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The role of dietary calcium concentration during the feeding of anionic salts (AS) was reviewed. Hypocalcaemia is still the major cause of parturient paresis in dairy cows. Feeding AS is an established method for preventing severe hypocalcaemia by activating the calcium metabolism in the last two to three weeks before parturition by inducing a metabolic acidosis. In compensation for this acidosis, the organism increases the concentrations of ionised Ca [Ca2+] in the blood. This increase leads to an increasing excretion of calcium via the urine, which is ensued by an increased calcium absorption in the intestine. The ongoing metabolic acidosis changed the flux of Ca. The size of the Ca pool, however, remained unchanged. As the calcium metabolism is activated by AS, it seems necessary to increase the amount of calcium that is fed to the cows. Several studies examined the impact of different dietary calcium concentrations on the acid-base balance and the calcium metabolism in cows fed anionic salts. The study designs vary concerning the amounts of calcium fed and the use of pregnant or non-pregnant cows. Only one study combined the feeding of AS with a very low amount of calcium, which fell below the daily requirements of pregnant cows in the last three weeks before parturition. In this study, the calcium balance post partum was better in the cows that were administered AS and a high calcium diet. In the other studies, the amount of calcium in the different experimental groups and the difference between the amounts of calcium fed varied greatly. As far as it was monitored in the studies, the calcium concentration of the diet did not have a significant impact on the degree of acidosis induced by AS. In pregnant cows, no significant differences in the calcium concentration in serum or urine occurred before parturition. Some of the researchers found a lower incidence of parturient paresis when cows were fed a combination of AS and a higher amount of calcium, but some other researches did not. Interestingly, the parameters of bone metabolism did not change between experimental groups. According to what is currently known, the feeding of AS to transition cows should not be combined with a dietary calcium concentration that falls below the requirement of cows in this stage of lactation. On the other hand, there is no need to increase the Ca concentration. When AS are used the dietary calcium concentration should be between 9 g and 12 g/kg dry matter. Further research is needed to investigate the role of dietary calcium regarding the use of AS for improving Ca metabolism in dairy cows around parturition. 相似文献
Braun U Dumelin J Siegwart N Bleul U Hässig M 《Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde》2007,149(6):259-264
The goal of this study was to determine whether oral administration of sodium phosphate in conjunction with intravenous calcium is more efficaceous than intravenous calcium alone for the treatment of parturient paresis. Thirty cows with parturient paresis were examined and treated by the same veterinarian. The cows were divided randomly into two groups of 15 cows each. Cows in group A received 500 ml of a 40 per cent calcium borogluconate solution containing 15.65 g calcium gluconate and borogluconate, with a supplement of 6 per cent magnesium hypophosphite (9.85 g magnesium hypophosphite) intravenously over a period of approximately 15 min. Cows in group B received the same treatment as well as 350 g of monobasic sodium phosphate (70 g inorganic phosphate, NaH2PO4 2 H2O, Streuli) dissolved in 0.5 litres of distilled water orally via a stomach tube. After treatment, the heart rate, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, superficial body temperature, rumen motility, appetite and defecation of the cows were monitored every hour for eight h. The cows' attempts to rise and their ability to stand were also noted. Initially, the results of clinical examination and serum electrolyte analyses did not differ between the two groups of cows.Within one hour of treatment, stupor was not observed in any of the cows. The general demeanour after treatment did not differ significantly between the two groups. In both groups, the average rectal temperature increased within two hours of the initiation of treatment, from 38.0 +/- 0.95 degrees C to 38.5 +/- 0.40 degrees C. There was no significant difference in the recovery rate between the groups. Of the 30 cows, 22 (73.3 per cent) stood within eight hours of treatment (10 cows from group A and 12 cows from group B). The type of treatment did not affect the time required to stand: cows in group A stood within 47.3 +/- 44 minutes and cows in group B stood within 24.2 +/- 32 minutes after the start of treatment. Our findings do not support the hypothesis that oral treatment with 350 g of sodium phosphate together with intravenous infusion of calcium in cows with parturient paresis results in an improved outcome, even though all the cows had hypophosphataemia as well as hypocalcaemia. 相似文献
Gunnar Carlstrm 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1970,11(1):89-102
In healthy cows unaffected by imminent or recent calving the protein in serum can directly bind the overwhelming proportion of the bound calcium. In recent calvers this capacity is considerably less. When adding ammonium sulphate to blood serum to 62 % of total saturation a protein fraction precipitates which is mainly albumin. This fraction has a far greater calcium binding capacity than the soluble fraction, which contains most of the serum globulin, and the lowering of this capacity after calving is entirely referable to the former fraction. No difference has been found in these respects between normal cows after calving and cows with parturient paresis.An analysis of 10 amino acids in the two protein fractions described above showed that the amino acid composition of both exhibits differences between recent calvers and cows outside the calving period, and likewise that each of the two fractions differs in composition between healthy cows after calving and cows with parturient paresis. 相似文献
日粮阴阳离子平衡对泌乳中后期奶牛生产性能的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
试验选择泌乳中后期奶牛15头,随机分成3组,每组5头,采用3×3重复拉丁方设计,分别饲喂3种不同阴阳离子平衡水平的日粮。其中对照组A(DCAB为DM 77 m eq/kg),B组(DCAB为DM 175 m eq/kg),C组(DCAB为DM 325 m eq/kg)。结果表明,DCAB对热应激奶牛的生产性能具有显著影响,其中B组和C组的产奶量分别比对照组提高6.6%(P>0.05)和0.1%(P>0.05);而4%标准乳产量则分别提高8.3%(P<0.05)和0。DCAB对奶牛的乳脂率和乳蛋白率无显著影响。说明在泌乳中后期当DCAB为175 m eq/kgDM,饲喂效果最佳。 相似文献
L. A. Baker D. R. Topliff PhD D. W. Freeman PhD R. G. Teeter PhD J. W. Breazile DVM 《Journal of Equine Veterinary Science》1992,12(3)
Four mature, sedentary geldings were used in a 4x4 Latin square design experiment to study the effects of dietary cationanion balance (DCAB), defined as meq ((Na + K) - C1)/kg of dietary dry matter, on urine pH, blood pH and blood gasses. Four diets with actual DCAB levels of +21 (Low, L), +125 (Medium Low, ML), +231 (Medium High, MH) and +350 (High, H) were fed for a 21-day adjustment period and a 72 hour collection period. Total urine output was collected every 4 hours post feeding for 72 hours, and like times across days were combined for analyses. Arterial and venous blood samples were drawn, via indwelling catheters, hourly for 12 hours beginning at feeding. All samples were analyzed immediately after collection for pH, blood gasses and blood acid-base measures. Urine pH was lower (p<.05) at all measured intervals when geldings consumed diet L than when they consumed diets MI, MH and H. Least squares means for urine pH ranges from 5.40 to 5.86 on diet L, 6.79 to 7.30 on diet ML, 7.35 to 7.63 on diet MH and 7.52 to 8.14 on diet H. Blood pH, pCO2 and HCO3 values were also significantly lower in both arterial and venous samples when geldings consumed diet L than when fed diets MH and H. Results of this trial indicate that horses consuming highly anionic diets may experience a nutritionally-induced metabolic acidosis. 相似文献
The apparent retention and excretion of cations and anions were evaluated in 20 growing pigs to study the mechanisms by which an interaction between dietary K and Cl levels affected growth. All pigs maintained a positive retention of K+ and Cl- regardless of the dietary levels. The K x Cl interaction observed in growth studies previously but not in this study could not be explained by a simple interaction of one ion on the retention of the other. When pooled across dietary Cl levels, an increase in dietary K levels from .10 to .60% resulted in a calculated increase in daily K+ intake of 4.86 meq/kg of BW. Sixty percent (2.99 meq) of the increased K+ intake was excreted in the urine and counterbalanced by a decrease in urine NH4+ (3.06 meq). This decrease in NH4+ excretion could account for essentially all of the increase in N retention (3.51 mmol) observed when dietary K levels were increased from .10 to .60%. Thirty-three percent of the increased K+ intake (1.62 meq) was retained, but the counter ion could not be determined. Retention of Cl- was not changed as dietary K levels were changed. When dietary Cl levels were increased from .03 to .57%, 69% (4.06 meq) of the calculated difference in Cl- intake (5.90 meq) was excreted in the urine, which must have been counterbalanced by a decrease in undetermined organic anions (1.77 meq) and HPO4 = (1.50 meq) excretion, with a tendency for an increased NH4+ (.82 meq) excretion. The counter ions required to balance the increased Cl- retention (1.82 meq) as dietary Cl levels were increased from .03 to .57% could not be identified. Shifts in the retention and urinary excretion of Ca++, Na+, HCO3-, and SO4= did not seem to be quantitatively important in identifying the mechanisms by which dietary K and Cl levels alter growth. Based on these results, we conclude that alterations in growth caused by changes in dietary K and possibly Cl levels are mediated via mechanisms involving renal NH4+ metabolism. 相似文献
D.L. Wall D.R. Topliff PhD D.W. Freeman PhD D.G. Wagner PhD J.W. Breazile DVM W.A. Stutz 《Journal of Equine Veterinary Science》1992,12(3)
Four mares and four geldings of Quarter Horse and Thoroughbred breeding were used in two simultaneous 4x4 Latin square experiments to study the effects of dietary cation-anion balance (DCAB), defined as meq ((Na+K)-C1)/kg dry matter, on urinary pH and mineral excretion in exercised horses. Diets consisted of a pelleted concentrate of corn, soybean meal and cottonseed hulls fed with bermudagrass hay. Treatments with DCAB of +5 (Low, L), +107 (Medium Low, ML), +201 (Medium High, MH) and +327 (High, H), meq ((Na+K)-Cl)/kg dry matter were formed by supplementing diet L with calcium chloride and ammonium chloride, diet ML with calcium chloride and diet H with sodium bicarbonate and potassium citrate (Table 1). Diet MH was not supplemented and served as the control treatment. Horses were conditioned aerobically for 6 weeks using long, slow, distance (LSD) workouts. During the experimental periods, horses were subjected to a combined exercise regimen alternating LSD with an interval-training protocol 6 days/week. There was a significant (P<.01) treatment effect on urine pH; least squares means for L, ML, MH and H were 6.73, 7.17, 7.38, and 7.92. Horses consuming diet L excreted more calcium in the urine (P<.05) than those consuming MH or H. Least squares means for daily urine calcium excretion tended to be linear across treatments and ranged from 19.66 g/day for diet L to 9.12 g/day for diet H. Urinary chloride excretion was higher (P<.05) for L than for MH or H. Horses fed diet H excreted more sodium (P<.05) in urine than horses fed the other diets. Lowering DCAB, increases urinary calcium loss; depending on the level of calcium intake, this could lead to negative calcium balance in exercising horses. 相似文献
日粮阴阳离子平衡(Dietary Cation Anion Balance,DCAB)已成为奶牛营养学研究的一个新方向,它直接影响到奶牛业的生产和经济效益。文中综述了热应激奶牛生产性能、繁殖性能和免疫机能等方面的变化以及DCAB对热应激奶牛的生产性能、机体酸碱平衡和奶牛健康的影响。 相似文献
Preventive effect of mildly altering dietary cation-anion difference on milk fever in dairy cows 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kurosaki N Yamato O Mori F Imoto S Maede Y 《The Journal of veterinary medical science / the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science》2007,69(2):185-192
In the present study, we examined whether mildly altering dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) contributes to the prevention of milk fever in dairy cows. Thirty multiparous cows and ten primiparous cows (heifer group) were used in this study and the multiparous cows were randomly divided into three groups of ten animals each (anion, non-anion and control groups). The cows in the anion group were given supplemental salts that slightly lowered DCAD. These salts consisted of 115 g of CaCO3, 42 g of CaHPO4, 65 g of MgSO4 x 7 H2O and 80 g of CaCl2 x 2 H2O as a daily dose for each cow, using a catheter from 21 days before the expected date of parturition until parturition. The cows in the non-anion group were given only the same Ca, Mg and ip supplement but no sulfate and chloride salts as that in the anion group. The cows in the control and heifer groups were not given any additional supplement. The incidence of hypocalcemia in the anion group decreased to approximately half of those in the non-anion and control groups, while the heifer group did not develop hypocalcemia at all. In addition, the number of days spent for the treatment of hypocalcemia and the number of drug bottles (calcium borogluconate solution) used for the treatment decreased to less than half in the anion group compared with those in the non-anion and control groups. At parturition, the serum Ca concentration in the control (6.2 +/- 1.9 mg/dl, mean +/- standard deviation) and non-anion groups (6.4 +/- 1.7 mg/dl) were significantly lower than that in the heifer group (8.3 +/- 0.4 mg/dl), and the level in the anion group was intermediate (7.3 +/- 1.3 mg/dl). The change in ionized Ca concentration was almost the same as that in serum Ca concentration, but only the concentration in the anion group tended to increase slightly from a week before parturition and was significantly higher than that in all other groups three days before parturition. Urinary pH in the anion group was maintained at a mildly acidic level (6.8-7.0) for the last two weeks before parturition, compared with those in the control (7.3-7.5) and non-anion groups (7.9-8.1), and similar to that in the heifer group (6.3-7.3). The urinary Ca excretion was the highest in the anion group among all groups during the prepartum period. There were no specific changes in the excretion of parathyroid hormone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in all groups of multiparous cows while the levels of these hormones remained low in the heifer group throughout the experimental period. The data in the present study indicates that the administration of anion salts that slightly lowered DCAD in the preparum period was effective for preventing milk fever in multiparous cows. Safe and mild metabolic acidosis induced by the anion salts could be evaluated by urinary pH (6.8-7.0), and might increase the responsiveness to Ca requirement at parturition through some complex mechanisms unrelated to the excretion of Ca-related hormones. In addition, it was clarified that primiparous cows have a high potential to respond to sudden Ca demand unrelated to hormone excretion, and their Ca metabolism was in some respects similar to that in multiparous cows fed anion salts. Therefore, manipulating mildly DCAD is expected to be an effective, safe and natural method for preventing milk fever in dairy cows. 相似文献
S Axelsson H X Yong E Karlsson 《Zentralblatt für Veterin?rmedizin. Reihe B. Journal of veterinary medicine. Series B》1990,37(9):668-673
Parturient paresis affects about 10% of all cows. The most common treatment is injection of various Ca-salts and MgCl2 and about 80% recover after repeated injections. The effect of IgG on the Arrhenius plot of bovine erythrocyte AChE was studied. The plot was normal, i.e. biphasic (a broken line) in the presence of IgG from healthy cows. The highest concentration tested was 10 mg/ml. Before one injection of the Ca-Mg solution 5 mg/ml IgG from sera of paretic cows (n = 10) changed the Arrhenius plots to monophasic (linear). Thus, paretic cows have antibodies against AChE. After injection the change to linear plots was observed already with 1 mg/ml IgG. Apparently, the level of antibodies in serum affecting AChE increased about 5-fold. This is considered to be due to dissociation of bound antibodies from various AChEs. All cows recovered after one injection and release of AChE antibodies might be important for the recovery. Incubation of blood from paretic cows (n = 3) with Ca-salts and MgCl2 increased the amount of free AChE-antibodies about twofold; the Arrhenius plots became linear at 2.5 mg/ml IgG compared with 5 mg/ml before the incubation. This should be due to release from AChEs on blood corpuscles as erythrocytes and lymphocytes. But the increase of antibodies after incubation of blood does not account for the whole increase following the treatment of paretic cows. AChE antibodies are probably also dissociated from other sites, such as neuromuscular junctions. 相似文献
Katsoulos PD Roubies N Panousis N Arsenos G Christaki E Karatzias H 《American journal of veterinary research》2005,66(12):2081-2085
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether dietary supplementation with clinoptilolite affects the incidence of parturient paresis and serum concentrations of total calcium (tCa), inorganic phosphorus (PO(4) (2)), magnesium (Mg2+), potassium (K+), and sodium (Na+) in dairy cattle. ANIMALS: 52 dairy cows. Procedure-Cows were placed into 3 groups. The first 2 groups (group A [n = 17] and group B [17]) were offered a concentrate supplemented with 1.25% and 2.5% clinoptilolite, respectively. The third (group C [n = 18]) served as a control and was offered the concentrate alone. The experiment started 1 month before parturition and lasted until the beginning of the next nonlactating period. Around the time of calving, all cows were monitored for the development of parturient paresis. Blood samples were taken at the commencement of the experiment, on the day of calving, and thereafter at monthly intervals to measure serum tCa, PO(4) (2), Mg2+, K+, and Na+ concentrations. Results-The incidence of parturient paresis in group B cows was significantly lower, compared with group C cows. However, serum concentrations of tCa, P(O4) (2), Mg2+, K+, and Na+ were not significantly affected by long-term supplementation with clinoptilolite. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In the context of this experiment, clinoptilolite supplementation at 2.5% appeared to have reduced the incidence of parturient paresis in dairy cows, suggesting that its effectiveness depends on the amount incorporated in the ration of cows. Addition of clinoptilolite in the concentrate of dairy cows during the nonlactating period could be used as a cost-effective preventive treatment for parturient paresis. 相似文献
Andresen U Kietzmann M Andresen P 《Berliner und Münchener tier?rztliche Wochenschrift》1999,112(10-11):400-406
The systemic tolerance of a solution of calcium aspartate and magnesium aspartate was studied in 7 cows. Intravenously administered dosages of 500 ml per cow were well tolerated. A twofold increase of the serum calcium concentration was measured. In 2 cows which were treated with 1000 ml of the solution a threefold increased calcium concentration and heart arrhythmia were found. The clinical efficacy of the solution was demonstrated in a study with 44 hypocalcemic cows. A long lasting increase of the serum calcium as well as an enhanced phosphorus concentration were measurable. In conclusion, the calcium-magnesium-aspartate solution seems to be an efficacious and well tolerated alternative for the treatment of hypocalcemia in cows. 相似文献
日粮阴阳离子平衡对泌乳前期热应激奶牛血液指标的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着近两年全球气温升高,缓解奶牛的热应激,提高奶牛的生产性能是畜牧工作者急须解决的问题。目前通过调节奶牛的日粮改善热应激奶牛的生产性能成为人们研究的焦点。大量研究表明,向奶牛日粮中添加缓冲剂可通过调节奶牛的机体酸碱平衡改善奶牛的生产性能。国外对日粮阴阳离子平衡(DCAB)对热应激奶牛生产性能的影响十分关注,但国内却很少研究。本试验目的是通过给泌乳前期热应激奶牛饲喂不同水平DCAB ,测定其对奶牛血液指标的影响,为提高生产性能提供科学依据和泌乳前期热应激奶牛DCAB适宜水平的参考值。1 材料与方法1 1 试验动物 … 相似文献
Thilsing T Larsen T Jørgensen RJ Houe H 《Journal of veterinary medicine. A, Physiology, pathology, clinical medicine》2007,54(2):82-91
Previous studies have proved the possibility of preventing parturient hypocalcaemia by zeolite A supplementation during the dry period, and a recent in vitro study has indicated a marked calcium (Ca) as well as phosphorus (P) binding effect of zeolite A in rumen fluid solutions. Because of the connection between the Ca and P homeostatic systems, the preventive effect against parturient hypocalcaemia may arise from zeolite induced decreased availability of dietary Ca as well as P. In the present study, the expected Ca and P binding capacity was challenged by feeding high and low levels of dietary Ca and/or P to zeolite A treated dry cows. Twenty-one pregnant dry cows were assigned to four experimental groups receiving a dry cow ration unsupplemented or supplemented with extra Ca and/or P. During the last 2 weeks of the dry period all cows additionally received 600 g of zeolite A per day. A high level of dietary P prepartum significantly decreased the plasma Ca concentration before as well as immediately after calving (day 0-3). Conversely, the plasma inorganic phosphate concentration was higher among these cows than among cows receiving no supplemental P. The prepartum dietary Ca level significantly affected the serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D concentration during zeolite supplementation, whereas the periparturient plasma Ca concentration was apparently not affected by the dietary Ca level. During zeolite A supplementation plasma parathyroid hormone was significantly higher among cows receiving additional P. The urinary deoxypyridinoline/creatinine ratio was not affected by the prepartal dietary Ca or P level. Serum aluminium (Al) was significantly higher during zeolite A supplementation than during the preceding period, indicating partial destruction of the zeolite in the intestinal tract with subsequent release and absorption of Al. It is suggested that the effect of prepartum zeolite supplementation on the periparturient Ca homeostasis depends on the level of Ca as well as P in the dry cow ration. 相似文献