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A survey was conducted in March and April 2001, to assess the status of the Indus River dolphin, Platanista gangetica minor, throughout its present range. A total of 1535 km of survey effort was conducted, consisting of 1375 km of the Indus River main channel, 136 km of Indus River secondary channels, and 24 km of the Panjnad River, a tributary of the Indus. The effective range of the Indus dolphin has declined by 80% since 1870. The sum of best group size estimates produced an abundance estimate of 965 dolphins. Extrapolation of encounter rates to un-surveyed channels and application of a correction factor to account for missed dolphins indicates that the metapopulation may number approximately 1200 individuals. Dolphins occur in five subpopulations separated by irrigation barrages. A pronounced increase in dolphin abundance and encounter rate was observed in each subsequent downstream subpopulation (except the last). The three largest subpopulations were between Chashma and Taunsa Barrages (84 dolphins; 0.28/km), Taunsa and Guddu Barrages (259 dolphins; 0.74/km) and Guddu and Sukkur Barrages (602 dolphins; 3.60/km). Reasons suggested for the high encounter rate between Guddu and Sukkur Barrages, include high carrying capacity, low levels of anthropogenic threat, effective conservation, and augmentation of the subpopulation by downstream migration of dolphins from upstream.  相似文献   

The Black Sea is a semi-enclosed body of water that differs from the adjacent Mediterranean Sea in terms of its biodiversity, oceanographical and ecological characteristics. There is growing international concern about pollution in the Black Sea and other anthropogenic threats to its fauna. The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is one of three species of cetaceans living in the Azov-Black Sea basin. Despite considerable research on bottlenose dolphins elsewhere, the extent of human impacts on the Black Sea populations is unknown. Previous attempts to award special conservation status to Black Sea cetaceans have failed specifically because policy makers have viewed their ecological and evolutionary uniqueness as equivocal. This study assessed divergence between Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean bottlenose dolphins for 26 cranial measurements (n = 75 adult bottlenose dolphin skulls) and mitochondrial DNA (n = 99 individuals). Black Sea bottlenose dolphins are smaller than those in the Mediterranean, and possess a uniquely shaped skull. As in a previous study, we found the Black Sea population to be genetically distinct, with relatively low levels of mtDNA diversity. Population genetic models suggest that Black Sea bottlenose dolphins have so little gene flow with the Mediterranean due to historical isolation that they should be managed separately.  相似文献   

Hector's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori) is an uncommon endemic of New Zealand which is suspected to be in decline due to entanglement mortality. However, uncertainty in available data has led to a dispute between the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries and the New Zealand Department of Conservation over the status of this species. We use a density-dependent deterministic model to predict the future abundance and geographic distribution of Hector's dolphin under different scenarios of fisheries management. We then examine the sensitivity of this model to a number of parameters for which few or no data are available. We find that two populations of Hector's dolphins are predicted to decline in the future even when the most optimistic parameter estimates are used. The status of the third population is dependent upon the estimate of maximum annual population growth rate. Because of the dependence of final abundance estimates on the estimates of entanglement mortality rates and maximum population growth rate, research efforts should be concentrated on estimating these parameters.  相似文献   

Understanding metapopulation dynamics in large carnivores with naturally fragmented populations is difficult because of the large temporal and spatial context of such dynamics. We coupled a long-term database of visitor sighting records with an intensive 3-year telemetry study to describe population dynamics of recolonization by black bears (Ursus americanus) of Big Bend National Park in Texas during 1988-2002. This population, which occurs within a metapopulation in western Texas and northern Mexico, increased from a single pair of known breeding-age animals in 1988 to 29 bears (including 6 females of breeding age) in March 2000 (λ = 1.25/year). A migration and dispersal event in August-December 2000 reduced the population to 2 adult females and as few as 5-7 individuals. One-way movement distances from the study area during this event averaged 76 km for females (n = 7) and 92 km for males (n = 4), and 3 animals conducted migrations of at least 154, 178, and 214 km, respectively. Our observations exemplify the importance of stochastic events on demographics of small populations and highlight the potential scale of bear movement among montane islands of southwestern North America. They also provide insight into the use of dispersal data in parameterizing metapopulation models for large carnivores.  相似文献   

Powerboats are potentially a significant source of disturbance to coastal cetaceans. Information is scarce, however, on the nature of interactions between powerboats and dolphins, particularly when both surface and acoustic behaviour are combined. The surface behaviour and acoustic response of travelling dolphins to approaches by a powerboat were assessed by a series of experimental trials between November 2001 and November 2003 in Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia. Dolphin behaviour was monitored continuously from an independent research boat before, during and after a powerboat approached (n = 12). Treatments were interspersed with control observations (n = 12). Changes in surface behaviour indicated differences between the treatment and control periods (z = 2.24, p = 0.025), with dolphins tending to alter their surface behaviour when exposed to the powerboat approach. Analysis also revealed a change in the direction of travel by dolphin groups when approached (z = 3.22, p = 0.001). Changes in surface behaviour occurred at vessel approach distances outside the minimum approach distance of 30 m for recreational and commercial vessels, as proposed by the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. In contrast, there were no changes in dolphin whistle rates (F3,12 = 0.74, p = 0.54) or the duration of echolocation click bouts (F3,12 = 0.76, p = 0.59) when approached. These findings indicate that powerboats do affect the surface behaviour and direction of travelling inshore bottlenose dolphins in Jervis Bay; however it appears that this impact is not reflected in their acoustic behaviour.  相似文献   

The increasing presence of aquaculture in coastal waters calls for a better understanding of its environmental effects. Currently little information is available on the impact of shellfish farms on cetaceans. Here we compare long-term ranging patterns of adult female bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp. in Shark Bay, Western Australia) before and during full-scale pearl oyster farming operations, to determine if they were displaced. When the exact location of the oyster farm was determined, the dolphins decreased their use of that area after the farm was in place. Tracks of adult female dolphin movement near the oyster farm were compared to tracks of dolphin movement near an ecologically similar area where no oyster farm existed. Tracks near the oyster farm were less likely to enter the oyster farm itself than tracks near an ecologically similar location. This suggests that shellfish aquaculture could have a large impact on small cetaceans. The analytical techniques discussed apply broadly to aquatic and terrestrial animals.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the ecology of snubfin Orcaella heinsohni and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins Sousa chinensis in Australian waters. We used photo-identification data collected between 1999 and 2002 in Cleveland Bay, northeast Queensland, to estimate abundance, site fidelity and residence patterns of these species in order to make recommendations for their effective conservation and management. Our abundance estimates indicate that less than a hundred individuals of each species inhabit this coastal area. Even with relatively unbiased and precise abundance estimates population trends will be extremely difficult to detect in less than three years unless changes in population size are very high (>20% p.a.). Though both species are not permanent residents in Cleveland Bay, they both used the area regularly from year to year following a model of emigration and reimmigration. Individuals of both species spend periods of days to a month or more in coastal waters of Cleveland Bay before leaving, and periods of over a month outside the study area before entering the bay again. Because of their small population sizes and movement patterns, snubfin and humpback dolphins are particularly vulnerable to local extinction. Our results illustrate that: (1) detection of population trends should not be a necessary criterion for enacting conservation measures of both species in this region, and (2) efforts to maintain viable populations of both species in Cleveland Bay must include management strategies that integrate anthropogenic activities in surrounding areas.  相似文献   

Along the east coast of the United States, by-catches of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in gillnet fisheries exceed removal levels set under the US Marine Mammal Protection Act. One measure proposed to reduce this mortality is the use of acoustic alarms, or pingers, which have proven effective in reducing by-catches of other small cetaceans, but have not been tested with bottlenose dolphins. We examined the responses of bottlenose dolphins to a commercial gillnet equipped with functional (active) and non-functional (control) Dukane NetMark® 1000 alarms near Fort Macon, NC. Between 5 April and 10 May 2001 we used a theodolite to track 59 groups of dolphins around the net. Choice of treatment was random each day and the two shore-based observers were unaware of whether alarms were active (13 days) or controls (9 days). There were no significant differences in the number of groups observed (P=0.315; 1−β=0.835) or in the closest observed approach to the net (P=0.307; 1−β=0.828) between treatments. However, dolphins entered a circular buffer approximately 100 m around the net more frequently with control than active alarms (P=0.015). We conclude that some dolphins responded to the alarms by avoiding the net, but caution that the potential efficacy of alarms is confounded by dolphin behavior. Most dolphins were aware of the net, regardless of the status of alarms, and some dolphins fed on fish in the net or discarded by the fishing vessel. We believe that it would be unwise to use pingers in these fisheries because of the limited behavioral responses we observed in our experiment. Furthermore, the responses we observed are likely to diminish or change over time as dolphins habituate or sensitize to these alarms. Further research is required to understand the behavior responsible for entanglement.  相似文献   

Illegal, large-scale driftnets are still used in several Mediterranean areas. According to international official sources, Morocco harbors the bulk of this fleet in the Mediterranean. To ascertain its biodiversity impact, 369 fishing operations (worth 4140 km of driftnets set) made by the driftnet fleet targeting swordfish (Xiphias gladius) based in Al Hoceima (Alboran Sea) were monitored between December 2002 and September 2003. Parallel surveys were made in the main Mediterranean ports and in that of Tangiers, in the Gibraltar Straits, to estimate the total fishing effort. Results showed an active driftnet fleet conservatively estimated at 177 units. Estimated average net length ranges from 6.5 to 7.1 km, depending on the port, though actual figures are suspected to be much higher (12-14 km). Most boats perform driftnet fishing all year round, resulting in very high annual effort levels. A total of 237 dolphins (short-beaked common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, and striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba), 498 blue sharks (Prionace glauca), 542 shortfin makos (Isurus oxyrinchus) and 464 thresher sharks (Alopias vulpinus) were killed by the boats monitored during the sampling period, during the peak of the swordfish fishery, along with 2990 swordfish. Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) was also caught (46 individuals). Estimates for a 12-month period by the whole driftnet fleet yielded 3110-4184 dolphins (both species) and 20,262-25,610 pelagic sharks distributed in roughly equal proportions for P. glauca, I. oxyrinchus and A. vulpinus, in the Alboran Sea alone; further 11,589-15,127 dolphins and 62,393-92,601 sharks would be killed annually around the Straits of Gibraltar. Dolphins suffer from annual take rates exceeding 10% of their population sizes in the Alboran Sea; this unsustainable impact is particularly worrying for D. delphis, because its last remnant healthy population in the Mediterranean occurs in this area. Average catch rate for swordfish, the main target species, amounted to only 0.8 individuals/km net set. Pelagic sharks are actively targeted by a part of the fleet.  相似文献   

Oil extracted from blubber of the Ganges River dolphin, Platanista gangetica, is used as a fish attractant in India and Bangladesh. This oil fishery is associated with the mortality of hundreds of dolphins every year. Oil from fish scraps was field tested for 121 days during 1997-1999 in the Ganges at Patna and was a very effective alternative to dolphin oil as a fish attractant. Fishing with fish oil resulted in higher catches and greater income per person per hour (Rs. 17.8±12.5) than fishing with dolphin oil (Rs. 11.6±9.3). However, there is no statistically significant difference between the results from fishing with dolphin and fish oil. Oil from fish scraps is inexpensive and can be made readily available to all the fishermen. Its widespread use would help in conserving the endangered Ganges River dolphin.  相似文献   

From 1998-2005, we collected 851 geo-referenced records of leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, from a volunteer network of commercial fishers and tour boat operators in Atlantic Canada. These data provide new insight into the spatial and temporal distribution of leatherbacks in temperate northwest Atlantic waters. Patterns in sightings data were consistent with the results of concurrent satellite telemetry studies, revealing a broad distribution of leatherbacks on the Scotian Shelf throughout the foraging season, and regular occurrence in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence in late summer and fall. Our results suggest inter-annual variation in leatherback abundance in Canadian waters, with reported sightings across all years peaking on August 5 (95% CI: July 25-August 15). Weekly mean area sea surface temperature (SST) had a significant effect on the number of leatherback sightings reported, independent of day of year, with each 1 °C rise in temperature increasing reported sightings by 12.5% (95% CI: 2.1-23.8%). Most turtles were reported inshore from the continental shelf break and mean SST associated with sightings was 16.6 °C (sd = 2.3 °C). Our findings suggest that Canadian waters support one of the highest summer and fall densities of leatherbacks in the North Atlantic, and should be considered critical foraging habitat for this endangered species. Conservation efforts must be broadened to address threats to leatherbacks in this area.  相似文献   

Описывается искусст венный амфидиплоиди ый гибрид Hyoscyamus x györffyiHammer etMelchers, hybr. nov. (2n=102), полученный от скрещивания H.niger (2n=34) с H.albus (2n=68) и сравнивает ся с родительскими ви дами.  相似文献   

The roosts of many IUCN-listed cave-roosting bat species are under threat from tourist development in SE Europe and other regions of the world. Much-needed conservation strategies require, among other information, an understanding of their roost movements and population dynamics, which can now be obtained relatively quickly using advanced models. We have studied the long-fingered bat, Myotis capaccinii, an obligate cave-dweller, in Dadia National Park, Greece. The species formed colonies of up to a few thousand individuals and was highly mobile, frequently switching summer roosts up to 39 km apart, even during late pregnancy. The bats migrated to distant hibernacula including a cave in Bulgaria 140 km NW of the Park. Adult recapture probabilities varied with season and sex: low female recapture rates in autumn, relative to spring and summer, indicated non-random temporary emigration following nursery colony dispersal. The opposite pattern was seen in males: increasing recapture rates in the autumn suggest that males gather in these roosts to mate with females in transit. Adult survival (0.86-0.94) was similar in females and males, similar in winter and summer, and comparable to recent estimates for other bats based on similar modelling techniques. Sex-based differences in juvenile recapture suggest female philopatry and male-biased dispersal. Our work shows that protection of M. capaccinii roosts must extend beyond the Park’s and indeed the country’s boundaries: its conservation requires large-scale, trans-national integrated conservation plans. Our results will apply to many other warm-temperate species with similar life history cycles.  相似文献   

Baseline data on distribution and abundance of tigers in the Sundarbans is required to identify problem areas and evaluate management strategies. This paper outlines a khal (creek) bank survey of track set frequency throughout the Bangladesh Sundarbans to aid formulation of a management-driven monitoring program. Three teams of two observers surveyed a total of 1 201 km of waterways throughout the Sundarbans, recording 1 338 tiger track sets. These sets became unrecognizable as tiger sign after a mean 10 days (range 6-14). Proportion of detectable sign recorded was 0.91. Mean (±standard error) sample unit track frequency was 1.12 ± 0.86 track sets/km of khal. The mean coefficient of variance in sample unit track rate, estimated by multiple counts of six sample units, was 0.21 (range 0.06-0.34). Track frequency generally increased from northeast to southwest. Four sample units (6%) had signs of reproduction, with a mean litter size of 1.75 ± 0.5. Monte Carlo simulation suggests a monitoring program of one complete survey every two years will have power of 0.8 (α = 0.2), to detect track frequency declines of ?19% and increases of ?17%. We recommend this monitoring scheme be implemented on the Indian side of the Sundarbans to provide a standard assessment of the tiger population and to form the basis for setting management objectives and evaluating transboundary conservation initiatives.  相似文献   

Populations of many orchids, especially terrestrial species, have been rapidly decreasing due to mass collection by plant sellers and enthusiasts. Given the presumably negative demographic and genetic consequences, such anthropogenic activity should be taken into consideration for predicting ecological and evolutionary dynamics and for planning conservation strategies. To determine how recent human disturbance alters spatial demographic and population genetic processes, populations of the terrestrial orchid Cymbidium goeringii located in South Korea were examined to quantify the spatial distributions of individuals and genotypes with respect to three levels of disturbance: “disturbed” (four populations), “putatively disturbed” (two), and “undisturbed” (two). Undisturbed and putatively disturbed populations were found to possess significantly positive spatial clustering of individuals over a range of spatial scales. In contrast, disturbed populations exhibited little or no spatial aggregation, consistent with the selective removal of plants by collectors from higher density areas within these populations. Although overall genetic differentiation among populations was moderate and significant (FST = 0.082), levels of genetic diversity within populations were similar despite the different disturbance histories (mean He = 0.257-0.324). Spatial genetic autocorrelation analyses revealed that the undisturbed populations exhibited significant declines in kinship (Fij) with distance, that mean kinship at interplant distances of ?4-6 m was significantly greater than zero and between plants ?0.5 m apart was in the range expected for first cousins to half-sibs. In contrast, only one putatively disturbed and one disturbed population exhibited significant declines in kinship with distance. These differences between disturbed versus putatively disturbed and undisturbed populations in the spatial distribution of individuals and genetic variation likely reflect the consequences of mass collections. Since these differences (and reduced population density) have important implications for future ecological and evolutionary trajectories, conservation managers of endangered terrestrial orchids may want to analyze the spatial distribution of individuals and their genotypes to infer whether a population with few individuals represents a natural state or the likely outcome of mass collection.  相似文献   

Predicting species' responses to habitat loss is a significant challenge facing conservation biologists. We examined the response of both European three-toed woodpecker subspecies Picoides tridactylus tridactylus and P. tr. alpinus to different amounts of dead wood in a boreal and a sub-Alpine coniferous forest landscape in central Sweden and Switzerland, respectively. Habitat variables were measured by fieldwork in forests with breeding woodpeckers (n=10+12) and in control forests without breeding woodpeckers (n=10+12) in the same landscape. Logistic regression analyses revealed steep thresholds for the amount of dead standing trees and the probability of three-toed woodpecker presence in both Sweden and Switzerland. The probability of the presence of three-toed woodpeckers increased from 0.10 to 0.95 when snag basal area increased from 0.6 to 1.3 m2 ha−1 in Switzerland and from 0.3 to 0.5 m2 ha−1 in central Sweden. In Switzerland, a high road network density was negatively correlated to the presence of woodpeckers (r=−0.65, p=0.0007). The higher volumes of dead wood in Switzerland, where population trends are more positive, than in central Sweden, where the population is declining, would suggest that the volumes of dead wood in managed forests in Sweden are too low to sustain three-toed woodpeckers in the long-term. In terms of management implications, we suggest a quantitative target of at least 5% of standing trees in older forests being dead over at least 100 ha large forest areas. This corresponds about to ?1.3 m2 ha−1 (basal area) or ?15 m3 ha−1 (volume), still depending on site productivity.  相似文献   

Surveys primarily aimed at determining dolphin encounter rates were conducted from small inflatable craft in eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters between 1997 and 2004. During 633 surveys totalling 21,276 km of effort, observations of cetaceans and other marine species spotted in a study area of 480 km2 were systematically recorded. Common dolphin encounter rates declined 25-fold across the study period, steadily decreasing from 2.18 encounters/100 km in 1997 to 0.09 encounters/100 km in 2004. Encounter rates of tuna also declined significantly. Swordfish encounter rates dropped from 1.03 encounters/100 km in 1997 to 0-0.12 in 1998-2004. Encounter rates of bottlenose dolphins did not show significant trends. The decline of high-order marine predators feeding on epipelagic prey was consistent with the hypothesis of prey depletion, likely resulting from intensive exploitation of local fish stocks, particularly anchovies and sardines. The catholic feeding habits and opportunistic behaviour of bottlenose dolphins may allow them to withstand the effects of overfishing at their present low density.  相似文献   

Most of the extant circa 1400 Hawaiian monk seals Monachus schauinslandi live in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). However, an increasing number of sightings and births have recently occurred in the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI), where no systematic surveys of monk seals were conducted prior to 2000. We estimate that there were at least 45 seals in the MHI in 2000 and at least 52 in 2001, based on aerial surveys of all MHI coastlines, supplemented by sightings of seals from the ground. Moreover, annual births in the MHI have evidently increased since the mid-1990s. Weaned pups in the MHI are longer and have greater girth than those in the NWHI, perhaps reflecting greater per-capita abundance of prey resources. We think that Hawaiian monk seals have recently re-colonized the MHI, which were a very likely part of their historic range. Regardless, the MHI habitat appears to be favorable for continued increases of this endangered species.  相似文献   

A study of the catch composition of a cooperative fishery practiced between cast-net fishermen and Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) in the Ayeyarwady River, Myanmar, was conducted at fishing grounds near Myay Zun, Indown, The‘ Kyun and Hsithe during November and December 2006 and 2007. A total of 4139 fish from 42 species and five crustaceans from a single species were recorded in 1099 net casts made during 33 fishing sessions. Sufficient data were only available to conduct in-depth analyses of catches obtained from Myay Zun (776 net casts, 41.2% while cooperating with dolphins). These analyses indicated that catch per cast, defined by the number of fish, their weight and economic value, was higher (Mann-Whitney P < 0.001) during both 2006 (about double for all parameters) and 2007 (about triple for all parameters) while the dolphins were cooperating with fishermen. Differences in catch between cooperative and non-cooperative net casts were primarily explained by the much higher frequency of empty catches (Chi-square P < 0.001, df = 3 during both 2006 and 2007) recorded during non-cooperative casts (68.3% and 71.3% in 2006 and 2007, respectively) versus cooperative casts (13.7% and 31.6% in 2006 and 2007, respectively). Overall, fish catch could be described as meager, which may partially be explained by the abnormal timing of flow recession during both years. However, the cast-net fishermen also consistently reported dramatically depleted catches in recent years due to illegal electric fishing. Elimination of electric fishing in a recently established protected area will be crucial for conserving the dolphins and the cooperative cast-net fishery.  相似文献   

Adenylate (i.e. adenosine tri- (ATP), di- (ADP) and monophosphates (AMP)) and microbial biomass C data were collected over a wide range of sites including forest floor layers and forest, grassland and arable soils. Microbial biomass C was measured by fumigation extraction and adenylates after alkaline Na3PO4/DMSO/EDTA extraction and HPLC detection. Our aims were (1) to test whether the sum of adenylates is a better estimate for microbial biomass than the determination of ATP, (2) to compare our conversion values with those proposed by others, and (3) to analyse whether soil properties or land use form affect the relationships between ATP, adenylates and microbial biomass C. A close relationship was found between microbial biomass C and ATP (r=0.96), but also with the sum of adenylates (r=0.96) within all appropriately conditioned soil samples (n=112). In the mineral soil (n=98), the geometric means of the ATP-to-microbial biomass C ratio and the adenylates-to-microbial biomass C ratio were 7.4 and 11.4 μmol g−1, respectively. The mean ratios did not differ significantly between the different texture classes and land use forms. In the forest floor, the ATP-to-microbial biomass C ratio and the adenylates-to-microbial biomass C ratio were both roughly two-thirds of those of the mineral soil. The average adenylate energy charge (AEC) of all soil samples was 0.79 and showed a strong negative relationship with the soil pH (r=−0.69). However, the AEC is presumably only indirectly affected by the soil pH.  相似文献   

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