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Organic and other non-intensive animal production systems are of growing importance in several countries worldwide. In contrast to conventional farms, parasite control on organic farms is affected by several of the prescribed changes in management e.g. access to the outdoors in the summer and in most countries, a ban on preventive medication, including use of anti-parasiticides. Organic animal production relies heavily on grazing, and pasture or soil related parasites are thus of major importance. Several studies in northern temperate climate have indicated that outdoor production of pigs, primarily sows, and laying hens results in heavier and more prevalent helminth infections compared to conventional intensive production under indoor conditions. In organic dairy cattle, parasitic gastroenteritis in heifers may be more prevalent. In a short to medium term perspective, integrated control may combine grazing management with biological control using nematophagous micro-fungi, selected crops like tanniferous plants and on conventional farms, limited use of anti-parasiticides. At present, the non-chemotherapeutic control of pasture related infections is based mainly on grazing management strategies. Preventive strategies, where young, previously unexposed stock, are turned out on parasite-free pastures, can be used for grazing first season dairy heifers and in all-in-all-out poultry production. Evasive strategies aim at avoiding disease producing infections of a contaminated area by moving to a clean area and may be relevant for ruminants and pigs. In cattle, effective control of nematodes can be achieved by repeated moves of the herd or alternate grazing with other species. High stocking rates seem to be an important risk factor. In pig production, the effect of paddock rotation on parasite infections is largely unknown and studies are warranted. Control of nematodes by larvae-trapping fungi, or perhaps in the future by egg-destroying fungi, looks promising for ruminants and certain monogastric animals but delivery systems and practical dosing regimes integrated with grazing management have to be developed. In conclusion, good prospects are expected for acceptable parasite control without a heavy reliance on anti-parasiticides through integration of the above mentioned procedures but future studies are needed to confirm their efficacy under practical farming conditions.  相似文献   

A study was performed to estimate the extent of cow injuries as an indicator of animal welfare in organic dairy farms in Switzerland. The study was conducted during the winter feeding period of 1997/98 and was part of a larger project on animal health, nutrition and production in certified organic dairy herds in Switzerland. Potential predictors of injuries related to animal housing were quantified and relations between occurrence of injuries and nutritional status and production were evaluated. The investigation was designed as a cross-sectional study and included a representative sample of 152 farms and 1856 cows. Every farm was visited once and each cow was scored for claw-, skin- and joint-lesions and body condition. Statistical analyses were performed appropriate for a stratified and one-stage cluster sample weighted for the entire population of organic dairy farms in Switzerland. Possible individual and environmental predictors of cow injuries were analysed using multinomial logit models for ordinal outcomes. The overall frequencies of injuries were 10.4% for joint lesions, 12.8% for soft-tissue injuries and 3.6% for claw lesions. Most joint injuries (84.9%) were observed at the hock joint, 9.4% at the carpus and 3.1% at the knee joint. The analysis of the association between frequency of injuries and potential predictors revealed heterogeneous results and the risk profiles were different between the categories of injuries measured in the study. These observations support the assumption that variations in type and severity of injuries are due to specific differences of animal management, housing design and due to different characteristics of individual cows.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test three predictions: (1) that a combination of animal-based parameters indicates better health and welfare in broilers from organic versus conventional farms, (2) that broilers from organic farms show less fluctuating asymmetry (FA) than broilers from conventional farms, and (3) that, at the level of the individual bird, the relationship between FA and welfare is negative and strongest in conventional broilers. On 140 slaughter-age birds randomly selected from seven organic and seven conventional flocks in Belgium we measured standardised FA and five conventional animal-based welfare indicators (tonic immobility duration, latency-to-lie, and condition of the foot pad, hock, and breast). The caeca from the birds from four organic and four conventional flocks were removed for assessing the presence of two bacterial pathogens (Salmonella and Campylobacter) and the concentration of the health-promoting lactic acid bacteria. Finally, the blood serum concentration of the acute phase protein alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), a non-specific indicator of immunological stress, was determined. Salmonella was found in the caeca content of two (2.5%) birds only (both from the same conventional farm), whereas 44 (55.7%) birds were infected with Campylobacter. The prevalence of Campylobacter, the concentration of lactic acid bacteria, the duration of tonic immobility, and the condition of the breast and foot pad did not differ between both production systems. Apart from a higher concentration of AGP, organic birds had better scores for hock condition and a longer latency-to-lie indicating better leg health. In addition, organic birds scored better on the aggregated welfare index (i.e. the average of the five standardised welfare indicators). As both production systems differed in many aspects (e.g. slower-growing genotypes, slaughter age, feed, stocking density, group size) it is impossible to assign differences in welfare/health indicators to a single factor. Whatever the causes may be our findings suggest that, despite the potentially elevated risk of immunological challenge, broiler chicken welfare is generally superior in organic farms as compared with conventional farms in Belgium. Regarding the validity of FA as welfare indicator, the prediction of lower FA in the population with highest aggregated welfare score was confirmed but, at the level of the individual, no associations between FA and the aggregated welfare index were found irrespective of whether data from organic and conventional broilers were analysed separately or combined.  相似文献   

Health and production management strategies influence environmental impacts of dairies. The objective of this paper was to measure risk factors on health and production parameters on six organic and conventional bovine, caprine, and ovine dairy herds in southeastern Brazil over six consecutive years (2006–2011). The organic operations had lower milk production per animal (P?≤?0.05), lower calf mortality (P?≤?0.05), less incidence of mastitis (P?≤?0.05), fewer rates of spontaneous abortions (P?≤?0.05), and reduced ectoparasite loads (P?≤?0.05) compared to conventional herds and flocks. Organic herds, however, had greater prevalence of internal parasitism (P?≤?0.05) than conventional herds. In all management systems, calves, kids, and lambs had greater oocyte counts than adults. However, calves in the organic group showed lower prevalence of coccidiosis. In addition, animals in the organic system exhibited lower parasitic resistance to anthelmintics. Herd genetic potential, nutritive value of forage, feed intake, and pasture parasite loads, however, may have influenced productive and health parameters. Thus, although conventional herds showed greater milk production and less disease prevalence, future research might quantify the potential implications of these unreported factors.  相似文献   

Outdoor access is an important part of organic and free-range poultry production, yet limited information exists on the effect of various housing and production systems on growth performance and colonization of food-borne pathogens. Therefore, the primary purpose of the current study was to evaluate the influence of different housing systems, particularly fixed versus small, portable houses, with and without outdoor access to pasture, on seasonal growth performance, leg quality, and presence of bacterial food-borne pathogens. In the current study, we used fast-growing broilers, as many small producers use commercial broilers due to their carcass conformation and high breast yield compared with slow-growing hybrids or standard heritage breeds. Although interest in alternative genetics exists because they may be more adapted to outdoor production, they require longer growing periods, with accompanying labor and cost. A pasture containing a mixture of forages was used to simulate the conditions common for small farms in the local region. The experiment had 4 treatment groups: (1) small, portable hoop houses with access to pasture, (2) small, portable hoop houses without access to pasture, (3) a fixed house with access to the outdoors, and (4) a fixed house without access to the outdoors. The present study was repeated at different times of the year to determine if a seasonal effect on the consumption of pasture and carcass quality was present. Overall, raising birds in hoop houses resulted in a reduced growth rate compared with birds raised in the fixed house. None of the production systems altered bone strength or feed conversion. Food-borne pathogens commonly associated with poultry were not found in any of the environments tested. Seasonal production was an issue in the small hoop house birds, as extreme heat in the summer resulted in early termination of that trial. Expanding on forage choice in pastures and customizing hoop houses to deal with weather fluctuations, especially in regions where extreme heat may affect production, are important considerations for these systems.  相似文献   


The effects of two housing systems (deep litter and straw-flow), with and without access to pasture during the summer period, were studied in an organic growing-finishing pig herd. Performance, health, skin lesions and daytime pig activity were studied in 29 pens of 16 pigs (total of 464 pigs, in 4 batches). Data from 21 pens were used for comparisons of deep litter and straw-flow and data from 16 pens for comparisons of access/no access to pasture. Pigs in the deep litter system had a lower carcass meat percentage (56.6% vs. 57.3%) and more locomotion problems (4.4% vs. 0%) than pigs in the straw-flow system. No difference in daytime pig activity was detected between the two housing systems. Under moderate temperatures, pigs with access to pasture and fed a commercial organic feed inside the building were not more active during daytime behaviour studies (7.30?h–16.30?h) than pigs without access to pasture. However, at 17 weeks of age the pigs with pasture access spent 21% of their time on pasture, less time inside the pig house (20% vs. 33%) and less time on the outside concrete area (4% vs. 12%) than the pigs without pasture. No difference in performance was detected between pigs with and pigs without access to pasture.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the effect of marine algae supplementation alone or in combination with a regular mineral supplement (rumen boluses) to improve the mineral status in organic dairy cattle and their effect on the milk mineral composition, milk production, composition (% of fat and protein) and quality (SCC). Thirty‐two Holstein Friesian lactating cows were randomly selected and assigned to the algae (A), boluses (B), algae+boluses (AB) and control group (C). For the algae groups (A, AB), a supplement composed of Sea Lettuce (80%), Japanese Wireweed (17.5%) and Furbelows (2.5%) was formulated to be given to the cows at the rate of 100 g/animal per day (A1) for the length of 4 weeks. In the second half of the experiment (weeks 5–8), the algae mixture was reformulated and the proportion of Furbelows was increased from 2.5% to 5.0% with a subsequent decrease of Lettuce to 77.5% (A2). In the boluses group (B), each cow received 2 boluses after calving. Blood (serum) and milk samples were collected at 2 and 4 week intervals, respectively, and analysed for trace element concentrations by ICP‐MS. Information related to the milk composition and SCC during a 305‐day lactation for each animal were obtained from the Dairy Records Management System. The supplementation with algae, boluses or the combination of both treatments showed a statistically significant effect on the iodine (algae), selenium (boluses) and cobalt (algae+boluses) status of the animals. In milk, treatments had a statistical significant increase on iodine, and a tendency to increase selenium concentrations. The assayed algae mixture combined with another source of selenium could be an effective tool to improve the mineral status in serum and milk.  相似文献   

1. The effects of rearing chickens using standard, maize-fed, free-range or organic production systems on meat quality and sensory characteristics were evaluated. The standard system used either Ross or Cobb birds with a slaughter age of approximately 40 d, the other systems in the trial used Hubbard birds with considerably older slaughter ages, up to 72 d in the case of organic systems. 2. Paired breast fillets from 120 birds, 30 from each rearing system, were used. The meat quality variables, ultimate pH, colour coordinates L*, a*, b* and water-holding capacity were measured and taste panel assessments were made using 8-point category scales of texture, juiciness, abnormal flavour, flavour liking and overall flavour. 3. There were significant differences between rearing systems, with fillet muscles from birds grown under the standard system having a higher ultimate pH. Differences were also seen in colour with fillets from birds reared under a standard system having a smaller hue angle than those grown using the maize-fed system which had the highest. 4. Fillets from birds reared in the standard system were rated by the taste panel as more tender and juicy. There were no significant differences in chicken flavour. Based on hedonic assessments of flavour liking and overall liking, by a small panel of assessors, meat from birds produced in the standard system was most preferred and that from organic systems the least preferred. Meat from free-range and maize-fed systems was intermediate in preference. This result reveals a trend, but does not infer consumer acceptance.  相似文献   

宁夏典型天然草地土壤有机碳及其活性组分变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探寻宁夏典型温性天然草地土壤有机碳及活性组分变异及储量特征,以宁夏4种典型的天然草地(温性草甸草原、温性草原、温性草原化荒漠和温性荒漠草原)为研究对象,采用野外调查和室内分析相结合的方法,对宁夏全区49个固定监测点,土壤有机碳及其活性有机碳组分(易氧化有机碳、微生物生物量碳和水溶性有机碳)进行采样和室内分析.结果表明...  相似文献   

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