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This is the first evaluation of growth and survival of spat of the Cortez oyster Crassostrea corteziensis (Hertlein) produced under controlled conditions in a coastal area in the state of Sonora, Mexico for aquaculture purposes. A suspended culture technique, used for the Pacific oyster C. gigas, was used. The Cortez oyster has an isometric shell growth during the first 13 months, reaching 71.3±1.9 mm length, 52.6±1.3 mm thickness and 25.1±0.8 mm width. Allometric growth was found between total weight and length, thickness and width (survival was 70%). The relationships between particulate organic, inorganic material, chlorophyll a and environmental parameters with growth are described. Growth rates of C. corteziensis were affected by temperature with retardation at less than 18°C. For aquaculture purposes, it is recommended that spat be sowed after winter, and oyster harvest occur at the end of autumn. According to the von Bertalanffy equation, Cortez oysters would reach the traditional exploitation size of 65 mm (mean length) at harvest. Finally, the results of this study have shown that C. corteziensis is a good candidate for aquaculture projects in this region.  相似文献   

Two feeding systems for maturing oysters were compared, one a continuous feeding system and the other a batch system in which the whole microalgal ration was supplied once daily. The maturation diet consisted in Isochrysis galbana (T-ISO) complemented with an enriched lipid emulsion. Survival and growth did not differ between the feeding systems after 3 weeks of conditioning. Maturation, biochemical composition, fatty acids in membranes and reserves, digestive enzymes activities and immune parameters in Crassostrea corteziensis were analysed. Only oysters fed using the once-daily system had vitellogenic oocytes, whereas the gonad of oysters fed using a continuous-drip system remained immature. Total and differential haemocyte counts were similar between both the systems, but respiratory burst was significantly higher in oysters fed using the once-daily system. Amylase, lipase and trypsin activities in oyster's digestive gland were similar between both the feeding systems. Total lipids, however, differed significantly in oyster tissue in relation to feeding system, with highest level in those fed using the once-daily system, but fatty acid composition in reserves and membrane were similar. No differences were found for biochemical parameters in haemolymph. These results suggest that feeding oysters using a batch, once-daily system allows more rapid initial gonad maturation without affecting general physiological condition and growth.  相似文献   

The oyster's reproductive process is poorly documented, especially in terms of a quantitative approach. In recent years, investigations with this species have been directed at determining important reproductive factors. Within this scope, techniques that allow standardized and accurate quantitative estimations of gonad development have become of primary importance. In this study, the histological characteristics and the levels of vitellin/vitellogenin-like proteins (Vn/Vtg) from ovaries of the Mexican Pacific 'pleasure' oyster Crassostrea corteziensis (Hertlein 1951) were analysed during different stages of gonad maturation using quantitative histological techniques and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. This was performed in order to evaluate a possible quantitative tool to predict the degrees of gonad maturity and to analyse the biological implications of the findings relative not only to broodstock conditioning but also to natural populations. Using this information, we expect to be able to undertake further research on different reproductive aspects of this oyster species, including, among others, evaluation of the response in Vn/Vtg concentrations to different diets and environmental conditions during laboratory conditioning.  相似文献   

This study examined the main filtration variables [filtration rate ( FR ), clearance rate ( CR ) and assimilation efficiency ( AE )] of the Cortez oyster, Crassostrea corteziensis (Hertlein, 1951), and the mud cockle, Anadara tuberculosa (Sowerby, 1833), in shrimp aquaculture effluents at three different flux velocities (1.5, 3 and 4.5 L h−1) using a 36-respirometer system, each with a 0.5 L capacity. Under inverted photoperiod conditions, free variations in the environmental parameters were allowed to mimic effluent conditions during a pair of 12-h trials. The FR s for both species (0.124, 0.328 and 0.402 L h−1 for the Cortez oyster; 0.093, 0.189 and 0.345 L h−1 for the mud cockle) were relatively low as compared with those reported for similar or related species. The CR s were higher for the Cortez oyster (20.04, 52.92 and 64.70 L h−1) than for the mud cockle (10.96, 22.95 and 42.12 L h−1); in both cases, the values were in the range reported previously for the last species. The AE for both mollusks (over 92% for the Cortez oyster and over 95% for the mud cockle) was very high and greater than that found by other authors for the same or related species. The three filtration variables were better at higher effluent flux velocities. These preliminary results strongly suggest that both species are good candidates to be considered for bioremediation of aquaculture effluents.  相似文献   

Three Pavlova species were evaluated for their nutritional value as diets for growth and survival of the Cortez oyster Crassostrea corteziensis spat during late‐nursery cultivation at a hatchery. Microalgae were provided as monospecific diets (Pavlova salina, P. sp. C50 and P. sp. C53) and in binary combinations of diets 1+2, 1+3 and 2+3 at 80–90 × 103 cells mL?1 for 21 days. Juveniles experienced high survival rates and grew well with all dietary treatments, but binary diets yielded greater survival and growth of spat. From the three binary treatments, Diet 6 (P. sp. C50 and P. sp. C53) promoted significantly (P<0.001) fastest growth of juveniles in shell height (0.19 mm day?1), shell length (0.14 mm day?1), total wet weight (0.04 g day?1) and dry weight of meat biomass (0.024 g day?1). For all shell dimensions, the lowest growth rates occurred with Diets 2 (P. sp. C56 alone) and 3 (P. sp. C50 alone). These results highlight the importance of testing microalgal diets for bivalve spat rather than just relying on published nutritional values.  相似文献   

The physiological responses of the juvenile Crassostrea nippona in terms of filtration, oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion to changes in temperature (16–32°C), salinity (15–35 psu) and body size (small, medium and large) were investigated. In this study, the values of filtration rate (FR), oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and ammonia excretion rate (AER) increased with temperature rising from 16°C to 24°C, reaching the highest values at 24°C and 28°C; with any further increase in temperature above this limit, these values decrease drastically (p < .05). The highest Q10 coefficients were 2.75 for large, 3.54 for medium at 16–20 and 3.47 for small size at 20–24°C respectively. Moreover, the responses of FR and OCR were found to be influenced significantly by salinity, tending to increase concomitantly with salinity up to 25–30 psu, though the values of these parameters were diminished dramatically (p < .05) above this level, showing a reverse pattern from that observed in AER, which firstly decreased to the lowest level at 25 and 30 psu, and then severely (p < .05) increased to the highest level at 35 psu. In addition, the low O:N ratios of all sizes of C. nippona at 16°C and 30–35 psu were indicative of a protein‐dominated catabolism, whereas the O:N ratios of large size at 20–32°C and all sizes at 20–30 psu, indicating that the metabolic energy from protein diminished and lipid and carbohydrate were used as the energy substrates. Physiological rates of C. nippona were well correlated with its size. The average values of mass exponents (b‐values) estimated in the present study were 0.657 for OCR and 0.776 for AER at different temperatures, and 0.647 for OCR and 0.767 for AER at varying salinities, signifying that physiological process of C. nippona becomes relatively slower with increasing body size regardless of temperature or salinity. Finally, our results confirm that the optimal temperature and salinity for juvenile C. nippona lie within 24–28°C and 25–30 psu respectively. The results of physiological traits in response to environmental factors of this species are informative in site selection for the cultivation.  相似文献   

In order to study the possibility of gaining commercial benefit from culturing an excess of one sex of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), comparative data on the growth rate and condition of male and female oysters are reported. Historically, measurement of sex‐specific growth rate in oysters has been overlooked or confounded by protandric sex. The recent conclusion that the sex ratio of Pacific oysters is predominantly under genetic rather than environmental control introduces the possibility of manipulating sex ratio for commercial gain if they exhibit asynchronous sex‐specific growth rates. Pacific oysters were cultured intertidally in Smoky Bay, south Australia. The observations, made over the 7‐month gametogenic cycle from August to February to ensure no sex reversal, were of growth rates of male and female oysters and ambient chlorophyll a concentrations. Mean shell growth of female oysters was significantly faster than that of males (4.5 ± 3.3 compared with 3.8 ± 3.2 μm day?1 mm?1 total length). Sex‐specific asymmetries in length and weight were generally significant and increased in magnitude during the 7‐month study period, suggesting potential commercial benefits from increasing the proportion of cultured female oysters. The fastest increase in the sex‐specific disparity in growth and condition came after the October chlorophyll a peak, suggesting that females utilize blooms more efficiently than males. Our results compare favourably with methods currently used to increase oyster growth (e.g. triploidy can provide growth gains of 13–51%).  相似文献   

We measured the growth and physiological condition of juveniles of the Cortez oyster Crassostrea corteziensis during the early grow-out phase in Sinaloa (Mexico) after using three experimental diets during the hatchery period: (1) 1:1 blend of the microalgae Isochrysis galbana and Chaetoceros muelleri as the control group; (2) mix of the same microalgae replaced by 50% of its wet weight with cornstarch; and (3) mix of the two microalgae replaced by 50% its wet weight with wheat flour. Specimens were cultivated under suspension conditions for 60 days and monitored weekly for growth (shell height and wet and dry weight) and the first 15 days for physiological response (condition index, digestive gland index and muscle index). Juveniles fed exclusively on microalgae attained larger sizes and had higher digestive gland and muscle indices, while those fed microalgae with cornstarch gained more biomass (wet and dry weight) and reached a better condition. The lowest values of these indicators occurred in oysters fed microalgae with wheat flour. Statistical data revealed that differences in the growth and condition of specimens between treatments were slight, confirming that mixed diets (particularly microalgae/cornstarch) have potential application for reducing hatchery-operating costs without affecting the performance of planted juveniles in the field.  相似文献   

实时荧光定量 PCR 已广泛用于基因表达的分析,合适的内参基因选择是获得准确分析结果的关键。本研究选用正常生理状态下岩牡蛎(Crassostrea nippona)的鳃、外套膜、闭壳肌和内脏团 4 种组织以及盐度 10、20 和 30暂养 1 周后的鳃组织为材料,对已报道的常见内参基因(EF1A、GAPDH、RO21、TUB 和 TUA)的稳定性通过 3 种方法(geNorm、NormFinder 和 BestKeeper)进行分析和筛选,发现针对鳃单一组织在不同盐度胁迫下, GAPDH 和RO21 可以作为合适内参基因,而在不同组织中,需要更多的内参基因联合分析才能获得准确的定量表达结果。本研究是首次利用 q-PCR 对岩牡蛎进行内参基因的筛选和验证,为今后该物种低盐胁迫相关的基因表达和功能基因的研究提供重要依据。  相似文献   

为比较不同温度下长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)和葡萄牙牡蛎(C.angulata)杂交稚贝的生长与存活差异,以正交组GA(长牡蛎♀×葡萄牙牡蛎♂)、反交组AG(葡萄牙牡蛎♀×长牡蛎♂)、自交组GG(长牡蛎♀×长牡蛎♂)和AA(葡萄牙牡蛎♀×葡萄牙牡蛎♂)的稚贝为材料,开展了温度适应性研究.结果 表明,GA...  相似文献   

Growth of triploid oyster, Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of I and II meiotic triploids and control oysters (Crassostrea madrasensis) reared at Tuticorin Bay was compared to determine if the improvements in the growth of edible oysters were additive to faster growth in triploids. After a grow‐out period of 12 months, both mean whole weights and shell heights were in order I meiotic triploid>II meiotic triploid>control. Mean whole weights and shell height of different oyster lines were all significantly different (P<0.05). On an average, larger morphological traits indicated that growth improvements from triploids were additive, and throughout the study triploid oysters maintained faster growth rate than their diploid siblings. Condition index and adductor muscle diameter of both triploids were higher than those of control.  相似文献   

Temperature and quality of the available food are important factors that influence the physiology of oysters; however, the combined effects have not been well studied. We evaluated the impacts of the temperature and diet on the growth, survival and biochemical composition in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas spat, cultured in the laboratory for 8 weeks at 23, 26, 29 and 32°C and fed Isochrysis sp.‐Pavlova lutheri (IP) and Dunaliella tertiolecta (Dt). The growth and biochemical composition showed a pattern, which changed in response to rising temperature. The shell length was significantly longer, in spat fed the IP diet, except at 32°C, where both diets produced poor growth results. The survival was <50% after 5 weeks at 32°C, whereas at all other temperatures it was >88%. High temperatures directly increased lipids and saturated fatty acids, while the proteins, carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids decreased. High temperatures achieved in the environment, as those reached on clear summer days during low tides, are an important stressor in oyster spat, especially when the quality of the available food is poor.  相似文献   

This study presents complimentary data of early growth and age/size of first reproduction of hatchery‐reared Crassostrea corteziensis juveniles cultivated in the field for 9 months. Samples of oysters and gonads were collected monthly to determine absolute growth and growth rates, as well as overall gonad development. At the end, adult oysters ranging 75.6 ± 0.62 mm shell height (SH) yielded a mean growth rate of 0.308 mm day−1, which is among the highest reported for the species. Gametogenesis began in March–April and spawning occurred during August and September. Males outnumbered females at smaller sizes, but female were more abundant at larger sizes. From planting time in the field, the age/size of first maturity was 3.25 months for males (42 mm SH) and 4.5 months for females (54 mm SH), with a mean population age of 4.75 months for males (size range 55–59 mm) and 5.25 months for females (60–64 mm). Based on these results, and the time needed for hatchery care prior planting juveniles in the field (2.25 months), we propose limiting fishing of wild oysters to sizes >65 mm height to allow them to breed at least once and contribute to restoring wild populations.  相似文献   

The Portuguese oyster Crassostrea angulata shows great potential in oyster farming. The conservation of pure populations of this species is important for production diversification and biodiversity preservation. In this way, the zootechnological development for seed hatchery production is extremely important. Broodstock conditioning is a key step in the process of rearing bivalves in a hatchery. Many factors regulate the reproductive cycle, being food one of the most important ones. To evaluate the effect of different diets on C. angulata reproductive performance, broodstock were conditioned with different food regimes formulated fundamentally by flagellates (Diet 1 – Pavlova lutheri and Isochrysis galbana clone T‐ISO; Diet 2 – P. lutheri, T‐ISO and Skeletonema costatum) and constituted fundamentally by diatoms (Diet 3 – S. costatum and Chaetoceros calcitrans; Diet 4 – P. lutheri, S. costatum and C. calcitrans). During conditioning, samples of oysters were collected to evaluate condition index, gonadal development and biochemical composition. At the end of the conditioning period, oysters were induced to spawn to evaluate reproductive output (fecundity, fertilization rate and D‐larvae development). The diets had an impact on the gametogenesis process, energy storage and reproductive output performance, being the best results those obtained in broodstock fed with the diatoms‐predominant diets. However, those fed with diets majority flagellates had an unsuccessful performance. Holistic approaches incorporating all results in this study reveal and reinforce the idea that the diatom species used presented the nutritional requirements to C. angulata broodstock, being essential in the conditioning phase.  相似文献   

选取数量性状有较大差异的6个近江牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)作为亲本,成功建赢了9个半同胞家系,并对各个家系的受精、孵化、成活和早期生长的情况进行比较。结果显示,各家系子代的受精率、9孵化率和成活率均受亲本成熟度的影响;各家系的早期生长中,家系CH1、CH4和CH7的生长率大于其他家系;近江牡蛎幼虫的早期生长阶段受母本效应影响明显。  相似文献   

Two trials were carried out in the laboratory in order to assess the effect of microparticulated feed (F) and live (Thalassiosira pseudonana, M) diets on the growth of recently set (396 ± 13 μm shell height) and 2 mm Crassostrea gigas postlarvae. Different proportions of M and F (100:0, 75:25, 50:50; 25:75, 0:100) were delivered in a single dose of 3 h d−1 in trial 1. Dietary M:F proportions of 100:0, 50:50, and 0:100 were delivered as a single pulse of 8 h d−1 (P1) or two pulses of 4 h−1 (P2) in trial 2. Maximal daily M ration was 296 cells μl−1 d−1 (trial 1), 150 M cells μl−1 d−1 (trial 2), or their equivalent F dry weight. Shell height (SH), dry (DW), and organic weight (AFDW) were evaluated weekly. Oysters from trial 1 significantly increased their size after 28 days, and exhibited no significant dietary differences in terms of DW (1.21 ± 0.15 to 2.01 ± 0.28 mg) or AFDW (0.091 ± 0.022 to 0.166 ± 0.029 mg). Newly set postlarvae (trial 2) also exhibited significant growth after 25 days. No dietary differences were observed in trial 2, yet P2 oysters attained significantly higher shell heights (825–912 μm) than P1 oysters (730–766 μm) after 25 d. Pulse effects were marginally not significant in terms of AFDW and growth rate. Together, these findings showed that balanced microfeeds have a practical potential for the culture of early C. gigas postlarvae, when they are delivered in pulse-feeding schemes  相似文献   

基于微卫星标记整合长牡蛎遗传图谱   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭香  李琪  孔令锋  于红 《水产学报》2013,37(6):823-829
为了提高长牡蛎遗传图谱上的微卫星标记密度,实验采用6个家系图谱间的共有微卫星标记作为锚定标记,构建了长牡蛎的整合图谱.该整合图谱共有161个微卫星标记,覆盖10个连锁群,图谱长度和平均间距分别为615.4和3.8 cM.各连锁群的标记数介于10 ~ 24个之间,连锁群长度为47.3~73.3 cM,是目前密度最高的长牡蛎微卫星图谱.不同作图家系连锁群上的标记分组保持一致,但标记顺序出现差异,可能与长牡蛎自然群体中存在大量的染色体重排现象有关.结果表明,该图谱可以为今后长牡蛎的遗传育种研究提供新的遗传工具.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the quality of oysters and whether a production method affects quality or not, a set of objective quantitative quality measures was developed. Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) were cultured using two different treatments (never desiccated or desiccated daily with tidal exposure) and the meats were tested by textural, physico‐chemical and chemical analyses over a 25‐day cold storage period. Texture analyses parameters (cutting force and chewiness on oyster adductor muscles) were strongly correlated with storage time before the death of oysters and could be used as a quality indicator for oyster. Total volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN) could be used as freshness indicator for raw Eastern oysters, with the acceptability of 11 mg/100 g. Models for evaluating the quality of oysters were established that reflect the impact of a biofouling treatment on oyster's shelf life and texture attributes. The methods and quality indicators developed in this study were effective in evaluating the quality and freshness of Eastern oysters objectively, and could serve as routine quality check of oyster meat for the industry.  相似文献   

The haemocytes of the Indian edible oyster Crassostrea madrasensis were characterized using light and electron microscopy. The light microscopic study was conducted by staining a monolayer of the haemocytes with Geimsa. Cells without granules and with a large nucleus occupying much of the cytoplasmic area were grouped as hyalinocytes. Those with lesser amounts of basophilic cytoplasmic granules were characterized as semigranulocytes and those with large amounts of a mixture of acidophilic and basophilic granules were termed as granulocytes. Ultrastructural studies also revealed the presence of three types of haemocytes. Scanning electron microscopic studies were used to study the spreading behaviour of the haemocytes. Cytochemical studies revealed the presence of acidphosphatase, peroxidase and prophenol oxidase in the cells.  相似文献   

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