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Objective: To estimate the relative accuracy of a thoracic focused assessment with sonography for trauma (TFAST) protocol for rapid diagnosis of pneumothorax (PTX) and other thoracic injury in traumatized dogs. Design: Prospective case series. Setting: Private veterinary emergency center. Animals: One hundred and forty‐five client‐owned dogs evaluated within 24‐hours of injury. Interventions: Thoracic focused assessment with sonography for trauma protocol. Measurements and Main Results: Traumatized dogs were evaluated with a conventional ultrasound (US) machine using a standardized 4‐point thoracic FAST protocol before thoracic radiography (CXR) and thoracocentesis. PTX was diagnosed by the absence of the ‘glide sign,’ defined as the lack of the normal dynamic interface between lung margins gliding along the thoracic wall during respiration. Concurrent thoracic trauma was diagnosed by the presence of pleural or pericardial fluid or the presence of a ‘step sign,’ defined as an abnormal glide sign. Accuracy of TFAST was calculated relative to CXR findings. Results: Overall sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp), and accuracy of TFAST relative to CXR were 78.1% (95% CI; 61.5, 89.9), 93.4% (95% CI; 87.4, 97.1), and 90.0%, respectively. Se and Sp were higher in dogs with penetrating trauma (93.3%, 96.0%) and for the evaluator with the most clinical experience (95.2%, 96.0%); only Se between the most experienced compared with others was statistically significant (P<0.05). TFAST documented other concurrent thoracic injury. Median time for TFAST was 3 minutes. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: TFAST has the potential to rapidly diagnose PTX and other thoracic injury and guide therapy, including potentially life‐saving interventions, in traumatized dogs.  相似文献   

Objective: To characterize the clinical findings in dogs and cats that sustained blunt trauma and to compare clinical respiratory examination results with post‐traumatic thoracic radiography findings. Design: Retrospective clinical study. Setting: University small animal teaching hospital. Animals, interventions and measurements: Case records of 63 dogs and 96 cats presenting with a history of blunt trauma and thoracic radiographs between September 2001 and May 2003 were examined. Clinical signs of respiratory distress (respiratory rate (RR), pulmonary auscultation) and outcome were compared with radiographic signs of blunt trauma. Results: Forty‐nine percent of dogs and 63.5% of cats had radiographic signs attributed to thoracic trauma. Twenty‐two percent of dogs and 28% of cats had normal radiographs. Abnormal auscultation results were significantly associated with radiographic signs of thoracic trauma, radiography score and presence and degree of contusions. Seventy‐two percent of animals with no other injuries showed signs of thoracic trauma on chest radiographs. No correlation was found between the radiographic findings and outcome, whereas the trauma score at presentation was significantly associated with outcome and with signs of chest trauma but not with the radiography score. Conclusion: Thoracic trauma is encountered in many blunt trauma patients. The RR of animals with blunt trauma is not useful in predicting thoracic injury, whereas abnormal chest auscultation results are indicative of chest abnormalities. Thorough chest auscultation is, therefore, mandatory in all trauma animals and might help in the assessment of necessity of chest radiographs.  相似文献   

The incidence of DIC in 208 dogs with a malignant tumor was evaluated. The incidence of DIC was 9.6% in dogs with a malignant tumor which was a solid tumor in all. In 164 dogs with a malignant solid tumor, the incidence of DIC was 12.2%. The incidence of DIC in dogs with hemangiosarcoma, mammary gland carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the lung was significantly higher than that in dogs with other malignant tumors. These results suggested that special care in looking for DIC should be taken in dogs with a malignant solid tumor.  相似文献   

Thoracic duct lymphangiography and ligation were done on 15 dogs with idiopathic chylothorax. Lymphangiography revealed thoracic lymphangiectasia in all dogs; none had a thoracic duct rupture. Lymphangiography immediately after ligation demonstrated missed branches of the thoracic duct in 4 of the 15 dogs. Eleven of the 15 dogs are alive and doing well. Eight of the 11 had no radiographic or clinical signs of pleural effusion (mean follow-up, 31.5 months; range, 4 to 75 months). The other 3 living dogs had persistent effusion; 2 were successfully managed with a pleuroperitoneal shunt (follow-up, 15 months) or pleurodesis (follow-up, 5 months), respectively, and 1 was not treated because the effusion was mild and the dog did not have clinical signs of disease (follow-up, 14 months). Four of the 15 dogs died or were euthanatized because of persistent effusion (mean follow-up, 11.5 months; range, 3 to 24 months). Considering the lack of treatment alternatives for dogs with idiopathic chylothorax, these results support thoracic duct ligation as a treatment method for dogs.  相似文献   

Motor vehicle-related injury is the most common form of trauma incurred by dogs, and cardiac arrhythmias are a well-recognized complication. Although posttraumatic arrhythmias are often observed, little is known regarding their frequency. This study utilized continuous ambulatory electrocardiography (i.e., Holter monitoring) to describe the cardiac rhythm disturbances in 30 dogs sustaining trauma in motor vehicle accidents. Ventricular ectopy was identified by Holter monitoring in 29 of 30 dogs, although the initial electrocardiogram (EKG) only documented ventricular ectopic complexes (VECs) in four dogs. Ventricular ectopy was infrequent in most dogs (i.e., 62% of the dogs had less than 100 VECs per day for the entire study), but 16% developed frequent arrhythmias (greater than 4,000 VECs per day). In all cases, the VECs were observed within 24 hours of injury. Forty-three percent of dogs had at least one episode of ventricular tachycardia, including several dogs that had an overall infrequent rate of VECs (i.e., less than 100 or 100 to 1,000 VECs per day). Although baseline EKGs are useful in identifying arrhythmias in most dogs, the length of the recording should be increased to improve the likelihood of observing an abnormal EKG event. Most importantly, additional EKGs should be obtained or continuous EKG monitoring should be performed in dogs that display clinical signs that could be attributed to ventricular arrhythmias.  相似文献   

Premature ventricular contractions and ventricular tachycardia were detected in 10 dogs 1 to 48 hours after trauma. All dogs were treated aggressively if the arrhythmias became severe. One dog died, 8 were discharged with stable cardiac rhythm, and 1 was euthanatized. Necropsy revealed gross and microscopic lesions of acute myocardial necrosis, probably of ischemic origin. Cardiac arrhythmias were associated with thoracic trauma, neurologic injury, severe shock, and/or extensive tissue trauma.  相似文献   

Two groups of adult Merino sheep, initially grazed on pasture, were dosed daily with zinc sulphate (1 mg Zn/kg LW) or zinc oxide (15 mg Zn/kg LW) for six and seven weeks, respectively. On the 18th day, both groups were transferred to indoor pens together with unmedicated control sheep, and five days later the feet of all animals were infected artificially with a virulent strain of Bacteroides nodosus. By the fourth week after challenge, 85% or more of the feet challenged had developed advanced footrot, and no significant differences in the incidence and severity of lesions between dosed and undosed groups were recorded. Plasma zinc concentrations, monitored throughout the experiment, remained at similar levels in sheep receiving the lower dose rate and in the controls. At the higher dose rate, plasma zinc levels increased till Day 23, but thereafter declined to values comparable to those of undosed animals. At post mortem, no evidence of zinc toxicosis was found, and only the kidneys of sheep receiving the higher dosage showed a significant accumulation of zinc compared with the controls.  相似文献   

Lymphoscintigraphic evaluation of the thoracic duct (TD) was performed in 10 healthy and 12 dogs with experimentally created TD abnormalities (6 dogs with TD lacerations and 6 dogs with cranial vena ligations). Complete imaging took 4 hours and caused no adverse effects or complications. Lymphoscintigraphy of healthy dogs failed to image the TD; however, background activity in the abdomen and thorax, and radioactivity in the kidneys, bladder, liver, and heart were noticed. Lacerations and transections of the TD were experimentally created in 6 dogs to ascertain whether TD rupture could be detected with lymphoscintigraphy. Lymphoscintigraphy was performed within 48 hours of creating the TD defect. There was no significant difference in the scintigraphic pattern of healthy dogs and those with experimentally created TD defects. Ligation of the cranial vena cava was performed in 6 dogs; 3 dogs developed chylothorax. In those 3 dogs, diffuse radioactivity was imaged in the thorax and was compatible with thoracic lymphangiectasia. In one of these dogs, linear activity consistent with the TD and localized regions of radioactivity cranial to the heart (compatible with the mediastinal lymph nodes) were noticed. Lymphoscintigraphic findings in these dogs correlated with lymphangiographic findings.  相似文献   

Appendicular osteosarcoma (OSA) is a highly metastatic tumour in dogs. The aim of the study was to compare thoracic radiographs with thoracic computed tomography (CT) in the staging of canine appendicular OSA. In all, 39 canine patients histologically diagnosed with OSA were reviewed in the retrospective study. All dogs underwent radiographic examination as well as CT examination of the thoracic cavity. Pulmonary nodules were detected radiographically in two cases (5%), whereas the CT imaging showed that pulmonary nodules were evident in 11 cases (28%, P = 0.024). There was an improved detection of small pulmonary nodules in the lung parenchyma with CT (P = 0.021). The number of nodules in CT examination had a significant negative influence on survival time (P = 0.005). However, whether nodules were present in CT or not did not influence overall survival (P = 0.368). CT examination was superior to thoracic radiography in the screening and detection of pulmonary nodules in dogs with OSA.  相似文献   

Pneumopericardium, the presence of air in the pericardial space, is a rare condition that has been well documented in human medicine and associated with several different aetiologies, most commonly trauma. We report a case of pneumopericardium after blunt chest trauma in an adult horse. The horse responded well to conservative therapy and made a full recovery.  相似文献   

Experimental toxicological studies in laboratory animals and epidemiological human studies have reported a possible association between water fluoridation and osteosarcoma (OSA). To further explore this possibility, a case‐control study of individual dogs evaluated by the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital was conducted using ecologic data on water fluoridation based on the owner's residence. The case group included 161 dogs with OSA diagnosed between 2008–2012. Two cancer control groups included dogs diagnosed with lymphoma (LSA) or hemangiosarcoma (HSA) during the same period (n = 134 and n = 145, respectively). Dogs with OSA were not significantly more likely to live in an area with optimized fluoride in the water than dogs with LSA or HSA. Additional analyses within OSA patients also revealed no significant differences in age, or skeletal distribution of OSA cases relative to fluoride status. Taken together, these analyses do not support the hypothesis that optimal fluoridation of drinking water contributes to naturally occurring OSA in dogs.  相似文献   

Cranial thoracic diskospondylitis was diagnosed in 2 dogs. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from the vertebral lesion of both dogs, from the urine of one dog, and from the blood of the other dog. In each case, curettage of the affected disk and contiguous vertebrae was accomplished via thoracotomy. Both dogs recovered following curettage and antibiotic therapy.  相似文献   

Outcomes of thoracic surgery in dogs and cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary: Records of 146 dogs and 41 cats that underwent thoracic surgery at The University of Sydney Veterinary Teaching Hospital were reviewed for age, sex, breed, disease, operation date, periods of pre- and post-operative hospitalisation, use of surgical drains and outcome. Animals were assigned to 16 disease categories, the most common being patent ductus arteriosus, traumatic diaphragmatic hernia and oesophageal foreign body in dogs and traumatic diaphragmatic hernia in cats. Differences were observed between disease categories in all the criteria examined. There were almost equal numbers of male (72) and female (74) dogs, the median (range) age was 2.0 (0.2 to 14.0) years, the median pre-operative stay was 1 (0 to 14) days, the median post-operative stay was 4 (0 to 28) days and the overall survival to discharge rate was 78%.
There were 24 male and 15 female cats (sex not recorded in 2 cats). The median (range) age was 3 (0.1 to 12) years, pre-operative stay 1 (0 to 6) days, post-operative stay 5 (0 to 15) days and the overall survival to discharge rate was 85%. Causes of post-operative deaths among animals in the most common categories are recorded and discussed.  相似文献   

Malassezia pachydermatis is usually associated with otitis and dermatitis in dogs but it can also cause diseases in other species, including humans. In a human neonatal intensive care unit, M. pachydermatis was isolated from an infant's ocular discharge. Therefore, the aim of this study was to ascertain the presence of Malassezia spp. and its possible consequences in dogs' eyes. This research included 19 dogs with unilateral or bilateral corneal ulcers and 60 healthy dogs. A total of 158 clinical specimens from both the groups were obtained from the conjunctival sac of each eye by a calibrated platinum loop. The samples were placed on Dixon and blood agar, incubated at 35 degrees C, and examined daily for 15 days. Then, the strains were subcultured on Sabouraud agar. Of 22 clinical specimens collected from the eyes with corneal ulcers, five cultures (23%) were positive for M. pachydermatis. Of 16 samples collected from the contralateral healthy eye, cultures were positive in three samples (19%). Three animals had unilateral corneal ulcer and positive cultures for M. pachydermatis in both the eyes. Two dogs had unilateral corneal ulcer and positive cultures for M. pachydermatis in the same eye. However, from the 120 samples of 60 healthy dogs, only four clinical specimens (3%) had positive cultures for M. pachydermatis. The findings of M. pachydermatis, in a considerable percentage of clinical specimens from dogs with corneal ulcer, suggest its possible role at least as an aggravating factor in the pathophysiology of this disease.  相似文献   

Differences exist in the ventrodorsal (VD) and dorsoventral (DV) radiographic views of the canine thorax. One view may be preferred over another because of how it portrays different areas of interest or different disease conditions. The VD view is indicated for evaluation of the cranial and caudal mediastinum, the caudal vena cava, and the accessory lung lobe, and in cases of pleural effusion. Indications for the DV view include assessment of a consistent cardiac silhouette, evaluation of the pulmonary lobar vessels, and evaluation of the structures of the dorsal thorax, such as hilar lymph nodes, the caudal dorsal lungs, trachea, mainstem bronchi, and left atrium.  相似文献   

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