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循环式海绵基质培是根据世界无土栽培技术发展趋势和中国具体国情进行试验设计、研制而成的新型无土栽培设备.其主要特点是1)基质用量少,成本低;2)供排液分开,避免根际病害传播;3)配套营养液生物过滤装置,提高系统安全稳定性;4)营养液供给自动控制.循环式海绵基质培由贮液池、农用海绵基质(黑白双色膜包被)、双层槽式集液系统、营养液滴灌系统及自控设备、营养液生物过滤系统等组成.循环式海绵基质培在中国东南沿海地区一年量达10000 kg以上,亩产值1.5万元以上,适合农业示范园区内的大型温室应用.  相似文献   

循环式海绵基质培是根据世界无土栽培技术发展趋势和中国具体国情进行试验设计、研制而成的新型无土栽培设备。其主要特点是:1)基质用量少,成本低;2)供排液分开,避免根际病害传播;3)配套营养液生物过滤装置,提高系统安全稳定性;4)营养液供给自动控制。循环式海绵基质培由贮液池、农用海绵基质(黑白双色膜包被)、双层槽式集液系统、营养液滴灌系统及自控设备、营养液生物过滤系统等组成。循环式海绵基质培在中国东南沿海地区一年可以栽培两茬果菜,亩产量达10000 kg以上,亩产值1.5万元以上,适合农业示范园区内的大型温室应用。  相似文献   

营养液栽培在我国简称为水培,日本简称为水耕.六十年代初期,日本就开始从事这项技术的试验研究,经过廿多年的试验研究已经取得了很大成绩,目前正在稳步发展。营养液栽培蔬菜的面积已有四千多亩,还不包括城镇居民家庭的种植面积.千叶大学园艺学部的伊东正副教授向我们介绍了目前日本比较普遍使用的四种水耕方式,即:协和式水耕、M 式水耕、等量交换式水耕和 NFT 简易水耕(N-utrient Film Technigue),伊东先生从事的是后两种的试验研究.主要考虑后两种方式成本低,利于推广.这几种方式的成本分别为:协和式和 M 式,投资为4000~6000日元/米~2,等量交换式为2400日元/米~2NFT 式的投资最低,约1800日元/米~2。这几种方式的设施工厂均有产品,可成套供应(包括肥料在内)。他们特别指出,营养液栽培除了可以取得高产稳产,  相似文献   

为解决生菜应用营养液膜技术(nutrient film technique,NFT)在冬夏季根区温度控制的问题,该研究基于机器学习方法,结合温室内外历史环境数据,构建BP神经网络根区温度预测模型。为提高模型精度,采用蜣螂算法(dung beetle optimizer, DBO)优化BP神经网络模型的输入权重和阈值,构建了冬夏两个季节的基于DBO-BP神经网络的栽培槽内根区温度预测模型,并与GA-BP、BP神经网络模型进行对比。结果表明,根区温度预测值与真实值变化趋势较为一致,DBO-BP模型温度预测最大误差为2.21°C,决定系数为0.943,而GA-BP与BP模型决定系数分别为0.928、0.892;DBO-BP模型评价指标的均方根误差、平均绝对误差分别为0.707、0.549°C,均小于其他模型评价指标。DBO-BP神经网络可满足在NFT栽培中根区温度预测精度的需求,能够为生菜栽培根区快速控温提供有效方法。  相似文献   

本试验研究了农用化肥代替化学试剂,做无土栽培营养液肥源的可行性。试验结果表明,利用普通化肥代替化学试剂配制营养液,不仅是可行的,而且能大幅度降低成本,经济效益显著。在春夏季试验中,适当增加营养液中氨态氮化肥的比例,明显地促进黄瓜早熟,提高早期产量。在秋冬季试验中,适当比例的氨态氮肥,能促进黄瓜总产量的提高。春秋两次试验还表明,若含硝态和酰胺态氮的化肥同时作氮源时,可不同程度地促进黄瓜的营养生长及生殖生长。此外本试验还研究了不同营养液对黄瓜叶片中叶绿素的含量,氨基酸的含量及光合作用的影响。  相似文献   

NFT水培装置与自动供液系统使用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在利用NFT水培方式时,需要有一套理想的装置和供液系统,其中以解决自动间断循环供液是关键。本试验利用自制的电子程序控制器进行昼夜自动间断循环供液。试验结果表明:番茄各发育期,昼夜24小时,间断循环供液比白天循环供液、白天一次供液均提前半个月;植株高度、叶片数、根系生长以及叶片气孔阻力和蒸腾强度都有明显差异;并察明了温室内温湿度的变化与耗液量的关系。在产量上,按三穗果以下计产(含第三穗果),威尔多品种在昼夜24小时自动间断循环供液处理下,平均单株产量最高,白天循环供液平均单株产量次之,而白天一次供液平均产量最低,仅相当于最高产量的十分之一。结果证明了昼夜自动间断循环供液,由于营养液循环交替,解决了液气矛盾,始终保持了床面一层水膜,不会产生脱液现象,促进了植株健壮成长。 本试验仅解决了营养液自动循环供应。关于pH值和EC值的调节与控制,将另题研究。  相似文献   

控释氮肥对基质栽培番茄产量和品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过施用传统营养液、控释氮肥及控释氮肥配合营养液进行基质栽培番茄,探讨了控释氮肥与营养液配合对番茄产量和品质的影响。结果表明,施用等氮量控释氮肥配合磷钾营养液(UL2)较传统营养液(NS)果实产量无显著差异,但较施用等氮量速效氮肥配合磷钾营养液(UL1)果实产量显著增加了22.0%;当底施肥料替代全部营养液氮、磷、钾时,等氮量控释尿素(CRU2)较等氮量速效尿素(Urea)果实产量显著增加了28.1%,且高50%,施氮量控释尿素(CRU3)较传统营养液果实产量无显著差异;UL2较UL1糖酸比显著增加了29.6%,且番茄果实硝态氮含量较NS显著降低了50.0%。因此,控释氮肥在基质栽培番茄上较速效氮肥有显著的增产及提高品质的效果。与传统营养液相比,等氮量控释氮肥配合磷钾营养液的施用可以保证产量和品质,既简化了营养液配方,又降低了番茄果实中硝态氮含量,提高了食用安全性,可以在基质栽培生产上广泛地推广应用。  相似文献   

不同营养液浓度对温室盆栽黄瓜产量与品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
营养液浓度与供液方式会影响温室黄瓜的产量与品质。本文通过盆栽试验,以山崎黄瓜专用营养液配方标准浓度1S为基准,研究了负水头供水控水盆栽装置供液条件下 1/2S、3/4S、1S、1S 4种营养液浓度以及常规浇灌1S(CK)营养液浓度对温室盆栽基质栽培黄瓜产量与品质的影响。结果表明, 地上部干重和产量与营养液浓度成显著正相关关系; 1S处理产量与地上部干重显著大于1S (CK)处理,但营养液生产效率差异不显著; 黄瓜整体品质随生育进程而提高,采收初期果实品质整体指标各处理差异较大,1S处理的较高; 采收中期1S与1S处理的较高,而采收末期各处理整体品质差异较小,1/2S与1S(CK)处理的相对较高; 其中1S(CK)处理各采收时期果实硝酸盐含量明显高于1S处理,而其它各指标两者无显著差异。负水头供水控水盆栽装置供液方式与1S营养液浓度处理是一种较好的供液方式与供液浓度。同时,适当提高黄瓜生育前期与降低生育末期营养液浓度能提高黄瓜的整体品质。  相似文献   

以生菜为试材,研究了NFT栽培槽不同槽底形状对生菜生产效果的影响.试验结果表明NFT栽培槽不同波纹式槽底形状对生菜的生物积累量有显著影响,但对生菜的品质无显著影响,其中,以纵剖面是不等边三角形的波纹式槽底形状对生菜的植株开展度和产量的影响最为显著.在NFT栽培方式中,栽培槽底铺不铺无纺布对生菜产量有显著影响.综合生菜产量因子与商品性状,以[(6+14)×4]的纵剖面不等边波纹式栽培槽槽底形状最优.  相似文献   

以“奶油生菜”为研究对象,将不同量的山崎配方水溶肥溶于工厂化养鱼尾水,配制成混合营养液,进行营养液膜栽培(NFT)水培生菜实验,以期筛选出最佳水肥配比,为实现工厂化养鱼尾水资源化利用提供理论依据。实验设置5个处理,分别为S1(123g水溶肥+150L养鱼尾水)、S2(98.4g水溶肥+150L养鱼尾水)、S3(73.8g水溶肥+150L养鱼尾水)、S4(49.2g水溶肥+150L养鱼尾水)、S5(24.6g水溶肥+150L养鱼尾水),以CK(123g水溶肥+150L清水)作为对照,探究不同处理对生菜产量和品质的影响。采用基于熵权法的TOPSIS综合效益评价模型分析确定最佳水肥配比参数。结果表明,混合营养液能提高生菜对水肥的吸收量,但随水溶肥浓度增加,生菜耗肥量呈先增大后减小的趋势;不同处理下生菜耗水耗肥量均低于CK处理,S1-S5处理相比CK处理分别节肥25.01%、19.15%、34.12%、51.89%和74.10%。混合营养液能有效促进生菜生长,但生菜各项生长指标均随水溶肥浓度上升呈先增大后减少的趋势,S2处理下生菜产量最高,为1.88kg·m-2,相比CK...  相似文献   

Subirrigation systems in which water and nutrients are supplied to the substrate through wick strips for upward nutrient solution (NS) movement can be a feasible alternative to improve lettuce quality with low environmental pollution, enabling production with reduced labor and electricity or in regions with high air temperature. The objective of this study was to compare the performance of two wick irrigation systems using self-compensating troughs filled with either pine bark (WPB) or coconut coir (WCC) with nutrient film technique (NFT) hydroponic system for greenhouse lettuce production. The daily monitoring of electrical conductivity (EC) and pH allowed the experiment management according to the recommended values for optimal lettuce growth. The EC showed variation among troughs and salt accumulation in substrates, with WPB exhibiting two times greater EC than WCC (ranging from 0.95 to 7.57 and from 0.68 to 3.67 dS·m?1, respectively), while the pH values were stable over time. The WCC promoted greater root length and shoot diameter, while WPB produced shorter plants compared to the other two treatments. NFT resulted in an 83% lower leaf area and 44% lower root volume than WPB and WCC. The fresh and dry shoot masses with NFT were 58% and 24% lower than with WPB and WCC, respectively. The fresh root mass was also reduced in NFT plants, which was 67% smaller than WCC and 59% smaller than WPB. Root dry mass of NFT was 35% lower than the average of WPB and WCC. Nitrate (NO3)-nitrogen (N), ammonium (NH4)-N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) concentrations in plant shoot and root at the end of the experiment as well as the same nutrients, chloride, sodium, and bicarbonate concentrations in substrate and NS determined weekly differed among the treatments (P < 0.01). The EC and nutrient concentration in the substrates increased over time. The wick irrigation system with both substrates resulted in higher productivity than NFT, with higher yield and plant quality in WCC, indicating its feasibility as an alternative system for lettuce production in greenhouses. However, due to the salinity buildup, water and nutrition management needs to be optimized for self-compensating troughs to avoid an increase in substrate EC over time.  相似文献   

番茄的营养液膜栽培配套技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
营养液膜技术(Nutrient Film Technique)作为第三代水培新技术,在克服连作障碍、生产无公害蔬菜和提高蔬菜产量上具有明显优越性。作者以营养液膜技术,结合我国国情,在栽培设施、供液方式、育苗和定植方式、营养液更新方法、合适的营养液浓度和管理方法等方面,进行简易化栽培研究,使得番茄增产增值,成本大幅度降低,基本形成了现阶段我国保护地番茄营养液膜栽培配套技术规范。  相似文献   

温室水肥一体化营养液调控装备设计与试验   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
针对当前温室生产中用水效率普遍较低、肥料使用量较高的问题,有必要对水肥一体化营养液调控及灌溉技术进行深入研究,探索适合中国具体情况的,低成本的水肥一体化营养液灌溉模式和相关农业装备。该文设计了一种水肥一体化营养液调控装备,根据营养液制备装置特点和制备过程,建立了营养液制备系统二阶数学模型,并利用增量式PID(proportion integration differentiation,比例-积分-微分)算法和改进Smith预估器对营养液的制备过程进行精确控制;利用EC传感器和p H传感器实时检测营养液的制备情况,并且通过驱动相应的继电器实现营养液的调控。试验结果表明,该水肥一体化营养液调控装备30 s左右可以进入营养液调控的稳定阶段(EC值误差在±0.1 m S/cm),系统达到规定的EC值的响应时间不超过60 s,使用该装备能够快速、精确的实现营养液的调控。  相似文献   

集成生物净化系统用于鱼池水质控制的初步试验研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
该文提出了生物膜和水生植物的集成生物净化系统用于鱼池水质控制,通过人工配置营养盐和养鱼循环水体的净化试验研究,探讨了该集成生物净化系统对主要污染指标的净化能力和对养鱼循环水体的净化效果及规律。研究结果显示,由生物膜和水生植物组成的集成生物净化系统对氨氮的承载能力明显增强,当NH+4的初始浓度在2.0 mg·L-1以下时,净化效果显著,水质良好。该集成系统对养鱼循环水体中氨氮和有机物的去除率分别保持在80%和40%以上,对养鱼水体pH和DO也有良好的调节和改善作用。  相似文献   

Growers problems with production of vegetables in soilless cultural systems are primarily caused by nutrient deficiencies or toxicities that may not necessarily be due to improper preparation of the nutrient solution. Pythium fungus disease on the roots has caused crop failures of tomatoes and cucumbers in NFT during warm weather.  相似文献   

Between the elevations of 1000 and 2000 m in the mid‐hills of Nepal, over 12 million people subsist on land‐holdings of less than 0·5 ha. These farmers have limited access to commercial inputs such as fertilisers and are reliant on organic manures for soil fertility maintenance. Participatory research was conducted with farmers on bari land (upper slope rain‐fed crop terraces) in the hill community of Landruk (bench terraces 0–5° slope, 3000–3500 mm annual rainfall, which aimed to develop soil and water management interventions that controlled erosion without resulting in high leaching, and so were effective in minimising total nutrient losses. Interventions tested were the control of water movement through diversion of run‐on and planting fodder grasses on terrace risers on bench terraces. The interventions were effective in reducing soil loss from the bari land in comparison with existing farmer practices, but no effect was observed on nutrient losses in solution form through runoff and leaching. Losses of NO3‐N in leachate ranged from 17·3 to 99·7 kg ha−1 yr−1, but only 0·7 to 5·6 kg ha−1 yr−1 in runoff. The overall nutrient balance suggests that the system is not sustainable. Fertility is heavily dependent on livestock inputs and if the current trends of declining livestock numbers due to labour constraints continue, further losses in productivity can be expected. However, farmers are interested in interventions that tie ecosystem services with productivity enhancement and farmers' priorities should be used as entry points for promoting interventions that are system compatible and harness niche opportunities. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing chloride content in nutrient solution on nutrient composition in root environment, interaction of nutrients in leaves and yield of greenhouse tomato cv. ‘Grace F1’ grown in rockwool were searched. In Experiment I (2004–2005) the levels of 15, 30, 60, and 90 mg Cl·L?1 but in Experiment II (2006) 30, 60, 90 and 120 mg Cl·L?1 of nutrient solution were tested. The sources of chloride were water (9.6–10.7 mg Cl·L?1) and calcium chloride (CaCl2·2H2O) but the rest of nutrients and sodium in all treatments were on the same levels. It was found that increasing content of chloride from 15 to 60 mg Cl·L?1 enhanced the total and marketable fruit yield. Within the range of 60 to 90 mg Cl·L?1 the yield was on the optimum level but the content of 120 mg Cl·L?1 declined it. Increasing chloride content in the nutrient solutions was reflected in rising of chlorine content in leaves. The concentration of chloride above 60 mg C·L?1 reduced the content of nitrogen but above 90 mg C·L?1 declined the content of calcium, sulfur and zinc in leaves. The antagonism between Cl:N, Cl:Ca: Cl:S and Cl:Zn was appeared. More variable interaction were between Cl:K and Cl:B. At the low levels of chloride, from 15 to 60 mg Cl·L?1, potassium and boron content were decreased but at the higher ones, from 90 to 120 mg·L?1, these nutrients had increasing course. It was not found out the effect of chloride contents on macro and microelement contents in nutrient solution emitted from drippers however their content upraising in root medium (rockwool). The highest increase was found out for Na 95.1 and 64.9 % (Exp. I and II - respectively), next for Ca (76.0, 70.1 %), Cu (62.5 and 71.0 %), Cl (43.6, 24.4), B (33.3, 21.0 %), N-NO3 (30.4, 49.6 %), Zn (29.5, 32.8 %), S-SO4 (25.9, 25.5 %), K (24.5, 24.1 %), Fe (19.8, 19.2 %), Mn (17.5, 21.3 %) and Mg (14.9, 11.7). Advantageous effect of chloride on tomato yield justified the need to introduce for the practice adequate chlorine nutrition, and recommend to maintain 60 to 90 mg Cl·L?1 in nutrient solution. The best yield appeared when content of chlorine in leaves (8th or 9th leaf from the top) was in the range 0.48-0.60 % of Cl in d. m.  相似文献   

多功能水耕栽培系统由栽培床、封闭式循环供液系统、液温调控、增氧设施以及营养液自动检测与控制系统组成。经过半年运行试验结果表明:该系统可提高水耕栽培床的封闭性能,实现了对溶解氧的自动检测与控制和营养液数据的自动采集和自动控制功能。该系统解决了传统开放式水耕栽培装置营养液利用率低、控制水平差、污染严重、水资源浪费大等缺点,可有效提高产品的产量和品质。  相似文献   

Little is known regarding the impact of calcium chloride applications during growth and development on tomato postharvest quality. This trial investigated supplemental calcium chloride applications on yield, nutrient content, texture, and postharvest quality of tomato fruit. Calcium (Ca) nutrient solution concentrations were: 60, 180, and 360 mg·L?1 calcium, while foliar applications were (0, 1, and 2% calcium chloride w/v). Plants grown with 60 mg·L?1 Ca had a high incidence of blossom end rot, which was not affected by calcium chloride sprays. Fruit nutrient concentrations were affected by calcium delivered through the nutrient solution. As fruit cluster position increased, fruit nutrient concentrations significantly decreased. Foliar calcium chloride sprays affected fruit soluble solids content and dry weight, but did not affect texture. Pericarp elasticity increased concomitantly with calcium in the nutrient solution. Postharvest disease incidence was not affected by calcium treatment, though weight loss during storage was negatively affected by calcium chloride sprays.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out from February 25 till April 10 of 2010 at the Jaboticabal campus of the Paulista State University (UNESP), state of São Paulo, Brazil, viewing to find out which would be the optimum and the phytotoxic levels of iron in the nutrients solution for common chicory (Cichorium intybus) plants. Iron concentrations in the nutrients solution were of 0.9, 2.7, 8.3, and 25 mg L?1. These treatments were replicated 4 times and the experimental units were distributed according to a randomized complete block design. The nutrient film hydroponic technique (NFT) was used. Growth parameters such as plant height and number of leaves as well as reproductive parameters such as green and dry mass production were evaluated. The optimal concentrations were found to be between 2.7 and 8.3 mg L?1 of iron in the nutrients solution. The concentration of 25 mg L?1 caused toxicity, although no visual sign of iron in excess was observed.  相似文献   

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