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发展生物技术促进作物育种科技革命   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
发展生物技术促进作物育种科技革命辛志勇马有志(中国农业科学院作物育种栽培研究所北京100081)我国粮食生产将面临更加严峻的挑战。以传统的育种方法为基础,结合基因工程,细胞工程及分子标记辅助育种等生物技术,深入开展遗传育种基础理论研究及优化育种程序……  相似文献   

国务院发布的<农业科技发展纲要>中指出,"十五"期间,农业科技工作要围绕调整农业和农村经济结构,提高农业效益,改善生态环境和提高国际竞争力,重点组织实施"十大科技行动".实施作物良种科技行为,促进种植业结构调整是十大行动之一.该<纲要>的发布,给育种工作者提出了今后一段时期育种工作的研究方向、目标和要求.  相似文献   

中国作物分子育种现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分子育种是现代农业发展应用推广最迅速的育种新技术,对作物遗传改良产生了深远的影响。国际农作物育种已经进入分子育种时代,以DNA重组技术和基因组编辑技术等为代表的现代生物技术已成为世界上作物遗传改良的重要手段。本综述简要介绍了国际分子育种发展趋势,并对中国作物分子育种现状和国家相关政策导向、集成创新、科研管理体制、生物种业发展和人才现状等方面进行了分析,以期为中国农业和科技管理部门、生物技术工作者、育种家和种子企业提供参考。  相似文献   

农业生产上除了继续注意主要作物的品质和产量改良外,已开始发展其他经济作物。而这些新发展的作物,有的过去很少接触到它们的育种问题,有的甚至还处于半野生状态。对于这些新作物如何  相似文献   

近年来,作物学作为农业科学的核心学科之一,国内外的科技工作者们从育种和栽培两个角度切入,在探索作物遗传生长发育的规律、特性等方面取得了显著成果,提高了优良作物品种的产量和质量,并激发出较强的生产力。作物的改良和栽培取得了创新,促进了产业技术升级,优质、高效和生态少污染(无污染)成为未来研究的主攻方向,其中,我国在遗传育种方面取得了基因工程、细胞工程等生物育种技术面的突破。以"调优栽培技术研究与应用"为代表的科研成果,为小麦高产作出了巨大贡献。上述成果对农业科技进步产生了巨大的推动作用,且围绕生态栽培、信息化、数字化技术有所创新,一个栽培技术智能化的时代即将来临。借助权威机构调研分析结论得出,从国家未来需求角度对作物学未来研究的趋势、方向及其存在的科研难点问题作了概要性简述,站在宏观角度提出了对策建议,以期为科技工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>为进一步促进作物学学术交流、提高互作创新、推动我国绿色农业的发展,中国作物学会拟于10月19-20日在河北省保定市召开2017年学术年会。年会主题为:科技创新与绿色农业。一、学术交流内容作物基因挖掘与分子育种:(1)重要基因定位与标记开发;(2)重要基因的克隆与功能分析;(3)分子标记辅助育种;(4)基因编辑、化学诱变;(5)作物转基因技术与育种;(6)分子设计育种理论与方法。作  相似文献   

抗除草剂基因在作物杂种优势中的利用及进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王天宇 《作物杂志》1998,14(5):33-34
除草剂除草已成为当今农田有效地控制杂草,提高农作物产量与质量,发展农业生产的一项基本措施。近年来随育种技术的发展,特别是细胞工程、基因工程育种与常规育种的结合,使一些对除草剂敏感的作物有了抗除草剂的特性,进一步扩大了除草剂的使用范围,除草剂的使用与现……  相似文献   

第二届中国农业科学院作物学博士后学术论坛于2016年11月28-29日在作物科学研究所成功举办.论坛以“主要作物遗传育种”为主题,邀请中国科学院院士、农业政策专家、国家“千人计划”特聘专家、“万人计划”领军人才,以及国内遗传育种领域的专家学者、在站博士后作主旨报告.从国家战略规划和现实需求出发,针对国内外农业发展形势、国家粮食供给侧改革、作物育种前沿、遗传改良策略、科学精神及科研人员基本素养进行了深入探讨和交流.中国农业科学院作物学博士后学术论坛已成功举办了二届,每届论坛以“立地”文化为主要命题,结合农业前沿、科技发展、科研匠心为副命题,通过邀请国内外知名专家和学者为博士后及广大青年学者作报告,旨在形成具有广泛学术影响力,融会国际科研力量,切实推进农业科技协同创新,激发优秀青年人才科研潜力,搭建学术思想吐故纳新、技术经验交互提升、人才培养薪火相传的重要平台.  相似文献   

第二届中国农业科学院作物学博士后学术论坛于2016年11月28-29日在作物科学研究所成功举办。论坛以"主要作物遗传育种"为主题,邀请中国科学院院士、农业政策专家、国家"千人计划"特聘专家、"万人计划"领军人才,以及国内遗传育种领域的专家学者、在站博士后作主旨报告。从国家战略规划和现实需求出发,针对国内外农业发展形势、国家粮食供给侧改革、作物育种前沿、遗传改良策略、科学精神及科研人员基本素养进行了深入探讨和交流。中国农业科学院作物学博士后学术论坛已成功举办了二届,每届论坛以"立地"文化为主要命题,结合农业前沿、科技发展、科研匠心为副命题,通过邀请国内外知名专家和学者为博士后及广大青年学者作报告,旨在形成具有广泛学术影响力,融会国际科研力量,切实推进农业科技协同创新,激发优秀青年人才科研潜力,搭建学术思想吐故纳新、技术经验交互提升、人才培养薪火相传的重要平台。  相似文献   

近几年啤酒大麦的选育取得了较大进展,但产量高、抗病性强的优质大麦品种较少,而且品种市场需求大,效益较高。因此,开展高产、抗病、优质大麦新品种的选育工作,以提高品种水平,促进大麦产业发展,充分利用自然资源,创造出更大的经济效益和生态效益。1选育经过黑龙江省农业科学院作物育种研究所大麦育种研究室于2000年通过国际科技合作从俄罗斯引进大麦资源00-01,经2001年田间试种和观察后收获种子,经  相似文献   

中国作物分子育种现状与发展前景   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
近年来,随着基因组测序等多种技术实现突破,基因组学、表型组学等多门“组学”及生物信息学得到迅猛发展,作物育种理论和技术也发生了重大变革。以分子标记育种、转基因育种、分子设计育种为代表的现代作物分子育种技术逐渐成为了全世界作物育种的主流,在我国也正在成为作物遗传改良的重要手段。本文在界定分子育种的基础上,简要分析了中国作物分子育种研究现状和面临的问题,探讨了未来我国作物分子育种的发展策略。  相似文献   

从传统育种(优选法)→常规育种(杂交)→现代育种(基因工程、分子育种)。育种是从一门有艺术的科学,发展成了是一门有科学的艺术。如今育种的科学性比艺术性更加重要。育种学是一门高度抽象和系统综合的哲学,有一定创新理论指导和需要精湛艺术的科学。育种学家必须是一个多面手,要善于发现和利用关键的基因及创造新的基因型,亲本选配和后代选育是关键艺术。育种学是环境学中的优生学,是生态学中的经济学。作物育种应该遵循以下8大原则:克服高产限制因子原则,高产原则,稳产原则,适应性广原则,自然资源高效利用原则,满足社会需求原则,生态选择适应原则,演变进化创新原则。育种学需要不断创新和发展。应该重视各种育种技术的相互结合和合理利用,发展和提高育种的科学和艺术水平,同时提高育种效率,选育出更多的优良品种。  相似文献   

In Japan, the research on radiation-induced mutation has been conducted as one of the promising methods of plant breeding. Although in the beginning the principal methods used are X-rays and 32P, we now have various kinds of radiation facilities available for mutation breeding. The fundamental aspects of mutation breeding are investigated at several universities and institutes, and the practical breeding work is carried out by the general organization for crop breeding.Among the characters that have been observed as mutated in rice, chlorophyll deficiency, heading time, culm length and grain-weight are most easily obtained. Some of the induced mutants showed the same or higher productivity as compared to the mother variety. Up to date there are many experiments on the procedural problems associated with radiation-induced mutations in crop breeding. The results of these experiments are reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

作物驯化和品种改良所选择的关键基因及其特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张学勇  马琳  郑军 《作物学报》2017,43(2):157-170
近15~20年作物基因组学迅速发展,特别是第2代测序技术的普及,显著降低了测序成本,使单核苷酸多态性(SNP)分析和单元型区段(也称单倍型区段)分析渗透到生命科学的各个领域,对系统生物学、遗传学、种质资源学和育种学影响最为深刻,使其进入基因组学的全新时代。一批驯化选择基因的克隆,特别是对一些控制复杂性状形成的遗传基础及其调控机制的解析,更清晰地揭示了作物驯化和品种改良的历史,提升了人们对育种的认知,推动育种方法的改进。驯化和育种既有相似之处,也存在明显的差异。驯化选择常常发生在少数关键基因或位点,对基因的选择几乎是一步到位;而现代作物育种虽然只有100年左右的历史,但其对基因组影响更为强烈,是一些重要代谢途径不断优化的过程。随着生态环境或栽培条件的变化,育种选择目标基因(等位变异)会发生相应的变化或调整,因此对基因(等位变异)的选择是逐步的。此外,强烈的定向选择重塑了多倍体物种的基因组,使其亚基因组与供体种基因组明显不同。在群体水平上,系统分析驯化和育种在作物基因组和基因中留下的踪迹,凝炼其中的规律,将为品种改良和育种提供科学理论和指导,本文也简要介绍了"十三五"国家重点研发计划专项"主要农作物优异种质资源形成与演化规律"的基本研究思路。  相似文献   

基于作物QTL的分子育种研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分子标记技术和QTL(Quantitative Traits Loci)定位技术的迅速发展,使得以DNA多态性为基础的分子育种技术的研究不断深入,并在作物遗传育种中得到了一些成功的运用,为解决有关复杂性状的选择问题带来了希望。本文综述了近年来基于作物QTL的分子标记辅助选择及目标性状QTL克隆在作物的产量、品质、抗旱性等数量性状遗传育种中的主要应用,证实了分子育种的有效性;对目前影响分子育种效率的因素及存在的问题、应用前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Summary In plant breeding programs, qualitative and quantitative traits confer market value and, thus, constitute the basis for developing breeding criteria during crop domestication. Some traits such as high male/female fertility are advantageous in the wild and could enable the evolution of cultivated crops into invasive weeds. Other traits, e.g. sterility, are not expected to confer invasiveness. To date there has been very limited involvement in invasion risk assessment by plant breeders. Thus, in this paper we propose that trait-based selection of potential crop species be coupled with species design in the creation of a “non-invasive crop ideotype” as an avenue to reduce invasiveness during domestication. The non-invasive crop ideotype embodies the ideal characteristics for a crop to excel in cultivated environment(s) but minimizes the likelihood it will establish and spread in non-cultivated environments, constituting the underlying foundation for all breeding objectives, choice(s) of breeding methodologies, and propagation techniques for non-invasive crop release. Using ornamental (floriculture) horticultural crops as an example, we identify 10 traits to be used individually or in combination to reduce invasiveness while retaining commercial value: reduced genetic variation in propagules, slowed growth rates, non-flowering, elimination of asexual propagules, lack of pollinator rewards, non-shattering seed, non-fleshy fruits, lack of seed germination, sterility, and programmed death (apotopsis). A non-invasive crop ideotype would constitute the underlying foundation for all breeding objectives, the choice(s) of breeding methodologies, and propagation technique(s). The ideotype should be flexible and should adjust to species- and crop-specific traits to account for the intended use. For example, development of sterile cultivars may have negligible effects in reducing invasiveness if the crops spread vegetatively. A non-invasive crop ideotype may increase the direct participation of plant breeders, who are the professionals directly involved in the collection, development and release of new crops, in reducing the invasive potential of ornamental crops. Future research is required to determine the feasibility of incorporating each trait into various crops, use of classical or molecular techniques for creation of non-invasive crops, trait stability (lack of genotype × environment interaction over years and locations), consumer acceptance, and long-term viability.  相似文献   

N. L. Innes 《Euphytica》1992,63(1-2):23-31
Summary Genetic variation in crop species and their wild relatives holds the key to the successful breeding of improved crop cultivars with durable resistance to disease. The importance of the conservation, characterization and utilization of plant genetic resources nationally and internationally has been recognised, though much remains to be done. Gene banks have now been established in many countries and at most of the international crop research centres. Cell and tissue culture techniques and biotechnological aids have done much to ensure the creation and safe transfer of healthy germplasm around the world. Multidisciplinary, international research and collaboration are essential to the successful breeding of improved disease resistant cultivars. Examples are given of the effective use of genetic resources in breeding disease resistant cultivars of a number of crops, including cotton, rice, potatoes and pearl millet.  相似文献   

J.R. Witcombe  D.S. Virk 《Euphytica》2001,122(3):451-462
In the breeding of self-pollinating crops, crossing creates variation upon which selection is exerted. If the value of crosses cannot be predicted then this uncertainty means that many crosses need to be made. However, since there is a limit to the capacity of a breeding programme, more numerous crosses result in each cross having a small population size, fewer progenies in later generations and a lower probability of recovering good genotypes from each cross. Published theory on the optimum number of crosses in a plant breeding programme, for a predominantly self-pollinating crop, usually assumes that all crosses are equal value. This overestimates the number of crosses required. When the optimum size of a population in a favourable cross is considered, theory predicts that very large populations are desirable. The required population size is even larger if linkage of loci controlling different traits is also considered. Hence, in an inbreeding crop, one possible strategy is to select a small number of crosses that are considered favourable and produce large populations from them to increase the probability of recovering superior genotypes. In an out breeding crop, the analogy is a few composites with large population sizes. This low-cross-number strategy is ideally suited to the particular constraints and advantages of participatory plant breeding. Such an approach, although not essential, may still be advantageous in classical breeding. When a breeding programme is based on few crosses, which parents are chosen is crucial and farmer participatory methods are highly effective in narrowing the choice. Modified bulk population breeding methods, and recurrent selection are desirable strategies in the participatory plant breeding of self-pollinating crops when combined with a low-cross-number approach. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

诱变育种是通过人工诱变方法对作物基因组进行改造。诱变既能使作物基因组DNA发生缺失、插入、置换或异位等,也可以对基因进行定点突变或定向敲除、打破基因间的连锁平衡,从而产生新的性状。为了探讨不同诱变技术的方法、优缺点以及在作物遗传育种中的运用,本文归纳了物理、化学、生物和空间等技术诱发突变的原理及方法;比较了传统育种和诱变育种的优缺点;分析了不同诱变技术的作用机理;总结了不同诱变技术在不同作物上的运用。本文指出了目前诱变育种的缺陷,展望了诱变育种的前景,为探索诱变育种在现代化育种中的作用提供了理论和技术支持。  相似文献   

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