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潘继兰 《江西棉花》2006,28(1):41-41
近年来,一些地区绿肥种植面积因复种指数的不断提高而逐年减少,致使土壤肥力逐年下降。我们建议秋播各地要因地制宜,适当恢复绿肥种植,积极推广菜肥兼用、一肥多用的经济绿肥,千方百计套播好棉田冬绿肥。  相似文献   

茶园间作冬季绿肥是实现就地部分解决有机肥源、化肥减施和土壤培肥的种植模式。文章介绍了适合茶园冬季绿肥的品种特性和栽培技术要点,供茶农和推广部门参考。  相似文献   

稻鱼综合种养将种植业与养殖业有机结合,可最大限度地提高稻田产出率,增加农户经济收入。介绍了广西"稻-鱼-绿肥"周年循环农业模式,详述了田间工程、水稻种植技术、养鱼技术及绿肥生产与利用等技术要点;分析了该模式下的经济效益、社会效益及生态效益,并提出了发展建议。  相似文献   

绿肥新品种油肥1号选育报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油肥1号是湖南省作物研究所选育的绿肥专用型油菜新品种,并于2015年进行了新品种登记。该品种发育早、养分积累和转化快、生物量大、适合播种期宽,可作冬季绿肥种植,在春季翻压,适宜于湖南省及相邻生态区种植。介绍了油肥1号的选育经过、特征特性及栽培技术要点。  相似文献   

种植绿肥是我国农业的传统经验,也是现代农业体系中维持土壤碳氮营养平衡的一个重要环节。群众有“绿肥种三年,瘦田变肥田”的经验。现将棉田种植绿肥试验结果报道如下。1、加快棉株生长速度。绿肥腐烂分解  相似文献   

<正>长乐地处东南沿海双季稻区,近年冬种马铃薯面积发展到3000hm2左右,成为冬季农业新亮点。马铃薯是粮菜肥兼用高产作物,一般平均每667m2可收获块茎1500kg左右,产值1560元。收获时鲜茎叶与块茎比值约1:3,马铃薯鲜茎叶的含氮量与紫云英相当,磷、钾含量分别比紫云英高77.8%和13.5%,每667m2茎叶量约500kg,是很好的肥田绿肥。研究稻后马铃薯种植与配方施肥技术,对发展当地冬季农业和培肥地力,降低生产成本,增加农民收入,具有深远的现实意义。我们以多年种植实践为基础,2005年在古槐镇竹田村开展稻田冬种马铃薯种植与配方施肥试验示范,以期为同类地区提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目前,我国新垦茶园面积不断扩大,绿肥以其具有改善土壤结构、增强土壤肥力、遏制水土流失、调节茶园小气候等方面的特点,尤其适合在幼龄茶园中栽种。为探讨不同绿肥品种在幼龄茶园种植中成活率及其对幼龄茶园遮荫度、刈青量及幼龄茶园茶树生长的影响,选取狼尾草、茶肥1号、花生、印尼大绿豆四种绿肥品种,设5个处理9组重复进行实验。结果表明,种植50天后,花生和印尼大绿豆成活率较高,而长势则是狼尾草最好,遮荫度方面狼尾草表现最好,花生、绿豆遮阴效果较差,刈青产量由高到低分别为狼尾草、茶肥1号、印尼大绿豆和花生。茶树茎粗四种绿肥处理没有显著差异,而幼龄茶园茶树株高狼尾草处理显著高于茶肥1号处理和花生处理。综合比较,推荐采用狼尾草和茶肥1号作为幼龄茶园适植绿肥进行推广。同时,花生作为经济作物,在刈割后仍能提供一定的副产品花生,产量达到19155 kg/公顷(带土重量),可以有选择性的在茶园中栽种。  相似文献   

宜昌夷陵区作为全国果菜茶有机肥替代化肥试点县,自2019年开始探索推广适合夷陵茶园的有机肥替代化肥技术,经过2年的试验示范,总结了“有机肥+配方肥”“有机肥+水肥一体化”“有机肥+机械深施”“茶-沼(肥)-畜”“推广种植绿肥”五大集成技术的要点和示范效果,为茶叶有机肥替代化肥技术的广泛推广应用奠定了理论基础和技术支撑,也为全区科学施肥提供了技术指引。  相似文献   

为了大力促进我省冬绿肥生产的迅速恢复和发展,湖南省农学会于1990年8月11日召开了有关专家座谈会,现将专家讨论意见综合如下。 一、湖南冬绿肥生产的现状与问题 冬季绿肥是我省农业生产的重要有机肥源,种植绿肥对于肥田改土、培肥地力,保持良好的生态环境,促进农业高产稳产和持续增产有着十分重要的作用。60年代和70年代我省农村广大干群对冬绿肥的生产十分重  相似文献   

1、栽培绿肥对于改良盐渍土增产棉花,解决肥料问题有极重要的意义。根据试验及调查资料,证明绿肥的肥效好,在各级盐地上施用,均能获得良好的增产效果,这是他种肥料所不及的。同时种植绿肥成本少收效大,仅要几斤种子费,就可以生产大量肥料,满足庄稼生长的需要。而且绿肥是就地翻耕利用,减少送肥施肥的工作量,既省人工,又省时间,推广种植是多快好省发展农业生产一项重要方法。  相似文献   

长期绿肥还田对江南稻田系统生产力及抗逆性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 依据江南丘陵地区双季稻田28年(1981-2008年)长期绿肥还田的田间定位试验和4年的养分耗竭盆栽试验,分析比较了长期不同量绿肥还田对稻田系统生产力和抗逆性的综合影响。结果表明,常量绿肥还田和高量绿肥还田处理下,早稻、晚稻和历年的全年平均籽粒产量和生物学产量及其变异系数与长期单施化肥处理差异不显著,但由于绿肥还田处理施用绿肥替代部分化肥,平均每年的化肥N、P和K投入量比单施化肥处理分别减少90.0、9.9和72.0 kg/hm2。绿肥处理的双季稻全年产量呈上升趋势,而长期化肥处理则呈下降趋势,且前者的全年产量可持续性产量指数均略高于后者,常量绿肥还田下稻田系统的耐瘠能力也显著高于长期单施化肥处理。不同量绿肥还田下稻田系统生产力差异不显著,但耐瘠能力常量还田处理较高。  相似文献   

Research on crop establishment methods may improve green manure performance, reduce costs, and increase the adaptability of pre-rice green manure technology in lowland rice-based cropping systems. A two-season field experiment was conducted at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in Los Baños, Philippines in 1991–1992 to compare four establishment practices of Sesbania rostrata green manure (zero tillage, with tillage, relay cropping in rice for 2 or 4 weeks) with four mineral N fertilizer levels (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg urea N/ha) in an intensive irrigated lowland system with three rice crops per year. S. rostrata was grown twice a year during the 43-day dry-wet and wet-dry transition periods between the wet and dry season rice crops.

Grain yield potential and fertilizer responsiveness of rice was generally highest in the dry season. On the other hand, S. rostrata growth was more vigorous in the wet season (long-day period) than in the dry season, regardless of establishment method. Green manure N accumulation was lowest with zero tillage (30 and 90 kg N/ha in dry and wet season, respectively) and highest when it was relay-cropped for two weeks (60 and 180 kg N/ha in dry and wet season, respectively). Land preparation for Sesbania ensured best green manure stand (> 100 plants/m2 vs 20–40 plants/m2 at no-till establishments) but increased costs of green manuring by US$16/ha compared with other establishment methods. A quadratic response function between mineral fertilizer equivalence and green manure N indicated that up to 75 kg N/ha, lowland rice uses green manure N more efficiently than urea. Depending on season and establishment method, S. rostrata substituted for 35 to 90 kg of split-applied urea N. Benefit-cost ratios indicated that pre-rice green manure use in the wet season under the current fertilizer and labor prices in the Philippines was a less attractive economic option than mineral N fertilizer. This was true for all establishment methods. In the dry season, S. rostrata established by relay cropping gave the highest rate of return. The 2-week relay cropping of green manure with irrigated rice gave highest green manure N accumulation and rice grain yield, and may be economically viable where fertilizer prices are higher or labor costs are lower than in the Philippines.  相似文献   

为明确湘西烟地适宜绿肥种植模式,研究了箭舌豌豆、黑麦草、油菜在单作和混作条件下的生物量和养分含量。结果表明:(1)箭舌豌豆的生物量明显高于黑麦草、油菜;(2)箭舌豌豆与其他绿肥混作模式的地下部分生物量要高于单作,但混作绿肥地上部分生物量不如单作;(3)箭舌豌豆以及箭舌豌豆与其他绿肥混作模式绿肥提供的全氮、全磷、全钾、全碳相对较高。因此,在湘西州烟区旱地,以推广种植箭舌豌豆或箭舌豌豆与其他绿肥混作模式为好。  相似文献   

为探讨减施化肥条件下,间作绿肥压青还田对甘蔗生长的影响及化肥的替代作用。试验设计了6个处理,处理1(CK):甘蔗常规施肥;处理2(H-LY):化肥减施25%+12%营养元素当量绿豆绿肥还田+13%营养元素当量有机肥;处理3(H-LQ):化肥减施25%+全量绿豆绿肥还田;处理4(H-Y):化肥减施25%+25%营养元素当量有机肥;处理5(H-HD):化肥减施25%+25%营养元素当量黑豆绿肥还田;处理6(H-HQ):化肥减施25%+全量黑豆绿肥还田。研究结果表明,间作绿豆绿肥和黑豆绿肥在生育前期甘蔗的分蘖和甘蔗总苗数都较常规处理降低,间作黑豆还降低了甘蔗的叶片宽度。甘蔗化肥减施25%条件下,间作绿豆绿肥全量还田、12%营养元素当量间作绿豆绿肥还田+13%营养元素当量有机肥替代的蔗茎产量和经济效益均达到常规对照水平。但间作黑豆压青还田导致甘蔗减产,降低经济效益。兼顾甘蔗产量、经济效益、资源消耗及蔗地的地力提升各方面,甘蔗间作绿豆绿肥全量还田可以替代25%的甘蔗化肥,是值得推广的一种模式。  相似文献   

为探讨长期施肥下黑垆土氨化作用的变化,在长期定位试验条件下,分析了长期施肥对黑垆土氨化细菌数量和氨化作用强度的影响。结果表明,在小麦连作下,各施肥处理均可不同程度提高土壤中氨化细菌数量和氨化作用强度,其中单施有机肥及有机无机肥配施的效果更明显。在不同施肥处理中,氮磷配施有机肥处理的土壤氨化细菌数量最多(7.53×108个·g~(-1)),是不施肥处理(CK)的189.2倍,氨化作用强度最高(1.49mg·kg~(-1)),较CK增加55.0%;其次为单施有机肥、氮肥配施有机肥和磷肥配施有机肥处理,其氨化细菌数量和氨化作用强度均显著高于CK。在苜蓿连作下,与CK相比,单施磷肥处理的土壤氨化细菌数量和氨化作用强度均明显降低,降幅分别为99.5%和49.7%。因此,黄土高原黑垆土区小麦连作时,长期施用有机肥及有机无机肥配施均可提高土壤有机氮的转化作用,增强其供氮能力;苜蓿连作时,长期单施磷肥可减弱土壤有机氮的转化作用。  相似文献   


The use of coffee grounds in crop fields were evaluated in terms of crop growth enhancement, soil improvement, and weed control during four successive cropping seasons for two years. Six summer and three winter green manure crops were grown from June 2009 to May 2011. In the first cropping season, the growth of all green manure crops was significantly inhibited by the application of 10 kg m–2 of coffee grounds. However, the inhibitory effects spontaneously diminished after the second cropping season (about 12 months later), and the growth of guinea grass, sorghum and sunflower was about 2-fold higher than that of the control. The application of horse manure at 10 kg m–2 effectively alleviated the inhibitory effects, even though the high concentration of coffee grounds was included. Although top dressing application of coffee grounds at 16 kg m–2 permitted weed control, the impact maintained enough only for half a year. Coffee grounds application effectively increased both carbon and nitrogen contents of soil and reduced CN ratio. The soil amendment effects were significantly higher in terms of nitrogen enrichment and CN ratio improvement as compared with the horse manure application. These results indicated that coffee grounds are useful to enhance long term crop growth, short duration weed control, and soil improvement in agricultural fields by considering the inhibitory effects on the plant growth for half year after the application. Agricultural use of coffee grounds was also discussed in term of fallow periods in crop rotation.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to investigate the effect of rice straw management and application of different types of organic fertilizer on growth and yield of dry direct-seeded rice grown under rainfed conditions. The experiment was conducted in a farmer’s field at Muang Yai village, Khon Kaen province in 2005. A split-plot design was used, with the main plot under rice straw management (incorporating into the soil and burning), and sub-plots by type of organic fertilizer (green manure, cattle manure and powder organic fertilizer) and one plot under no-fertilizer application. It was found that rice straw incorporated into the soil had no significant effect on grain yield when compared with the effect of burning. Organic fertilizer of cattle manure and powder organic fertilizer significantly increased grain yield over that of green manure and no-fertilizer application. This paper is listed as a series of articles of the special issue “Water and Food” 6(1), March 2008.  相似文献   

Vegetable production makes an intensive use of pesticides, and a major challenge is to build alternative cropping systems that can control pests and diseases with fewer uses of chemical products. An on-farm analysis was conducted in Southeast France to assess the efficacy of several cropping systems in simultaneously controlling two major pests: root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) and lettuce drop due to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Ten cropping systems resulting from the combinations of three crop sequences and two alternative techniques, solarization and green manure, were assessed during two years. The use of solarization once a year or once every two years limited the occurrence of S. sclerotiorum. Sorghum green manure tended to increase S. sclerotiorum incidence; the effect was positively correlated with green manure duration. Especially when no vegetable was cropped in summer, the green manure crop duration was lengthened and this probably created soil conditions favorable to the development of the fungus. The incidence of root-knot nematodes was largely dependent on crop rotation: a melon crop in summer increased its incidence on the subsequent lettuce crops whereas a summer sorghum cover crop had no effect. The cropping systems that limited Sclerotinia development in soil tended to support the root-knot nematode populations. These results should motivate farmers and advisers to adopt a systemic analysis and take into account the various interactions among inoculum level, soil characteristics, crop rotations, and technical management options for designing sustainable vegetable production systems.  相似文献   

利用典型黑土区玉米-大豆轮作定位试验,设5个处理,即不施肥(NoF)、玉米连作正常施用化肥(LZ)、玉米-大豆轮作正常施用化肥(CF)、玉米-大豆轮作正常施用化肥+15 000 kg/hm2有机肥(CF+15T)和玉米-大豆轮作正常施用化肥+30 000 kg/hm2有机肥(CF+30T),研究连续4年增施有机肥后对玉米产量及构成要素和子粒中蛋白质、氨基酸、可溶性糖、淀粉、矿质营养元素含量的影响。结果表明,同CF处理相比,LZ处理玉米产量比CF处理降低15%,连续4年增施有机肥后玉米产量呈增加趋势,CF+15T处理和CF+30T处理玉米产量比CF处理高8.8%和13%。单施化肥处理下连作与轮作玉米子粒品质指标差异不大,轮作处理后连续4年增施有机肥处理的玉米子粒中游离氨基酸、可溶性糖和淀粉含量随着施用有机肥的量增加而增加,对玉米子粒蛋白质含量影响不大。同LZ和CF处理相比,连续4年增施有机肥显著提高玉米子粒中K、Na、Mg和P含量,Ca、Mn、Fe和Zn含量无显著变化。因此,黑土区玉米连作减产,对品质影响不大。玉米-大豆轮作制度下连续4年增施1...  相似文献   

气温及水肥管理方式对中稻田甲烷排放的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 采用计算机控制的全自动气相色谱监测系统,对中稻田4个处理进行了130个日夜的甲烷排放量的监测,各处理中以无机肥+绿肥+长期淹灌处理的甲烷排放通量最高,为464.0 mg/m2·d,最低的为无机肥+绿肥+间歇灌溉处理,只有180.5 mg/m2·d。水稻生长前半期是甲烷排放高峰期,除长期淹灌的处理外,其它处理在移栽后65 d的排放量约占总排放量的77%~93%。甲烷排放量与气温呈正相关。搁田可明显减少甲烷的排放量。  相似文献   

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