum elevation of total bilirubin and/or alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase and gamma glutamyl transferase. All dogs were diagnosed with a gallbladder mucocele upon histologic and/or macroscopic evaluation. Ultrasonographically, mucoceles are characterized by the appearance of the stellate or finely striated bile patterns and differ from biliary sludge by the absence of gravity dependent bile movement. On ultrasound, gallbladder wall thickness and wall appearance were variable and nonspecific. The cystic or common bile duct were normal sized in 5 dogs although all 5 had evidence of biliary obstruction at surgery or necropsy. Loss of gallbladder wall integrity and/or gallbladder rupture were present in 50% of the dogs, all located in the fundus. Gallbladder wall discontinuity on ultrasound indicated rupture whereas neither bile patterns predicted the likelihood of gallbladder rupture. Pericholecystic hyperechoic fat or fluid were suggestive of but not diagnostic for a gallbladder rupture. Cholecystectomy appears to be an appropriate treatment for mucoceles, if not to treat a gallbladder rupture, at least in most dogs to prevent it since gallbladder wall necrosis was identified by histology in 9 of 10 dogs. Mucosal hyperplasia was present in all gallbladders examined histologically. Positive aerobic bacterial culture was obtained from bile in 6 of 9 dogs. Cholecystitis was diagnosed histologically in 5 dogs and 4 dogs had signs of gallbladder infection solely upon bacterial bile culture. Gallbladder infection was not present with all the mucoceles suggesting that biliary stasis and mucosal hyperplasia may be the primary factors involved in mucocele formation. Based on the results of our study, we suggest two alternate courses of action in the presence of a distended gallbladder with an immobile ultrasonographic stellate or finely striated bile pattern: a cholecystectomy when clinical or biochemical signs of hepatobiliary disease are present or a medical treatment (antibiotics and choleretics) and patient monitoring by follow-up ultrasound examinations when the patient does not have clinical or biochemical abnormalities. An aerobic bile culture should be obtained in all patients, by ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate or at surgery.  相似文献   

Cholecystectomy is the current standard recommended treatment for dogs with gallbladder mucoceles. However, medical management with monitoring has also been recommended for asymptomatic dogs. The purpose of this retrospective study was to compare ultrasonographic patterns of gallbladder mucoceles with clinical disease status in a group of dogs. For each included dog, the ultrasonographic pattern of the mucocele was classified into one of six types: type 1, immobile echogenic bile; type 2, incomplete stellate pattern; type 3, typical stellate pattern; type 4, kiwi like pattern and stellate combination; type 5, kiwi like pattern with residual central echogenic bile; and type 6, kiwi like pattern. A total of 43 dogs were included. Twenty‐four dogs, including 11 dogs with gallbladder rupture, were symptomatic. Nineteen dogs were asymptomatic. Cholecystectomy (n = 19), medical therapy (n = 17), or monitoring (n = 6) treatments were applied according to clinical signs and owners’ requests. One dog suspected of having gallbladder rupture was euthanized. Frequencies of gallbladder mucocele patterns were as follows: type 1 = 10 (23%), type 2 = 13 (30%), type 3 = 5 (12%), type 4 = 11 (26%), type 5 = 4 (9%), and type 6 = 0. In dogs with gallbladder rupture, type 2 (8/13) was the most common. No significant correlations were found between ultrasonographic patterns of gallbladder mucoceles and clinical disease status or gallbladder rupture. Findings indicated that ultrasonographic patterns of gallbladder mucoceles may not be valid bases for treatment recommendations in dogs.  相似文献   

A unique, "honeycomb" pattern was found on ultrasonographic evaluation of the liver of 5 dogs with canine superficial necrolytic dermatitis (hepatocutaneous syndrome). This pattern consisted of variably-sized, hypoechoic regions measuring 0.5–1.5 cm in diameter surrounded by highly echogenic borders. Histologically, the hypoechoic regions corresponded to distinct regenerative nodules bounded by severely vacuolated (fat-laden) hepatocytes, numerous bile ductules, and a network of reticulin and fine collagen fibers representing remnants of collapsed hepatic lobules. While certain features of the architectural disruption were characteristic of cirrhosis, the lesion lacked the extensive fibrosis and reduced liver size usually associated with chronic cirrhosis. To our knowledge, this hepatic ultrasonographic pattern has only been seen with canine superficial necrolytic dermatitis. Therefore, it appears to be pathognomonic in a dog with questinable skin lesions. A liver biopsy is required to confirm the unique histopathologic features of the hepatopathy found in this syndrome.  相似文献   

Differential diagnoses for regurgitation and vomiting in dogs include diseases of the gastroesophageal junction. The purpose of this cross‐sectional study was to describe ultrasonographic characteristics of the abdominal esophagus and gastric cardia in normal dogs and dogs with clinical disease involving this region. A total of 126 dogs with no clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease and six dogs with clinical diseases involving the gastroesophageal junction were included. For seven euthanized dogs, ultrasonographic features were also compared with gross pathology and histopathology. Cardial and abdominal esophageal wall thicknesses were measured ultrasonographically for all normal dogs and effects of weight, sex, age, and stomach filling were tested. Five layers could be identified in normal esophageal and cardial walls. The inner esophageal layer was echogenic, corresponding to the cornified mucosa and glandular portion of the submucosa. The cardia was characterized by a thick muscularis, and a transitional zone between echogenic esophageal and hypoechoic gastric mucosal layers. Mean (±SD) cardial wall thicknesses for normal dogs were 7.6 mm (±1.6), 9.7 mm (±1.8), 10.8 mm (±1.6), 13.3 mm (±2.5) for dogs in the <10 kg, 10–19.9 kg, 20–29.9 kg and ≥30 kg weight groups, respectively. Mean (±SD) esophageal wall thicknesses were: 4.1 mm (±0.6), 5.1 mm (±1.3), 5.6 mm (±1), and 6.4 mm (±1.1) for the same weight groups, respectively. Measurements of wall thickness were significantly correlated with dog weight group. Ultrasonography assisted diagnosis in all six clinically affected dogs. Findings supported the use of transabdominal ultrasonography as a diagnostic test for dogs with suspected gastroesophageal disease.  相似文献   

Sixteen beagle dogs were injected intradermally with Rickettsia rickettsii. The dogs were divided into four groups (n=4):1) infected, non-treated withdoxycycline;3) infected, treated with doxycycline and an anti-inflammatory dose of corticosteroid;4) infected, treated with ocular fluoresein angiograhphy was performed on days 6, 10, 17 post-inoculatin.A mild interstitial lung opacitywas noted in4/16 dogs on day 6, 5/16 on day 10 and 17 post-inculatin. Increased retinal vascular permeability was noted n 8/16 dogs on day 6,3/16 on day 10 and 1/16 on day 17 post-inoculation. Correlatin between the presence of radiographic and retinal lesions was not signigicant (p=0.08). Elevan, naturally infected, dogs with thoracic radiographs and an final diagnosis of RMSF were also evluated. Four of the 11 dogs had an unstructu4red inteerstitial pattern. Dogs with acute, experimentally-infected or naturally-occurring RMSF may have subtle pulmonary changes characterized by an unstructured interstitial patteern.  相似文献   

Trilostane, a 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitor, has been used successfully over the last few years for the treatment of canine pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. In a prospective study of 19 dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism, the adrenal glands were measured before and at least 6 months after initiation of trilostane therapy. Right adrenal gland length and caudal pole thickness and left adrenal gland caudal pole thickness increased significantly (p < or = 0.05); there was no significant change in left adrenal gland length. Enlargement of adrenal glands during trilostane therapy may occur as a result of suppression of the negative feedback mechanism affecting cortisol production.  相似文献   

The clinical and ultrasonographic features of postoperative intestinal entrapment were assessed in five dogs. Four had vomiting and lethargy, and one had peracute collapse and hematochezia. Ultrasonographic findings in four of five dogs were similar, being characterized by focally hyperechoic mesentery and abdominal effusion, surrounding a single loop of amotile and dilated intestine. In some dogs, the affected intestinal loop had a thickened or corrugated wall, or alteration of wall layering. In one dog, the site of entrapment could be directly visualized. In the most severely affected dog, a large volume of echogenic peritoneal effusion was present, as well as fluid dilation of multiple intestinal loops. The ultrasonographic appearance of intestinal entrapment is similar to that of intestinal perforation or infarction by other causes.  相似文献   

Natalia  Diez-Bru  DVM  PhD  Isabel  Garcia-Real  DVM  Elena M.  Martinez  DVM  PhD  Eduardo  Rollan  DVM  PhD  Ana  Mayenco  DVM  PhD  Pilar  Llorens  DM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1998,39(3):226-233
Signalment, clinical history, physical examination, clinicopathologic, readiographic and ultrasonographic findings of 10 female dogs with histologically confirmed ovarian neoplasms were reviewed. Ultrasonographic images and reports were reviewed for (1) location, size, outer margins, and echogenicity of the mass(es), (2) presence of free abdominal fluid, (3) evidence of uterine abnormalities, and (4) signs of metastatic disease. The masses were classified according to their ultrasonographic pattern in solid, solid with cystic component, and cystic. The masses were ultrasonographically reported as being of ovarian origin in eight dogs, and this origin was included in the list of differentials in the remaining two dogs. When present, abdominal effusions and uterine abnormalities were diagnosed by means of ultrasound.  相似文献   

Sagittal and transverse ultrasonographic images of the prostate gland were obtained in 100 healthy adult intact male dogs. Prostatic length, width, and height on transverse and sagittal images as well as the presence of prostatic cysts were determined. Linear regression and correlation analysis were performed between prostatic parameters (length, width, height on sagittal and transverse images, and estimated volume) and parameters related to body size (body weight, body height, left kidney length and aortic diameter) and age of the dogs. Significant positive correlations were found between all prostatic parameters and parameters related to body size and age. Maximum predicted values for prostatic parameters for a given body weight and age were determined based on the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval of the mean predicted values. Such values should represent a useful tool for ultrasonographic evaluation of the prostate in the dog. Prostatic cysts were found in 14% of the dogs.  相似文献   

Pyonephrosis refers an infected hydronephrotic kidney which arise from pyelonephritis followed by exudate accumulation in a dilated renal pelvis or hydronephrosis followed by ascending infection. Pyonephrosis may cause serious systemic complications, making prompt and reliable diagnosis critical. Clinical and ultrasonographic findings are used for the diagnosis of pyonephrosis in humans, but these findings have not been investigated in dogs. We reviewed ultrasonographic features in pyonephrosis in 18 dogs. Ten dogs with hydronephrosis were also evaluated to compare with the pyonephrosis patients. In most dogs with pyonephrosis, hyperechoic contents completely filled the dilated renal pelvis (n=8) or a fluid‐debris level was observed (n=8). Hyperechoic contents were dispersed in renal pelvis in only two of the 18 dogs. Hyperechoic, edematous mesentery, and peritoneal and retroperitoneal effusion, which represented peritoneal and retroperitoneal inflammation, were observed in the perinephric region in 11 dogs. Compared with pyonephrosis, and as expected, hydronephrosis was characterized by anechoic contents within the urine‐filled collecting system and there were no definitive findings to suspect peritonitis. Thus, there is a distinct difference in the sonographic appearance of pyonephrosis vs. hydronephrosis in dogs.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography and radiography are commonly used for staging of lymphoma in horses, however there is little published information on imaging characteristics for horses with confirmed disease. The purpose of this retrospective, case series study was to describe ultrasonographic and radiographic findings for a group of horses with a confirmed diagnosis of lymphoma. A total of 13 horses were sampled. Lymphadenopathy (8/13), peritoneal effusion (6/13), splenic (6/13), and hepatic (5/13) lesions were the most frequently identified. The predominant splenic and hepatic ultrasonographic lesions were hypoechoic nodules, organomegaly, and changes in echogenicity. Digestive tract lesions were detected in three horses and these included focal thickening and decreased echogenicity of the small (2/13) and large intestinal (2/13) wall. Thoracic lesions were predominantly pleural effusion (4/13), lymphadenopathy (4/13), and lung parenchymal changes (3/13). Enlarged lymph nodes were detected radiographically (4/13) and/or ultrasonographically (2/13) in the thorax and ultrasonographically in the abdomen (7/13) and in the caudal cervical region (4/13). Findings supported the use of abdominal and thoracic ultrasonography for lymphoma staging in horses. Ultrasound landmarks for localizing cecal and caudal deep cervical lymph nodes were also provided.  相似文献   

Ante mortem diagnosis of portal vein thrombosis was determined ultrasonographically in four dogs. In each dog the thrombus was visible in two-dimensional, grey-scale images of the portal vein obtained through a right intercostal window. Duplex-Doppler measurements and color-Doppler images provided information about the effects of thrombosis on portal blood flow. Reduced portal blood flow compatible with portal hypertension was detected in three dogs. A hypercoagulable state was probably involved in the pathogenesis of portal vein thrombosis in two dogs, one with pancreatitis and gastrointestinal blood loss and another with protein-losing nephropathy and probable immune-mediated anemia. The third dog had chronic ehrlichiosis; thrombosis was probably secondary to vasculitis. The remaining dog had thrombosis secondary to invasion of the portal vein by a recurrent duodenal neoplasm. This dog was euthanized because the tumor was considered inoperable. The dog with pancreatitis developed acute portal hypertension due to obstruction of the portal vein by the thrombus and was euthanized. The dogs with protein-losing nephropathy and ehrlichiosis were treated medically and recovered. Although portal vein thrombosis is uncommon, this complication should be considered in dogs with a variety of abdominal or systemic disorders. Ultrasonography is a practical method for diagnosis of portal vein thrombosis and detection of the underlying cause.  相似文献   

In a retrospective study of 21 dogs with intestinal adenocarcinoma, the signalment, clinical presentation, laboratory findings, ultrasonographic features, treatment, and outcome were reviewed. Anorexia (n = 16), vomiting (n = 15), diarrhea (n = 10), and weight loss (n = 9) were the most common clinical signs reported. Ultrasonographic features that were evaluated included location, length, wall thickness, echogenicity, regional motility, layering, regional lymphadenopathy, and fluid accumulation proximal to the lesion site. All lesions were transmural and associated with complete loss of wall layering. Maximum wall thickening at the lesion site ranged from 7 to 17 mm (median 12 mm, mean 11.9 mm). Most of the dogs had a lesion measuring from 23 to 63 mm in length, (median 40 mm, mean 42 mm). Most intestinal lesions were poorly echogenic and had an irregular lumen. Fluid accumulation proximal to the lesion site was identified in 17 of 21 dogs, and in 13 of 17 dogs the fluid accumulation was considered moderate to severe. Regional lymphadenopathy and/or nodular mesentery/omentum were noted in 12 of 21 dogs. The tumor was located in small intestine for 15 dogs and in the colon for the remaining 6 dogs. Fifteen dogs were treated by surgical resection of the intestinal mass. Their median survival time was 233 days. Only gender appeared to influence survival. Female dogs lived a median of 28 days, whereas male dogs lived a median of 272 days.  相似文献   

The urinary bladder of four dogs with emphysematous cystitis was assessed radiographically. Ultrasonography was also performed using a 7.5-MHz microconvex probe in dorsal recumbency and in a standing position. Ultrasonographically there were bright echoes and reverberations typical of gas in all dogs. This was entrapped in the bladder wall as it appeared in the same location in recumbent and standing positions. Bladder size was reduced and bladder content was echogenic in all dogs. In only one out of the four dogs was a gas stripe seen in the bladder on radiographs. Proteus mirabilis was isolated from the urine of all patients. Diabetes was ruled out on the basis of urine and blood analysis. A small amount of gas can be difficult to detect on radiographs. Ultrasonography appears to be a more sensitive technique for detection of gas within the bladder at an early stage of emphysematous cystitis. Prevalence of emphysematous cystitis may be underestimated if only radiographs are made.  相似文献   

Two hyperplastic parathyroid glands and three solitary parathyroid adenomas were identified using high-resolution ultrasonography in five adult dogs with persistent hypercalcemia. Ultrasonographic features of parathyroid adenomas included visualization of a round or oval, 5 mm or larger, hypoechoic mass in the cranial pole of one thyroid lobe. Each mass had well-defined margins between the thyroid gland and parathyroid adenoma, reduced echogenicity of the adenoma compared to surrounding thyroid parenchyma, and distal enhancement. Ultrasonographic features of the hyperplastic parathyroid glands included hypoechogenicity, compared to surrounding thyroid parenchyma, and a size of approximately 2 mm. Hyperplastic parathyroids were well marginated in one dog and poorly marginated in another dog.  相似文献   

The value of ultrasonography was evaluated in 85 dogs and 17 cats presented with a clinically suspected portosystemic shunt (PSS). A PSS was confirmed in 50 dogs and nine cats (single congenital extrahepatic in 42, single congenital intrahepatic in 11, and multiple acquired in six). Six dogs and one cat had hepatic microvascular dysplasia, and 29 dogs and seven cats had a normal portal system. Ultrasonography was 92% sensitive, 98% specific, and had positive and negative predictive values of 98% and 89%, respectively, in identifying PSS, with an overall accuracy of 95%. When a PSS was identified with ultrasonography, extrahepatic, intrahepatic, and multiple acquired PSS could be correctly differentiated in 53/54 patients (98%). The combination of a small liver, large kidneys, and uroliths had positive and negative predictive values of 100% and 51% for the presence of a congenital PSS in dogs. The portal vein/aorta (PV/Ao) and portal vein/caudal vena cava (PV/ CVC) ratios were smaller in animals with extrahepatic PSSs compared with animals with microvascular dysplasia, intrahepatic PSSs and those without portal venous anomalies (P<0.001). All dogs and cats with a PV/Ao ratio of < or = 0.65 had an extrahepatic PSS or idiopathic noncirrhotic portal hypertension. Dogs and cats with PV/Ao and PV/CVC ratios of > or = 0.8 and > or = 0.75, respectively, did not have an extrahepatic PSS. Reduced or reversed portal flow was seen in four of four patients with multiple acquired PSSs secondary to portal hypertension. The presence of turbulence in the caudal vena cava of dogs had positive and negative predictive values of 91% and 84%, respectively, for the presence of any PSS terminating into that vein.  相似文献   

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