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An outbreak of salmonellosis in sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

An outbreak of equine neonatal salmonellosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An outbreak of salmonellosis in foals occurred on a large Thoroughbred farm in California. Only foals less than 8 days of age exhibited clinical signs, which included depression, anorexia, and diarrhea. Three foals died from septicemia. The agent responsible was Salmonella ohio, which is rarely involved in salmonellosis in horses. During the course of the outbreak, S. ohio was isolated from 27 of 97 mares (27.8%) and 34 of 97 foals (35.1%). Mares were the presumed source of infection for foals. The absence of clinical signs in mares allowed for increased exposure of foals through environmental contamination. Although foals continued to become infected after strict control measures were adopted, none became ill. Salmonella serotypes of seemingly low virulence can produce serious disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

An outbreak of salmonellosis involving veterinary hospital patients   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Between May 1996 and February 1997, 27 horses and a veterinary student at a veterinary teaching hospital developed apparent nosocomial Salmonella Typhimurium infection. The source of the multiple-drug resistant Salmonella Typhimurium was a neonatal foal admitted for treatment of septicemia. A high infection rate (approx 13% of hospitalized horses) coupled with a high case fatality rate (44%) for the initial 18 horses affected led to a decision to close the hospital for extensive cleaning and disinfection. Despite this effort and modification of hospital policies for infection control, 9 additional horses developed nosocomial Salmonella Typhimurium infection during the 6 months after the hospital reopened. Polymerase chain reaction testing of environmental samples was useful in identifying a potential reservoir of the organism in drains in the isolation facility. Coupled with clinical data, comparison of antimicrobial resistance patterns of Salmonella Typhimurium isolates provided a rapid initial means to support or refute nosocomial infection. Although minor changes in the genome of these isolates developed over the course of the outbreak, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis testing further supported that salmonellosis was nosocomial in all 27 horses.  相似文献   

上海市某奶牛养殖专业合作社检出14头结核病阳性牛。为查明疫病发生状况,调查疫病可能的发生原因,提出针对性的防控措施,通过现场座谈、问卷调查、实地查看和档案资料查阅等方式开展了暴发调查。结果发现本次暴发调查与奶牛引进有关,历年来检测发现的结核病阳性牛和疑似牛未采取有效的隔离、淘汰处置措施,从而导致了结核病的场内循环。建议立即扑杀和无害化处理结核病阳性牛,加强环境消毒,加大结核病监测频率和力度,同时做好工作人员的结核病健康检查。  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: The owner of a herd of 74 Holstein-Friesian cattle reported decreased milk production, weight loss, and coughing among lactating cows. Owner-initiated antimicrobial treatment was unsuccessful; 1 lactating cow died, and 50% of the lactating cows had clinical signs of respiratory distress, such as tachypnea and coughing. CLINICAL FINDINGS: On the basis of history, physical examination findings, and fecal examination results, affected animals were determined to have Dictyocaulus viviparus (lungworm) infestation. The disease history suggested that the herd contained cows with subclinical patent lungworm infestations; after introduction of susceptible heifers, the pastures had become heavily infested with D viviparus and clinical problems subsequently developed in both newly introduced and resident cows. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: Affected and unaffected heifers and adult cows were treated with a pour-on formulation of eprinomectin (0.5 mg/kg [0.23 mg/lb]). One animal died, but 2 weeks after treatment, clinical signs among affected cattle were markedly improved. Ten weeks after treatment, milk production improved from 23 kg/cow/d (51 lb/cow/d) to 28 kg/cow/d (62 lb/cow/d). CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The outbreak provides additional evidence that dictyocaulosis is becoming more common among adult dairy cattle, rather than almost exclusively affecting young stock. This may be attributable to anthelmintic use and management practices on dairy farms. Combined with anecdotal reports of an increase in the incidence of dictyocaulosis among adult cattle in North America, D viviparus infestation should be included as a differential diagnosis for decreased milk production, weight loss, and coughing among adult dairy cattle.  相似文献   

An outbreak of avian urolithiasis on a large commercial egg farm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A significant outbreak of avian urolithiasis was observed on a large commercial egg farm. From the initial outbreak site (a single laying house), the incidence of urolithiasis slowly spread in the ensuing months to numerous other laying houses. Increasing mortality associated with urolithiasis commenced during late growout to early lay and then leveled off when egg production peaked. At the height of the outbreak, mortality was typically 0.5% per week; 75% of this mortality was due to urolithiasis. The clinical and pathologic features of this condition are described. Both infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and fowl adenoviruses were isolated from organ homogenates of sampled birds. A clone of the IBV strain was found to induce nephritis in specific-pathogen-free white leghorns.  相似文献   

An acute disease with high mortality occurred in the ostrich farm and characterized by depression, severe diarrhea and sternal recumbency. Four dead ostriches of the farm were submitted to the National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service, and diagnosed as necrotic enteritis. In the gross and histopathological examination, extensive diffuse fibrinonecrotic enteritis was found in the small intestine, especially jejunum. Clostridium perfringens was isolated from a pure culture from the duodenum and jejunum of these birds. Based on our current knowledge, this is the first report of an outbreak of necrotic enteritis in the ostrich in Korea.  相似文献   

恶性卡他热是一种通常可感染包括猪在内的多种动物的散发性、致死性病毒病。能导致绵羊恶性卡他热的绵羊疱疹病毒2型(Ovine herpesvirus type 2,OvHV-2),可引起猪产生非特异性的临床症状,偶尔可引起猪死亡。美国一自繁自养猪场爆发的恶性卡他热,是通过从两头早先接触过绵羊、临床上受到感染的成年猪体内检测出OvHV-2的DNA后得到确诊的。在41头表现嗜睡、厌食和发热等临床症状的猪中,22头康复,19头死亡。两头临床受到感染的怀孕母猪出现了流产。通过PCR方法对病猪脾、脑和肺组织检测后鉴定出OvHV-2DNA。BLAST分析表明,PCR扩增产物测序结果与OvHV-2衣壳蛋白保守区的一致。由于猪恶性卡他热没有特异性的临床症状,而且呈少发、散发,因此很难诊断。PCR方法和血清学试验可用于本病的确诊。兽医应该可以从非特异性的临床症状、间歇性死亡和与羊的接触史等方面对猪恶性卡他热进行鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

An outbreak of salmonellosis caused by Salmonella typhimurium occurred in a lambing flock where management factors and fostering movements were responsible for spread within the group and to farm personnel and their families. Possible sources of the infection are discussed.  相似文献   

In summer of 2002, a case of severe clinical bovine anaplasmosis caused great losses in a dairy farm of an animal trader in Grisons. This article outlines the general approach of an outbreak investigation considering the case of anaplasmosis as an example. The goals of such investigations are to identify and eliminate the source of a disease outbreak in order to avoid additional cases. In addition, recommendations should be developed for preventing or limiting the magnitude of similar outbreaks in the future. In the outbreak presented, the causative agents were probably brought into the dairy farm by animal trade. Due to the large herd size, a missing quarantine for new animals and the coinfection with several pathogens, this case led to a high number of fatalities. The investigations of this outbreak demonstrated the importance of an universal and consistent identification of individual animals for the reconstruction of their movements. The veterinary practitioner should be reminded to act cautiously when facing strange clinical cases and to also consider "exotic diseases" as a possible cause.  相似文献   

Streptococcus equi subspecies (ssp.) equi infection (strangles) remains one of the most frequently diagnosed and costly infectious diseases of horses. Large breeding herds, where a disease outbreak competes for personnel and financial resources needed for foaling management, present a special challenge for equine practitioners. A 15‐month outbreak involving 62 clinical cases of strangles occurred on a large Standardbred breeding farm (average population of 1400 horses). Sixteen asymptomatic horses were found to be PCR (polymerase chain reaction)‐positive for S. equi ssp. equi. During the outbreak, serological samples from 48 clinically normal horses were found to be seropositive for S. equi ssp. equi, confirming herd‐wide exposure. After several clinical cases of strangles had been diagnosed, an intranasal S. equi ssp. equi vaccine was administered to clinically normal horses (n = 558) considered to be at risk of exposure. Strangles complications included 7 fatalities (none in vaccinated horses) and 6 cases of purpura haemorrhagica (4 in vaccinated horses). Midway through the outbreak, injectable, sustained release ceftiofur crystalline free acid (CCFA), given as an initial dose followed by a second dose 4 days later, was used exclusively for systemic antimicrobial treatment of clinically affected and PCR‐positive horses. This antimicrobial regimen coincided with a reduction in disease incidence and eventual resolution of the outbreak. Two horses with persistent guttural pouch infection were endoscopically confirmed as carrier horses. The herd history demonstrated that a strangles outbreak will often result in asymptomatic carrier horses and that identification and treatment of these horses are necessary to eliminate long‐term sources of infection. Ceftiofur crystalline free acid was found to be a suitable antimicrobial due to its activity against S. equi ssp. equi and the efficiencies associated with twice parenteral dosing during a 10‐day treatment period. Occurrence of purpura in 4 vaccinated horses suggests that vaccination should be reserved for healthy seronegative horses and avoided during an active outbreak.  相似文献   

An outbreak of S. typhimurium gastroenteritis and septicemia is described in young cats admitted to a veterinary hospital for routine medical and surgical reasons. A morbidity of 32% and a mortality of 61% was observed in the outbreak. Affected cats exhibited oral shedding of the organism and contaminated feed and water dishes may have been the vehicle of spread of infection. Possible detrimental effects of incorrect choice of antibiotic therapy are discussed. Attempts to reproduce the disease in a group of laboratory cats were unsuccessful. Antibody production was poorly correlated with infection in these cats.  相似文献   

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