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We reviewed European studies on the effect of reed management (harvesting, burning, mowing and grazing) on reedbed wildlife, and in addition, on the performance of re-growing reed (Phragmites australis). Our database consisted of 21 studies conducted on 10 plant species, 17 taxonomic groups of invertebrates and 11 bird species, and published between 1982 and 2006.We found that reed management modifies the structure of re-growing reed stands: reed stems were shorter and denser in managed sites than in unmanaged sites. However, harvesting does not have an impact on aboveground biomass. Plant species richness increased by 90% in managed stands in fresh water marshes, but not in saline water marshes.Overall, reed management had a significant negative impact on invertebrate community, but the duration of management was an important factor determining the magnitude of the effect. Short-term management (1-2 years) had no effect on invertebrates, whereas management for longer period significantly reduced invertebrate abundance. Reed harvesting and burning reduced abundance of passerine birds by about 60%. This was probably associated with food limitation as the numbers of butterflies, beetles and some spiders were reduced. Therefore, the optimal reed management regime to preserve number of birds and invertebrates in reedbeds could be a rotation of short-term management (1-2 years). However, the optimal interval between management applications should be established in future studies.  相似文献   

Winter cutting of Common Reed Phragmites australis (Poaceae) is increasing in Camargue, southern France, potentially affecting wetlands of high conservation value. We studied its impact on arthropods by comparing four cut and uncut sites with special respect to avian prey availability in the breeding season. The two most important prey groups for breeding passerines, spiders (Araneida) and beetles (Coleoptera), were identified to species in trap catches and diet samples. The arthropod assemblages differed significantly between cut and uncut sites. Phytophagous and saprophagous species showed contrasting responses. Numbers of homopterans increased in cut reed beds, where green Phragmites stem density was higher. Saprophagous woodlice decreased, presumably due to the reduced amount of litter. Densities of some vegetation-dwelling spider and beetle species were lower at cut sites, including two of the most preferred prey species for passerine birds. Consequently, large-scale mechanically harvested reed beds host altered arthropod communities, missing major food components used by vulnerable passerines. However, reed cutting on a small scale may increase habitat heterogeneity and species richness on a landscape level. To contribute to reed bed conservation, EU schemes should reward management that leaves uncut reed patches in the proximity of cut areas to permit their recolonization by arthropods.  相似文献   

The vulnerable Eurasian bittern Botaurus stellaris has recently benefited from conservation actions in several European countries. The Camargue in Mediterranean France holds 8000 ha of reed marshes and 50% of the French bittern population estimated at 300-350 booming males. Although reed cutting in Europe is a current practice, we provide the first analyses on habitat selection relative to reed exploitation. The contribution of reed harvesting and water management was assessed at a fine scale (digitized aerial photographs of 50-cm resolution) based on multi-modelling data analyses. GLMs applied to random and bittern points of 50-m radius showed that bitterns preferred areas with less than 10% open water enclosing 1-year reeds. Only in harvested reedbeds had the water management a significant impact on habitat selection, with bitterns avoiding areas dried during less than two months and flooded since less than 8 months. Water edge played a role in non-harvested reeds only, with bittern seeking for areas with the highest ratio water edge to open water. Although reed cutting is generally considered as detrimental in the short term, two 4-year experiments showed a marked increase in bitterns the first spring after cutting was interrupted. Based on these results, we propose various management scenarios that conciliate economic constraints of reed harvesters and protection of Eurasian bittern populations.  相似文献   

The Eurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) is a game species experiencing high hunting pressure, long-term modifications of its habitats, and with questions regarding its current conservation status. Winter is a season of highest concentration of birds and hunting pressure but woodcock precise habitat requirements are poorly known. It is crucial to assess threats and to develop sustainable management options for the conservation of woodcock populations. During three consecutive winters, we monitored 65 individual woodcocks fitted with radio-tags in Brittany, France. Habitat selection was analysed using GIS and compositional analysis, in relation to vegetation types, soil variables (humus types) and the abundance of their main prey (earthworms). Woodcocks used different habitats diurnally and nocturnally, generally preferring areas with high earthworm biomass. Diurnal habitat selection in forests was associated with humus type (preference for mulls, rich in earthworms) and dense shrub strata (better protection). Hedges with a high density of trees and shrub were also important habitat. At night, grazed meadows were the preferred habitat, containing five times higher biomass of earthworms compared to cultivated fields. Sustainable management of populations requires protection and management of habitats that incorporates food and cover. Forestry practices should preserve rich humus types and coppices by choosing tree species that ameliorate the soil and soil tilling. Changes in landscapes and intensive agricultural practices are current threats to woodcock populations: destruction of hedges, decrease of permanent grazed meadows, impoverishment of soils fauna biomasses from ploughing and chemical applications. However, woodcocks may benefit from the recent development of set-asides, grass field-borders and simplified farm practices (no-tillage and direct sowing).  相似文献   

Sudden oak death (SOD), a disease induced by the fungus-like pathogen Phytophthora ramorum, threatens to seriously reduce or eliminate several oak species endemic to the west coast of North America. We investigated how the disappearance of one of these species, coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), may affect populations of five resident oak-affiliated California birds - acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus), Nuttall’s woodpecker (Picoides nuttallii), Hutton’s vireo (Vireo huttoni), western scrub-jay (Aphelocoma californica), and oak titmouse (Baeolophus inornatus) - using geocoded data from Audubon Christmas Bird Counts, North American Breeding Bird Surveys, and the California Gap Analysis. Capitalizing on observed relationships between the focal bird species and both oak species diversity and areal extent, we modeled relative bird abundance while assuming complete loss of Q. agrifolia and complete, partial, or no loss of oak habitat following a disease sweep. Post-SOD projections of bird populations occurring within the range of coast live oak were on average 25-68% smaller and 13-49% more variable relative to pre-SOD estimates. SOD effects were greatest for habitats with low initial oak species diversity. Climatic SOD models predicted that the disease stands to negatively impact populations of all five focal bird species throughout 20% of California’s coast live oak habitats. This study provides the first spatially explicit insights into the potential effects of SOD on avian distribution and abundance. Results may be used to help prioritize conservation plans aimed at minimizing overall community level disturbances resulting from the disease.  相似文献   

While it is widely understood that local abundance of benthic invertebrates can greatly influence the distribution and abundance of wetland birds, no studies have examined if wetland landscape context can mediate this relationship. We studied the influence of wetland food abundance and landscape context on use of agricultural wetlands by wintering dunlin (Calidris alpina) and killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, USA, over two winters (1999-2000, 2000-2001) of differing rainfall and subsequent habitat distribution. We monitored bird use (frequency of occurrence and abundance) at a sample of wetlands differing in local food abundance (density and biomass) and landscape context [adjacent shorebird habitat (defined as ha of wet habitat with less than 50% vegetative cover and within a 2-km radius) and nearest neighbor distance]. We evaluated predictive models for bird use using linear regression and the Cp criterion to select the most parsimonious model. During the dry winter (2000-2001), dunlin exhibited greater use of sites with higher invertebrate density and biomass but also with more adjacent shorebird habitat and closest to a wetland neighbor. However, neither landscape context nor food abundance were important predictors of dunlin use during the wet winter (1999-2000). Use of sites by killdeer was unrelated to either local food abundance or landscape context measures during both winters. Our findings contribute to a growing recognition of the importance of landscape structure to wetland birds and highlight a number of implications for the spatial planning and enhancement of wetlands using a landscape approach.  相似文献   

Agricultural landuse alters landscape pattern, with important consequences for native species. Complex responses to changes in landscape pattern may be observed for species with strong inter-specific relationships. We investigate how the abundance of an ecologically important food resource, the grey mistletoe (Amyema quandang), is influenced by the interactive influences of human-modified landscape pattern, bird disperser abundance and host condition. Mistletoe abundance was estimated in brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) dominated remnants in three separate study areas with differing landscape patterns. Negative binomial generalised linear models of mistletoe abundance were tested with combinations of seven explanatory variables: study area, landscape connectivity and edge contrast, patch shape, bird disperser abundance, brigalow foliage cover and basal area of standing dead trees. Ranking of model averaged parameter estimates showed that study area, bird disperser abundance, patch shape, dead trees and connectivity had the strongest influence on A. quandang abundance. Mistletoe abundance apparently increased with landscape modification, particularly in narrow linear patches, but may be limited by the availability of seed dispersers and host condition. Given high landscape modification and ongoing degradation, management should be targeted towards maintaining brigalow remnant condition to ensure bird and mistletoe populations can be supported in the long-term.  相似文献   

The damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale (Charpentier) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) is threatened throughout Europe. It is listed on the EC Habitats and Species Directive and is the only odonate currently given priority status in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. Information about the habitat preferences of this species is required to guide conservation and management programmes. We obtained estimates of density of mature adult C. mercuriale during an intensive mark-release-recapture study over 7.65 km of a water meadow ditch network in the Itchen Valley, Hampshire. Detailed habitat information was also collected, including a variety of physical variables, and data about the in-channel and bankside vegetation. C. mercuriale density and movement were analysed in relation to habitat variables and local population size using Generalized Linear Models. Mean adjacent population density was the single most important factor determining density. However the species was also associated with a number of habitat features, the most important of which were: a channel substrate consisting primarily of silt, wide underwater ledges (berms), in-channel emergent dicots, and bankside monocots. The presence of trees was negatively associated with damselfly density. Mean net lifetime movement was greatest from sections with low density, with smaller than average berms, and with deeper water. The causes and consequences of these findings are discussed in relation to the conservation and management of this rare species.  相似文献   

Declines in the natural populations of several bumblebee species across Britain and Europe are an increasing cause for concern. In this study the habitat use of bumblebees was investigated on Salisbury Plain Training Area, the largest remaining area of unimproved chalk grassland in north-west Europe. Habitat characteristics influencing the overall abundance, species richness and foraging activity of bumblebees included the diversity and abundance of flowering plant species (particularly of favoured forage plants such as Trifolium pratense), vegetation structure and height. It is suggested that different Bombus species respond to these habitat characteristics depending on their specific foraging and nesting requirements, the case of Bombus humilis being especially relevant. The effects of several grassland management practices were considered in terms of their suitability for the conservation of bumblebee habitats. Cattle grazing was shown to be preferable to both sheep grazing and the absence of any management, although the timing and intensity of such grazing was important. Small-scale disturbances caused by vehicle activity were also of value in producing locally abundant forage resources in less intensively managed grasslands.  相似文献   

In the United States, raccoons Procyon lotor are often removed from sea turtle nesting beaches to decrease egg mortality. However, raccoons also consume ghost crabs Ocypode quadrata, another common egg predator. Reducing predator populations can benefit secondary predators, inflating total predation pressure and leading to a decline in prey species. We used track and burrow counts to compare raccoon and ghost crab abundance at four beaches in Florida, USA, that differ in management activity and determined predation rates on loggerhead Caretta caretta nests by each predator. Mean raccoon abundance (range 0.12-0.46 tracks plot−1 night−1) and ghost crab density (0.09-0.19 burrows m−2) were inversely correlated. Ghost crabs were largest at the site with the fewest raccoons. The stable nitrogen isotope ratios of ghost crabs (mean 9.8‰) were positively correlated with body mass, indicating larger ghost crabs feed at a higher trophic level and suggesting large ghost crabs may consume more loggerhead eggs. The highest rates of egg predation by both predators (31%) occurred where raccoon abundance was lowest and ghost crab abundance was highest, suggesting ghost crab burrows may facilitate predation by raccoons. Our data suggest that predation by raccoons limits ghost crabs and that removing raccoons can increase ghost crab abundance and sea turtle egg mortality. Although predator removal can be effective when nest predation rates are quite high, maintaining moderate raccoon densities may be important for controlling ghost crabs. These results highlight the importance of understanding food web connectivity in developing management strategies to achieve conservation goals, especially when the species of concern are threatened or facing extinction.  相似文献   

The federally endangered Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides samuelis) is the focal species for a conservation plan designed to create and maintain barrens habitats. We investigated whether habitat management for Karner blue butterflies influences avian community structure at Fort McCoy Military Installation in Wisconsin, USA. From 2007 through 2009 breeding bird point count and habitat characteristic data were collected at 186 sample points in five habitat types including two remnant barrens types, barrens habitat restored from woodland and managed specifically for the Karner blue butterfly, and two woodland habitat types. Although the bird community of managed barrens was not identical to the communities of remnant barrens, the Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla), a species of conservation concern, and sparse canopy associated bird species, such as the Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) and Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) were predicted to occupy managed barrens and remnant barrens in similar proportions. Adjacent habitat was the most influential factor in determining the community of bird species using the managed barrens. In Wisconsin, and likely throughout the range of the Karner blue butterfly, management for the butterfly creates habitat that attracts a bird community similar to that of remnant barrens, and benefits several avian species of conservation concern. Additionally, the landscape context surrounding the managed habitat influences avian community composition. Managed barrens that are adjacent to remnant barrens, rather than adjacent to woodland habitats, have the highest potential for conserving barrens breeding birds.  相似文献   

In northern Europe, unimproved grasslands provide the habitat for a diverse group of fungi, including members of the genera Camarophyllopsis, Hygrocybe, Entoloma and Dermoloma, and the families Clavariaceae and Geoglossaceae. These fungi are currently the focus of international conservation concern, owing to rapid declines in the availability of suitable habitat. To assess their status in Scotland, 621 field surveys were undertaken on a total of 511 sites, distributed throughout the country. Taxa were found to differ substantially in abundance; for example, whereas five Hygrocybe taxa were recorded at a single site, seven taxa were recorded on more than 200 sites. The number of Hygrocybe taxa per site was found to be positively correlated with number of Clavariaceae taxa (r=0.60); however, the total number of Entoloma taxa was poorly correlated with diversity of other groups (r<0.35). Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of field data highlighted variation in composition of fungal communities; in particular, Entoloma taxa were found to cluster together, and were rarely found in association with Geoglossaceae. The data were used to critically examine current approaches to defining the conservation importance of grassland sites on the basis of their mycota. Species accumulation curves indicated that more than 16 visits may be required to fully characterize the fungal diversity of a site. Different groups of fungi also displayed constrasting patterns of seasonal variation in sporome production; peak diversity values for Geoglossaceae and Clavariaceae tended to occur later in the year than for Hygrocybe and Entoloma. Such results indicate that intensive, multiple surveys over prolonged periods are required to accurately define the conservation value of grassland sites. However, these preliminary data suggest that the unimproved grasslands of Scotland are of exceptional importance for fungal conservation, compared with other countries of northern Europe.  相似文献   

Montane grassland is a severely threatened habitat in Kenya. Despite a high level of faunal endemism, it has received very little conservation attention. We investigated habitat selection in a threatened grassland endemic bird species, Sharpe's longclaw (Macronyx sharpei) (family Motacillidae), in order to understand its likely response to land-use changes. Between November 1995 and May 1996, we studied 41 territories of this species on the Kinangop Plateau in central Kenya. With an overall density of 0.4 birds ha−1, longclaws lived in permanent groups of two to seven individuals. They were sedentary and territorial, with a mean home range size of 0.5 ha. The species avoided non-grassland areas entirely, and within grassland showed a strong preference for short grass with tussocks. Territory sizes and foraging ranges were smaller, and rates of pecking for food higher, in this grassland type than in open short grass or long grass. Land use changes, in particular conversion to cultivation or woodlots and ploughing up of grassland to remove tussocks, pose a serious and immediate threat to this species. Dairy farming is potentially compatible with grassland conservation, and conservation-friendly livestock rearing needs to be promoted through economic incentives, awareness-raising and technical advice.  相似文献   

Declines in bee populations have been documented in several parts of the world. Bees are dependent upon flowering plants for resources, and flowering plants often depend upon bees for pollination services. Bees can therefore serve as indicator species of habitat degradation due to these relationships with flowering plants. This study investigates how the bumble bee community in San Francisco has responded to urbanization and which urban park characteristics are important for the current community’s structure. To answer these questions we sampled bumble bees, in 18 urban parks and two nearby wild parks. We estimated park characteristics and used multiple regression analysis to determine which characteristics predicted bumble bee abundance and species richness. Bumble bee abundance was positively associated with resource availability or proxies of resource availability; “natural area” (areas that contain remnant fragments that have been largely unchanged by human activity) in 2003 and nest site abundance and openness of the surrounding matrix in both 2003 and 2004. Bumble bee species richness was negatively associated with abundance of a dominant species, Bombus vosnesenskii, in 2004. The importance of the surrounding matrix suggests that these parks do not act as islands. Accordingly, area of park did not explain species richness, while abundance of the dominant competitor did. The species that was most influenced by competition, Bombus sitkensis, uses rodent holes as nest sites and is possibly excluded from nest sites by the early emerging B. vosnesenskii, another subterranean nester. The species least influenced by competition, Bombus melanopygus, is able to use both rodent holes and abandoned bird nests as nest sites.  相似文献   

Ground-water and surface flow depletions are altering riparian ecosystems throughout the southwestern United States, and have contributed to the decline of forests of the pioneer trees Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood) and Salix gooddingii (Goodding willow). On some rivers, these forests have been replaced by shrublands of Tamarix ramosissima (tamarisk), a drought-tolerant species from Eurasia. The physiological response of these three riparian plant species to decreases in water availability is well studied, but little attention has been given to shifts in community and population structure in response to declines in surface flow and ground-water levels. Based on study of 17 sites spanning a hydrologic gradient, this research identified hydrologic thresholds above which P. fremontii-S. gooddingii maintain tall dense stands with diverse age classes, and above which they are more abundant than T. ramosissima stands along the San Pedro River in Arizona. Surface flow permanence was the hydrologic variable that explained most of the variance in species abundance and relative importance, with inter-annual ground-water fluctuation and depth to ground water also contributing. P. fremontii and S. gooddingii were dominant over T. ramosissima at sites where surface flow was present more than 76% of the time, inter-annual ground-water fluctuation was less than 0.5 m, and average maximum depth to ground water was less than 2.6 m, during a two-year period of data collection. Because T. ramosissima is a shrub species with smaller leaves and lower canopy heights than P. fremontii and S. gooddingii, these shifts in species composition corresponded to decreases in maximum canopy height and upper stratum (above 8 m) vegetation volume as site water availability declined. As well, sites with deeper water tables and more intermittent flows had greater areal coverage of shrublands and less of woodlands. The altered vegetation structure along dewatered rivers may lower wildlife habitat quality. This study provides river managers with quantitative hydrologic guidelines for conserving tall dense P. fremontii-S. gooddingii stands and emphasizes the importance of maintaining long-term hydrologic conditions that are favorable to these species. The study also has implications for riparian restoration and invasive species management by suggesting that desired outcomes may be achieved through restoration of physical processes.  相似文献   

We used models integrating road maps, traffic volume, and snake movements to examine the potential for roads to contribute to mortality in two species of water snakes that differ in their vagility, use of terrestrial habitats, and conservation status. Road networks and traffic volumes typical of three regions in Indiana, USA, may account for mortality of 14-21% of the population per year in the more vagile, terrestrial, and imperiled copperbelly water snake (Nerodia erythrogaster neglecta) but only 3-5% mortality in the more sedentary, aquatic, and common northern water snake (Nerodia sipedon). The majority (>91%) of road crossings and associated mortality are predicted to occur during overland migrations to other wetlands, suggesting roads bisecting travel routes between wetlands may function as mortality sinks. Our models highlight the proportionately greater risk of mortality for the more vagile and imperiled species, N. e. neglecta, and suggest current wetland conservation strategies that focus on the wetland alone are unlikely to adequately protect wetland biodiversity from certain types of anthropogenic habitat modification. What is needed is a landscape approach to wetland conservation that considers not only the quality of wetlands and nearby terrestrial habitats, but also ensures that terrestrial corridors between wetlands remain permeable and offer safe passage for wildlife.  相似文献   

In North Africa, and especially in the Sahara Desert, biodiversity is poorly known. Of the five widespread canid species present, one is Data Deficient, three are considered widespread although habitat selection could limit their area of occupancy, and distribution maps available are coarse for conservation planning. This study identifies biogeographic patterns in North-African canids through the combination of high resolution presence data with 16 environmental factors. Predictive models trained in north-west Africa are projected to all North Africa. canids exhibited distinct biogeographical affinities. GIS tools and Maximum Entropy models identify a mixture of climatic and habitat factors as main predictors of species occurrence. Suitable habitats for North-African canids are mostly fragmented: probable occurrence was identified for Canis aureus in Saharan peripheral regions and mountains, for Vulpes pallida in a narrow band along the Sahel and in southern Saharan mountains, for Vulpes rueppellii throughout the Sahara, for Vulpes vulpes in northern Africa until the Sahara northern limit, and for Vulpes zerda in almost all Sahara. Areas of potential sympatry between species with similar niches and parapatric ranges are identified along relatively narrow bands. The small pixel size of projections allows the identification of suitable refuges for species otherwise absent in the driest Saharan habitats, providing framework data for the definition of the global conservation status of V. pallida, and conservation strategies for the guild. The biological value of Saharan mountains is emphasised as they constitute isolated suitable areas. Ecological-niche based models should be developed for other endangered Saharan vertebrates.  相似文献   

Metapopulation theory is one of the most popular approaches to identify the factors affecting the spatial and temporal dynamics of populations in fragmented habitat networks. Habitat quality, patch area and isolation are mainly focused on when analyzing distribution patterns in fragmented landscapes. The effects of landscape heterogeneity in the non-occupied matrix, however, have been largely neglected. Here, we determined the relative importance of patch quality and landscape attributes on the occurrence, density and extinction of the Dupont’s lark (Chersophilus duponti), an endangered steppe passerine whose habitat has been extremely reduced to highly isolated and fragmented patches embedded in a mainly unsuitable landscape matrix. Habitat patch quality, measured in terms of vegetation structure, grazing pressure, arthropod availability, predator abundance, and inter-specific competition, did not affect occurrence, density or extinction. At the landscape scale, however, the species’ occurrence was principally determined by the interactions among patch size, geographic isolation and landscape matrix. Isolation had the main independent contribution to explaining the probability of occurrence, followed by landscape matrix composition and patch size. The species’ density was negatively correlated to patch size, suggesting crowding effects in small fragments, while extinction events were exclusively related to isolation. Our findings suggest that landscape rather than local population characteristics are crucial in determining the patterns of distribution and abundance of non-equilibrium populations in highly fragmented habitat networks. Consequently, conservation measures for these species should simultaneously involve patch size, isolation and landscape matrix and apply to the entire metapopulation rather than to particular patches.  相似文献   

This study highlights the importance of considering how seasonality of rainfall affects availability of resources and consequently species distributions within tropical ecosystems. The endangered northern bettong, Bettongia tropica Wakefield is thought to be restricted to habitats where seasonal availability of hypogeous fungi, their principal food resource, remains high. To test this hypothesis fungal abundance was quantified in the early wet, late wet, early dry and late dry seasons within known bettong habitat. A relationship was found between precipitation and fungal availability, with the abundance of hypogeous fungi being significantly lower in the late dry season. Fungal availability correlated strongly with the seasonal rainfall pattern determined from 74-year monthly means. This contrasts with a previous study where mycophagy, measured by faecal analysis, remained high across seasons presumably because of aseasonal rainfall during that study period. Alloteropsis semialata R.Br. (cockatoo grass) use by bettongs increased significantly during the period of low fungal availability. This suggests that the importance of cockatoo grass as an alternative food resource during annual and extended dry periods has previously been underestimated. With the frequency and intensity of drought expected to increase with global climate change, these findings have significant implications for bettong management. The important and possibly equivalent dependence of B. tropica on both hypogeous fungi and A. semialata helps to explain their habitat preference and identifies this species as a true ecotonal specialist.  相似文献   

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