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由于草鱼在养殖过程中,过多使用精饲料、抗生素药物,使草鱼品质普遍下降。草鱼市场行情虽好,但必须注重质量的改善,还草于草鱼,走健康、环保、安全的生产养殖之路。为此,我们进行了池塘主养草鱼、搭养鳙鱼生态养殖试验,现将试验情况报道如下。 相似文献
池塘主养罗非鱼获高效 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
罗非鱼自繁能力强,一个养殖周期能繁殖3~4次,池塘养鱼的群体不易控制,严重影响商品鱼的质量及效益。为此我站在首山乡东王村渔场,进行了主养罗非鱼搭配鲶鱼来控制罗非鱼繁殖仔鱼的试验,取得了较好的效果,现将试验情况报告如下: 相似文献
我们于2006年实施了淡水黑鲷(图见彩中插2)池塘养殖试验,取得了较好效果,现将情况总结如下:一、池塘条件试验地点在邹城市城前镇洼陡水库渔场7#、8#池,面积分别为1.2亩、1.8亩,平均水深1.8米,生产基地于2005年2月通过了无公害水产品产地认定。pH7.2~8.0之间,水质清新,溶氧充足,池塘排列整齐,底质为沙壤土,淤泥30厘米。并可借助地势自流排灌,适宜进行养殖生产。 相似文献
在我国山区农村,池塘成鱼养殖一般采用粗放养殖方式,产量较低,经济效益不高,制约了农民的增收,减缓了农民脱贫致富的步伐。为了探讨山区农村池塘成鱼养殖的成功经验,笔者2002年2月至2003年1月,以技术顾问的身份参与了合浦县曲樟乡高河村池塘高产养殖试验,取得了每667米2净产鲜鱼1336.7千克,纯收入2248.7元,投入产出比1∶1.5的成绩。现将养殖试验情况报告如下。1材料和方法1.1试验塘位于合浦县曲樟乡高河村,面积5746米2,水深1.2~2.25米,塘底平坦,淤泥平均深22厘米。塘堤为石砌水泥抹光墙,高2.50米。池塘周围开阔,阳光充足,水质优良。放鱼种… 相似文献
试验池8口,19.8亩,底质为砂质,渗漏严重,7月日渗漏水10—15cm。平均水深1.5—1.8m,水源系水库底层水,池塘注排水靠机泵。1990年亩放夏花11500尾,其中鳙占58%,鲢26%,鲤10%,草鱼6%。试验采用施肥投饵相结合,鳙鱼种下塘后第二天开始投饵进行训练,饵料成分为豆饼、麦麸、玉米面。经72天饲养,亩产13cm 左右鱼种249.6kg,鳙鱼种占59.5%,成活率96.7%。总收入1.6万余元,纯利6万多元,公斤鱼成本1.93元。 相似文献
在15亩盐碱荒滩池塘进行了主养荷包红鲤试验。采取池坡边角堆施有机肥、混养少罗非鱼、自制配合饵料、调节水质等技术措施,经138天养成,平均每亩净产鱼529.5kf,其中荷包红369.5kg,占70%,个体平均规格522g,每亩纯益2850元。经专家鉴定,综合技术措施及产量达省内先进水平。 相似文献
采取鱼种高密度放养等微流水或半流水、高产高效、无公害养殖草鱼技术模式,于2001年1月至2004年1月在顺昌县洋口镇道吴村和道平自然村实施,通过对典型示范户的抽查,取得甲均单产12891kg/hm^2、年均产值87755元/hm^2、年均毛利49413元/hm^2、投入产出比1:2.02、养殖面积亦从2.8hm^2增至5.7hm^2的成果。2004年1~6月平均每户已轮捕成鱼上市500多kg,平均实现销售收入5000元左右,效益有望进一步提高。 相似文献
2003年平顶山市水产技术推广站为配套大水面围栏养蟹,推广蟹种池塘培育技术,在叶县孤石滩水库开展池塘培育大规格蟹种试验,试验面积1.3亩,投放规格14万只/公斤的蟹苗3万只,自5月25日投放至10月31日捕捞,共生产蟹种49公斤,平均规格11.11克/只,达到了池塘培育大规格蟹种配套大水面围栏养殖的目的。1池塘条件试验地点选在叶县孤石滩水库渔场,池塘面积1.3亩,池塘水深1.5米,沙壤底,微漏水,水质偏瘦,池塘内无水草,水源充沛,为水库自流水,水质清新无污染。2池塘的前期准备2.1防逃设施的建设首先在池塘四周铺设防逃塑料薄膜,高0.30m,下部埋入土中0.2… 相似文献
光合细菌在草鱼种池塘养殖中的应用试验 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
光合细菌(Photo Synthetic Bacteria,简称PSB)是一大类具有原始光能合成体系的原核生物.其菌体富含营养物质,其中粗蛋白含量高达65%,B族维生素含量较高,且种类齐全,尤其是维生素B12、叶酸和生物素的含量相当丰富,PSB中的生理活性物质辅酶Q(泛醌)的含量远超其它生物。光合细菌能够改良水质,抑制有害细菌生长,提高鱼产量。 相似文献
在盐碱地一个面积为2871m^2的鱼池中,配置4个网箱.分别放养罗非鱼、淡水白鲳和鲤,箱外放养鲢、草鱼和鲤。试验结果:罗非鱼箱(20m^2)出鱼525kg.平均单产26.3kg/m^2,淡水白鲳箱(12m^2)出鱼400kg,平均单产33.3kg/m^2,鲤鱼箱两个(各12m^2)分别出鱼488.5kg和522kg,平均单产为40.7kg/m^2和43.5kg/m^2。箱外出鲢516kg,草鱼130kg,鲤1125kg。总计全池出鱼3706.5kg,亩产鱼862kg,每亩纯盈利2173.85元。试验证明:池塘配置网箱养鱼.可同池主养几种鱼,起捕容易,管理方便。 相似文献
Aerobic bacteria in pond water, sediments, and Artemia in earthen saline ponds in Saudi Arabia were quantified. Total viable counts (TVC; mean ± SD) in pond water ranged between 7.9 ± 4.8 × 103 and 1.6 ± 3.7 × 104 colony forming units (cfu)/mL; in sediments between 7.1 ± 4.2 × 106 and 6.5 ± 3.8 × 107 cfu/g; on Artemia surfaces, 3.9 ± 0.9 × 103 and 1.0 ± 2.9 × 104 cfu/Artemia; and in Artemia homogenate, 4.6 ± 2.4 × 107 and 3.2 ± 3.6 × 108 cfu/g. The bacterial flora was predominantly Gram-negative rods, accounting for 89% of total isolates. Altogether, nine bacterial species of seven genera were identified. Bacteria in pond sediments were the most diverse compared to other populations. In all populations, Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio sp., and Staphylococcus sp. were dominant (P < 0.005). The bacterial flora of pond water and sediments were reflected in the bacterial composition on and in Artemia. 相似文献
Shafiqul Hassan Peter Edwards David C. Little 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》1997,28(3):268-274
A comparison of a monoculture of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and a polyculture of carps (silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix; rohu Labeo rohita; and mrigal Cirrhinus mriga la; ratio 4:3:3) was carried out in 200-m2 earthen ponds fertilized with cattle manure and supplemented with inorganic fertilizer at 3-kg nitrogen and 1.5-kg phosphorus/ha per day. A control treatment of a tilapia monoculture without fertilizer inputs was included to assess the effect of pond basal fertility. Net yields of 23.5 kg/pond per 112 d (3.8 t/ha per 1 yr) in the tilapia monoculture and 19.2 kg/pond per 112 d (3.1 t/ha per yr) in the carp polyculture were not significantly different; net yields from unfertilized tilapia monoculture ponds were negative. In the carp polyculture, silver carp was the dominant species at harvest contributing 73% of the total net fish production compared to 9% and 19% by rohu and mrigal, respectively. Water quality data suggested that tilapia yields could have been further improved by increasing fertilization rate but that critical dissolved oxygen concentration constrained this option for carp polyculture. 相似文献
对193年冬山东池塘越冬鲤大批死亡原因进行了调查,发现灾害性气候和水质恶化是池塘越冬鲤大批死亡的主要原因,提出了相应的防范对策。 相似文献
《Journal Of Applied Aquaculture》2013,25(1):45-55
Four 20m3 cages stocked with 120 bighead carp x silver carp hybrids per cage were placed in each of four ponds varying in trophic status from mesotrophic to hypereutophic. Fish were cultured, without feeding, from 13 March to 1 Octorber 1987. Fish in the mesotrophic pond survived but lost weight (-0.37 g/fish/d). The mesotrophic pond produced insufficient food to sustain fish growth. Maximum fish growth rate occured in the two eutotrophic ponds (6.61vand 7/04 g/fish/d). Fish growth in the hypereutrophic pond was about one-half (3.64 g/fish/d) that in the two eutrophic ponds. Guy analysis of fish in the hypereutrophic pond revealed consumption of larger quantities (P < 0.05) of colonial blue-green algae that were apparently poorly digested and less (P < 0.05) zooplankton (primarily cladocerans) than was found in fish from the eutrophic ponds. 相似文献