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BACKGROUND: In the present investigation, the effect of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Las), a bacterium considered to be responsible for causing huanglongbing (HLB) disease in citrus, on the physiology of its vector, the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, was determined. Specifically, the effects of Las infection on the susceptibility of ACP to selected insecticides were determined. Furthermore, total protein content and general esterase activity were quantified in Las‐infected and uninfected ACP to gain insight into the possible mechanism(s) responsible for altered susceptibility to insecticides owing to Las infection. RESULTS: LC50 values were significantly lower in Las‐infected than in uninfected ACP adults for chlorpyrifos and spinetoram. Furthermore, there was a general trend towards lower LC50 values for three other insecticides for Las‐infected ACP; however, the differences were not statistically significant. Total protein content (µg mL?1) was significantly lower in Las‐infected (23.5 ± 1.3 in head + thorax; 27.7 ± 1.9 in abdomen) than in uninfected (29.7 ± 2.1 in head + thorax; 35.0 ± 2.3 in abdomen) ACP. Likewise, general esterase enzyme activity (nmol min?1 mg?1 protein) was significantly lower in Las‐infected (111.6 ± 4.5 in head + thorax; 109.5 ± 3.7 in abdomen) than in uninfected (135.9 ± 7.5 in head + thorax; 206.1 ± 23.7 in abdomen) ACP. CONCLUSION: Susceptibility of ACP to selected insecticides from five major chemistries was greater in Las‐infected than in uninfected ACP. The lower total protein content and reduced general esterase activity in Las‐infected than in uninfected ACP may partly explain the observed higher insecticide susceptibility of Las‐infected ACP. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Citrus huanglongbing (HLB), previously called greening, is a serious citrus disease in Asia, eastern and southern Africa. It is caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Las), a phloem-limited, nonculturable bacterium transmitted by the Asian citrus psyllid ( Diaphorina citri ) in Asia. A PCR-based assay was developed for monitoring Las in vector psyllids using a rapid DNA extraction from psyllid bodies and PCR amplification. The entire procedure for Las detection in psyllids can be completed within 5 h. Using this method, Las can be accurately detected in psyllid adults as well as nymphs in different instar stages. The assay is sensitive enough for Las detection in single-psyllid extract from adult, fifth, fourth and third instars. In a transovarial transmission experiment, Las was not detected in eggs or in offspring produced by Las-carrying psyllid females. In a retention test, the Las-carrying psyllids remained Las-positive for 12 weeks after they were moved to common jasmine orange, a Las-immune plant. From these experimental results it was concluded that Las persists in the Asian citrus psyllid vector, but is not transovarially transmitted by the vector. These data help in understanding epidemiological characteristics of Las and psyllids in citrus HLB.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, transmits the causal bacteria of the devastating citrus disease huanglongbing (HLB). Because of the variation in spatial and temporal uptake and systemic distribution of imidacloprid applied to citrus trees and its degradation over time in citrus trees, ACP adults and nymphs are exposed to concentrations that may not cause immediate mortality but rather sublethal effects. The objective of this laboratory study was to determine the effects of sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid on ACP life stages. RESULTS: Feeding by ACP adults and nymphs on plants treated daily with a sublethal concentration (0.1 µg mL?1) of imidacloprid significantly decreased adult longevity (8 days), fecundity (33%) and fertility (6%), as well as nymph survival (12%) and developmental rate compared with untreated controls. The magnitude of these negative effects was directly related to exposure duration and concentration. Furthermore, ACP adults that fed on citrus leaves treated systemically with lethal and sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid excreted significantly less honeydew (7–94%) compared with controls in a concentration‐dependent manner suggesting antifeedant activity of imidacloprid. CONCLUSIONS: Sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid negatively affect development, reproduction, survival and longevity of ACP, which likely contributes to population reductions over time. Also, reduced feeding by ACP adults on plants treated with sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid may potentially decrease the capacity of ACP to successfully acquire and transmit the HLB causal pathogen. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The use of proper management strategies for citrus huanglongbing (HLB), caused by ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (Las) and transmitted by Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) (Diaphorina citri), is a priority issue. HLB control is based on healthy seedlings, tolerant rootstock cultivars and reduction of ACP populations. Here, dynamic populations of Las in different citrus hosts and each instar of ACP were studied, together with the seasonal growth and distribution of Las in different tissues, using conventional and TaqMan real‐time PCR. Different levels of susceptibility/tolerance to HLB were seen, resulting in different degrees of symptom severity and growth effects on hosts or rootstocks. Troyer citrange, Swingle citrumelo and wood apple were highly tolerant among 11 rootstock cultivars. Regarding distribution and seasonal analysis of Las, mature and old leaves contained high concentrations in cool temperatures in autumn and spring. Las was detected earlier through psyllid transmission than through graft inoculation, and the amounts of Las (AOL) varied in different hosts. Thus, different AOL (104–107 copy numbers μL?1) and Las‐carrying percentages (LCP; 40–53.3%) were observed in each citrus cultivar and on psyllids, respectively. Furthermore, both AOL and LCP were lower in nymphs than in adult psyllids, whereas the LCP of psyllids were not affected by increasing the acquisition‐access time. The present study has significant implications for disease ecology. The combination of early detection, use of suitable rootstocks and constraint of psyllid populations could achieve better management of HLB disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, is a vector of bacteria presumably responsible for huanglongbing (HLB) disease in citrus. In this laboratory study, an investigation was made of the activity of pyriproxyfen, a juvenile hormone mimic, on ACP eggs, nymphs and adults to evaluate its potential as a biorational insecticide for inclusion in an integrated pest management (IPM) program for ACP. RESULTS: Irrespective of egg age, timing or method of treatment, a significantly lower percentage of eggs (5–29%) hatched after exposure to 64 and 128 µg mL?1 of pyriproxyfen. Only 0–36% of early instars (first, second and third) and 25–74% of late instars (fourth and fifth) survived to adults following exposure to 16, 32 and 64 µg mL?1 of pyriproxyfen. However, 15–20% of adults that emerged following treatment as late instars exhibited morphological abnormalities. Furthermore, pyriproxyfen adversely affected reproduction (fecundity and fertility) of adults that emerged from treated fifth instars or that were treated topically with 0.04 µg as adults. CONCLUSIONS: Application of pyriproxyfen at 64 µg mL?1 resulted in greater inhibition of egg hatch and suppression of adult emergence compared with lower rates. Pyriproxyfen also markedly reduced female fecundity and egg viability for adults that were exposed either as fifth instars or as newly emerged adults. The ovicidal, larvicidal and reproductive effects against ACP suggest that pyriproxyfen is suitable for integration into an IPM program for ACP. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

采用实时荧光定量PCR检测了广东省3个柑橘品种在不同生育期的黄龙病菌含量,探索其动态变化规律,为病害防控提供依据。结果表明,第一年,3个品种春梢期的黄龙病菌平均含量分别为3.52×10~5、4.76×10~5、1.03×10~5拷贝/g,显著低于相应夏梢期(5.50×10~5、9.48×10~5、2.50×10~5拷贝/g)和秋梢期(5.32×10~5、9.84×10~5、2.59×10~5拷贝/g);夏梢期与秋梢期含量又显著低于相应冬梢期(21.60×10~5、17.65×10~5、6.86×10~5拷贝/g)及果实成熟期(14.57×10~5、16.45×10~5、7.96×10~5拷贝/g);砂糖橘全年黄龙病菌含量与贡柑无显著差异,但均显著高于柠檬;第二年的数据与第一年类似,但砂糖橘和贡柑在多个生育期的含菌量比上年均显著升高,而柠檬所有生育期菌量均无显著变化。结果显示:柑橘病树内的黄龙病菌含量在春梢期最低,夏梢、秋梢期次之,冬梢期及果实成熟期最高;‘柠檬’相对耐病,体现为含菌量相对较低、增速较慢。  相似文献   

柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama是黄龙病的传播媒介,快速、有效防治这种害虫是综合防控黄龙病的关键。目前,其防治措施主要依赖化学农药。为了了解化学农药对柑橘木虱的田间防治效果,本文以广东省博罗县柑橘木虱田间种群为测试对象,以华南农业大学昆虫生态研究室饲养的种群为敏感对照,室内测定了13种常用药剂推荐浓度对柑橘木虱的防治效果。结果表明,24 h后77.5%敌敌畏EC和5%啶虫脒EC对田间种群的效果最好,柑橘木虱死亡率分别为93.3%和90%,48 h后两种药剂处理的死亡率已达100%;48 h后,350 g/L吡虫啉SC处理的死亡率也达93.3%;72 h后,20%丁硫克百威EC、30%噻虫嗪SC、12%高氯·毒死蜱EC、45%毒死蜱EC、2.5%高效氯氟氰菊酯EW处理的死亡率也达90%以上。两个种群相比,所有药剂在相同时间对敏感种群的防治效果都高于田间种群。其中,用20%甲氰菊酯EC、30%噻虫嗪SC、45%毒死蜱EC、25 g/L联苯菊酯EC、99%矿物油EC等5种药剂处理,24 h后田间种群的校正死亡率显著低于敏感种群;48 h后除上述药剂外,4.5%高效氯氰菊酯ME处理的校正死亡率也显著低于敏感种群。72 h后,4.5%高效氯氰菊酯ME、25 g/L联苯菊酯EC、99%矿物油EC处理的校正死亡率依然显著低于敏感种群。说明田间种群对以上药剂的敏感性有不同程度的下降。此外发现,采用此测定方法22.4%螺虫乙酯SC对田间种群和敏感种群的防治效果均不理想。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diaphorina citri populations in Florida are developing resistance to commonly used neurotoxic insecticides. Alternatives to neurotoxins, such as insect growth regulators, are needed to control this season-long subtropical pest to prevent or delay development of insecticide resistance. In the present investigation, two insect growth regulators (IGRs), buprofezin and diflubenzuron, were evaluated against various developmental stages of D. citri. RESULTS: The 0–1-day-old D. citri eggs were more susceptible to buprofezin and diflubenzuron than the 3–4-day-old eggs. Adult emergence was completely suppressed by treating first- or third-instar nymphs with buprofezin or diflubenzuron at 30–240 or 23–184 µg mL−1 rates respectively. Treatment of fifth-instar nymphs with diflubenzuron at a rate of 184 µg mL−1 and with buprofezin at 30–240 µg mL−1 rates resulted in approximately 20 and 15–80% reductions in adult emergence respectively. The mean number of eggs per plant was reduced at 5 days after topical treatment with diflubenzuron. Mean egg hatch per plant was reduced at 5 and 6–15 days after topical treatments with buprofezin and diflubenzuron respectively. CONCLUSION: Buprofezin and diflubenzuron effectively suppressed D. citri adult emergence. D. citri were more susceptible as early (first–third-instar) than late (fifth-instar) nymphs. Both IGRs inhibited egg production and egg hatch. Reduction in the number of subsequent offspring suggests reduced vertical transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, the pathogen thought to cause citrus greening disease. The present results indicate that both IGRs tested here should be effective tools for rotation in insecticide-based D. citri management programs. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is a cosmopolitan insect pest of citrus and vectors the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, a suspected causal organism of citrus greening or ‘huanglongbing’ disease. Aldicarb 150 g kg?1 GR (Temik® 15 G) was evaluated at three rates, two placements and three timings for ACP control in orange trees. RESULTS: Application of aldicarb at 5.6, 2.8 and 1.4 kg AI ha?1 in March 2006 reduced adults by 58–66%, 45–46% and 25–37% respectively compared with untreated controls in two separate trials. No difference was observed in placement (one versus two sides of the tree) or tree size (8 years old versus 12 years old). Application at 5.6 kg ha?1 in January 2007 reduced adults by 86% and shoot infestation by 77% in spring, and was generally better than the November and especially February applications. Even more striking results were evident on adults caged on treated plants for 25 days in March. Spiders and ladybeetles were equally abundant in treated and untreated trees. CONCLUSION: Aldicarb application at 5.6 kg ha?1 to the bed side of mature citrus trees 2–3 months before spring growth can suppress ACP through spring without a direct effect on principal psyllid natural enemies. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

为明确柑橘黄龙病的唯一自然传播媒介——柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri的长链非编码RNA(long non-coding RNA,lncRNA)是否参与调控黄龙病病原菌Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus(CLas)的侵染及复制,采用生物信息学预测及PCR扩增方法进行lncRNA的预测、特征分析、验证及差异表达分析。结果显示,柑橘木虱的13个转录组RNA-Seq数据中共有10 192个lncRNA基因,对应15 747条lncRNA转录本;与蛋白质编码基因相比,柑橘木虱lncRNA具有更少的外显子数量和更短的转录本长度;随机选取的10条lncRNA基因中,有7条lncRNA基因在无菌柑橘木虱广州品系或赣州品系中有表达,其中1条lncRNA基因TCONS_00034665在无菌广州品系和无菌赣州品系中存在差异表达;带菌和无菌柑橘木虱成虫中预测获得2个差异表达的lncRNA基因TCONS_00096118和TCONS_00234564,实时荧光定量PCR验证发现TCONS_00234564与预测结果一致,在带菌柑橘木虱成虫中高表达。表明lncRNA参与了黄龙病病原菌与寄主柑橘木虱的互作。  相似文献   

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