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偶然看到报纸上警察给罪犯测慌的文章,67岁的老人心血来潮,居然倒地装死,检测起了爱犬的忠诚度。  相似文献   

我有一位朋友,在前一个黄金周期间去了云南翁丁,然后给我发来一封电子邮件,我打开看到的,就是大段大段的文字感慨,以及一幅幅风景照,还有他的自拍照。他很得意地告诉我,他是去体验所谓的“原生态生活”。  相似文献   

原本打算给自己的贵妇犬找个纯种白贵妇犬做“丈夫”,等生下小贵妇犬送给朋友,没想到爱犬外出时遭到了野狗“性骚扰”,一口气生下了10只小黑狗,气坏了主人刘先生。  相似文献   

孙林 《警犬》2009,(2):53-53
“阿黑”和“阿黄”是母女俩,“阿黑”是妈妈,“阿黄”是女儿。它俩的名字都是我给起的,因为“阿黑”毛色全黑,“阿黄”被毛灰黄,所以就这么叫了。那“阿黄”不随它妈呢,可能是它爸被毛是灰黄的缘故吧!  相似文献   

我有一位姓李的朋友 ,5 0多岁。有一天 ,他来到我石场 ,看到场内摆放着二三十群中蜂 ,他深有感慨地对我说 :“养蜂好 ,养蜂可治病健身。我以前病魔缠身 ,是小蜜蜂给治好的”。他以前经常腰痛、腰酸、腰部有突发性刺痛等症状 ,到医院检查 ,结果是患了肾结石。大夫说要做体外碎石 ,但那时他身上没有带足钱而没有做成。回家后 ,他同一位知心的老中医谈及此事 ,这位医生对他说 :“体外碎石不够彻底 ,容易复发 ,我建议你长期食用蜂蜜试试 ,可有效地控制病情的发展。”李姓朋友按照医生的建议 ,坚持每天晚上睡前用 2 5g蜂蜜冲一杯温开水饮用 ,从…  相似文献   

编辑同志: 你们好! 我离开自己心爱的畜牧兽医专业已有近一年时间了,这一段时间我在本地的一个工业城市里打工,干摩托车出租、在线束厂当工艺员、给报社送报纸、给个体老板搞推销……为了谋生我什么都可以干,但是我都不打算长干,因为我时刻准备着重操旧业,干自己的本行.很长时间我已经没有条件接触自己专业方面的信息了,6月份的一个周未我到一个兽医站朋友家玩,看到他案头摆放着2001年1-5期散发着书香的崭新的<中国牧业通讯>,仿佛又看到了自己的亲人和朋友,我几乎是一口气看完了每一期杂志的每一段文字.在书中,我更关注的是关于基层兽医站发展与现状的文章,田长银朋友的事和第5期热点追踪专稿"在盲点中行走”深深打动了我,我想和畜牧兽医行业的同仁们谈谈自己的感受.  相似文献   

刘文婷 《警犬》2012,(2):64-65
嗨!大家好!很高兴认识大家!先自我介绍一下吧,我是一头黑背黄腹的德国牧羊犬,我的名字叫"大满"。我体型中等,模样憨厚,性格温和。我的爸爸叫"娅虎",我的妈妈叫"十楚",从父母名字中各取一字,所以我的大名叫"楚娅含",但平时人们都叫我“大满”,这个小名是我敬爱的主人给我起的,我喜欢这个亲切的称呼。  相似文献   

嗨!大家好!很高兴认识大家!先自我介绍一下吧,我是一头黑背黄腹的德国牧羊犬,我的名字叫"大满"。我体型中等,模样憨厚,性格温和。我的爸爸叫"娅虎",我的妈妈叫"十楚",从父母名字中各取一字,所以我的大名叫"楚娅含",但平时人们都叫我“大满”,这个小名是我敬爱的主人给我起的,我喜欢这个亲切的称呼。  相似文献   

“11月10日我在电视上看到,石家庄市在直播干部大会,感觉挺少见的。”近日,石市天苑小区的康利涛向朋友介绍着他所发现的“新闻”。  相似文献   

牛银万 《草原》2021,(4):78-79
隔壁老贾一天中午,朋友请我吃饭。眼看快十二点了,老贾还坐着不走,看那样子,想在我家蹭一顿。“有人请我吃饭,你要想喝,一块走吧。”他毫不推辞,和我一起下了楼。到了饭馆,凉菜摆好,酒已倒上,共八人,大家就等我到了开席。我给朋友介绍:“这是我邻居老贾,搞个体的。”“搞啥买卖?”朋友问。“搞运输的。”他不假思索地回答道。  相似文献   

Sixty-five canine skin neoplasms studied using immunocytochemistry, included 22 histiocytomas, 18 amelanotic melanomas, 14 cutaneous lymphosarcomas, six mast cell tumors, and five transmissible venereal tumors. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections were stained using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) immunoperoxidase technique for reactivity with S-100 protein, kappa and lambda immunoglobulin light chains, alpha-1-antitrypsin, alpha-1-antichymotrypsin, leukocyte common antigen (LCA), neuron-specific enolase, keratin, cytokeratin, muramidase, and vimentin. Detection of S-100, kappa and lambda light chains, neuron-specific enolase, and vimentin were most useful for screening these neoplasms. None of the markers examined was consistent in staining histiocytomas. While reactivity of S-100 (ten cases) and neuron-specific enolase (ten cases) was detected in some amelanotic melanomas, lambda light chain immunoglobulin (eight cases) was relatively consistent in cutaneous lymphomas. Mast cell neoplasms reacted with avidin and, therefore, were positive, even on negative control sections. Vimentin reacted strongly on all amelanotic melanomas and transmissible venereal tumors examined. These antibodies are helpful adjuncts in the differential diagnosis of canine skin tumors.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of the round heart syndrome in turkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Morphologic and histochemical characteristics were noted for three spontaneous tumors with eosinophilic cytoplasmic granules that occurred in aged Fischer 344 rats. Macroscopic lesions were widely distributed in the body, mainly involving the intra-abdominal adipose tissue, pancreas, and mesenterium. These lesions were generally hard swellings with nodular and sclerosing areas. Bloody ascites was a concomitant finding. Histologically, the tumor cells were round, from 9 to 30 microm in diameter with one or two round to oval nuclei, and characterized by eosinophilic granules (0.5-2.0 microm) that stained definitely to weakly positive with the periodic acid-Schiff reaction and demonstrated no metachromasia with toluidine blue stain. Furthermore, the granules were characterized by a positive reaction with lectin histochemistry for concanavalin A (Con A), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), phaseolus vulgaris agglutinin (PHA-E4), lens culinaris agglutinin (LCA), and recinus communis agglutinin (RCA-I) in all tumors and for ulex europaeus agglutinin (UEA-I), peanut agglutinin (PNA), and soybean agglutinin (SBA) in one tumor. Positive reactions for anti-rat mast cell protease II and CD8 were not demonstrated immunohistochemically. Abundant glycogen was noted in the large tumor cells from one rat. With electron microscopy, the cytoplasmic granules were identified as electron-dense homogenous bodies bounded by a single unit membrane. These characteristics are similar to those of granulated metrial gland cells, but further study is needed to clarify the cell of origin for these tumors.  相似文献   

Microinsemination with first-wave round spermatids from immature male mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In several mammalian species, including mice, round spermatids have been used to produce normal offspring by means of microinsemination techniques. In this study, we examined whether mouse round spermatids retrieved from immature testes undergoing the first wave of spermatogenesis had acquired fertilizing ability comparable to cells from mature adults. Microinsemination with round spermatids was performed by direct injection into preactivated oocytes, as previously reported. About 60-85% of the successfully injected oocytes developed to the morula/blastocyst stage after 72 h in culture, irrespective of the age of the males (17-25 days old). After embryo transfer, normal pups were obtained from all age groups, including the day-17 group, the stage at which the first round spermatids appeared. A high correlation (r=0.90) was found between the birth rate and male age (P<0.01, Spearman rank correlation), indicating that the efficiency of producing offspring was dependent on the age of the donor males. Imprinted genes (H19, Igf2, Meg3, and Igf2r) were expressed from the correct parental alleles (maternal, paternal, maternal, and maternal, respectively) in all (n=12) day-9.5 fetuses derived from day-20 spermatids. These results clearly indicate that at least some first-wave spermatogenic cells have a normal haploid genome with the correct paternal imprint and are capable of supporting full-term embryo development, as do mature spermatozoa from adults. The use of male germ cells from immature animals may save time in the production of inbred/congenic strains and rescue male-factor infertility of early onset.  相似文献   

Peculiar liver changes in round heart disease in turkeys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A small round virus associated with enteritis in turkey poults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a natural outbreak of enteric disease in turkey poults, Salmonella, group D rotavirus, astrovirus, and a small (18-24 nm) round virus were detected in the gut contents. Except for the small virus, the pathogenic potential of the other agents is recognized. In experiments, the small round virus was shown to be transmissible and pathogenic in specific-pathogen-free turkey poults.  相似文献   

许德群 《饲料广角》2001,(20):12-12
目前玉米行情的运行情况,已到了一个关键阶段。今后玉米的走势及运行的空间,市场人士都比较关注,为此笔者对玉米的行情做一个简单的回顾和展望。 回顾玉米本轮上涨行情,是从2000年2月份由840元/t开始上涨,到2001年8月涨到1180元/t,历时1年半,涨幅达40%。从今年上半年玉米上涨的因素来看,主要是: 1.我国大力推进农业结构调整,全国玉米种植面积由上一年的2590万hm~2,减少到2305万  相似文献   

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