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In Gram-negative bacteria, the import of essential micronutrients across the outer membrane requires a transporter, an electrochemical gradient of protons across the inner membrane, and an inner membrane protein complex (ExbB, ExbD, TonB) that couples the proton-motive force to the outer membrane transporter. The inner membrane protein TonB binds directly to a conserved region, called the Ton-box, of the transporter. We solved the structure of the cobalamin transporter BtuB in complex with the C-terminal domain of TonB. In contrast to its conformations in the absence of TonB, the Ton-box forms a beta strand that is recruited to the existing beta sheet of TonB, which is consistent with a mechanical pulling model of transport.  相似文献   

In possessing a lone pair of electrons and an accessible vacant orbital, singlet carbenes resemble transition metal centers and thus could potentially mimic their chemical behavior. Although singlet di(amino)carbenes are inert toward dihydrogen, it is shown that more nucleophilic and electrophilic (alkyl)(amino)carbenes can activate H2 under mild conditions, a reaction that has long been known for transition metals. However, in contrast to transition metals that act as electrophiles toward dihydrogen, these carbenes primarily behave as nucleophiles, creating a hydride-like hydrogen, which then attacks the positively polarized carbon center. This nucleophilic behavior allows these carbenes to activate NH3 as well, a difficult task for transition metals because of the formation of Lewis acid-base adducts.  相似文献   

Topsøe NY 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1994,265(5176):1217-1219
The selective catalytic reduction reaction of nitric oxide bv ammonia over vanadia-titania catalysts is one of the methods of removing NOx pollution. In the present study, it has been possible to identify the reaction mechanism and the nature of the active sites in these catalysts by combining transient or steady-state in situ (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) experiments directly with on-line activity studies. The results suggest a catalytic cycle that consists of both acid and redox reactions and involves both surface V-OH (Br?nsted acid sites) and V=O species. A fundamental microkinetic model is proposed, which accounts for the observed industrial kinetics performance.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure of poliovirus at 2.9 A resolution   总被引:136,自引:0,他引:136  
The three-dimensional structure of poliovirus has been determined at 2.9 A resolution by x-ray crystallographic methods. Each of the three major capsid proteins (VP1, VP2, and VP3) contains a "core" consisting of an eight-stranded antiparallel beta barrel with two flanking helices. The arrangement of beta strands and helices is structurally similar and topologically identical to the folding pattern of the capsid proteins of several icosahedral plant viruses. In each of the major capsid proteins, the "connecting loops" and NH2- and COOH-terminal extensions are structurally dissimilar. The packing of the subunit "cores" to form the virion shell is reminiscent of the packing in the T = 3 plant viruses, but is significantly different in detail. Differences in the orientations of the subunits cause dissimilar contacts at protein-protein interfaces, and are also responsible for two major surface features of the poliovirion: prominent peaks at the fivefold and threefold axes of the particle. The positions and interactions of the NH2- and COOH-terminal strands of the capsid proteins have important implications for virion assembly. Several of the "connecting loops" and COOH-terminal strands form prominent radial projections which are the antigenic sites of the virion.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of the ribosome at 5.5 A resolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe the crystal structure of the complete Thermus thermophilus 70S ribosome containing bound messenger RNA and transfer RNAs (tRNAs) at 5.5 angstrom resolution. All of the 16S, 23S, and 5S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) chains, the A-, P-, and E-site tRNAs, and most of the ribosomal proteins can be fitted to the electron density map. The core of the interface between the 30S small subunit and the 50S large subunit, where the tRNA substrates are bound, is dominated by RNA, with proteins located mainly at the periphery, consistent with ribosomal function being based on rRNA. In each of the three tRNA binding sites, the ribosome contacts all of the major elements of tRNA, providing an explanation for the conservation of tRNA structure. The tRNAs are closely juxtaposed with the intersubunit bridges, in a way that suggests coupling of the 20 to 50 angstrom movements associated with tRNA translocation with intersubunit movement.  相似文献   

土壤N2O吸收和消耗机制及研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
N2O排放对全球的气候变化和氮素循环有着重要影响。土壤是N2O最重要的排放源,近年发现土壤在排放N2O的同时存在明显的负排放现象即N2O吸收和消耗现象。通过回顾N2O负排放现象的提出,分析土壤N2O负排放的物理途径、化学途径和生物学途径,认为生物途径是N2O负排放的主导途径,重点讨论了硝化反硝化微生物反应机理和影响反应过程的环境条件,论述了调控生物活性的土壤氧气/水分含量、土壤碳/氮含量、土壤pH值等因子。但由于消耗N2O的生物群落的产生较为复杂,提出了土壤N2O负排放的重点研究方向和方法,为控制土壤温室气体的排放和揭示碳氮循环机制研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure of an antigen-antibody complex at 2.8 A resolution   总被引:78,自引:0,他引:78  
The 2.8 A resolution three-dimensional structure of a complex between an antigen (lysozyme) and the Fab fragment from a monoclonal antibody against lysozyme has been determined and refined by x-ray crystallographic techniques. No conformational changes can be observed in the tertiary structure of lysozyme compared with that determined in native crystalline forms. The quaternary structure of Fab is that of an extended conformation. The antibody combining site is a rather flat surface with protuberances and depressions formed by its amino acid side chains. The antigen-antibody interface is tightly packed, with 16 lysozyme and 17 antibody residues making close contacts. The antigen contacting residues belong to two stretches of the lysozyme polypeptide chain: residues 18 to 27 and 116 to 129. All the complementarity-determining regions and two residues outside hypervariable positions of the antibody make contact with the antigen. Most of these contacts (10 residues out of 17) are made by the heavy chain, and in particular by its third complementarity-determining region. Antigen variability and antibody specificity and affinity are discussed on the basis of the determined structure.  相似文献   

The atomic structure of Mengo virus at 3.0 A resolution   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  
The structure of Mengo virus, a representative member of the cardio picornaviruses, is substantially different from the structures of rhino- and polioviruses. The structure of Mengo virus was solved with the use of human rhinovirus 14 as an 8 A resolution structural approximation. Phase information was then extended to 3 A resolution by use of the icosahedral symmetry. This procedure gives promise that many other virus structures also can be determined without the use of the isomorphous replacement technique. Although the organization of the major capsid proteins VP1, VP2, and VP3 of Mengo virus is essentially the same as in rhino- and polioviruses, large insertions and deletions, mostly in VP1, radically alter the surface features. In particular, the putative receptor binding "canyon" of human rhinovirus 14 becomes a deep "pit" in Mengo virus because of polypeptide insertions in VP1 that fill part of the canyon. The minor capsid peptide, VP4, is completely internal in Mengo virus, but its association with the other capsid proteins is substantially different from that in rhino- or poliovirus. However, its carboxyl terminus is located at a position similar to that in human rhinovirus 14 and poliovirus, suggesting the same autocatalytic cleavage of VP0 to VP4 and VP2 takes place during assembly in all these picornaviruses.  相似文献   

Zinc finger-DNA recognition: crystal structure of a Zif268-DNA complex at 2.1 A   总被引:128,自引:0,他引:128  
The zinc finger DNA-binding motif occurs in many proteins that regulate eukaryotic gene expression. The crystal structure of a complex containing the three zinc fingers from Zif268 (a mouse immediate early protein) and a consensus DNA-binding site has been determined at 2.1 angstroms resolution and refined to a crystallographic R factor of 18.2 percent. In this complex, the zinc fingers bind in the major groove of B-DNA and wrap part way around the double helix. Each finger has a similar relation to the DNA and makes its primary contacts in a three-base pair subsite. Residues from the amino-terminal portion of an alpha helix contact the bases, and most of the contracts are made with the guanine-rich strand of the DNA. This structure provides a framework for understanding how zinc fingers recognize DNA and suggests that this motif may provide a useful basis for the design of novel DNA-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Certain toxic lectins, including ricin, are retrogradely transported along neuronal processes to the cell body where they inactivate ribosomes, resulting in neuronal death. This process of "suicide transport" suggests a powerful new experimental strategy for solving neurobiological problems.  相似文献   

扦插作为一种无性繁殖的重要技术被广泛应用于生产实践中,然而目前一些优良植物的扦插生根率低,制约着其扦插繁殖技术的长足发展,而探明植物的扦插生根调控机理是提高植物扦插生根率的关键。本文从插穗不定根发生的形态解剖学、生理学及分子学研究三方面对植物扦插生根机理的研究进行综述。结合国内外研究现状,从解剖学角度对不定根形成的进程和机理进行说明,分析了插穗内含物质与生根之间的关系,阐明了不定根形成和发育的关键分子调控机理。目前植物的扦插生根机理研究已从解剖学、生理学深入到分子学水平,基于分子生物学的发展趋势,提出利用基因工程手段提升植物扦插繁殖技术,以实现植物扦插繁殖的技术创新,提高繁殖数量和质量,适应发展需要。  相似文献   

Estrus-inducing pheromone of male mice: transport by movement of air   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The proportion of female SJL/J mice exhibiting estrus whet 2 meters downwind (6 meters per minute) from a group of 15 hybrid mi not significantly less than that of females placed directly under the males posed to their urine. The proportion of mice showing estrus when placed 2 upwind was significantly less than that of mice downwind or of mice beloii but not different from that of females remote from males. These findings sh the pheromone from male mice is volatile and further support the concep, acts through olfactory receptors.  相似文献   

The large ribosomal subunit catalyzes peptide bond formation and binds initiation, termination, and elongation factors. We have determined the crystal structure of the large ribosomal subunit from Haloarcula marismortui at 2.4 angstrom resolution, and it includes 2833 of the subunit's 3045 nucleotides and 27 of its 31 proteins. The domains of its RNAs all have irregular shapes and fit together in the ribosome like the pieces of a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle to form a large, monolithic structure. Proteins are abundant everywhere on its surface except in the active site where peptide bond formation occurs and where it contacts the small subunit. Most of the proteins stabilize the structure by interacting with several RNA domains, often using idiosyncratically folded extensions that reach into the subunit's interior.  相似文献   

Lactose, like other sugars and polyols, prevents or delays the precipitation of calcium ion in the presence of bicarbonate buffer. That an uncharged calcium-lactose complex is formed was demonstrated by the use of paper electrophoresis and of calcium-45 as a label for the complex. Enhancement of the intestinal absorption of calcium ion by sugars could result from a complex of low molecular weight.  相似文献   

Single-crystal x-ray diffraction methods were used to determine the crystal and molecular structure of C(60) buckminsterfullerene. At 110 kelvin C(60) is cubic, apparent Laue symmetry m3m, but it exhibits noncrystallographic systematic extinctions indicative of a twin in which I(hkl) and I(khl) are superimposed. In fact, C(60) crystallizes with four molecules in space group [See equation in the PDF file] of the cubic system (Laue symmetry m3) with lattice constant a = 14.052(5) angstroms (A) at 110 kelvin. The twin components are equal. A given component, which has crystallographically imposed symmetry [See equation in the PDF file] displays an ordered structure of a truncated icosahedron. The five independent C=C bonds that join C(6) rings average 1.355(9) A; the ten independent C-C bonds that join C(6) and C(5) rings average 1.467(21) A. The mean atom-to-atom diameter of the C(60) molecule is 7.065(3) A. The molecules are very tightly packed in the crystal structure, with intermolecular C...C distances as short as 3.131(7) A.  相似文献   

Techniques for analyzing the structure and composition of solid surfaces with electron and photon beams often cause radiation damage in samples. Damage-producing processes compete with information-producing events during measurements, and beam damage can be a serious perturbation in quantitative surface analysis. There are, however, substantial benefits of electron- and photonstimulated damage processes for studying molecules adsorbed on surfaces. Direct information about the geometric structure of surface molecules can be obtained from measurements of the angular distributions of ions released by electron- or photon-stimulated desorption. The directions of ion emission are determined by the orientation of the surface bonds that are ruptured by beam irradiation. Moreover, photon-stimulated desorption studies that make use of synchrotron radiation reveal the fundamental electronic excitations that lead to bondbreaking processes at surfaces. These measurements provide new insights into radiation-damage processes in areas as diverse as x-ray optics and semiconductor electronics.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the uncomplexed orthorhombic form of gramicidin A has been determined at 120 K and at 0.86 angstrom resolution. The pentadecapeptide crystallizes as a left-handed antiparallel double-stranded helical dimer with 5.6 amino acid residues per turn. The helix has an overall length of 31 angstroms and an average inner channel diameter of 4.80 angstroms. The channel of this crystalline form is void of ions or solvent molecules. The channel diameter varies from a minimum of 3.85 angstroms to a maximum of 5.47 angstroms and contains three pockets where the cross-channel contacts are 5.25 angstroms or greater. The range of variation seen for the phi and psi torsion angles of the backbone of the helix suggests that these potential ion binding sites can be induced to travel the length of the channel in a peristaltic manner by cooperatively varying these angles. The indole rings of the eight tryptophan residues of the dimer are overlapped in three separate regions on the outer surface of the helix when viewed down the barrel of the channel. This arrangement would permit long-chained lipid molecules to nest parallel to the outer channel surface between these protruding tryptophan regions and act like molecular splines to constrain helical twist deformations of the channel.  相似文献   

beta-lactamases are enzymes that protect bacteria from the lethal effects of beta-lactam antibiotics, and are therefore of considerable clinical importance. The crystal structure of beta-lactamase from the Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus PC1 has been determined at 2.5 angstrom resolution. It reveals a molecule of novel topology, made up of two closely associated domains. The active site is located at the interface between the domains, with the key catalytic residue Ser70 at the amino terminus of a buried helix. Examination of the disposition of the functionally important residues within the active site depression leads to a model for the binding of a substrate and a functional analogy to the serine proteases. The unusual topology of the secondary structure units is relevant to questions concerning the evolutionary relation to the beta-lactam target enzymes of the bacterial cell wall.  相似文献   

试验选取甘草不同分布区较少受干扰群落为研究对象,用样线和样方相结合的方法进行群落调查,分析了各甘草分布群落特征和地上生物量特点。结果表明:甘草分布区内,物种数由东向西随着降水量的减少而减少,各群落中物种丰富度指数随着纬度的降低而降低,多样性指数镇赉最高,盐池最低;均匀度指数杭锦旗最高,群落间的相似性系数都小于0.5;杭锦旗甘草群落中甘草占绝对优势,甘草重要值达到0.26;各群落甘草地上生物量差异较大,其中杭锦旗甘草地上生物量最大,占总生物量的90.36%。综合以上研究结果认为,发展甘草培植产业应以杭锦旗周围为最佳区域。  相似文献   

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