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The normal sonographic appearance of the stomach in various degrees of distension, the duodenum, the small intestine, and the large intestine was determined in awake and sedated cats. The mean stomach rugal fold thickness was 4.38 mm, and the interrugal thickness was 2.03 mm. No significant difference in stomach wall thickness was seen when the stomach was empty, half full, or full. The duodenal wall thickness was significantly greater than other parts of the small intestine, and this difference was accentuated by sedation (awake mean 2.4 mm; sedated mean 2.71 mm). The mean small intestinal wall thickness was 2.1 mm, and the mean colonic wall thickness was 1.67 mm. The five characteristic sonographic layers similar to that seen in the gastrointestinal tract of other species were routinely identified at all regions of the feline gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Abdominal ultrasonography was performed in seven cats with intestinal lymphoma and four cats with gastric lymphoma. Ultrasonographic abnormalities included the presence of a hypoechoic mass associated with the gastrointestinal tract, focal or diffuse thickening of the gastric wall, symmetric thickening of the bowel wall, loss of the normal layered appearance of the gastrointestinal wall, and abdominal lymphadenopathy. The thickness of the stomach wall ranged from 8 to 22 mm in cats with gastric lymphoma, and the thickness of the bowel wall ranged from 5 to 20 mm in cats with intestinal lymphoma. Fine needle aspiration of a gastrointestinal lesion was performed without complication in six cats, and was diagnostic for lymphoma in five out of six. Results of this study indicate that ultrasonography is an effective noninvasive means of identifying lesions consistent with alimentary lymphoma in cats.  相似文献   

Canine gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are a recent subtype of gastrointestinal spindle cell tumor recognized with the increasing use of immunohistochemistry. To our knowledge, no imaging features have been described in immunistochemically confirmed canine GISTs. The objective of this retrospective, cross‐sectional study was to describe ultrasonographic features of canine GISTs compared with other spindle cell tumors. Thirty‐seven dogs with an ultrasonographically visible gastrointestinal mass and a histopathologic diagnosis of spindle cell neoplasia were examined. Immunohistochemistry staining was performed for retrieved tissue samples to further differentiate the tumor type and each sample was interpreted by a single veterinary pathologist. Ultrasonographic features recorded examined included mass echogenicity, homogeneity, presence of cavitation, layer of origin, bowel wall symmetry, and loss of wall layering, location, size, vascularity, and evidence of perforation or ulceration. Tumor types included 19 GISTs, eight leiomyosarcomas, six leiomyomas, and four nonspecified sarcomas. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors were significantly more likely to be associated (P < 0.03) with abdominal effusion than other tumor types. There was overlap between the anatomical locations of all tumors types with the exception of the cecum where all eight tumors identified were GISTs. Besides location, there were no unique ultrasound features of GISTs that would allow distinction from other gastrointestinal spindle cell tumors. Similar to previous studies, GISTs appeared to be the most common spindle cell tumor associated with the cecum in our sample of dogs. The high frequency of abdominal effusion with GIST's was of unknown etiology could possibly have been due to septic peritonitis.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic fellne musculer dystrophy has been reported as an X-linked inherited deficiency of a cytoskeletal myofiber protein called dystrophin. This report deserlbes the radiographic and ultrasonographic abnormalities of two male littermate domestic short-hair cats and reviews the previous reported findings assoclated with hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy. The thoracic radiographic abnormalities included: progressive cardiomegaly, large convex, scalloped irregularities associated with the vetral aspect of the diaphragm, and variable degrees of esophageal dilation (megaesophagus) with associated cranioventral aspiration pneumonia. Echocardiographic features included: concentric left vetricular wall thickening, increased left ventricular and diastolic and systolic dimensions, and an increase in endocardial echogenicity. Abdominal radiographic abnormalities included: hepatosplenomegaly, peritoneal effusion, renomegaly, adrenal gland mineralization, and paralumbar and diaphragmatic musculature enlargement. Abdomlnal ultrasonographic abnormalities included: irregularly thickened muscular portion of the diaphragm; hypoechogenicity of the liver; peritoneal effusion; hepatosplenomegaly; renomegaly with hyperechoic cortex and medulla; and adrenal gland mineralization. The irregular scalloped appearance of the diaphragm (particularly along the ventral/sternal margin) was a consistenl radiographic abnormlity in the two cats with hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy after the age of 7 months. This finding was confirmed by ultrasound as a thickened irregular, hyperechoic diaphragm. A diagnosis of hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy should be strongly suspected if this abnormality is identified.  相似文献   

The sonographic findings in 101 cats with splenic abnormalities are presented. Diagnosis was made by ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate or fine-needle biopsy (n = 91), ultrasound-guided core biopsy (n = 1), surgical core biopsy (n = 1), or necropsy (n = 10). Two cats had more than one diagnostic procedure (fine needle aspirate and necropsy or core biopsy and necropsy). The splenic abnormalities included lymphosarcoma (n = 30), mast cell tumor (n = 27), extramedullary hematopoiesis and/or lymphoid hyperplasia (n = 27), epithelial tumors (n = 6), mesenchymal tumors (n = 4), malignant histiocytosis (n = 2), myeloproliferative disease (n = 2), pyogranulomatous inflammation (n = 2), erythroleukemia (n = 1), eosinophilic syndrome (n = 1), hematoma (n = 1), and granulomatous splenitis (n = 1). Three cats had more than one splenic abnormality (mast cell tumor and metastatic carcinoma, pyogranulomatous inflammation and lymphoid hyperplasia, histiocytic lymphosarcoma, and lymphoid hyperplasia). Pathognomonic changes were not seen for any of the diseases.  相似文献   

In humans, pancreatic hyperechogenicity and duct dilation are reported as normal aging changes. Similar changes have been reported with pancreatitis in the cat. We attempted to determine if aging changes occur in the ultrasound appearance of the normal feline pancreas. The pancreas of 84 normal (based on history, physical exam, biochemical profile, and feline trypsin-like immunoreactivity and pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity concentrations) cats of varying ages was scanned. Pancreatic width at the left limb and body, pancreatic duct diameter at left limb and body, and pancreatic echogenicity compared with liver and surrounding fat were noted and compared with age and body weight. Lower and upper limits of the 95% reference intervals for pancreatic left limb width were 2.6 and 9.5 mm, and 3.5 and 8.5 mm for the pancreatic body width. There was no significant difference in pancreatic width between the left limb and body. Lower and upper limits of the 95% reference interval for the diameter of the pancreatic duct at the left limb and body were similar, and were 0.65 and 2.5 mm. There was a weak but significant linear correlation between pancreatic duct diameter and age, with increasing pancreatic duct diameter with increasing age. There was no correlation of pancreatic width with age, and no correlation of pancreatic echogenicity with age or body weight. Based on this study, feline pancreatic size and echogenicity do not change with age. Pancreatic duct diameter increases slightly with age and should not be used as a sole indicator of pancreatitis in the geriatric cat.  相似文献   

Pythiosis is a chronic pyogranulomatous infection of the gastrointestinal tract or skin caused by the water borne pathogen Pythium insidiosum. The ultrasonographic features of nine dogs with gastrointestinal pythiosis are reported. The stomach, duodenum, jejunum or colon were affected. All dogs had thickening of the gastrointestinal wall and areas with obliteration of the normal layered appearance. In one dog an eccentric mass was found arising from the serosal surface of the wall of the colon with mild diffuse wall thickening. Regional lymph node enlargement was seen in seven of the nine dogs. One dog had invasion of the pancreas and signs compatible with extrahepatic biliary obstruction. When compared to previous reports of gastrointestinal neoplasia, the features of wall thickening, loss of layering and regional lymphadenopathy are not considered specific for gastrointestinal pythiosis. Histological examination of tissue specimens is required for diagnosis.  相似文献   

Histoplasmosis is the second most common fungal infection reported in the cat. The disseminated form involving lung, liver, lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow is a frequent manifestation of the disease. Limited information is available in the literature regarding the ultrasonographic appearance of the spleen in cats with disseminated or splenic histoplasmosis. A retrospective review of splenic ultrasound images from 15 cats confirmed to have histoplasmosis by splenic aspirates was performed. Size, echotexture, echogenicity, margin appearance, presence of nodules, and the overall shape of the spleen were reported in each case. Splenomegaly was documented in all cases (15/15) and a hypoechoic appearance of the spleen was documented in 14/15 of cases. The spleen was diffusely and uniformly affected in 14/15 (six homogenous and eight with a subtle mottled appearance) and had discrete nodules in 1/15 cats. Histoplasmosis should be included in the differential list for an enlarged and hypoechoic spleen in cats with consistent clinical findings. Additionally, ultrasound guided splenic aspirate may be a useful method to obtain a cytology sample for diagnosis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the ultrasonographic appearance of non-cardiac diseases of the small animal thorax. Ultrasound images from a total of 75 animals (26 cats and 49 dogs) were compared to cytologic, histopathologic, and necropsy findings. Clinical diagnoses included neoplasia of the mediastinum, pleura, or lungs (43); idiopathic mediastinal cyst (3); diaphragmatic or peritoneopericardial hernia (4); lung lobe torsion (1); pulmonary eosinophilic infiltrates (1); and idiopathic, chylous, congestive heart failure, or lymphangiectasia associated pleural effusion (14). In the remaining 9 patients, a definitive diagnosis was not obtained. Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate was performed in 56 patients; 1 of these also had an ultrasound-guided tissue core biopsy. Of the fine needle aspirates, 51 (91%) were diagnostic. Ultrasound examination, particularly when accompanied by guided tissue sampling, can be a valuable tool in the diagnosis of non-cardiac intrathoracic lesions.  相似文献   

A five-month-old male domestic shorthair cat presented with a history of vomiting for 4 days. An ultrasound examination of the abdomen was performed as part of the diagnostic workup. The gallbladder appeared to be bilobate. The cat died the following day from renal failure. At necropsy, a bilobed gallbladder was confirmed and considered to be a congenital anomaly unrelated to the cat's death.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) images of the feline nasal cavity and paranasal were acquiredfrom noraml adult cats. Good resolutin and amatomic detail were obtained from the CT images using soft tissue formatting. A desciption of normal feline nasal cavity and paranasal sinus anatomy using CT is presented.  相似文献   

猫杯状病毒(Feline calicivirus,FCV)是在猫科动物中高度流行的重要病原体,能够引起猫科动物急性口腔溃疡、上呼吸道传染病和慢性胃肠炎等疾病。目前研究证明疫苗免疫可有效减少该病的发生。此外,已开展FCV反向遗传操作系统的研究,并成功表达外源基因,为进一步研究特定蛋白的结构和功能、病毒致病机理、构建杯状病毒嵌合载体疫苗打下了基础。本文从FCV的病原及生物学特性、基因组结构及其编码产物、致病机理、流行病学及疫病的防治等方面进行综合阐述。  相似文献   

The radiographic and ultrasonographic appearance of the normal involution process of the feline postpartum uterus has not been previously described. Six queens were examined to determine the normal radiographic and ultrasonographic appearance of the involuting postpartum uterus. Radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations were performed daily from days one through ten, then on days 12, 14, 18, 24, and 28 postpartum. Radiographically the mean total uterine thickness was 16.5 mm at day one postpartum. By day 14 the mean total uterine thickness was 10.5 mm and by day 24 postpartum the uterus was not radiographically visible. Ultrasonographically at day one postpartum the mean total uterine thickness was 16.6 mm and the mean uterine wall thickness was 2.7 mm. At day 14 postpartum the mean total uterine thickness was 6.2 mm and the mean wall thickness was 2.1 mm. At day 28 postpartum the uterus could still be identified ultrasonographically however individual wall layers were not discernable.  相似文献   

A one year old female Siamese-Persian mixed breed cat in late third trimester of pregnancy was presented for anorexia and lethargy. Abdominal radiographs were normal. Abdominal ultrasound revealed markedly increased cortical and moderately increased medullary echogenicity of the maternal kidneys. Cortical echogenicity of all fetal kidneys were similarly increased in echogenicity. Premortem clinicopathologic and postmortem histopathologic findings were indicative of ethylene glycol nephrosis presumably secondary to antifreeze ingestion.  相似文献   

The effect of commonly used sedatives on gastrointestinal motility and transit time in cats was evaluated using barium sulfate in gastrointestinal contrast studies. Control studies were performed in nonsedated animals, and the results were compared with those obtained from each of five sedation studies (ANOVA; p < 0.05). The ketamine/acepromazine transit time (18 minutes) was shortened significantly compared with the control group (42 minutes), and both ketamine/acepromazine and ketamine alone resulted in significant increase in the number of gastric contractions. The level of sedation was evaluated subjectively and compared with the transit times to determine a chemical restraint method for potential clinical use that would have the least effect on transit time and motility yet provide adequate sedation. When sedation is necessary and motility is not a primary concern, the ketamine/acepromazine combination if recommended. If a gastrointestinal motility problem is suspected, the ketamine/valium combination should be used.  相似文献   

Renal length and width dimensions were determined from survey radiography and excretory urography in 28 cats of various sex and reproductive status. Renal dimensions were expressed as a ratio to the length of the second lumbar vertebra. Renal dimensions were not significantly different when males were compared to females. However, significant differences in renal dimensions between intact and neutered cats were identified. Renal length ratios for neutered cats were: left kidney 2.22 +/- 0.14 (mean +/- standard deviation), right kidney 2.29 +/- 0.14. In intact cats, renal length ratios were: left kidney 2.60 +/- 0.19, right kidney 2.65 +/- 0.24. The mean renal length ratios for neutered cats was smaller than previously reported normal values. Thus, reproductive status should be considered when evaluating feline kidneys for alterations in size. Based on this study, normal feline renal length ratios range from 1.9 to 2.6 for neutered cats and 2.1 to 3.2 for intact cats.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old, domestic short hair cat with a known history of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and previous aortic thromboembolism was presented for 24 h of vomiting and pyrexia. Initial abdominal radiographs were unremarkable. On an upper gastrointestinal series, delayed gastric emptying and prolonged small intestinal transit time were found. An initial abdominal ultrasound revealed a focal region of aperistaltic small intestine with mild wall thickening, however, intestinal wall layering in this area appeared normal. By 72 h, there was a diffusely hypoechoic portion of thickened small bowel (0.51 cm) with loss of the normal layering and hyperechoic mesentery surrounding this segment of bowel. A small bowel infarction and focal peritonitis were suspected and confirmed at surgery.  相似文献   

Thoracic radiographs of 11 normal cats were made in dorsal (VD) and ventral (DV) recumbency with a vertically directed x-ray beam. These radiographs were compared subjectively and objectively with each other and with an additional pair of radiographs made with the cats in dorsal and ventral recumbency using a horizontally directed x-ray beam. Differences were found between VD and DV thoracic radiographs but they were minimal. In VD radiographs the caudal mediastinum and accessory lobe regïon of the lung were more clearly seen but cardiac shape varied somewhat. In DV radiographs, the appearance of the heart was more constant and caudal lobar pulmonary arteries more clearly seen. The results of this study indicated that both VD and DV radiographs are satisfactory for radiographic examination of the feline thorax  相似文献   

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