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美国红鱼为广盐、广温性鱼类,原产于南大西洋和墨西哥沿岸水域。该鱼肉味鲜美,适于清蒸和烧烤。1999年以来连云港地区分批购进大规格鱼种进行池养和网箱养殖,均获得较好效益。现将有关池塘养殖的技术要点总结如下。1 池塘选择与清整 精养池塘面积以5~20亩为宜,池深2.0~2.5米(有效蓄水1.0~1.5米),池形以长方形为好,东西向。长宽比为2:1-3:2。池底平坦,淤泥较少。靠近水源,进排水方便。池塘选定后,在放养鱼种之前20~30天用生石灰或漂白粉清池。用量为生石灰60~70千克/亩,漂白粉 4~6…  相似文献   

<正> 美国南部沿墨西哥湾和佛罗里达海岸一直是海鲜的主要产区,盛产虾、蛤、牡蛎、鳍鱼等。渔获物中一些最名贵的食用鱼隶属于红鱼家族(Sciaenidae),包括美国红鱼(red drum)、斑点鳟(spotted sea trout)、美国黄花鱼(black drum)、鳕鱼(whiting)和石首鱼(croaker)。  相似文献   

姜祝飞 《齐鲁渔业》2002,19(10):27-27
一、亲鱼的采集与运输美国红鱼亲鱼在美国主要用海区自然生长的鱼,在我国主要用池塘或网箱养殖的鱼,捕捞方式主要用钓捕和拉网捕捞。亲鱼在起运前要有一定的时间进行驯化,使之适应桶内生活。短途运输(5小时以内)进行充气即可,长途运输要加冰,使水温保持在21℃左右。水体中可加入抗生素以减低细菌感染的危险。二、激素诱导挤卵挤卵可在较小而便宜的水箱中进行,可与产卵季节同步。1.亲鱼成熟度的估计 产卵季节(8月中旬~10月中旬)所捕亲鱼大多数可用激素诱导挤卵,但注射激素之前需检查生殖腺发育情况。对于雄性可在鱼的两侧和腹部施压,挤出精液以检查精子的生成情况。对雌性可用1根  相似文献   

本介绍美国红鱼稚鱼淡化技术试验结果及分析。在盐度31‰海水中培育的美国红鱼稚鱼可以直接投放到盐度10‰的海水中,且成活率高达99%;从盐度10‰开始淡化,以1‰和2‰的梯度逐步淡化较佳,成活率分别为88.5%和85%;盐度3‰以上的梯度淡化存活率低,在78%以下。  相似文献   

美国红鱼(SciaenopsOcellatus).属鲈形目,石首鱼科,拟石首鱼属,体呈纺锤形,外型与鱼和大黄鱼较近似,但体色淡红,尾柄基部生有1个至4个圆黑色斑点。美国红鱼原产墨西哥湾及美国南部沿海,为广温广盐性鱼类,适温2~33℃.在海水、半咸水及淡水中均能正常生长发育;它具有肉质鲜美、生长快、病害少、养殖成活率高等优点,深受养殖者喜爱。笔者于1996年6月从青岛购进苗种进行试验性网箱养殖获得成功。现将试验情况报告如下:一、材料与方法(一)试验地点与网箱规格试验地点在福建省福清市柯屿垦区江海公司养殖基地,海水比重1.010…  相似文献   

美国红鱼池塘养殖技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

美国红鱼的胃排空率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在实验室内,25℃条件下测定了体长为22.8±2.6cm、体重为237.8±74.2g的美国红鱼的胃排空率,并比较了线性、指数、平方根3种常用数学模型对其排空曲线的拟合程度。统计检验结果表明,3种数学模型都能很好地拟合实验数据,但通过统计学进一步分析发现,不论是用湿重还是用干重表示胃含物时都以线性模型拟合得最好,用湿重表示胃含物时,其模型为Y=92.93-3.33t(R2=0.94,P<0.001);用干重表示胃含物时,其模型为Y=97.00-3.36t(R2=0.91,P<0.001)。实验还得出在该条件下美国红鱼的胃排空率为每小时排出摄入食物量的3%~4%或每小时排出胃内残余食物量的6%~7%。  相似文献   

美国红鱼人工苗种生产技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

美国红鱼形态和生长参数的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
用传统法和框架法(Truss) 测定了红鱼形态的可数可量怀状,分析了红鱼形态有关参数的相互关系,拟合了红鱼的框架结构图。总结回归了不同养殖环境中红鱼的体长,体重之间的关系。比较分析了不同养殖条件下红鱼的日生长,生长率等指标,不同群体的生长特征指数生长拐点和生长方程。本研究为选育红鱼良种和检测原,良种提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

美国红鱼精深加工工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国红鱼原产于北大西洋沿岸及墨西哥湾 ,因其肉质优良 ,适宜人工养殖 ,成为迄今世界上养殖产量最高的鱼种之一。人工养殖条件下 ,在台湾养殖一年增重达 1 0 0 0g ,浙江、福建、山东、江苏等地区 ,一年增重可达 5 0 0 g以上 ,所以在我国沿海得到大量养殖 ,产量很大 ,使得美国红鱼走工业化深加工的道路成为可能。我们专门研究开发了美国红鱼加工工艺及设备 ,使用低温冷风烘道 ,模拟冬季西北风的气候条件 ,采用低温脱水加工工艺 ,加入适当的调味配料 ,对深水网箱养殖的美国红鱼进行精深加工 ,使其品质和口味大大提高 ,市场试销反映良好。加工…  相似文献   

眼斑拟石首鱼暴发性传染病病原初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
1999年 8~ 10月广东沿海网箱养殖的眼斑拟石首鱼 (Sciaenopocellatus)流行一种暴发性传染病 ,经抗菌药或杀虫剂处理均无效。为查明病因 ,取病鱼镜检 ,未发现寄生虫 ,也分离不到细菌。电镜观察 ,可见病鱼的脾脏细胞内有截面为六边形、直径约 15 0nm的病毒颗粒 ,且脾、肝、肾都有一定程度的病变 ;用 2对日本所报道的虹彩病毒特异引物进行PCR扩增 ,在病鱼的脾脏样品中扩增出 2条大小与所报道的虹彩病毒扩增产物吻合的特征带 ,故初步认定虹彩病毒是眼斑拟石首鱼暴发性传染病的主要致病原  相似文献   

美国红鱼营养研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
美国红鱼生长速度快,养殖产量高,肉质鲜美,抗病害能力强,饲养1年可达1kg以上的商品规格,在我国已成为重要海水养殖品种。介绍了动物和植物蛋白质、氨基酸、脂类(脂肪和脂肪酸)、维生素等对美国红鱼生长及成活率的影响及其营养需求状况,为美国红鱼的科学养殖提供参考。  相似文献   

The structure and morphometry of the gills of the marine teleost, red drum, have been studied. The present analysis of gas exchange area of fish gills is one of the most intensive and the results are compared to less intense averaging methods. Based on the gill area estimates, red drum falls into the category of a fish of intermediate activity. Its gill clearly has an exchange area less than that of the tunas, but is slightly greater than that of trout or bass. The three components that contribute to total exchange area (filament length, lamellar density, and area of individual lamellae) are not all greater in species with a greater total exchange area. The best correlate is total filament length.  相似文献   

A 12-week feeding trial was conducted to establish the minimum dietary vitamin E requirement of juvenile red drum by broken-line regression analysis. The semi-purified basal diet was supplemented with 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 or 80 IU vitamin E kg−1 as all-rac -α-tocopheryl acetate. Juvenile red drum were conditioned by feeding the basal diet for 8 weeks prior to the feeding trial to reduce whole-body vitamin E levels. Then, fish initially averaging 12.2 ± 0.4 g fish−1 (mean ± SD) were fed the experimental diets at a rate approaching apparent satiation for 12 weeks. Weight gain and feed efficiency responses of fish fed diets were significantly ( P  < 0.01) altered by the level of vitamin E supplementation but not strictly in a dose-dependent manner. Vitamin E concentrations in liver and plasma also were significantly ( P  < 0.001) influenced by dietary vitamin E level. Plasma ascorbic acid in fish fed the basal diet tended ( P  = 0.066) to be lower than in fish fed diets containing the various levels of vitamin E. In addition, fish fed the basal diet showed edema in the heart, while fish fed all other diets were normal. Fish fed 60 or 80 IU all-rac -α-tocopheryl acetate kg−1 diet had significantly higher respiratory burst of head kidney macrophages than fish fed all other diets, although dietary effects on hematocrit and neutrophil oxidative radical production were not significant. The minimum dietary vitamin E requirement of juvenile red drum was established based on broken-line regression of liver thiobarbituric acid reactive substances to be 31 mg all-rac -α-tocopheryl acetate kg−1 diet.  相似文献   

Juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) were cultured at 25°C on a variety of diets and blood sampled over eight weeks to examine the relationship between growth and plasma thyroid hormone levels. Maximum growth rates were achieved on formulated experimental diets and a simulated natural shrimp diet. Associated with these maximal rates was a significant increase in triidothyronine (T3), but no consistent change in thyroxine (T4). Reduced rations of diets resulted in low growth rates associated with significantly lowered levels of T3 but not T4. To determine whether weight gain could be increased by application of exogeneous hormone, diets were supplemented with T3 or T4 at 2, 10, and 50 mg hormone/kg diet. Significantly elevated T3 was induced by supplementation with 10 and 50 mg T3/kg diet, although there were no indications of an anabolic effect of T3 incorporation, and 50 mg T3/kg diet was in fact associated with decreased weight gain. Incorporation of T4 into diets had no effect on growth or T3, and had effects on T4 which were small and inconsistent, indicating that T4 may not be effectively absorbed from the gut. No difference was found in response to hormone feeding between low (6 ppt) or high (35 ppt) water salinity. T3 levels thus appear to closely parallel growth in fish on unsupplemented diets, whereas T4 which were small and manipulation. Supplementation with T3 is not an effective means of stimulating growth in red drum fed optimum diets. Whereas thyroid hormones may function to regulate intermediary metabolism in red drum, elevated endogenous thyroid hormone levels appear adequate to supply tissue needs during juvenile growth in culture.  相似文献   

Dietary vitamin C requirement of red drum Sciaenops ocellatus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A feeding trial was conducted to determine the minimum dietary vitamin C requirement of juvenile red drum and characterize signs of vitamin C deficiency. Semipurified diets containing 400 g crude protein kg–1 from lyophilized red drum muscle and crystalline amino acids were used in the feeding trial. The basal diet without supplemental vitamin C contained ≈ 6 mg vitamin C kg–1 and was fed for a 1-week conditioning period. Red drum, initially averaging ≈ 3.6 g each, were fed diets supplemented with 0, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 75, or 150 mg vitamin C kg–1 as ascorbate polyphosphate for a period of 10 weeks. Fish fed the basal diet began to exhibit overt signs of vitamin C deficiency, including reduced weight gain, lordosis, scoliosis and loss of equilibrium after 8 weeks. Total ascorbate was undetectable in liver of fish fed the basal diet while liver ascorbate levels in fish fed the other diets generally reflected dietary supplementation. Regression analysis of weight gain data using the broken-line model resulted in a minimum vitamin C requirement ( ± SE) of 15 ± 3 mg kg–1 diet.  相似文献   

Four separate 8-week feeding trials were conducted to assess the effects of supplementing semipurified diets with either triiodothyronine (T3) or thyroxine (T4) at 0, 2, 10, and 50 mg/kg on growth and body composition of juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) held in artificial brackish water (6‰) and artificial seawater (32‰). At both levels of salinity, increasing doses of T3 resulted in fish with reduced weight gain, feed efficiency, condition factor (weight × 100/length3), and muscle ratio (muscle weight × 100/body weight), as well as a lighter body color. Significant (p < 0.05) effects of T3 on the proximate composition of whole body, liver, and muscle were variable, generally reflecting decreased lipid and protein storage in liver and muscle, respectively. The two highest doses of T3 given to seawater adapted fish increased survival. Dietary T4 supplementation had no distinctive effects on appearance, growth or proximate body composition. These results indicate that whereas T3 may function to regulate protein and lipid metabolism in red drum, dietary supplementation with T3 leads to a hyperthyroidism-induced catabolic state. The elevated endogenous thyroid hormone levels found in fish fed optimal diets may thus adequately supply tissue needs during juvenile growth.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of pancreatic enzymes in larval red drum Sciaenops ocellatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth, survival and trypsin, lipase and amylase activities of red drum larvae were measured in two experiments. For the first trial, a group was fed live prey only (L) and another group was fed a combination of a microparticulate diet (MPD) and live food (L-MP). For the second growth trial a group fed the MPD only (MP) and a starvation group (ST) were examined in addition to the L and L-MP treatments. Enzyme activities of live prey were measured to estimate their possible contribution to larval digestion. No significant ( P  > 0.05) differences in final size and survival were observed between treatments L and L-MP. Larvae subjected to starvation or fed the MPD diet alone were smaller than treatments fed live prey and did not survive past days 5 and 14, respectively. Trypsin, lipase and amylase activities were detectable at hatching. No significant differences ( P  > 0.05) in total enzyme activities among treatments were observed before day 14. Specific activity of trypsin, lipase and amylase peaked on day 3 (prior to first feeding) and subsequently decreased. For trypsin, the percentage of enzyme activity potentially attributable to ingested prey increased with age to a maximum of 17%. For lipase and amylase this fraction was less than 5% throughout the study, except on day 8 (12% and 24%, respectively). The lack of significant differences observed in the activity of digestive enzymes among treatments suggests that dietary regime, availability of prey and possible effects of exogenous enzymes did not significantly influence enzyme activity. Therefore, the lower growth rate observed in the L-MP, MP and starved treatments cannot be attributed to low digestive enzyme production of the enzymes measured. It is more likely that the MPD failed to supply the required nutrients for adequate development.  相似文献   

Because of the high costs associated with feed inputs, as well as increased concern about waste production on fish farms, there is considerable interest in developing growout diets which are both cost effective and low polluting. In two 12‐week growth trials, the response of subadult red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, fed either a diet of 440 or 360 g protein kg?1 diet (44% or 36%) with varying E:P ratios were tested. In the first experiment, five diets containing 440 g protein kg?1 diet and one diet containing 360 g protein kg?1 diet (reference) were offered to red drum (mean initial weight of 186 g). The five test diets contained 83, 103, 123, 143, and 163 g lipid kg?1 diet, resulting in E:P ratios ranging from 34.3 to 38.9 kJ g protein–1. In experiment 2, five diets providing 360 g protein kg?1 diet and one diet containing 440 g protein kg?1 diet (reference) were offered to red drum (mean initial weight of 145 g). Dietary lipid levels included 83, 123, and 163 g lipid kg?1 diet, and dietary carbohydrate was diluted with 10% and 20% non‐nutritive bulk filler in two of the diets to result in E:P ratios ranging from 34.5 to 46.7 kJ g protein–1. In experiment 1, no significant differences in mean final weight, mean weight gain, feed efficiency, protein conversion efficiency or hepatosomatic index were observed between the five test diets providing 440 g protein kg?1 diet. Intraperitoneal fat generally increased with increasing dietary lipid. The results of experiment 2 indicate that amongst the test diets with 360 g protein kg?1 diet, mean final weight, mean weight gain, feed efficiency, protein conversion efficiency and hepatosomatic index were not significantly different. Intraperitoneal fat significantly increased with increasing dietary lipid. In both experiments, fish offered diets with 440 g protein kg?1 diet produced significantly higher growth and FE values as compared to fish receiving diets containing 360 g protein kg?1 diet. This study indicated that subadult red drum are tolerant of shifts in E:P ratios and utilize a wide range of dietary lipid and carbohydrate without compromising growth.  相似文献   

调味美国红鱼片加工工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李丽 《河北渔业》2008,(8):52-55
文章探讨了以养殖美国红鱼为原料制作调味美国红鱼片的工艺流程及操作要点。将美国红鱼热烫去皮和调味腌制后,采用低温冷风烘道脱水制成低温调味半干品,其品质和口味将大大提高。  相似文献   

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