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龙眼应用氯酸钾控梢促花试验 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对广西林科院内石硖龙眼施用氯酸钾 ,探讨其对龙眼控梢促花的效果。用氯酸钾处理的龙眼抽花穗株率为 83 3% ,抽纯花穗株率为 6 6 7% ,未经处理的龙眼抽花穗株率仅为 2 7 8% ,抽纯花穗株率为 11 1% ,结果表明用氯酸钾处理的龙眼控梢促花以及防冲梢效果明显。 相似文献
通过对广西林科院内石硖龙眼施用氯酸钾,探讨其对龙眼控梢促花的效果。用氯酸钾处理的龙眼抽花穗株率为83.3%,抽纯花穗株率为66.7%,未经处理的龙眼抽花穗株率仅为27.8%,抽纯花穗株率为11.1%。结果表明用氯酸钾处理的龙眼控梢促花以及防冲梢效果明显。 相似文献
龙眼是典型的热带亚热带果树,是我国的名特优水果之一。龙眼果实营养丰富,食用鲜果和果干有补心、益脾、养血、养神之功效,并有抗衰老和抗癌作用,因此具有很高的药用价值和经济价值。龙眼的经济价值主要取决于它的品质和产量。目前,在我省龙眼生产中,品种是决定其品质和产量的关键,而控冬梢促花技术是影响产量的重要因素。笔者根据自己的实践和有关资料[1-2]将龙眼的控冬梢促花综合技术总结如下,以供广大龙眼生产者借鉴参考。1 调控末次秋梢老熟期龙眼的末次秋梢是翌年的结果母枝,如果老熟过早,冬季枝条的营养积累高,容易抽发冬… 相似文献
对营养生长旺盛的初结果杨梅树于冬季或春季土施PP333,按树冠投影面积计算,施量为0.5-0.8g/m^2,可明显控制营养生长,春,夏,秋梢长仅为对照的58.9%-24.4%,而叶片生长增加,花芽量,成花率提高幅度较大;并且施用PP333对杨梅第2年成花仍有效果,从而增加了产量,并可比常规栽培提早2-3年开始结果。 相似文献
对利用螺旋环剥、环割、杀梢促花素、锄根剪冬梢、综合控梢促花法对幼龄妃子笑荔枝成花、产量及果后树势恢复进行了研究,结果表明,各种处理促花效果显著,有提高花质、增加产量的效应。综合成花、产量及果后树势恢复效应,以综合控梢促花法效果最好。 相似文献
几种植物生长调节剂对澳洲坚果幼树的控梢效果比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用植物生长调节剂多效唑、乙烯利、矮壮素、B9对澳洲坚果幼树进行控梢处理,结果表明:多效唑对澳洲坚果幼树的生长有极显著的抑制作用,其中3和2.5g/L处理的幼树营养生长受到严重抑制;乙烯利对澳洲坚果幼树新梢的抽发、梢长、节间长有显著影响,1.5和2g/L处理后幼树的新梢表现出乙烯的"三重效应"。矮壮素和B9对澳洲坚果幼树新梢抽发抑制作用极显著,矮壮素1.5、2g/L处理的幼树在喷药后2个月没有抽发新梢;B9处理的幼树新梢抽发量很少,对照的新梢数是其它处理新梢数的数十倍。 相似文献
本文开展幼林油茶激素与微肥下的控花促冠试验.结果表明:(1)尿素与赤霉素配合喷施能明显促进油茶幼林期春梢、秋梢的生长,抑制夏梢生长;赤霉素浓度100 mg/L配合0.5%尿素对油茶新梢直径影响最大,赤霉素浓度100 mg/L配合1.0%尿素对春梢影响最大;赤霉素浓度50 mg/L配合2.0%尿素抑制夏梢的生长但促进秋梢生长.(2)100 mg/L赤霉素配合1.0%~2.0%尿素能促进油茶叶芽的生长但抑制花芽的生长;叶芽与花芽的生长呈负相关.综合以上,赤霉素浓度100 mg/L配合1.0%尿素在促进油茶新梢粗度、叶芽数量与抑制花芽增长方面效果最好. 相似文献
新型植物延缓剂——PP_(333)对植物抗逆性的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
该文综述了国内外采用PP3 3 3 处理植物 ,增强植物抗逆性的研究概况 ,分析了PP3 3 3 提高植物抗寒性、抗盐性、抗旱性和抗高温的原因及不同浓度对植物抗逆性的影响 相似文献
The effects of four kinds of plant growth regulators with different concentrations on narcissi were studied in 2001.The results showed that the regulators could inhibit the growths of height and leaves of narcissi. Of the four regulators, the dwarfing effects of paclobatrazol (PP333) and uniconazole (S3307) on narcissi were better than those of chlorocholine (CCC) and dimethyl amino-sussinamic acid (B9). All of the regulators did not have significant effect on the root length. Moreover, the time of flowering was later for the narcissi treated with regulators than that of the control to a certain extent, and the range delayed was from 2 days to 19 days. The correlation analysis results showed that there was a significant correlation between the time of flowering and the concentrations of regulators. The ornament value of narcissi was obviously improved by using the regulators. 相似文献
生长激素处理薄壳山核桃容器苗生长效应初探 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
试验用不同质量浓度GA3和PP333溶液分别喷施薄壳山核桃容器苗叶面,用不同质量浓度GA3溶液涂抹薄壳山核桃容器苗茎基部;同时在薄壳山核桃容器苗生长旺季初期分3个时期摘心进行对比试验。结果表明,叶面喷施不同质量浓度GA3溶液能显著促进薄壳山核桃苗高生长,但对增粗生长无影响。不同溶度GA3溶液涂抹薄壳山核桃容器苗茎基部、不同质量浓度PP333溶液喷施薄壳山核桃容器苗叶面及不同时期摘心处理都能显著促进薄壳山核桃苗的增粗生长。GA3茎基部涂抹处理相比对照地径增粗26.90%~76.55%,PP333处理相比对照地径增加21.70%~66.04%,摘心处理地径增粗仅为3.79%~23.48%。600 mg/L的GA3溶液涂抹茎基部对薄壳山核桃容器苗生长发育效果最好,300 mg/L的PP333溶液喷施叶面能有效促进薄壳山核桃容器苗增粗,比对照地径分别增粗71.12%和66.04%。 相似文献
使用不同浓度多效唑(PP333)、矮壮素(CCC)、水杨酸(SA)结合不同浓度配比的6-BA和NAA以促进彩色马蹄莲无菌侧芽分化和生长。将用不同浓度的PP333、CCC、SA处理后的彩色马蹄莲无菌苗转入MS+6-BA 2.0mg/L培养基中进行增殖培养,结果表明:PP333对抑制植株生长、促进块茎膨大及芽分化具有明显效果,并以8.0mg/L为最佳浓度。用含不同浓度NAA、6-BA的MS培养基培养经PP3338.0mg/L处理过的彩色马蹄莲无菌苗,最佳增殖培养基为MS+6-BA 2.0~3.0mg/L。 相似文献
对蓖麻幼苗喷施不同浓度的植物生长调节剂(IAA、6—BA、GA3、KT),并以清水处理为对照,观测分析植物生长调节剂对蓖麻营养生长及生殖生长的影响。结果表明:100 mg/L的IAA、100~200 mg/L的6-BA、200 mg/L的GA3和100~200 mg/L的KT对蓖麻的地径和株高均有促进作用,KT则提早了始花期;IAA延迟了蓖麻的始花期,但提高了蓖麻花序总长度和雌花序的长度。其中200 mg/L IAA分别使花序总长度和雌花序长度增长了26.38%和56.17%。植物生长调节剂影响种子的大小和色泽,对种子含油率无明显影响。 相似文献
植物生长调节剂对库尔勒香梨果实性状与产量的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了明确植物生长调节剂在库尔勒香梨生产中的施用效果,以20年生库尔勒香梨为试材,就不同种类不同浓度的植物生长调节剂喷施处理对库尔勒香梨果实性状与产量的影响情况进行了田间试验。结果表明:与不喷施任何试剂和清水的对照处理相比,喷施植物生长调节剂PBO、PP333和复硝酚钠均可提高库尔勒香梨的坐果率、单果质量和产量,降低果柄长度和果形指数。在提高库尔勒香梨坐果率和产量方面,PBO试剂的喷施效果比PP333和复硝酚钠试剂的好,其中喷施浓度为300倍的PBO试剂的效果最佳,比对照处理的坐果率和产量分别提高8.84%与63.41%。 相似文献
Characterization of endophytic bacteria with plant growth promotion and biological control potential isolated from walnut trees 下载免费PDF全文
In this study, a total of 68 endophytic bacteria were isolated from different tissues of walnut trees. About 55% and 22% of the strains had the ability to produce indole acetic acid and gibberellic acid, respectively. The capability of isolates to solubilize phosphate, growth on N‐free medium, siderophore, protease and lipase production was varied. Based on phenotypic grouping and plant growth promotion properties, twelve isolates were selected and 16S rRNA gene‐based phylogenetic analysis revealed that strains showed 99%–100% similarity to Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Arthrobacter, Roseomonas and Streptomyces genera. Amongst the selected strains, PS12, KS54, JS66 and KS74 showed root and shoot growth enhancement of poplar cutting. NS70, KS54 and PL36 strains showed antagonistic activity against Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae;RR47, KS74 and NR69 strains had inhibition effects against Brenneria nigrifluens; and JS66 and RR26 strains had antagonistic activity against both phytopathogens under in vitro conditions. This is the first reported study to elucidate the endophytic bacterial diversity associated with walnut trees with beneficial attributes. 相似文献
The endangered tropical tree, Aquilaria malaccensis, produces agarwood for use in fragrance and medicines. Efforts are currently underway to produce valuable agarwood compoundsn tissue culture. The purpose of this study was to develop an optimal growth medium, specifically, the best hormone combination for callus suspension culture. Using nursery-grown A. malaccensis, sterilized leaf explants were first incubated on basic Murashige and Skoog(MS) gel medium containing 15g/L sucrose and at pH 5.7. Different auxin types including 1-naphthaleneacetic acid(NAA), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(2,4-D), and indole-3-butyric acid(IBA), were tested at various concentrations(0.55, 1.1 and 1.65 μM) using the basic medium. Leaf explants were incubated for 30 days in the dark. Callus induced by 1.1 μM NAA had the highest biomass dry weight(DW) of 17.3 mg; however the callus was of a compact type. This auxin concentration was then combined with either 6-benzylaminopurine(BAP) or kinetin at 0.55, 1.1, 2.2 or 3.3 μM to induce growth of friable callus. The 1.1μM NAA + 2.2μM BAP combination produced friable callus with the highest biomass(93.3mg DW). When testing the different carbon sources and pHs, sucrose at 15g/L and pH at 5.7 yielded highest biomasses at 87.7mg and 83 mg DW, respectively. Microscopic observations revealed the arrangement of the friable cells as loosely packed with relatively large cells, while for the compact callus, the cells were small and densely packed. We concluded that MS medium containing 15 g/L sucrose, 1.1 μM NAA + 2.2 μM BAP hormone combination, and a pH of 5.7 was highly effective for inducing friable callus from leaf explants of A. malaccensis for the purpose of establishing cell suspension culture. 相似文献