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We evaluated the nutrient contents of rotifers sampled from larval-rearing tanks (tank rotifers) without water exchange during the seed production of amberjack Seriola dumerili at three facilities (Kamiura, Kagoshima, and Miyazaki) and compared them with the nutrient contents of freshly enriched rotifers. Compared to the enriched rotifers, the lipid contents, especially neutral lipids and proportion of 22:6n-3, tended to decrease in the tank rotifers. These trends were clearer at Miyazaki where the tank rotifers were sampled before daily supplementation of microalgae (Nannochloropsis). Crude protein content of the tank rotifers did not decrease markedly although the proportion of lysine tended to decrease. Vitamin C and E contents of the tank rotifers decreased significantly only at Miyazaki. Calcium content of the tank rotifers increased at Kamiura and Miyazaki, and the increases in iron and manganese contents of the tank rotifers at Miyazaki and zinc content at Kagoshima were pronounced. These results suggest that the nutritional value of rotifers in larval-rearing tanks without water exchange can be maintained by appropriate supplementation of microalgae. The effect of certain minerals that became high in tank rotifers on subsequent larval development requires further investigation.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of a continuous food supply on the oxygen consumption of young Mediterranean yellowtails (Seriola dumerili Risso, 1810) during the photophase period (14LL:10DD). Four groups with six fish each, weighing individually approx. 600 g, were distributed into open 2 m3 quadrangular fibreglass tanks, and fed with commercial pellets for 60 days. Two of the tanks received a continuous feed supply by means of automatic band feeders (ABF), whilst fish in the other two tanks were fed by hand, twice a day. To improve accuracy in calculating oxygen consumption, the effect of oxygen diffusion between the air and the water was determined by the use of a control tank of similar characteristics, containing no fish. Oxygen consumption instantaneous rate was calculated by the difference between dissolved oxygen concentrations in tanks with and without fish, multiplied by the water flow and divided by the estimated total fish biomass in each tank. In both feeding regimes, an increase in the oxygen consumption levels after feeding commencement was observed. The amplitude, however, was lower and the duration of feeding effect was higher in the group fed by ABF.  相似文献   

The effect of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on the growth performance, survival and swim bladder inflation of larval Seriola dumerili during the rotifer feeding period was investigated in two feeding experiments. Amberjack larvae at 3 day post hatching were fed rotifers enriched with (1) freshwater C hlorella (Chlo), (2) a mixture (2:1, v/v) of Chlo and DHA‐enriched C hlorella (DHA‐Chlo), (3) DHA‐Chlo and (4) DHA‐Chlo and commercial DHA emulsion, in triplicate for 7 days. The average DHA contents of the rotifers were 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 and 1.9 mg g?1 DM respectively. The survival rate was improved by the enrichment of rotifers with DHA‐Chlo alone, and DHA‐Chlo and emulsion. Growth and swim bladder inflation of fish fed rotifers enriched with DHA‐Chlo were significantly (< 0.05) improved, however, with increased levels of DHA further improvement was not found. DHA content in the larval whole body proportionally increased with the DHA level in the rotifers. These results suggest that DHA enrichment of rotifers is effective to improve the growth, survival rate and swim bladder inflation of amberjack larvae. The DHA requirement of amberjack larvae is estimated to be 1.5 mg g?1 on a dry matter basis of rotifers.  相似文献   

The use of live prey is still necessary for a large number of raised fish species. Small sized rotifers are usually used as live preys during the first days of feeding in small mouth fish. An alternative to this is the use of copepods as prey for first feeding. In this study, the sizes, weight and biochemical contents of two copepods and one rotifer species raised on similar algal food conditions were compared. Rotifers contained a higher proportion of essential amino acids in the free amino acid (FAA) fraction (43%) than copepods (30–32%). However, rotifers had lower levels of important fatty acids like DHA (7% compared with 23–32% in copepods) and their DHA/EPA ratio was lower than that in copepods (0.54 compared with 1.35–1.63 in copepods). The FAA pattern of the preys tended to be species‐specific and its implications from an aquaculture point of view is discussed. In contrast, the‐protein bound amino acids tended to be very conservative among the studied organisms. The second part of the work is focused on ‘the price’ of hatching in Acartia tonsa eggs before or after cold storage at 3°C. The fatty acid contents in A. tonsa tended to decrease with the storage time. It also decreased with hatching of the nauplii, but its proportion compared with the dry weight remained constant.  相似文献   

The weaning of greater amberjack (Seriola dumerilii Risso 1810) to a dry diet was studied in two consecutive experiments. The experimental fish were hatchery-produced and grown to their initial size on a soft pellet containing 50% trash fish and 50% commercial dry pellet. In the first experiment, three homogenous groups of greater amberjacks (n = 153, mean weight: 374 ± 43 g), initially adapted for a period of 30 days to a diet with a 40% moisture content, were fed on commercial pellets containing three different levels of dietary moisture (7, 20 and 40%, respectively) for 126 days. We found that fish needed a month to adapt to the 7%- and 20%-moisture diets and that moisture content of the diet had a significant effect on fish growth in terms of increasing feed consumption and lowering feed conversion ratio. The group fed on the 20%-moisture diet not only compensated for the initial adaptation period but presented the higher growth rate and best feed conversion ratio. In the second experiment, all groups of experiment 1 were fed the same commercial diet with a 7% moisture content for 72 days. The group that had been previously fed on the 20%-moisture diet showed the best growth performance. The implication of the above results for the weaning of greater amberjack to dry diets is discussed in terms of the digestion process and physiology.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the effects of fish oil (FO) substitution by a mixture of alternative vegetable oils (VO) on Seriola dumerili culture performance. A 154‐day feeding experiment was conducted using juveniles (39.2 ± 1.6 g average weight). Three isolipidic and isoenergetic meal‐based diets were formulated varying their lipid component. The control diet contained 100% FO (FO100), whereas diets VO50 and VO100 included 1/2 of oil blend and all the oil from blend of palm oil (PO) and linseed oil (LO) as substitute for FO, respectively. Dietary regime did not significantly affect growth performance, biometric indices, feed efficiency, plasma chemistry and liver and muscle lipid contents. Nonetheless, dietary VO inclusion impacted on the fatty acid profile of target tissues, especially in the liver. Fatty acid profiles of the fillets reflected those of the dietary oils except that there was apparent selective utilization of palmitic acid (C16:0) and oleic acid (C18:1n‐9) and apparent selective retention of long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5n‐3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6n‐3). The nutritional value and the potential ability to prevent the development of coronary heart diseases of the flesh lipid fraction decreased with gradual FO substitution.  相似文献   

The use of dried Artemia biomass meal as an exclusive feed for postlarval white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) was compared with four commercial feeds and three crustacean meals in a series of trials. Postlarvae (PL1–PL6) were stocked at a density of 1.5–2.5/litres in 16 tanks (100 litres volume) and fed, ad libidum, five times a day, over 23–29 days. Feeding postlarval shrimp with dried Artemia biomass resulted in a significantly larger size than feeding with three of the commercial feeds, and the crustacean meals. There was no significant size difference observed in animals fed with Artemia biomass and the commercial 'Golden Pearls' feed for postlarvae, however the coefficient of variation among the size of the 'Golden Pearls' fed animals was significantly higher. The weight increase of animals fed with Artemia biomass was higher than in animals fed with all the tested feeds. The survival rate was not significantly different in animals fed with Artemia flakes from 'Salt Creek', 'Bio-Marine', 'Golden Pearls' and Artemia biomass, however the survival rate was significantly larger in animals fed with Artemia biomass than in animals fed with the crustacean meals and 'Artemac.' Results suggest that dried Artemia biomass is a well-suited feed for postlarval L. vannamei.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the muscle amino acid profiles of five species of marine fish, Pseudosciaena crocea (large yellow), Lateolabrax japonicus (common sea perch), Pagrosomus major (red seabream), Seriola dumerili (Dumeril's amberjack) and Hapalogenys nitens (black grunt). These carnivorous fishes, all of which belong to the Perciforms, were sampled from Xiamen Bay. Chemical analysis shows significant difference (P < 0.01) among the five species in the muscle total amino acids (TAA). Lateolabrax japonicus has the highest level of TAA in muscle tissues. Significant difference in muscle total essential amino acid (TEAA) and total non‐essential amino acid (TNEAA) were also found among the five species. Lateolabrax japonicus has the highest TEAA level, and H. nitens has the highest level of TNEAA level. Significant difference (P < 0.01) existed in specific EAA except for lysine (P > 0.05). The significant difference (P < 0.05) of the A/E ratios [(each essential amino acid content/total essential amino acid content including cystine and tyrosine) ×1000] based on the essential amino acid composition of muscle tissue from the five species were found in lysine, histidine, methionine, cystine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, and arginine, except for threonine, phenylalanine and tyrosine. These differences indicate that the amino acids profile is species specific for the five species and their essential amino acid requirements are greatly different although they were fed similar feed. In contrast to the reference amino acid profile recommended by FAO/WHO, muscle proteins of each fish were all rich in lysine, the S‐containing amino acids and threonine, but histidine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine and tyrosine were deficient for children's diets. The first limiting amino acid was histidine for P. crocea and L. japonicus, valine for P. major and H. nitens, leucine for S. dumerili. The amino acid score was 66.8, 76.7, 78.4, 84.0 and 95.7 for P. crocea, L. japonicus, P. major, H. nitens and S. dumerili, respectively. In the adult human diet the muscle protein of the five species of marine fish can almost fulfil the requirements of all essential amino acids except for the histidine of P. crocea and L. japonicus and thus can serve as supplemental source of protein in cereal‐based adults diets if we reinforce the histidine correspondingly. Therefore, increasing the proportion of marine fish in the diet of the people in the area where paddy rice and wheat are the main protein sources is an effective way to enhance the nutrition value of food and improve the nutrition status of the developing countries. Moreover, all of five marine fish species contained a comparatively high content of glutamic acid and arginine, which are beneficial to the patients under such conditions as trauma, burn injury, massive small‐bowel resection and renal failure.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to test microparticulate diets forweaning hatchery-produced larvae and juveniles of bullseye pufferSphoeroides annulatus. The diets were formulated with differentprotein sources: diet 1 with a combination of decapsulated cysts ofArtemia and fishmeal, and diet 2 with a combination offishmeal, squid, tuna gonad and shrimp meal. In the first experiment60-days-old fish were weaned with the microdiets over five days. Fishsurvival after 11 weeks of feeding was 92% for diet 1, 85%for diet 2, and 95% for the control fish fed Artemianauplii. Once it was determined that bullseye puffer can be adequatelyreared with artificial dry diets, diet 1 was used to test earlier timesfor weaning to reduce the period of Artemia feeding. In thesecond experiment, three different times were tested for initiation ofweaning in sibling fish larvae, i.e., at 29, 34, and 39 days post-hatch.Small differences in weight, length and survival were found amongweaning treatments after 23 days of feeding. When weaned at day 29post-hatch, fish larvae grew from an initial weight of 38.4 mg andlength of 11.1 mm to a final weight and length of 405.7 mg and 25.1 mmrespectively. Final survival in this treatment was 49.3%. Thereduced period of Artemia feeding would provide an economicalalternative for the species to take into consideration for its cultureat commercial scale.  相似文献   

We determined the effect of dietary arachidonic acid (20:4n-6, ARA) on tissue ratios of ARA/eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3, EPA) and subsequent whole body production of the eicosanoids, prostaglandin F (PGF) and E2 (PGE2) in the marine larvae of striped trumpeter, Latris lineata. Larvae were also subjected to a hypersaline challenge (55 ppt) with an aim to determine possible relationships between tissue fatty acid profiles, prostanoid production, and their tolerance to osmotic challenge. From 5 to 23 days post-hatch (dph) larvae were fed live food, rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis), that had been enriched with one of five experimental emulsions containing increasing concentrations of ARA and constant EPA and 22:6n-3 (docosahexaenoic acid, DHA). Final ARA concentrations in the rotifers were 1.33, 3.57, 6.21, 8.21 and 11.22 mg g−1 DM. Larval growth and survival was unaffected by dietary ARA. Tissue fatty acid concentrations generally corresponded with dietary fatty acids and final tissue ratios of ARA/EPA ranged from 0.9 to 4.9. At 18 and 23 dph whole body concentrations of PGF and PGE2 generally increased as more dietary ARA was provided in a dose-response manner, and a significant elevation in both PGF and PGE2 in larvae fed the highest dietary ARA concentration was recorded at 23 dph compared to larvae receiving the lowest concentration. At 18 dph, the highest cumulative inactivity following a hypersaline challenge occurred in larvae fed 8.21 or 11.22 mg ARA g−1 DM, which was significantly greater than those receiving 3.57 mg ARA g−1 DM. At 23 dph no relationship between inactivity of larvae subjected to a hypersaline challenge to dietary ARA was evident. In summary, dietary ARA altered tissue ARA/EPA ratios, prostanoid production and resistance to a hypersaline challenge in larval striped trumpeter. While increasing dietary ARA generally resulted in elevation of prostanoids as well as increasing the number of inactive larvae following a hypersaline challenge at 18 dph, similar trends between prostanoids and larval inactivity were not evident at 23 dph, suggesting the exact mechanisms and relationships between eicosanoids and larval osmoregulation warrants further investigation. Nevertheless the study provides preliminary data on the effect of dietary ARA on the prostaglandin production in marine fish larvae.  相似文献   

Natural zooplankton is a potential food resource for juvenile fish in fish farms as it is a good source of fats, carbohydrates, and protein. However, it is also a potential source of parasites and pathogens. The present study was conducted (1) to estimate the risk of parasite transfer by live copepod food under intensive farming conditions using the parasites Triaenophorus crassus and Triaenophorus nodulosus as example and (2) to look for strategies to avoid parasite infestation of juvenile fish.An easy and routinely applicable aniline blue staining method was developed to check the infestation levels of copepods with procercoids during the on-growing season of juvenile fish. From the copepod species occurring in zooplankton Cyclops spp. was infested frequently (9.4 ± 12.0%, maximum 38.7%), Diaptomus spp. infrequently (1.5 ± 1.6%, maximum 3.2%), Daphnia spp. never. Juvenile grayling, Thymallus thymallus, and corgonids, Coregonus sp., which had been fed with natural zooplankton revealed infestations rates with T. crassus of circa 5%, with T. nodulosus of circa 10%. As the occurrence of procercoids in the zooplankton was temporary limited, Triaenophorus infestation can be avoided by using artificial food instead of live copepods during the risky season.To prevent parasite infestation of juvenile fish methods were investigated to eradicate procercoids from copepods by chemical treatment (sodium chloride, hydrogen peroxide, citric acid treatment) and by freeze-thawing methods. Chemical methods failed to remove procercoids. In fish, which had been fed with frozen thawed zooplankton, no Triaenophorus spp. infestation was observed. Their survival rates were similar as in the control fed with live zooplankton, however the weight of the fish was significantly lower.  相似文献   

Performance of phyllosoma of thesouthern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii)was examined after feeding Artemia-baseddiets. Survival and growth of newly-hatchedlarvae cultured to Stage III were lower(p < 0.05) when fed 0.8 mm Artemia than1.5 mm or 2.5 mm Artemia alone or 1.5 mmArtemia in combination with pieces ofmussel (Mytilus edulis planulatus) gonad.This could not be attributed to deficiencies inthe composition of fatty acids but appeared tobe due to the inability of larvae to capturesufficient appropriate-sized, enrichedArtemia for their nutritional requirements.There was an indication that survival andgrowth were higher between Stages III and Vwhen fed 2.5 mm Artemia than 1.5 mmArtemia alone or in combination with musselpieces. However, Stage VI larvae grew to asimilar size at Stage VIII when fed 1.5 mm or2.5 mm Artemia. Unexpectedly, larvae fedthe combination of 1.5 mm Artemia plusmussel supplement had lower survival than foundpreviously, and generally lower than when fed 1.5 mm Artemia alone. This was despitean apparent nutritional profile (lipid contentand fatty acid composition) of mussel more akinto that of newly-hatched phyllosoma thanenriched Artemia. On the other hand,survival and growth to Stage VIII were higherwhen larvae were fed alginate pelletscontaining Artemia than when fed 1.5 mmor 2.5 mm Artemia alone.  相似文献   

The indispensable AA profile of fish carcass has been commonly used as a good indicator of fish amino acids requirements. Amino acid composition of the whole body tissue of Diplodus sargus was determined for the larval ages of 0, 2, 5, 8, 12, 17, 25, 35 and 45 days after hatching (DAH). No significant differences were found during this species ontogeny, except for phenylalanine. A comparative analysis of amino acid profiles from larvae and respective diet was performed. Low correlation was found to rotifers (R2 approximately 0.5), while higher correlations were found for Artemia nauplli, metanauplii (R2 approximately 0.8) as well as for the dry feed. These results suggest that D. sargus are subjected to higher nutritional imbalances during the first 10 days of feeding when larvae are fed on rotifers alone. Arginine, threonine, lysine, cysteine and histidine appeared to be limiting amino acids at 2, 12, 25 and 45 DAH, respectively. Similar results were reported in literature for Sparus aurata and Solea senegalensis, although D. sargus diets seem to have more amino acids in deficiency as well as more severe differences between larval and diet amino acid profiles. To solve these apparent nutritional imbalances, amino acid supplementation should be considered. The use of inert diets in early larvae ages seems to be most adequate as live feed supplementation appears to be more difficult.  相似文献   

Twoexperiments were conducted to determine the effects ofArtemia sp. or mysids on growth and survival ofS. officinalis hatchlings, and their effect throughout thelife cycle. For experiment I, for the first 20 days, one group was fed adultArtemia sp. and the other was fed mysid shrimp(Paramysis nouvelli). Eggs laid by females in both groupswere counted and weighed, and hatchlings were weighed, to determine differencesin both groups. For experiment II, during the first 10 days, one group was fedArtemia sp. and the other was fed mysids (P.nouveli). After the period of differentiated feeding, the 2 groupsinexperiment I were fed grass shrimp (Paleomonetes varians)to 70 days old, and dead crabs (Carcinus maenas)afterwards. Cuttlefish in experiment II were fed grass shrimp from day 10 untilthe end of the experiment. For both experiments, hatchlings fed mysids grewsignificantly bigger (p < 0.01) and survival was higher. For experiment I,eggs laid by females fed mysids and the hatchlings born from these eggs werebigger (p < 0.001) compared to the group fed Artemiasp.initially. Individual fecundity was slightly higher for females in the groupfedArtemia sp. (163 eggs female–1) than forthe group fed mysids (144 eggs female–1). Egg laying startedatthe age of 125 days and lasted 45 days in both groups. Time between first egglaying day and first hatchlings to be born was 21 days. The last female to die(after spawning) in both groups was 167 days (less than 6 months old).  相似文献   

野生及养殖哈氏仿对虾肌肉营养成分的分析与比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解哈氏仿对虾肌肉的营养特征,采用生化分析手段对野生及养殖哈氏仿对虾肌肉进行营养成分分析并对营养品质进行分析与比较.结果显示,野生群体肌肉中水分和粗蛋白含量(分别为79.42%和17.94%)与养殖群体(分别为79.28%和17.95%)没有显著差异;野生群体的粗脂肪含量(0.89%)显著低于养殖群体(1.12%),而粗灰分含量(1.44%)显著高于养殖群体(1.31%).在18种检测出的氨基酸中,有9种氨基酸的含量,野生群体比养殖群体显著低,另外9种在两群体间没有差异.野生群体的氨基酸总量(TAA)、必需氨基酸(EAA)、非必需氨基酸(NEAA)、鲜味氨基酸(DAA)、虾味氨基酸(SAA)含量(分别为83.42%、29.69%、43.59%、32.54%和21.11%)均比养殖群体(分别为88.08%、30.53%、47.39%、34.47%和21.72%)显著低;野生群体的必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)和支链氨基酸与芳香族氨基酸的比值(F值)(分别为66.41和2.07)也明显低于养殖群体(分别为69.10和2.12).野生群体的饱和脂肪酸(∑SFA)和多不饱和脂肪酸(∑PUFA)(分别为41.95%和39.51%)相对百分含量比养殖群体(分别为39.60%和36.64%)均明显高,而野生群体的单不饱和脂肪酸∑MUFA(18.54%)相对百分含量比养殖群体(23.76%)明显低;野生群体肌肉中油脂的EPA+DHA相对百分含量(28.23%)比养殖群体(25.66%)明显高,但在野生和养殖群体间肌肉中的EPA+ DHA绝对含量没有明显差异.研究表明,哈氏仿对虾肌肉营养价值较高、肉味鲜美,人工养殖没有造成其肌肉脂肪的大量富集和脂肪酸组成及含量的急剧变化,相反使该虾的蛋白质营养价值更高.  相似文献   

张安国  邵森林  赵凯  李晋 《水产学报》2016,40(9):1497-1504
为全面评价文蛤和四角蛤蜊的营养价值和食用安全性,采用常规方法对这两种滩涂埋栖性贝类的一般营养成分和Cd、As、Cr及Hg等重金属含量进行了分析。结果显示,文蛤和四角蛤蜊的粗蛋白质含量均较高,分别为58.24和57.38 g/100 g;灰分含量分别为18.35和25.39 g/1 00 g;粗脂肪含量均较低。文蛤和四角蛤蜊氨基酸总量分别为44.87和37.20 g/100 g,其中必需氨基酸含量分别为18.39和15.16 g/100 g,呈味氨基酸含量分别为18.89和15.58 g/100 g。文蛤和四角蛤蜊中Cd的含量最高,Hg的含量最低。研究表明,文蛤及四角蛤蜊均为营养价值、经济价值较高的滩涂埋栖性贝类,且文蛤在蛋白质、氨基酸组成与含量方面更优。文蛤和四角蛤蜊中Cr、Hg符合我国《无公害食品水产品中有毒有害物质限量》等卫生要求,而Cd、As含量超标。文蛤和四角蛤蜊中的重金属含量可能对人体存在一定的摄食健康风险。  相似文献   

施永海  徐嘉波  袁新程  杨明  张忠华  谢永德  税春 《水产学报》2023,47(12):129606-129606
为了探究半咸水和淡水养殖模式对刀鲚营养积累的影响,采用生化实验的方法分析并比较了半咸水(盐度10~15)和淡水(盐度0.4~1.0)池塘生态养殖模式下刀鲚肌肉的营养成分。结果显示,半咸水组刀鲚肌肉的粗脂肪含量(7.27%)显著高于淡水组(4.30%);半咸水组的刀鲚肌肉的水分含量和灰分含量(72.54%和1.32%)均显著低于淡水组(76.85%和2.06%),二者的粗蛋白含量无显著差异。除了色氨酸和胱氨酸在两种模式间没有显著差异外,其余16种氨基酸在半咸水组中的含量均显著低于淡水组。半咸水组的刀鲚肌肉的TAA、EAA、HEAA、NEAA和DAA均低于淡水组,而EAA/TAA和EAA/NEAA在两种模式之间无显著变化,半咸水组的鲜味氨基酸和氨基酸总量比率(DAA/TAA)(40.32)显著低于淡水组(40.68)。半咸水组的刀鲚必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)(58.59)低于淡水组(72.04),而F值(2.44)高于淡水组(2.35)。在检出的28种脂肪酸中,有11种脂肪酸的含量在两种模式之间有显著差异。在主要的脂肪酸中,半咸水组刀鲚的C16:0、C18:0、C18:1n9c、C22:5...  相似文献   

三种水族馆珍贵鱼类的营养成分分析及脂肪酸营养评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
睛斑鳗狼鱼、巨巴西骨舌鱼和锥齿鲨是水族馆中珍贵的展示鱼类,但是有关这3种鱼类成体的营养生理研究却十分缺乏。本研究对从水族馆获得的成年睛斑鳗狼鱼、巨巴西骨舌鱼和锥齿鲨的肌肉和肝脏组织进行了常规营养成分(水分、灰分、粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量)和脂肪酸组成测定分析,并进一步将3种鱼类所食饵料与其肝脏和肌肉中的脂肪酸相对含量进行了比较。结果显示,在3种鱼中,锥齿鲨肌肉和肝脏中的蛋白质含量最高,分别为26.84%和24.03%;睛斑鳗狼鱼的肌肉和肝脏中的脂肪含量最高,分别为41.96%和32.27%;巨巴西骨舌鱼的肌肉和肝脏中的灰分含量最高,分别为4.95%和5.51%。锥齿鲨肌肉和肝脏中饱和脂肪酸(SFA)含量高于睛斑鳗狼鱼,睛斑鳗狼鱼肌肉和肝脏中单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)含量高于巨巴西骨舌鱼和锥齿鲨,巨巴西骨舌鱼肌肉和肝脏中多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)含量及其肌肉中UFA/SFA值高于睛斑鳗狼鱼和锥齿鲨。研究表明,锥齿鲨所食饵料与其体内脂肪酸组成最为相似,其肌肉和肝脏与饵料的相关系数分别为0.972和0.861,其次是巨巴西骨舌鱼(0.912和0.846),而睛斑鳗狼鱼肌肉和肝脏中脂肪酸组成与所食饵料的相关系数仅分别为0.760和0.681。从脂肪酸营养的角度分析,在当前水族馆养殖条件下,锥齿鲨饵料较为合适,巨巴西骨舌鱼的饵料中应注意添加EPA和DHA,而睛斑鳗狼鱼饵料中则需提高MUFA比例。本研究首次阐明了3种珍贵的水族馆鱼类成体的营养组成,并为水族馆相应的饲料配制提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

大黄鱼四家系肌肉营养成分差异及品质选育分析   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
实验对象山港海区网箱养殖的岱衢洋家系、官井洋家系以及它们的正交和反交家系大黄鱼背肌肉进行了一般营养成分、氨基酸和脂肪酸组分分析,从营养学的角度分析和评价不同家系大黄鱼的品质。结果表明,四个家系之间大黄鱼蛋白质含量和灰分含量没有显著差异;脂肪含量反交家系与正交家系、岱衢洋家系和官井洋家系有显著差异,官井洋家系含量最高(13.51%),反交家系家系含量最低(10.59%);水份含量的变化与脂肪含量的变化成反比,反交家系水份含量与正交家系、岱衢洋家系和官井洋家系同样都有显著差异。岱衢洋家系、官井洋家系、正交家系和反交家系氨基酸总量分别为57.83%±1.19%、54.45%±1.01%、54.80%±2.97%和58.39%±0.71%,其中反交家系、岱衢洋家系总氨基酸含量同官井洋家系都存在显著差异(P<0.05);必需氨基酸总量分别为30.08%±0.52%,28.05%±0.35%,28.40%±1.76%,29.97%±0.41%,其中岱衢洋家系、反交家系同官井洋家系都存在显著差异(〖WTBX〗P〖WTB1〗<0.05);鲜味氨基酸总量分别为24.56%±0.26%,23.45%±0.24%,22.88%±0.61%,25.39%±0.11%,其中反交家系与其他三个家系间存在显著差异(P<0.05)。而多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)及n-3系列高度不饱和脂肪酸DHA所占比例以反交家系最高,且同其他三个家系存在显著差异(P<0.05),岱衢洋家系EPA(C20∶5)含量同正交家系存在显著差异(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

The efficiencies of four feeding methods were compared in the transition period from live food to dry feed in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). Pond-nursed fry were trained to artificial feed without a transition (Group P) and with a transition, using a combination of dry feed and different kinds of live food—Chironomus larvae (Group C), Tubifex (Group T) and Daphnia (Group D)—during a 12-day-long trial. The ratio of dry feed for the transition groups was increased from 0 to 100% in 3-day intervals. The highest specific growth rates and condition factors were detected for Group C (4.2%, 1.46 ± 0.5) and Group T (4.2%, 1.48 ± 0.6), respectively. The survival percentages of the groups were as follows: 86.7 ± 9% (Group C), 78 ± 4% (Group T), 52 ± 1.4% (Group D) and 41 ± 9% (Group P). The rate of cannibalism ranged between 6.3 and 13.7% during the transition period. Larger-sized fish seemed to learn more rapidly to accept dry feed than their smaller counterparts.  相似文献   

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