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采用群落种组成相似性分析、群落组成相似性分析和群落特征相似性分析3种方法,研究了祁红产区等高茶园、平地茶园和坡地茶园3种茶园类型及春茶、夏茶和秋茶3个生育期捕食性天敌群落的相似性。结果表明,群落种组成相似性平均水平的排序为不同类型茶园相同生育期>不同类型茶园不同生育期>同一类型茶园不同生育期>同一类型茶园相邻生育期。坡地茶园秋茶、平地茶园夏茶和秋茶以及等高茶园秋茶的群落组成最为相似;而平地茶园和坡地茶园春茶次之。等高茶园和平地茶园春茶的群落特征最相似,其次为3种类型茶园秋茶及平地茶园夏茶。  相似文献   

Approaches for analyzing employment stability with aggregated data for SICs in large regions or major metropolitan areas are misleading indicators of the impact of manufacturing growth in rural areas. Performance of moderate-sized individual establishments seriously impact total employment variation in small-employment-sized rural communities, requiring analysis of the determinants of employment stability of these establishments. Aggregate SIC performance and most conventional criteria for judging probable stability appear to provide very limited predictability for individual firm performance. However, manufacturing development appears generally to have desirable effects on community-wide employment stability.  相似文献   

为探明磷肥含量、土壤类型对水稻秧苗素质、根系形态及养分吸收的影响,以中晚熟品种‘辽粳401’为试验材料,选用壤质土、黏质土和砂质土3种土壤类型,采用裂区试验方法研究6种磷肥与土壤组合对水稻秧苗素质的影响。结果表明:低磷黏土与高磷黏土培育的水稻秧苗素质最好,根系形态最佳,更有利于秧苗的生长。磷肥施入量2.5 g/盘能够满足水稻秧苗对磷肥的吸收,说明适量的磷肥有助于培育健壮的秧苗。  相似文献   

The effects of consolidation in the banking sector on employment are analyzed using data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's Statistics on Banking. Previous efficiency studies of consolidation find that there is no relationship between consolidation and non-interest expenses (a proxy for employment). This study finds a negative relationship between consolidation and employment. It also finds no positive employment effects in states that were net beneficiaries of the savings and loan (S&L) bailout.  相似文献   

脂质转运蛋白(lipid transfer protein,LTP)是广泛存在于植物中的一类小分子蛋白,因其能在植物细胞膜间运输脂类物质而得名,在植物角质层合成和适应多种环境胁迫中起重要作用。本研究利用同源克隆方法得到Ta LTP-s的c DNA全长序列510 bp,开放阅读框为339 bp,编码112个氨基酸。利用RIL群体将Ta LTP-s定位在染色体1A上,距离两侧标记WMC449和WMC93的遗传距离分别为2.1 c M和5.9 c M。通过原生质体亚细胞定位显示Ta LTP-s定位于细胞膜和细胞质中。小麦开花期Ta LTP-s在小花中表达量较高,尤其是在花药中的表达量远高于在根和叶中。在ABA、PEG、Na Cl及4℃低温胁迫诱导下,小麦Ta LTP-s均上调表达,可能与抗逆性调节相关。在高盐胁迫处理下,转基因拟南芥幼苗的细胞膜稳定性和存活率显著高于野生型。研究结果为利用小麦脂质转运蛋白基因改良作物抗逆性奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在大田试验条件下,研究了不同种植密度对两种穗型冬小麦品种干物质和氮素积累、运转及其籽粒产量的影响.结果表明,两种穗型冬小麦品种花前植株干物质及贮藏氮素运转量均以适宜的低密度处理表现较高,其中干物质运转量以茎鞘最高,氮素运转量以叶片最高;花后植株干物质及贮藏氮素运转量两品种间表现不一致,大穗型品种兰考矮早八花后干物质及贮藏氮素运转量以最低密度的C1(300万株/hm2)处理最高,多穗型品种豫麦49-198则以较高密度的B3(225万株/hm2)处理最高;干物质对籽粒贡献率花前两品种均以较低密度处理表现较高,花后则以较高密度处理表现较高;贮藏氮素对籽粒氮素贡献率兰考矮早八花前以中间密度处理表现较高,豫麦49-198则仍以较低密度处理较高.成熟期兰考矮早八籽粒产量、淀粉产量及蛋白质产量均以C2(375万株/hm2)密度处理最高,豫麦49-198则以B2(150万株/hm2)处理最高.  相似文献   

The South Central Louisiana Petroleum Economy received an economic rent from its petroleum resources during the energy crisis of the 1970s and early 80s. A differential export-base model incorporating a geometric lag was developed for estimating dynamic employment multipliers. This technique is especially applicable to regional economies in which exports are a major economic factor. Employment multipliers were estimated using ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. Results from the analysis indicate that agriculture, oil and gas mining, and manufacturing are highly significant employment generators. Both long-run and short-run employment multipliers were derived from the model. It is estimated that a five-dollar change in the real price of crude oil will result in a long-run employment change of 8,027 for the oil and gas mining industry. Based on estimates of the long-run multiplier, this will result in a total employment change of 28,014 for this economy.  相似文献   

In recent years, driven by the booming housing market with high supply and demand, China has witnessed an unprecedented increase in residential areas in fast speed. However, most of the newly established communities have not yet get rid of the self-supporting and self-sufficient mode of the farming culture. Currently, gated communities are characterized by closure, large population, large area, single function, little contact, etc., decreasing the urban road network density and reachability. And the internal travel is mainly dependent on the main roads through a city, which interferes with urban roads and increases the traffic pressure on the surrounding road network. Therefore, this paper took the Donghu District in Nanchang as an example to study opening gated communities to public, so as to promote the urban traffic microcirculation and increase the density and reachability of the regional road network, thereby sharing the traffic pressure for the main roads and strengthening the neighborhood contact.  相似文献   

研究性诱剂对斜纹夜蛾的诱捕和防治效果,为烟田大面积应用性诱剂防治斜纹夜蛾提供科学依据。在烤烟生长季节设置诱捕器,通过田间试验,研究了不同密度、改进型和自制塑料瓶诱捕器处理对烤烟斜纹夜蛾的防控效果,并分析了斜纹夜蛾在烤烟田间发生的时间动态。结果表明,斜纹夜蛾在当地烤烟生长期内有2 次迁飞高峰期;随着诱捕器密度的增加,单位面积的诱蛾量增加,单诱捕器的诱蛾量减少,虫口减退率提高,最高可达89.19%;改进型诱捕器可显著提高诱芯的诱捕效率,平均每个诱捕器诱蛾量为173.67 头,比常规诱捕器多57.34 头,差异达显著水平(P<0.05);容积为4500 mL自制诱捕器诱蛾效果最好,平均诱蛾量达82.33 头/个。对于广东烟区大面积推广时,推荐使用改进型诱捕器,烟田以放置7.5 个/hm2诱捕器为宜,并且鼓励烟农采用4500 mL废弃塑料瓶自制诱捕器。利用性诱技术可有效控制烟草斜纹夜蛾,减少农药使用量,降低农药残留,可将其纳入烟草斜纹夜蛾的绿色防治技术体系之中。  相似文献   

庞冰  方宝华 《中国农学通报》2011,27(30):126-130
为进一步挖掘饲料专用早稻产量潜力,提高其糙米蛋白质含量,通过总结专用稻栽培技术,选取了湖南省五类土壤,研究饲料专用早稻的产量和稻米品质变化。结果表明,五类土壤种植的饲料专用早稻产量以黄泥(6358.5 kg/hm2)为最高,其次为灰黄泥(6295.5 kg/hm2),产量表现为黄泥 > 灰黄泥 > 红黄泥 > 紫潮泥 > 中性紫泥;黄泥、灰黄泥、红黄泥比紫潮泥、中性紫泥的饲料稻全生育期缩短1天;灰黄泥具有较高的糙米率和蛋白质含量,糙米率为80.1%,蛋白质含量为12.2%。综合分析,饲料专用稻的产量、生育期和米质特点,认为最适宜种植饲用稻的土壤为灰黄泥,其次是黄泥和红黄泥。  相似文献   

The probability of being employed varies depending on several factors. Many of these are related to personal characteristics such as educational level, age, gender, or number and age of children. Nevertheless, other factors may be relevant, in particular the geographical environment. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relevance of urban size and the position of each territory (in terms of its distance from large metropolises) for the probability of being employed in the Spanish economy. Following the set of economic regions suggested by Polése, Shearmur and Rubiera (2007 ), we try to explain the spatial patterns of employment distribution. Our results show some relevant differences between these alternative economic areas. We find that municipalities with similar sizes and located at a similar distance from a metropolis but belonging to different Autonomous Communities or provinces share similar employability patterns.  相似文献   

为评价生物制剂对植物及植食性昆虫的综合影响,以黄瓜植株及蓟马为生物材料,检测它们对自制酵素、木醋液及混合液的响应,包括黄瓜的生长、生理指标,叶片抗逆酶活性水平及蓟马发育、种群数量动态。研究发现:(1)酵素显著缩短蓟马发育历期;混合液显著延缓蓟马发育,抑制其种群。(2)酵素显著加快有虫黄瓜植株地上部分生物量增长,降低黄瓜叶片可溶性蛋白和叶绿素含量;酵素处理的带虫黄瓜叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和谷胱甘肽-S转移酶(GST)活性均升高。由此可见,酵素及木醋液对黄瓜植株和蓟马均可产生一定的影响。混合使用可有效抑制蓟马害虫。多次酵素使用则能产生较高的综合效益,既促进黄瓜生长,又增加植物“免疫力”。  相似文献   

为了研究克氏原螯虾-水稻连作对系统土壤微生物功能多样性的影响。分别选择克氏原螯虾-水稻连作塘、水稻田为研究对象,采用Biolog-ECO方法检测土壤样品中微生物对31种碳源的利用能力,研究克氏原螯虾-水稻连作田和单纯水稻田中微生物代谢活性及代谢多样性差异,并分析其影响因素。结果表明,克氏原螯虾-水稻连作田土壤中氮、磷、钾和有机质的含量和微生物代谢活性均显著低于水稻田,“虾-稻”连作田和水稻田土壤微生物代谢多样性间也存在显著差异(P<0.05)。冗余分析的结果表明,这种差异和土壤有机质含量具有显著的相关性(R2=0.814,P =0.001)。克氏原螯虾-水稻连作对土壤微生物功能多样性能够产生显著影响。肥料使用量的降低、使用方式的改变,特别是其中有机质含量的降低是造成影响的重要原因。  相似文献   

施肥对玉米田植物线虫群落组成及垂直分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确玉米田植物线虫群落组成和垂直分布,于2007年采用蔗糖梯度离心法对80份土样进行分离鉴定,共鉴定出13个植物线虫属,玉米田不同施肥方式下植物线虫大部分为共有属。化肥配施有机肥区有1个特有属为拟毛刺属(Paratri-chodorus),化肥区有1个特有属为小环属(Cri-conemella),无肥区没有特有属。玉米田植物线虫主要集中在0~40cm土层,其中,玉米田单施化肥和无肥处理植物线虫密度在20~30cm土层达到最大,然后随深度的增加逐渐下降,化肥配施有机肥处理植物线虫数量在10~20cm土层达到最大值,30~40cm土层又达到一个峰值然后下降。  相似文献   

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