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Soil physical properties affect the establishment of crops; these properties are influenced by cultivation incurred during seedbed preparation and vary greatly depending upon the intensity of applications. However, there is little quantified data concerning the influence of cultivation upon the precise soil structural arrangement and the effects of this on crop establishment. The dynamics of soil macrostructure properties on a range of seedbeds and how they relate to crop establishment are considered in this paper. Significant interactions between cultivation techniques, soil physical properties, the soil macropore structure of the seedbed and the interaction with crop establishment were identified. The relationship between soil structure and crop establishment was highly significant, with increased pore space reducing final establishment numbers. An improvement to a previously developed model (soil quality of establishment (SQE)) was developed following the addition of soil macrostructure properties, accounting for improved predictability of between ca. 6% and 19% of the variation accounted across soil types, environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Seedbed preparation can involve a wide range of tillage methods from intensive to reduced cultivation systems. The state or quality of the soil to which these tillage methods are applied for cereal crop management is not easily determined and excessive cultivations are often used. Seedbed preparation is crucial for crop establishment, growth and ultimately yield. A key aspect of the soil condition is the soil physical environment under which germination, growth and establishment occur. Crucially this affects factors such as temperature, water content, oxygen availability, soil strength and ultimately the performance of a seedbed. The dynamics of soil physical properties of a range of seedbeds and how they relate to crop establishment are considered in this paper. Significant interactions between cultivation techniques, physical properties of the seedbed in terms of penetration resistance, shear strength, volumetric water content and bulk density and the interaction with crop establishment were identified. A soil quality of establishment (SQE) model was developed for the prediction of crop establishment based upon soil bulk density and cultivation practices. The SQE significantly accounted for ca. 50% of the variation occurring and successfully predicted crop establishment to a standard error of around 20 plants per m−2 across contrasting soil types and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Soil water content during tillage can have a large impact on soil properties and tillage outcome. Measurement of soil relief in relation to fixed elevation points provides a non-destructive method of monitoring loosening/compacting processes during the year. The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of soil water content during primary tillage on soil physical properties.

The treatments included mouldboard and chisel ploughing of a clay soil on three occasions in the autumn, with gradually increasing water content (0.76, 0.91 and 1.01 × plastic limit). Soil surface height was measured by laser within a 0.64 m2 area from fixed steel plates after each tillage occasion, and before and after seedbed preparation in the following spring. The measurements of surface height were compared with measurements of other soil physical properties, such as bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity and seedbed properties.

Tillage at the lowest water content (0.76 × plastic limit) produced the greatest proportion of small aggregates, and generally the most favourable soil conditions for crop growth. Soil loosening, as measured by increase in soil height during primary tillage, was highest for mouldboard ploughing and for tillage at the lowest water content. Differences between tillage treatments decreased with time, but were still significant after sowing in the spring. Natural consolidation during winter was smaller than the compaction during seedbed preparation in the spring. No significant differences in bulk density were found between treatments, and thus soil surface height was a more sensitive parameter than bulk density determined by core sampling to detect differences between treatments.

Late tillage under wet conditions caused a greater roughness of the soil surface and the seedbed base, which was also found in the traditional seedbed investigation. The effect of tillage time on seedbed properties also resulted in a lower number of emerged plants in later tillage treatments.

The laser measurements were effective for studying changes in soil structure over time. The results emphasize the need to determine changes in soil physical properties for different tillage systems over time in order to model soil processes.  相似文献   

Tillage experiments were carried out in order to study the effect of water content on the aggregate size distribution produced by tillage, and to investigate the relationship between the soil structures produced by tillage and Dexter's index of soil physical quality, S. Tillage with a mouldboard plough was done on four different soils over a range of naturally occurring water contents. The aggregate size distribution and the specific surface area produced by tillage were obtained by sieving. We define the optimum water content for tillage, θOPT, as the water content at which the specific surface area of the aggregates produced is maximum. This is consistent with the water content at which the amount of small aggregates produced is greatest and the proportion of clods produced is smallest. For the four investigated soils, θOPT was found to be close to the water content at the inflection point of the water retention curve, and in the vicinity of 0.8θPL (where θPL is the lower plastic limit). At water contents either lower or higher than θOPT, the specific surface area produced was smaller. The specific surface area produced at θOPT was found to be strongly correlated with the index of soil physical quality, S. The specific surface area produced is larger the greater S, i.e. the better the soil physical quality. Consistently, the proportion of small aggregates produced at θOPT is larger and the proportion of clods produced at θOPT smaller, the greater S. No clods (>50 mm) are produced on soils with good physical quality.  相似文献   

Soil aggregation is influenced by the tillage system used, which in turn affects the amount of C and N in the different aggregate fractions. This study assessed the impact of different tillage systems on soil aggregates by measuring the aggregate stability, the organic carbon (Corg) and the total nitrogen (Ntot) contents within different aggregate fractions, and their release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Soil samples were collected from the top 0 to 10 cm of a long-term tillage experiment at Fuchsenbigl (Marchfeld, Austria) where conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT), and minimum tillage (MT) treatments were applied to a Chernozem fine sandy loam. The stable aggregates (1000–2000 μm) were subject to dispersion by the soil aggregate stability (SAS or wet sieving) method after Kemper and Rosenau (1986), and the ultrasonic method of Mayer et al. (2002). Chemical analysis of the soil was obtained for the aggregate fractions 630–1000, 250–630 and 63–250 μm gathered from the ultrasonic method. Using the SAS method, CT and RT had the least amounts of stable aggregates (18.2% and 18.9%, respectively), whereas MT had twice as much stable aggregates (37.6%). Using the ultrasonic method, MT also had the highest amount of water stable aggregates in all three fractions (1.5%, 3.7%, and 35%, respectively), followed by RT (1%, 2.3%, 32.3%), and CT (0.8%, 1.7%, 29.1%). For comparison, a reference soil, EUROSOIL 7 (ES-7) was also analysed (40%, 6.7%, and 12.1%). The highest amounts of Corg and Ntot were measured under MT in all three fractions, with 8.9%, 3.8%, and 1.3% for Corg, and 0.4%, 0.3%, and 0.1% for Ntot. Apart from the fraction 630–1000 μm, the aggregates of RT and CT contained <50% of the Corg and Ntot values of MT. The C/N ratio was least favourable for CT (42.6) in the aggregate fraction 630–1000 μm. The DOC release from stable aggregates after 10 min of ultrasonic dispersion was highest from MT soil (86.7 mg l−1). The values for RT and CT were 21% and 25% below this value. The results demonstrate that tillage type influences both aggregate stability and aggregate chemical composition. This research confirms that CT interferes more with the natural soil properties than RT and MT. Furthermore, MT has the highest potential to sequester C and N in this agriculturally used soil.  相似文献   

Soil compaction caused by traffic of heavy vehicles and machinery has become a problem of world-wide concern. The aims of this study were to evaluate and compare the changes in bulk density, soil strength, porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity and air permeability during sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) harvesting on a typical Bavarian soil (Regosol) as well as to assess the most appropriate variable factors that fit with the effective controlling of subsequent compaction. The field experiments, measurements and laboratory testing were carried out in Freising, Germany. Two tillage systems (conventional plough tillage and reduced chisel tillage) were used in the experiments. The soil water contents were adjusted to 0.17 g g−1 (w1), 0.27 g g−1 (w2) and 0.35 g g−1 (w3).Taking the increase in bulk density, the decrease in air permeability and reduction of wide coarse pore size porosity (−6 kPa) into account, it seems that CT (ploughing to a depth of 0.25 m followed by two passes of rotary harrow to a depth 0.05 m) of plots were compacted to a depth of at least 0.25 m and at most 0.40 m in high soil water (w3) conditions. The trends were similar for “CT w1” (low soil water content) plots. However, it seems that “CT w1” plots were less affected than “CT w3” plots with regard to bulk density increases under partial load. In contrast, diminishments of wide coarse pores (−6 kPa) and narrow (tight) coarse pores (−30 kPa) were significantly higher in “CT w1” plots down to 0.4 m. Among CT plots, the best physical properties were obtained at medium soil water (w2) content. No significant increase in bulk density and no significant decrease in coarse pore size porosity and total porosity below 0.2 m were observed at medium soil water content. The soil water content seemed to be the most decisive factor.It is likely that, CS (chiselling to a depth of 0.13 m followed by two passes of rotary harrow to a depth 0.05 m) plots were less affected by traffic treatments than CT plots. Considering the proportion of coarse pore size porosity (structural porosity) and total porosity, no compaction effects below 0.3 m were found. Medium soil water content (w2) provides better soil conditions after traffic with regard to wide coarse pore size porosity (−6 kPa), air permeability (at 6 and 30 kPa water suction), total porosity and bulk density. Proportion of wide coarse pores, air permeability and bulk density seems to be suitable parameters to detect soil compaction under the conditions tested.  相似文献   

The effects of past grazing management practice on subsequent seedbed condition, draft requirements, fuel consumption, crop establishment and growth, and grain yield and quality were examined using three tillage systems on two sowing dates. The crop was wheat (Triticum aestivum), sown on a fragile sandy clay loam (red duplex soil) in a dryland agricultural area (307 mm average annual rainfall) of Western Australia. The three tillage-sowing systems investigated were: (i) scarifying followed by sowing with wide (180 mm) points; (ii) direct drilling with wide (180 mm) points; (iii) direct drilling with narrow (50 mm) inverted ‘T’-shaped Super-Seeder points. The two sowing dates provided differences in seedbed water content at sowing time. The three grazing management strategies practised in the previous pasture year were: (i) traditional set-stocking (where sheep were grazed continuously for 17 weeks, beginning soon after the start of the early winter rains); (ii) controlled grazing (where sheep were temporarily removed from the enclosure when the topsoil was close to its plastic limit); (iii) no grazing (where the pasture was mown to simulate grazing without trampling).Tillage prior to sowing with wide points reduced the mechanical impedance of the soil following set-stocking and provided a good seedbed for successful crop establishment and growth. In both the controlled-grazing management treatment and the treatment where the pasture had been mown the soil was suitable for direct drilling with both wide and narrow points (i.e. no pre-sowing tillage was required). The use of narrow points had the added advantage of requiring less fuel, but the need for a suitable implement to cover seeds was more critical than for wider sowing points. There were no advantages with respect to grain yield from adopting a controlled-grazing management practice owing to the lack of finishing rainfall. However, grain protein levels were higher in both the controlled and ungrazed treatments compared with the set-stocking treatment.  相似文献   

Tillage action associated with liquid slurry application systems/management practices can modify soil infiltration properties. The degree or nature of such modification will depend largely on the type of tillage implement used, and the soil conditions at time of tillage activity. The specific objective of this study is to evaluate differences in soil infiltration properties, as measured using pressure infiltrometers and Guelph permeameters, resulting from the immediate tine action of two commonly used slurry application tillage implements (Kongskilde Vibro-Flex (S-tine) and the AerWay SSD (rolling aerator-type tine)) over a variety of silt–clay loam soil water content conditions. The results indicated that there were consistent negative correlations between field saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil water content for all tine-disturbed and undisturbed soil treatments. For Kongskilde, field-saturated hydraulic conductivity was, on average, lower in tine-influenced furrow bottoms, relative to those measured in undisturbed conditions at similar depths for most water content conditions. Generally, the Kongskilde tine-action reduced macropore-based infiltration in the bottom of the furrow for most soil conditions, albeit, this effect was most pronounced at the higher soil water contents. For AerWay, the tine-disturbed soils had generally higher field saturated hydraulic conductivities than undisturbed soil treatments over the observed water content range. This effect was manifested to a greater degree at higher, relative to lower observed water contents.  相似文献   

Information is needed on the range of soil water contents for tillage. The objective of the work was to develop methods for the prediction of the soil water contents at which tillage may be done satisfactorily. Three water contents are considered: the lower (dry) limit, the optimum water content, and the upper (wet) limit. This paper makes a synthesis of published results from tillage and soil physics experiments and also includes some new experimental results. The effects of tillage are considered in relation to some “fixed points” including the lower plastic limit, field capacity and a new fixed point “the inflection point”. These considerations lead to methods for prediction of the lower (dry) tillage limit, the optimum water content, and the upper (wet) tillage limit in terms of the parameters of the van Genuchten equation for soil water retention. Predictions can be made in terms of soil composition through the use of pedotransfer functions for the parameters of the van Genuchten equation. The new methods will enable the effects of soil degradation and climate change on tillage work days to be estimated. The results are potentially mappable using geographic information systems.  相似文献   

为研究不同深度土壤控水对壤土稻田土壤水势、微生物区系和细菌群落多样性的影响,通过土培池栽试验,在水稻生育后期设置土壤深度0~5 cm(S05)、0~10 cm(S10)和0~15 cm(S15)控水处理,以保持水层为对照,分析了不同深度控水处理下5 cm、10 cm、15 cm深土壤水势与土壤微生物区系、细菌群落多样性的变化。结果表明:土壤5 cm、10 cm、15 cm深度的水势随着控水深度增加而降低,S05控水处理主要影响上层(5 cm)土壤水势,S10控水处理影响上、中层(10 cm)土壤水势,S15控水处理土壤水势随土层深度的增加而升高。花后8 d和32 d,S05控水处理上层土壤细菌数量显著高于S10、S15控水处理;花后16~24 d,S05控水处理中层、下层(15 cm)土壤细菌数量均显著高于S15控水处理;土壤水势与水稻生育后期中、下层土壤细菌数量呈极显著正相关关系。S05控水处理10 cm、15 cm土层的细菌丰富度Chao指数均显著高于S15控水处理及CK。3个控水处理中,5 cm土层细菌的多样性Shannon指数以S05控水处理最低。优势细菌菌群分析发现,优势群落主要为变形菌门、绿弯菌门、酸杆菌门、拟杆菌门,四者总相对丰度在80%以上;S15控水处理中层土壤变形菌门相对丰度低于S05和S10控水处理。3个控水处理土壤样品中优势纲(相对丰度大于2%)达15个,主要包括α-变形菌纲、β-变形菌纲、δ-变形菌纲、厌氧绳菌纲等,这4个纲的总相对丰度在47%以上,其中厌氧绳菌纲相对丰度最高;上层土壤中S05控水处理的β-变形菌纲相对丰度显著低于S10和S15控水处理。因此,不同深度土壤控水对壤土土壤水势、细菌数量存在影响,改变了细菌的多样性及丰富度,对土壤细菌优势菌种类无显著影响。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of tillage and residue incorporation on soil properties and yields of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in rotation for 4 years on a silty clay loam of an Aquic Hapludoll with natural water table fluctuating between 0.05 and 0.97 m depth The rice experiment was laid out in split plot design with four levels of tillage, viz. conventional puddling (CP), puddling by four passes of rotavator (PR), reduced puddling by two passes of rotavator (ReP), and direct seeding without puddling (DSWP) and two levels of residue, viz. residue incorporation (RI) and residue removal (RR) in four replications. The treatments for wheat were zero tillage (ZT) and conventional tillage (CT) with RI and RR superimposed over the plots of rice. Tillage for rice increased puddling index and bulk density (BD) over the years. The increase was significantly higher in CP and PR than in ReP. In wheat season, BD was higher under ZT than under CT but the differences were not significant. Puddling decreased saturated hydraulic conductivity with time, which became significantly lower in CP and PR in the fourth year than in ReP in the first year. Infiltration rate (IR) also decreased with time and was lowest in CP and PR. In wheat season, IR was at par under ZT and CT. Rice yield in PR was maximum and at par with that in ReP. But wheat yield was lowest in PR and highest in DSWP, and was at par in DSWP and ReP. Thus, rice yields were optimum under ReP, in which changes in soil properties were least, and wheat yields were optimum both under ZT and CT in the DSWP and ReP plots of rice under shallow water table conditions of the silty clay loam.  相似文献   

A model for soil crumbling, called the capillary crumbling model (CCM) was introduced by Aluko and Koolen [Aluko, O.B., Koolen, A.J., 2000. The essential mechanics of capillary crumbling of structured agricultural soils. Soil Till. Res. 55, 117–126]. According to the CCM, the optimum soil water content for tillage (θOPT) may be defined as the water content at which the capillary bonding strength between aggregates is minimum. The objective of this study was to evaluate the CCM for the arable layer of 10 agricultural soils (sandy loam to clay textures) from semi-arid regions in western Iran. The results were compared with conventional soil workability limits such as 0.85 of the soil plastic limit (0.85θPL), Proctor critical water content (θProctor), 0.6 or 0.7 of water content at matric suction of 50 hPa (0.6–0.7θ50 hPa), and the Kretschmer optimum water content (θKretschmer = θPL − 0.15(θLL − θPL)) where θLL is the soil liquid limit. Repacked soil cores were prepared from intact soil aggregates (0.50–4.75 mm) to 0.9 of the critical bulk density (to represent the soil conditions before tillage). Tensile strength and matric suction of the cores were determined at different soil water contents obtained by slow drying. The CCM provided evidence for the physics and mechanics of crumbling in the studied soils. It revealed that effective stresses are the dominant inter-aggregates forces, at least for the wet range of soil water content. A fall in strength of inter-aggregate bonds (i.e. tensile strength) was recorded due to water emptying from structural pores in a narrow range of matric suction (hOPT) which was consistent with the model. With increasing soil organic matter and clay contents the fall became more distinct, indicating increased structural stability. The θOPT values determined by the CCM were found in the hOPT range 551–612 hPa corresponding to 0.91–0.79θPL, which was in agreement with published values for the soil workability limit. Negative correlations between hOPT and clay and organic matter contents clearly confirmed the increasing effect of soil structure on the enlargement of inter-aggregate pores. High correlations were observed between θOPT and 0.85θPL, θProctor or 0.7θ50 hPa. The results showed that the CCM might be recommended as a physically based method for the determination of θOPT. Considering the 1:1 relationships between θOPT and 0.85θPL or θProctor, and easy determination of θPL and θProctor, use of these indices is recommended in situations where the CCM is not applicable.  相似文献   

Tillage erosion studies have mainly focused on the effect of topography and cultivation practices on soil translocation during tillage. However, the possible effect of initial soil conditions on soil displacement and soil erosion during tillage have not been considered. This study aims at investigating the effect of the initial soil conditions on net soil displacement and the associated erosion rates by a given tillage operation of a stony loam soil. Tillage erosion experiments were carried out with a mouldboard plough on a freshly ploughed (pre-tilled) soil and a soil under grass fallow in the Alentejo region (Southern Portugal).

The experimental results show that both the downslope displacement of soil material and the rate of increase of the downslope displacement with slope gradient are greater when the soil is initially in a loose condition. This was attributed to: (i) a greater tillage depth on the pre-tilled soil and (ii) a reduced internal cohesion of the pre-tilled soil, allowing clods to roll and/or slide down the plough furrow after being overturned by the mouldboard plough.

An analysis of additional available data on soil translocation by mouldboard tillage showed that downslope displacement distances were only significantly related to the slope gradient when tillage is carried out in the downslope direction. When tillage is carried out in the upslope direction, the effect of slope gradient on upslope displacement distances was not significant. This has important implications for the estimation of the tillage transport coefficient, which is a measure for the intensity of tillage erosion, from experimental data. For our experiments, estimated values of the tillage transport coefficient were 70 and 254 kg m−1 per tillage operation for grass fallow and pre-tilled conditions, respectively, corresponding to local maximum erosion rates of ca. 8 and 35 Mg ha−1 per tillage operation and local maximum deposition rates of ca. 33 and 109 Mg ha−1 per tillage operation.  相似文献   

No-tillage systems are able to reduce the negative effects of agricultural intensification on soil properties. However, knowledge of long-term impacts of no-tillage systems on soil properties is insufficient. It is essential to know which soil quality indicators are the most sensitive to management practices in each particular environment. Therefore, the objective of this work is to determine which soil quality properties are more sensitive to the impact of two tillage systems in a vertic Argiaquoll soil from Buenos Aires, Argentina. This work started in 2006 and included crop rotation and tillage systems, including both tillage and no-tillage. Physical and chemical properties were measured in three consecutive years (2013–2015) at two depths (0–10 cm and 10–20 cm). The tillage system modified soil physical and chemical properties, mainly in the surface layer. No-tillage showed significantly higher bulk density (2013–2015 p < 0.05), gravimetric moisture (2013; 2014 p < 0.05), organic carbon (2013–2015 p < 0.05), and aggregates stability in the face of a heavy rain (2013; 2015 p < 0.05), than soil under tillage. Soil saturation (or total porosity) was significantly greater under tillage. The tillage system did not affect hydraulic conductivity, total nitrogen and extractable phosphorus from the surface, nor physical and chemical properties from the second depth. No-tillage alleviates, but is not enough to mitigate, the loss of soil organic carbon and aggregate stability caused by continuous cropping in this vertic Argiaquall. Bulk density, organic carbon, aggregates stability and saturation are indicators for future studies performed in environments with similar soil and climate conditions.  相似文献   

A field study was performed for two consecutive seasons to evaluate the effect of polyacrylamide (PAM), tillage systems and particle size on soil physical properties and wheat grain yield. The PAM rates were 0, 10 and 20 kg ha?1 while the tillage treatments included no-tillage (NT), moldboard plowing (CT1), and chisel plowing (CT2). Soil fine particles size of two locations were A (25.2 silt + clay) and B (38.5 silt + clay). Location B reported higher organic matter and total porosity while lower in bulk density. The CT1 and NT treatments denoted better soil organic matter percentage. The CT1 presented maximum infiltration rate compared to other tillage systems. No tillage showed better soil water contents while the minimum was in CT1 of location A and CT2 of location B. Increasing the PAM rate increased total porosity, infiltration rate and soil water content while decreased soil bulk density. Possibly, the presence of compacted layer in location A hindered the effect of PAM. At location B, the CT2 with PAM of 20 kg ha?1 had the highest grain yield compared to other tillage systems. The PAM is beneficial for soil and water conservation and can be used in agriculture.  相似文献   

In a field experiment, a sandy loam was subjected to single passes with a sugar beet harvester at two different soil water potentials. Different hopper fillings resulted in ground contact pressures of 130 kPa (partial load) and 160 kPa (full load) underneath the tyre. Bulk density, macroporosity (equivalent pore radius >100 μm), penetrometer resistance, air permeability and pre-consolidation pressure were measured within and next to the wheel tracks at depths of 0.12–0.17, 0.32–0.37 and 0.52–0.57 m. Furthermore, the soil structure at two horizons (Ahp 7–24 cm, B(C) 24–38 cm) was visually assessed and classified.

The moist plot responded to a wheel load of 11.23 mg (160 kPa) with an increase in bulk density and pre-consolidation pressure as well as with a decrease in air permeability and macroporosity at a depth of 0.12–0.17 m. With a wheel load of 7.47 mg (130 kPa) on the moist plot and with both wheel load levels on the dry plot, only slight changes of the soil structure were detected. At a depth of 0.32–0.37 and 0.52–0.57 m, the measurements did not indicate any compaction. An ANOVA indicates that the factor “soil water potential” and the factor “wheel load” significantly influence the bulk density at a depth of 0.12–0.17 m. No interactions occurred between these two factors. The wheel traffic on the test plot had no effect on the yield of winter wheat planted after the experimental treatment.

Bulk density, macroporosity and pre-consolidation pressure proved to be sensitive to detect compaction because they varied only slightly and are easy to measure. In contrast, the standard deviation of air permeability is large. The soil structure determined visually in the field confirms the values measured in the laboratory. The results of the penetrometer resistance measurements were not explainable.  相似文献   

Tillage is expected to influence growth, yield and nutrient status of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill.) plant, but there is scarcity of research to investigate the relationship between tillage and performance parameters of tomato. Hence the variation in soil physical and chemical properties, tomato growth, plant nutrient contents and fruit yield in response to different tillage methods and seedling bed types and positions, were investigated on an alfisol (Ferric Luvisol) at Akure in the rainforest zone of Nigeria. Different bed types for transplanted tomato seedlings were created using herbicide-based zero tillage, manual clearing (a form of zero tillage), top, side and base positions of ridges and mounds for planting seedlings of early and late season tomato crops. The soil at the top, side and base positions of ridges and mounds had lower bulk densities that was associated with greater root length, plant height, number of stems, branches and number of leaves and weight of tomato fruits, and leaf nutrient contents compared with zero tillage and manually cleared soils. Planting on ridge or mound positions increased the number of fruits and fruit weight by 200 and 100%, respectively, compared with planting on untilled soils. Soil bulk density was negatively correlated with root growth and leaf nutrient content. Tomato requires tillage for optimum productivity.  相似文献   

Hedgerows planted along the contour on steep lands in the humid tropics reduce soil erosion and build terraces over time. The objectives of this study in two Hapludoxes in the Philippines were to evaluate changes after 4 years in soil properties and soil water relations on transects perpendicular to the cropped alleys between four grass and tree hedgerow systems and a control. Hedgerow plants included Gliricidia sepium, Paspalum conjugatum, and Penisetum purpureum. Soil properties evaluated as a function of position in the alley (upper, middle, or lower elevation in an alley) included bulk density, mechanical impedance, soil water transmissivity, water retention, soil water pressure, and soil water content. In general, soil properties were not affected by hedgerow system, but were affected by position in the alley. Nearness to the hedgerow, but not hedgerow species, affected soil water distribution (P = 0.05). Plant available water at the 10–15 cm depth was 0.16 m3 m−3, 0.13 m3 m−3, and 0.08 m3 m−3 for the lower, middle, and upper alley position, respectively. Water transmissivity decreased from 0.49 mm s−1 in the lower alley to 0.12 mm s−1 in the upper alley. The lower soil water contents and soil water pressures in and near the hedgerows confirmed competition for water between the hedgerow species and the food crop in the alley, a condition that is expected to suppress food crop production.  相似文献   

Soil penetration resistance (cone index) varies with water content. The field variation of water content could mask treatment differences. The correction of cone index data to a single water content would help prevent this. We used equations from TableCurve software and from the literature to correct cone indices for differences in soil water contents. Data were taken from two field experiments where cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) was grown using conventional and conservation tillage without irrigation, and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were grown using conventional tillage with microirrigation. Boundary conditions based on hard, dry and soft, wet soils were imposed on the equations. Equations fit the data with coefficients of determination ranging from 0.55 to 0.92 and error mean squares from 1.37 to 6.35. After correction, cone index dependence on water content was reduced. A single-equation correction did not always fit the data across all treatments. Separate corrections, based on treatment, might be required. When corrections required multiple equations, differences may be real or may be a manifestation of the correction differences. In this case, the correction may not be feasible (unless some future work can coordinate different equations and assure a uniform correction).  相似文献   

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