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覆膜红花单株种子产量相关性状的通径分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
以新红花1号、吉红1号等10个红花品种为材料,在地膜覆盖条件下进行单株种子产量相关性状通径分析.结果表明,10个相关性状对单株种子产量影响的顺序为:单株有效果球数>单株总粒数>每果球粒数>百粒重>一级分枝数>单株无效果球数>单株总叶片数>株高>主茎种子重量>二级分枝数.单株总粒数与单株有效果球数的互作效应对单株种子产量的影响在所有的性状互作中为最大,单株有效果球数、单株总粒数、每果球粒数及百粒重是影响红花单株种子产量的4个主要因素.所研究的10个农艺性状中,两两性状间的互作效应对红花单株种子产量的影响极大,在红花育种、地膜栽培时应注意考虑这些性状间的影响.单株种子产量高的株型特征为单株无效果球数少,一级分枝数多,单株有效果球数多,单株总粒数和每果球粒数多,百粒重大等. 相似文献
Summary Micro tubers of 3 weight categories with means of 0.63 g, 1.25 g or 2.50 g and in vitro plants were planted in nursery beds
at densities of 24 and 48 plants per m2. The average tuber numbers and tuber weights were, respectively, 38% and 17% higher at 48 than at 24 plants per m2. In vitro plants produced significantly more but smaller tubers than did plants grown from micro tubers. Plants grown from
the larger micro tubers produced a similar number of tubers but larger ones than did plants grown from small micro tubers.
Tuber yields and multiplication rates are discussed. 相似文献
G.C. Ayongwa T.J. Stomph P. Belder P.A. Leffelaar T.W. Kuyper 《Crop Protection》2011,30(12):1594-1600
Seed survival of Striga hermonthica is influenced by amendments of organic matter; however, the role of organic matter quality (C:N ratio) and mechanisms for enhanced seed decay are inadequately understood. In a field experiment, plots received a single dose of 6 t organic matter per hectare but with large differences in quality in terms of C:N ratio. Soil moisture, soil temperature and soil ethylene concentrations were measured, while buried nylon seed bags were periodically withdrawn from the soil and assayed for seed viability and germination. Organic matter amendments incorporated in the soil significantly depressed S. hermonthica seed survival. The effect was strongest with organic matter of high quality. Organic matter of low-quality enhanced soil water content during the first five days after a rainfall event and resulted in a 0.5 °C lower soil temperature. The highest observed ethylene concentrations in the soil were between 2 and 3 ppm, high enough to stimulate S. hermonthica seed germination. Maximal seed germination in vitro was obtained after 48 h of exposure to 1 ppm ethylene. However, observed changes in seed germination and viability of retrieved seed batches (seed survival) did not correlate with soil ethylene concentrations. The latter in turn did not differ between qualities of the applied organic matter. Seed survival decreased with increasing time of burial, especially after 4–8 weeks. As S. hermonthica attachment mainly occurs during the first four weeks of the cropping season the observed effect of seed decay may hardly be beneficial for the on-going cropping season. Nutrient release through decomposition of organic matter, enhancing decay of S. hermonthica seeds, is proposed as the probable cause of seed depletion in the soil. 相似文献
To ascertain the reasons for the high plant mortality in fibre-hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) crops in the Netherlands changes in biomass yield, plant mortality and plant morphology were investigated in a hemp cultivar grown at initial densities of 10, 30, 90 and 270 plants m−2. At 90 plants m−2 this cultivar was compared with a high bast-fibre cultivar and a late-flowering cultivar. Rate of canopy establishment and early growth rate increased with increasing plant density. At 90 and 270 plants m−2, plants died as a result of self-thinning. Self-thinning was associated with a reduced crop growth rate. In self-thinning stands, dry biomass (B, g m−2) was related to density of surviving plants (D, m−2) as log B = 3.81 − 0.304 log D. At the same crop growth rate, the rate at which plants died from self-thinning was higher in hemp than in other herbaceous dicots. The proportion of stem in the total dry matter increased with increasing plant density. Stem yield was maximum at 90 plants m−2. Stem quality improved with increasing density as the bark content in the stem increased, but self-thinning reduced the bark content in the stem. Optimum plant density was close to that resulting after self-thinning. In hemp the relationship between yield and optimum plant density is approximated by the equation of its self-thinning line. The late-flowering cultivar yielded more than the other two cultivars because it grew faster during the latter part of the growing season. 相似文献
不同纯度玉米群体株高、光分布和产量的比较研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了不同纯度条件下沈农87品种玉米群体的田间性状及产量。结果表明:纯度与群体株高呈极显著正相关,处理间差异显著;随着纯度降低,株高整齐度下降,同一冠层高度透光率增加。产量与纯度为极显著正相关关系,纯度每降低1%,产量下降0.6%~0.7%。 相似文献
率高,是实现花生高产高效的重要措施。 相似文献
Since 2005, the evolution and spread of herbicide-resistant Echinochloa crus-galli biotypes have posed a serious threat to crop production in the Philippines. A comprehensive knowledge of E. crus-galli ecology and fecundity is fundamental in managing different biotypes of this weed. It was hypothesized that (a) high weed plant density produces more biomass and fertile seeds per unit area, (b) rice interference reduces the biomass and fecundity of the weed, and (c) a delay in weed emergence reduces the soil seed bank. In 2013, experiments were conducted in the wet season (WS) and dry season (DS), to understand the effect of E. crus-galli densities (40 and 80 plants m−2) on its growth, survival, and fecundity, with varying emergence times of 2, 15, 30, and 45 d after rice emergence (DARE). Relative to the weed plants grown without rice interference, E. crus-galli growth and seed production was lower in the presence of rice. Percent survival and plant height of E. crus-galli declined in a linear manner in the DS, and declined in a quadratic manner in the WS. Tiller number, inflorescence number, inflorescence biomass, and shoot biomass per plant declined in an exponential manner, with a delay in emergence of each cohort relative to rice. Across rice seeding rate, weed density, and emergence time, there was a linear relationship (y = 110x − 272 in the DS and y = 100x − 220 in the WS) between E. crus-galli shoot biomass and the number of seeds plant−1. Relative to the late-emerging weed cohorts, E. crus-galli seed production (1320–1579 seeds plant−1), 1000-seed weight (2.2–2.9 g), and seed yield (2808–2334 kg ha−1) were higher when seedlings emerged with the crop (2 DARE). None of the seedlings that emerged 45 DARE produced viable seeds. Seed germination of the first two cohorts (2 and 15 DARE) ranged from 84 to 91%. The delay in emergence of E. crus-galli beyond 30 DARE reduced the percentage of germinable and viable seeds, and increased the percentage of non-viable seeds produced plant−1. The results suggest that cultural weed management approaches that delay the emergence of E. crus-galli can reduce weed biomass and seed production, and is thus valuable for preventing seed rain to the seed bank by noxious weed biotypes in the field. 相似文献
为明确种子成熟度对黑花生生长的影响,本研究以黑花生品种黔花生七号为试验材料,设4个种子成熟度,采用室内与大田相结合的方式,研究不同成熟度黑花生种子发芽、出苗、生育后期光合特性以及产量的变化。结果表明:不成熟(T1)的花生籽仁作种子,植株长势弱,光合速率低;较成熟(T2)和成熟(T3)的花生籽仁作为种子,其光合同化能力强,光合速率高。随种子成熟度的增加,花生发芽势、发芽率和出苗率均呈先增加后降低趋势,且在T3处理下各指标值最大, T2、T3、T4(过成熟)处理发芽势、发芽率和出苗率均显著高于T1;除结果枝数外,花生产量及农艺性状均随种子成熟度的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,在处理T3下荚果产量显著高于其他处理。因此,选用成熟的黑花生作为种子,其出苗好,光同化能力强,净光合速率高,荚果产量高。 相似文献
陈康 《中国油料作物学报》2021,43(6):1070
本研究旨在探讨单粒精播花生生理性状和产量性状对密度和氮肥的响应。选择山东省烟台市招远鲁东丘陵地,作物两年三熟。2018和2019年,以出口大花生品种花育22为试验材料进行大田试验,设置了3个种植密度(12万、20万、28万株/hm2,分别表示为D1、D2和D3)和4个施氮量(0、50、115、180 kg/hm2,分别表示为N0、N50、N115、N180),于不同生育时期调查分析花生SPAD值、植株和产量性状。研究结果表明,种植密度和施氮量均显著影响花生叶绿素含量、干物质量、植株性状和产量性状,且两者互作效应显著。在D2密度条件下,花生荚果产量较D1密度和D3密度分别高24.31%~45.04%和10.57%~15.13%,成熟期叶绿素含量分别高3.70%~27.82%和6.10%~18.94%,成熟期干物质量分别高7.31%~32.34%和10.65%~34.59%,且差异性均达到了显著水平。在D2密度下,施氮量在50~180 kg/hm2范围内,花生荚果产量、叶绿素含量和干物质量均显著高于无氮处理,各施氮处理表现为N115 > N180 > N50 > N0,以施氮量为115 kg/hm2时花生荚果产量最大,较N50和N180处理分别提高了6.83%和3.90%,叶绿素含量、干物质量和植株性状也协同提高。综合考虑生理性状、产量性状等因素,在本试验条件下,单粒精播花生栽培在低密度12万株/hm2下,花生主要产量性状随着施氮量的增加而增加,以种植密度为20万株/hm2,施氮量为115 kg/hm2较为适宜。 相似文献
Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer, commonly known as ginseng, is a perennial herb. Agricultural practices have an influence on growth and yield of P. ginseng plants. Effect of thinning flower buds (treatment A (TA) the outermost whorl of flower buds in the umbels was retained while all other buds were excised; treatment B (TB) the two outer whorls of flower buds in the umbels) on fruit traits, which include number of fruits per plant, single fruit: double fruit ratio, fruit weigh (FW) per square meter, weight of 100 fruits, vertical length of fruit (VLF), horizontal diameter of the fruit (HFD) and thickness of the fruit (TF), seed traits, which include number of seeds per square meter, weight of 1000 seeds, number of different seed grading categories (extremely large seeds (ELS), large seeds (LS), medium-sized seeds (MS), small seeds (SS)) per square meter, vertical length of the seed (VLS), horizontal diameter of the seed (HSD), thickness of the seed (TS), and the root yield and total ginsenosides content of root of four- and five-year-old cultivated P. ginseng was studied in Fusong region of north-eastern China. The results showed that the FW and VLF, the weight of 1000 seeds, number of ELS per square meter, VLS and HDS of ELS, HDS and TS of MS and root yield were increased significantly by TA and TB (p < 0.05), whereas the number of MS and SS were significantly reduced (p < 0.05) in four- and five-year-old plants. The number of ELS and LS in TB and control were higher than that of in TA, and not significant was observed between TB and control. The root yield in TB was significantly higher than that in control of five-year-old plants. Number of the seeds per square meter of five-year-old plants was higher than that of four-year-old plants. The results indicated that the method of thinning flower buds, which was the two outer whorls of flower buds in the umbels, on five-year-old cultivated P. ginseng plants was a favourable method to promote the production of high-quality seeds and maximise the root yield. 相似文献
In the Mediterranean farming systems of the Western Australian wheatbelt, crop yields are influenced primarily by the amount and distribution of rainfall and the soil's capacity to hold moisture. The wheatbelt's growing season rainfall varies in the range of 200–400 mm (average) and the plant available water holding capacity (PAWC) of soils is generally in the 40–140 mm range. The grain yield of wheat is sensitive to this combination of small rainfall and small storage capacity.In this study, we explore the relationship between yield and PAWC using a combination of simulation modelling and analysis of field data. Crop yields and soil properties were monitored in detail at 17 locations (PAWCs 43–131 mm) across six seasons (1997–2005). Crop yields were also simulated using the APSIM crop simulator (RMSE = 311 kg/ha) to evaluate the long-term relationship between crop yield and plant available water capacity using 106 years of historical climate data.The relationship between crop yield and PAWC varied with season, and two important factors emerged: (1) for PAWC < 65 mm, there was a linear relationship with crop yields that ranged from 17 kg/ha/mm to 58 kg/ha/mm of PAWC across seasons; (2) for PAWC 65–131 mm the crop yield response to PAWC ranged from 11.5 kg/ha/mm in 45% of seasons to no response.The impact of PAWC on crop yield was reduced in seasons with late rainfall, and magnified in seasons with reduced rainfall late in the growing season. Six distinct season types with different yield–PAWC relationships are identified and season-specific management strategies that exploit within-field variation in PAWC are developed to manage the spatial variation of PAWC in a field. 相似文献
Mark W. Martin 《Potato Research》1983,26(3):219-227
Summary Potato crops, grown from true potato seed (TPS) sown directly into fields, required a long growing season and the yield, tuber
size and quality were inferior to tuber-propagated crops. Some plants produced excellent yields of high-quality tubers and
some lines had earliness, high yield capacity, uniform tuber type and high solids. Field sowing of TPS has good potential,
both as a breeding tool and for potato production in long-season, underdeveloped countries where healthy seed tubers are not
readily available. Correlation analyses showed positive relationships between seedling vigour, mature plant size, and number
and yield of tubers but these growth parameters were not significantly related to tuber size and they had a strong negative
relationship to density (specific gravity).
Mention of a trade name of a company is for specific information only and does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of a
product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may
also be suitable. 相似文献
Comparative performance of three small seed tuber sizes and standard size seed tubers planted at similar stem densities 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
S. G. Wiersema 《Potato Research》1989,32(1):81-89
Summary Small seed tubers of 1–5 g, 5–10 g and 10–20 g were planted at the same sprout densities as standard size seed tubers of 40–60
g in order to give similar stem densities. Early ground cover by foliage, total yield, and yield of tubers >45 mm were consistently
greater in plots planted with larger seed tubers. The effect of seed tuber size on yield and tuber number per stem varied
between years but 1–5 g seed tubers always gave lower yields per stem than larger seed tubers. Reducing the spacing between
rows from 90 cm to 60 cm and maintaining the same sprout density was more effective in increasing yields from small seed tubers
than increasing sprout density from 20 to 40 sprouts per m2 by reducing plant spacing within the row. 相似文献
Low temperature coupled with high soil moisture during sowing to emergence generally results in poor peanut stand, thereby posing a non-negligible threat to peanut production in north and northeast China. Five high-oleic (HO) peanut cultivars and 4 seed dressing treatments capable of controlling several diseases and insect pests along with untreated checks were used to find the best combinations to cope with the dual stresses during sowing to emergence period. High broad-sense hereditability estimates of seedling emergence indicated great potential for genetic improvement of this trait. Analysis of variance in the split-plot experiment showed that the main effects of variety and seed dressing and their interaction on seedling emergence were significant. Seed dressing treatments increased seedling emergence percentage by 2.09–35.00 percent points. Four of the 5 HO peanut cultivars yielded satisfactory results. For Huayu 665, Huayu 668 and Huayu 965, Huweisanbao may be the best option; for Huayu 962, Weilidan was highly acceptable. These combinations will be evaluated further in multiple environments before large-scale extension. 相似文献
Effect of non-lethal low phytic acid mutations on grain yield and seed viability in rice 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Hai-Jun Zhao Qing-Long Liu Hao-Wei Fu Xiu-Hong Xu Dian-Xing Wu Qing-Yao Shu 《Field Crops Research》2008
Low phytic acid (LPA) crops have recently been considered as a potential way to combat nutritional and environmental issues related to seed phytic acid phosphorus (PA-P). Although, a number of LPA mutant lines have been developed in various crops, they are often featured with lower grain yield and seed viability compared with wild type (WT) parents. We recently developed several LPA mutant lines in rice with PA-P reductions varying from 33.8% to 63.6%. In this study, the performance of grain yield and seed viability of these mutants were investigated. Four of the five mutant lines had 12.5–25.6% reductions in grain yield compared to the corresponding WT parental lines. The reduction in grain weight, varying from 5.4% to 10.7%, was found to be the main causative factor of yield reduction. Similarly, LPA mutants had inferior seed viability to their corresponding WT parent varieties; all mutant lines had a significantly lower simplified vigour index (seed germination rate × seedling dry weight) than their parents, with reductions of 7.8–26.3%, although some mutant lines had similar germination rates as their WT parents. The two mutant lines, which had similar germination rates as their WT parent, however, had significantly lower field emergence rates. More pronounced differences of simplified vigour index were observed after artificial aging treatments between four LPA lines from their WT parents, implying that LPA rice seeds were more susceptible to storage than WT. The yield and yield-related traits of F2 plants and F3 lines from three crosses were evaluated; the results showed that while LPA was associated with significantly lower grain yield and grain weight than WT sibs, there were also LPA plants and lines that out-performed WT controls. These results implied that the negative effect of LPA mutations on grain yield might be reduced or minimized through cross and selection breeding. The implications of these findings were discussed with regard to LPA rice breeding and potential commercial production. 相似文献
The effects of nitrogen and iron fertilization on growth,yield and fertilizer use efficiency of soybean in a Mediterranean-type soil 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Poor seed yield of soybean in Mediterranean-type environments may result from insufficient iron (Fe) uptake and poor biological nitrogen (N) fixation due to high bicarbonate and pH in soils. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of N and Fe fertilization on growth and yield of double cropped soybean (cv. SA 88, MG III) in a Mediterranean-type environment in Turkey during 2003 and 2004. The soil of the experimental plots was a Vertisol with 176 g CaCO3 kg−1 and pH 7.7 and 17 g organic matter kg−1 soil. Soybean seeds were inoculated prior to planting with commercial peat inoculants. N fertilizer rates were 0, 40, 80, and 120 kg N ha−1 of which half was applied before planting and the other half at full blooming stage (R2). Fe fertilizer rates were 0, 200 and 400 g Fe EDTA (5.5% Fe and 2% EDTA) ha−1. It was sprayed as two equal portions at two trifoliate (V2) and at five trifoliate stages (V5). Plants were sampled at flower initiation (R1), at full pod (R4) and at full seed (R6) stages. Application of starter N increased biomass and leaf area index at R1 stage whereas Fe fertilization did not affect early growth parameters. N application continued to have a positive effect on growth parameters at later stages and on seed yield. Fe fertilization increased growth parameters at R4 and R6 stages, and final seed yield in both years. This study demonstrated an interactive effect of N and Fe fertilization on growth and yield of soybean in the soil having high bicarbonate and pH. There was a positive interaction between N and Fe at the N rates up to 80 kg N ha−1. However, further increase in N rate produced a negative interaction. Fertilization of soybean with 80 kg N ha−1 and 400 g Fe ha−1 resulted in the highest seed yield in both years. We concluded that application of starter and top dressed N in combination with two split FeEDTA fertilization can be beneficial to improve early growth and final yield of inoculated soybean in Mediterranean-type soils. 相似文献
氮磷钾肥施用对油菜产量及养分吸收利用的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为油菜科学施肥提供依据,利用当前推广的6个油菜品种秦优11号(QY11)、中农油2008(ZNY2008)、中油杂11号(ZYZ11)、湘油17(XY17)、浙油601(ZY601)和沪油杂1号(HYZ1),在大田试验条件下研究了氮、磷、钾肥施用对油菜产量及氮、磷、钾素吸收利用的影响,并比较了不同品种对施肥响应的差异。结果显示,相同施肥处理下不同品种籽粒产量差异显著,不施N(PKB)、不施P(NKB)、不施K(NPB)及NPK全施(NPKB)处理下品种间最大差异分别为385、244、759和720kg/hm2,变异系数分别为18.1%、25.5%、16.4%和11.0%。氮、磷、钾施用可显著提高各品种产量和相应养分积累量,NPKB处理相比PKB、NKB及NPB处理分别增产1 101~2 012、1 681~2 459和293~1 567kg/hm2,N、P、K积累量分别增加63.0~113.2、17.2~23.8和94.1~166.3kg/hm2。不同品种氮、磷、钾肥利用率也存在显著差异。同一品种对氮、磷、钾的响应一致,其中秦优11号对氮、磷、钾肥施用的敏感程度均大于其它品种,湘油17耐低氮、低磷和低钾的能力均高于其它品种。 相似文献