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Montane grassland is a severely threatened habitat in Kenya. Despite a high level of faunal endemism, it has received very little conservation attention. We investigated habitat selection in a threatened grassland endemic bird species, Sharpe's longclaw (Macronyx sharpei) (family Motacillidae), in order to understand its likely response to land-use changes. Between November 1995 and May 1996, we studied 41 territories of this species on the Kinangop Plateau in central Kenya. With an overall density of 0.4 birds ha−1, longclaws lived in permanent groups of two to seven individuals. They were sedentary and territorial, with a mean home range size of 0.5 ha. The species avoided non-grassland areas entirely, and within grassland showed a strong preference for short grass with tussocks. Territory sizes and foraging ranges were smaller, and rates of pecking for food higher, in this grassland type than in open short grass or long grass. Land use changes, in particular conversion to cultivation or woodlots and ploughing up of grassland to remove tussocks, pose a serious and immediate threat to this species. Dairy farming is potentially compatible with grassland conservation, and conservation-friendly livestock rearing needs to be promoted through economic incentives, awareness-raising and technical advice.  相似文献   

The Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) is one of the most endangered primates in the world, confined to mature natural forest in Hainan Island, China. We assessed changes in habitat condition on the island between 1991 and 2008, using vegetation maps generated by remote-sensing images. We defined forest suitable for gibbons based on composition, tree size and canopy cover. During the 17-year period, the area of suitable gibbon forest decreased by 540 km2 (35%) across the whole island, and by 6.3 km2 (7%) in the locality of the sole remaining gibbon population at Bawangling National Nature Reserve. The forest patches large enough (>1 km2) to support a gibbon group decreased from 754 km2 to 316 km2 in total area, and from 92 to 64 in number. Suitable natural forest was mainly replaced by plantations below 760 m, or degraded by logging, grazing and planting of pines above 760 m. Meanwhile, forests in former confirmed gibbon areas became more fragmented: mean area of patches decreased by 53%. We mapped the patches of natural forest in good condition which could potentially support gibbons. We recommend a freeze on further expansion of plantations between core patches at Bawangling, Jiaxi-Houmiling and Yinggeling Nature Reserves in accordance with forest protection regulations; establishment of nature reserves in currently unprotected natural forest patches elsewhere in line with the local government’s nature reserve expansion policy; and active natural-forest restoration between remaining fragments at Bawangling.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》2004,116(3):319-326
The limpet Patella ferruginea Gmelin, 1791, endemic to the Mediterranean, is the most endangered marine species on the list of the European Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of Natural Habitat of Wild Fauna and Flora (1992). Its Mediterranean range has progressively contracted to a few restricted areas and the species is now threatened with extinction. Seventeen stations were sampled along the littoral zone on the coast of Ceuta, North Africa, for quantifying environmental factors (water movement, siltation and suspended solids), and 70 transects were selected for P. ferruginea sampling. The study revealed the presence of a well-established population of P. ferruginea with values of density and size of 0.67 individuals m−1 ±0.96 and 48.94 mm±11.61 respectively (mean±standard error of mean). The biggest densities of P. ferruginea were found inside the harbour of Ceuta. The limpets were more abundant on artificial harbour stones than on natural rocky shores, and the areas under the highest human pressure were characterised by the lowest densities and the smallest specimens probably due mainly to the predation for food and fishing. Human pressure is probably the main contributing factor to the currently endangered status of P. ferruginea. Programmes of environmental education to avoid its collection for fishing, food or for fun as decorative objects should be conducted, and further experimental studies dealing with the reproductive biology of this species are needed to properly assess the future programmes of conservation.  相似文献   

The pale-headed brush-finch (Atlapetes pallidiceps) is threatened with extinction due to habitat loss, but very little is known about its ecological requirements. We used multiple logistic regression to study habitat selection of this species at landscape, territory, and nest site scales in order to make recommendations about effective management. Habitat selection by the sympatric stripe-headed brush-finch (Buarremon torquatus) was examined with the same methods in order to analyse interspecific resource partitioning and potential competition. The pale-headed brush-finch selected semi-open habitat types with intermediate scrub heights, and avoided forests. Nest sites depended on the presence of vines or bamboo. By contrast, the stripe-headed brush-finch chose dense habitat with low ground cover under tall vegetation and avoided semi-open habitat. The two species had overlapping territories but differed significantly in microhabitat use and the use of vegetation strata. We found no convincing evidence that the stripe-headed brush-finch displaces the pale-headed brush-finch from optimal habitat. The preservation of semi-open scrubland maintained by low-intensity grazing is suggested for future conservation of the pale-headed brush-finch.  相似文献   

About 32% of Antirrhinum species are considered to be endangered; however, no field studies have focused on their reproductive biology. In this work, several aspects of the reproductive biology (flowering phenology, floral biology, breeding system) and potential limits on seed quantity and quality (pollen limitation, inbreeding depression) were studied in natural populations of three endangered species of the genus (Antirrhinum charidemi, Antirrhinum subbaeticum, Antirrhinum valentinum). Results disclose that all three species need insect visitors for seed production since fruit set after autonomous self-pollination was lower than under hand cross-pollination. A. charidemi and A. valentinum were mainly self-incompatible, whereas A. subbaeticum was self-compatible but herkogamous. Supplementary pollination in open-pollinated flowers only increased fruit set and seed set relative to controls in a given population of A. valentinum. Preliminary data on inbreeding depression at early life-cycle stages of the self-compatible A. subbaeticum revealed that the cumulative level was low. Despite the three species being closely related and sharing many ecological characteristics, they show different mating systems, and different factors limit seed quantity and quality. Thus, caution should be taken when making a common conservation plan for a group of closely related taxa.  相似文献   

Habitat destruction and degradation are the major causes for the decline of the endangered grass-feeding flightless beetle Dorcadion fuliginator in Central Europe. We examined habitat characteristics at 19 localities which still support abundant D. fuliginator populations in the southern part of the Upper Rhine valley (border region of Switzerland, Germany and France) to obtain basic information for the management of deteriorating habitats with declining beetle populations. Populations of D. fuliginator were found in different types of grassland on south, south-west and south-east facing slopes and flat ground. Correspondence analysis showed that plant communities of D. fuliginator localities overlap widely with fertilized, dry hay meadows (phyto-sociologically defined as dry type of the Arrhenatheretum community) and to a minor extent with traditionally extensively cultivated dry grasslands (Xerobrometum and Teucrio-Mesobrometum communities). Average indicator scores of the plant communities characterize the habitat of D. fuliginator as fairly light-exposed and warm, but with relatively large ranges in humidity and nutrient content. The results of a 16-year study on the timing of emergence of the first beetles in a population provided further evidence for the high temperature requirements of D. fuliginator. Proposed conservation measures include traditional cultivation of the present secondary, man-made D. fuliginator habitats, introduction of beetles to suitable motorway embankments as well as large-scale measures allowing natural dynamics in the flood plain along the river Rhine, the presumably primordial habitat of this highly endangered beetle.  相似文献   

The subdesert mesite, a terrestrial non-passerine bird endemic to the Mikea Forest of southwest Madagascar, is currently classified as globally threatened (category: Vulnerable). However, accurate assessment of threat in accordance with the IUCN Red List criteria (A, B and C) requires data on effective population size, area of habitat occupied and rate of decline, none of which is available for this species. Here we present the first empirical estimates of its population size using five complementary methods, three incorporating data on territory size and two using data gathered during call-playback surveys conducted throughout its entire global range. Estimates vary from 98,000 to 152,000 individuals, with the most reliable possibly being that generated by distance sampling (115,000). This figure is more than an order of magnitude greater than the only published estimate of <10,000 individuals. By analysing data on forest cover change, we estimate the population of the subdesert mesite to have declined by, at most, 10% in three generations. Although the rate of deforestation in 1994-1999 is double that calculated for 1962-1994, it is deemed unlikely that the population will decline by 20% over the next three generations. As such the species fails to meet criterion A. Although the subdesert mesite's range and area of occupancy are small, they are not fragmented and do not comprise fewer than 10 locations. Consequently, this species does not meet criterion B. Further, the species fails to meet criterion C, for which a maximum of 10,000 mature adults is required. According to IUCN (2000 Red List of Threatened Species) this species should therefore be downlisted in status. We discuss why it still warrants conservation attention and suggest the need for modifications to the criteria thresholds in relation to basic information about the ecology and taxonomic distinctness of species.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is often associated with reduced levels of fitness and local extinction of plant species, and consequently poses a major threat to the persistence of species worldwide. The majority of demography-based fragmentation studies to date have focussed primarily on fragmentation impacts on individual plant fecundity. Here we investigate the impact of habitat fragmentation on the demography (plant height classes and density) and key population dynamic processes for the rainforest tree species Macadamia integrifolia (Proteaceae). Raceme and fruit production and seedling emergence across fragmented sites exceeded that in more intact sites with no apparent difference in short-term mortality rates. Fecundity of flowering trees did not appear to be affected by fragmentation. Instead, overall reproductive output in fragmented sites was enhanced relative to undisturbed sites due to a higher proportion of reproductively active individuals. The probability of flowering and fruiting was negatively correlated with the projected foliage cover (PFC) surrounding individual trees, and average PFC was significantly lower in small and medium fragments, suggesting light availability as a potential contributor to the trends observed here.This study demonstrates that the short-term effects of habitat fragmentation on population viability may not necessarily be detrimental for some species, and highlights the importance of assessing not only the fecundity of flowering individuals but also the proportion of individuals reproducing within fragments.  相似文献   

Taxa of conservation interest are frequently identified using morphological or ecological characters. These characters are assumed to represent evolutionary importance, population structure and/or phylogenetic relationships in such organisms. We tested this assumption using two species complexes of the moth genus Hemileuca (Saturniidae). Both have populations threatened by habitat loss and need conservation protection. Legislation protects one taxon with apparent ecological differences. We sequenced 624 base pairs of mtDNA from the COI gene for geographically distant populations of the Hemileuca maia species complex and the H. electra species complex. Resultant phylogenies contradict prior assumptions about relationships in both species complexes. The legislatively protected Bog Buckmoth is paraphyletic with widespread H. maia, and its use of a novel hostplant seems to be a local adaptation. Divergent morphology and hostplant use among H. electra subspecies are associated with modest genetic divergence (0.48%). However, a group of unrecognized populations that are morphologically similar and geographically close to H. electra electra have mtDNA that is divergent by an average of 4.1%. There is disagreement regarding prioritization of ecological divergence over neutral genetic distance in conservation. We place ecological variation in a phylogenetic context and recommend that exploration of genetic relationships be undertaken when populations are threatened. Adaptive ecological variation should be evaluated in a phylogenetic context to understand its conservation importance. This study illustrates the importance both of phylogenetic context and the use of independent characters in assessing biodiversity for conservation prioritization.  相似文献   

Conservation biologists pay increasing attention to the interdependence between habitat structure and genetic patterns of species and to the importance of conserving genetic diversity. A suitable model species for such a study is Polyommatus coridon, a butterfly of dry calcareous grassland. We studied the population genetic structure of 22 western German populations of this species (874 individuals). We observed no congruence between the observed genetic structure and the geographic arrangement of the studied populations. Genetic diversity was slightly higher in large populations than in small populations. Differentiation among populations was weak or even missing. Populations of an area with high habitat density showed no significant differentiation, whereas areas with low habitat densities showed significant genetic differentiation among populations. At present, hierarchical variance analysis revealed no differentiation between four distinguished limestone areas. The combination of all analytical results allow the definition of management units for P. coridon. Conservation measures are proposed from which a large number of rarer species occurring together with P. coridon will benefit.  相似文献   

The maned sloth (Bradypus torquatus) is an endangered species endemic to the Atlantic Forest of eastern Brazil. This biome has been reduced to 7% of its original extent and the remaining forests are highly fragmented. We analyzed 70 samples from the largest remnant populations in the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro to characterize their geographic structure and to produce estimates of genetic diversity. The analysis indicated that the remnant populations are reproductively isolated and extremely divergent. The populations present a very discontinuous distribution, with divergent genetic clusters specific to different geographical regions, probably caused by allopatric fragmentation. This pattern is likely related to Pleistocenic climatic and vegetation changes, and indicates the presence of at least two independent evolutionary units. The analyses also indicate that populations separated by more than 100 km should be considered different management units. Thus, devastation of the Atlantic Forest leads to an unrecoverable loss of genetic diversity in this species. These conclusions should direct conservation actions aimed at preserving the distinctiveness of each evolutionary unit, as well as to preserve the demographic isolation of different management units.  相似文献   

Patterns of fragmentation in current distributions of 35 species of birds and 19 species of mammals that are considered endangered, threatened, or with restricted distributions were modeled in relation to 3 biosphere reserves (El Abra-Tanchipa, El Cielo, Sierra Gorda; ‘BRs’) and 13 areas identified as priorities for conservation in northeastern Mexico (PAC-Priority Areas for Conservation). Core area percentage of landscape (CPLAND) and aggregation index (AI) were used to summarize fragmentation trends in species’ geographic distributions, modeled using ecological niche modeling techniques. Overall (median) CPLAND and AI revealed: (a) for birds, El Abra-Tanchipa BR and neighboring areas exhibited the lowest fragmentation (high CPLAND and high AI), whereas Sierra Gorda BR was the most fragmented; (b) for mammals, El Abra-Tanchipa and El Cielo BRs exhibited lowest overall fragmentation, while Sierra Gorda BR was the most fragmented. Although there were areas (i.e., El Abra-Tanchipa BR and Parras de la Fuente PAC) with higher combination of CPLAND and AI values, El Cielo BR stands out because of its high CPLAND and AI values along with the highest species richness.  相似文献   

Prior to extensive European settlement, the fisher (Martes pennanti) occupied most coniferous forest habitats in Washington, Oregon, and California. Human activities since that time have resulted in the apparent extirpation of fishers throughout much of their historical range in the Pacific states. Fisher extirpations in California and Washington have been documented previously, but no comprehensive assessments of the distribution of fishers in Oregon, the history of their translocation into Oregon, or the conservation of fishers in the Pacific states have been conducted. Our objectives are to (1) review historical information on potential causes for fisher population losses in Oregon, (2) document the history of their translocation into Oregon, (3) describe the distribution of fishers in Oregon relative to those translocations and determine if any were successful, and (4) discuss the implications of our findings for the conservation of fishers in the Pacific states. Our results show that extant populations of fishers in Oregon are restricted to two disjunct and genetically isolated populations in the southwestern portion of the state: one in the southern Cascade Range and one in the northern Siskiyou Mountains. In addition, historical changes in the distribution of fisher occurrence records in Oregon and geographic variation in the genetic composition and size of fishers occurring in southwestern Oregon, show that the population in the southern Cascade Range is reintroduced and is descended from fishers that were translocated to Oregon from British Columbia and Minnesota. The loss of fisher populations from central and northern Oregon and throughout Washington has resulted in the isolation of extant populations in Oregon by >650 km from those occurring in southern British Columbia. Our results demonstrate that the historical continuity in fisher distribution that once provided for genetic interchange among fisher populations in the Pacific states no longer exists.  相似文献   

Most large mammalian carnivores are in global decline, principally due to conflict with livestock farmers. Because endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) range widely, often beyond the boundaries of protected areas, they may be particularly exposed to lethal control by farmers, even where nominally protected by reserves. Hence, effectively conserving wild dogs demands resolution of their conflicts with farmers. We investigated livestock depredation by African wild dogs living outside protected areas in northern Kenya. Scat analysis confirmed the distribution of depredation events reported by local farmers, indicating that farmer reports - collated by local Community Liaison Officers - gave a reasonably good index of the true pattern of depredation. Although livestock were abundant throughout the study area, depredation was exceedingly uncommon (approximately one attack per 1000 km2 per year) and the costs of tolerating wild dogs were very low (US $3.40/wilddog/year) where wild prey remained, even at low densities. However, where wild prey were seriously depleted, wild dogs killed livestock repeatedly, and the cost of sustaining them rose to US $389/wilddog/year. Hence, although wild dogs had a negligible economic impact in the region, their impact was locally severe. Conservation activities for wild dogs are most likely to be successful if targeted at areas where wild prey remain, and where traditional herding practices have been retained.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the current size of endangered bullhead (Cottus gobio) populations and microsatellite genetic variability. Additionally, the microsatellite data were used to evaluate whether a genetic test for population bottlenecks was able to provide evidence of recent severe population declines. Finally, our results were used to develop conservation priorities and measures. Population size appears to be a crucial parameter in determining the amount of genetic diversity that can be preserved in bullheads, since a significant positive correlation was observed between both variables. Furthermore, in some populations we were able to detect genetic signatures of the documented decline in population size. We suggest that the most immediate goal for bullhead conservation should be to increase the size and the range of the populations, and in doing so minimise or even reverse further genetic erosion. Potential management actions like habitat quality improvement, reduction of river fragmentation and supplementation programmes (translocation, supportive breeding) are discussed.  相似文献   

Fragmented and degraded vegetation characterises agricultural landscapes across southern Australian. Remnant vegetation within these regions performs a number of vital ecological and hydrological roles, but little is known about whether or how fragmentation is affecting the long-term persistence of these critical landscape elements. Acacias are a significant component of many remnant vegetation communities across Australia, forming numerous integral faunal and floral relationships. Here, reproductive output of 11 fragmented Acacia dealbata (Mimosaceae) populations from across the southern tablelands of New South Wales was assessed over 2 years to identify reproductive constraints associated with increasing vegetation fragmentation. Fertilization success is the major reproductive constraint, particularly in small populations, and probably reflects a self-incompatible reproductive strategy. During 2002 larger and more dense populations produced more legumes (p = 0.014 and <0.001, respectively) while in 2003 these two variables were associated with increased fertilization success (p = 0.004 and 0.017, respectively). There was also some suggestion that populations with fewer exotic species also experienced increased fertilization success (p = 0.055). Assessment of plant performance within populations suggests that consistent reproductive output of particular individuals within small populations may limit reproductive compatibility within these populations over time. The long-term persistence of many small A. dealbata populations may be jeopardised by low seed set, and limited recruitment and aging stands. Immediate steps are now required to ensure that these populations continue contributing to landscape function by augmenting populations, improving connectivity, and allowing disturbance events that will stimulate recruitment.  相似文献   

In 1997, the National Wildlife Institute, in co-operation with the University of Turin, produced an action plan to eradicate the American grey squirrel from Italy, as this introduced species replaces the native red squirrel through competitive exclusion and damages trees through de-barking. The first step, a trial eradication of a small population of grey squirrels at Racconigi (Turin) to evaluate the efficiency of the removal techniques, started in May 1997. Preliminary results showed that eradication was feasible, but the project was opposed by radical animal rights groups which took the National Wildlife Institute to court in June 1997. This legal action caused a suspension of the project and led to a lengthy judicial enquiry that ended in July 2000 with the acquittal of the Institute. Nevertheless, the 3-year suspension of all actions led to a significant expansion of the grey squirrel's range and thus eradication is no longer considered practical. Therefore, in the medium to long term, grey squirrels are likely to expand through continental Eurasia. This constitutes a major threat to the survival of the red squirrel over a large portion of its distribution range and will have a significant impact on forests, with economic damage to timber crops.  相似文献   

The Sardinian mountain newt Euproctus platycephalus, endemic to the island of Sardinia, (Italy), is considered a rare and threatened species and is classed as critically endangered by IUCN. It inhabits streams, small lakes and pools on the main mountain systems of the island. Threats from climatic and anthropogenic factors have raised concerns for the long-term survival of newt populations on the island. MtDNA sequencing was used to investigate the genetic population structure and phylogeography of this endemic species. Patterns of genetic variation were assessed by sequencing the complete Dloop region and part of the 12SrRNA, from 74 individuals representing four different populations. Analyses of molecular variance suggest that populations are significantly differentiated, and the distribution of haplotypes across the island shows strong geographical structuring. However, phylogenetic analyses also suggest that the Sardinian population consists of two distinct mtDNA groups, which may reflect ancient isolation and expansion events. Population structure, evolutionary history of the species and implications for the conservation of newt populations are discussed.  相似文献   

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