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不同生态因子对生物结皮中土生绿球藻生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对生物结皮中土生绿球藻(Chlorococcum humicola)的分离、纯化及培养,初步探讨了pH、光照强度、温度和3种不同浓度的K ,Ca2 ,Mg2 等因子对土生绿球藻生长的影响.结果表明:pH和温度对土生绿球藻生长的影响极显著,Ca2 ,Mg2 浓度影响显著,K 和光照强度影响不显著.最适pH为 12,最适温度是25 ℃,Ca2 和Mg2 的最适浓度分别为1.77×10-4 mol/L和2.04×10-5 mol/L.其研究结果将为生物结皮的进一步人工培养奠定理论基础.  相似文献   

荒漠生物结皮研究中的几个问题   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
宋阳  严平  张宏  孟祥亮 《干旱区研究》2004,21(4):439-443
生物结皮在干旱区生态系统中扮演着一个关键的角色,它可以影响干旱区土壤的结构、功能、生产力,包括土壤稳定性、土壤保水力、碳、氮的固定和土壤的肥力等。结合国内外生物结皮的研究,提出生物结皮的影响因子、生物结皮与周围植物的关系、生物结皮形态的变化与分布的异质性等几个问题并进行了讨论。  相似文献   

生物结皮发育对地表蒸发过程影响机理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物结皮的形成与发育显著改变了土壤地表特征及下伏土壤性质,对地表蒸发过程产生深远影响.但目前已有研究对生物结皮存地表蒸发过程中的作用仍存在很大争议.文中通过覆盖结皮和模拟降水的方法对土壤蒸发过程进行研究,以期初步揭示生物结皮发育影响地表蒸发过程的机理.结果表明:生物结皮主要通过结皮层对降水的截留和阻碍扩散作用及对下伏土...  相似文献   

我国是世界上受荒漠化影响最为严重的国家之一,荒漠化土地面积达2.64×106 km2,占国土面积的27.5%.保护地球生态系统,保护生物多样性,防治土地荒漠化是当今首先要关注的人类生存环境问题.随着全球变暖,世界干旱地区的荒漠化趋势加剧,我国荒漠化土地面积已占到国土总面积的27.5%,其中以沙漠化危害最为突出.其生态状况不仅关系到广大干旱区的内部环境与经济社会的可持续发展,也深刻地影响到我国东部地区,甚至更远地区的环境.选择正确的生态战略是保障国家生态安全的核心和基础.长期以来,我国生态安全以部门工程性措施和基于植树造林的政策为主,在实践中也取得了很大成效.但是,并非任何地区都适应这一治理途径,地理地带性是自然界的基本规律.植被与环境具有高度的区域共轭性和动态稳定性,是生态恢复必须遵循的基本原则.我国温带干旱区广袤的荒漠地带,不足200 mm的年降水量无力支撑由维管束植物组成的优势植被,但却足以支撑结皮中占优势地位的孢子植物类群.  相似文献   

不同沙丘部位和不同结皮类型对土壤种子库的影响   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
采用萌发法对古尔班通古特沙漠沙垄不同部位生物结皮类型的种子库进行研究,发现不同沙丘部位和结皮类型种子分布特征有一定的规律性:藻类结皮的种子数量、丰富度和多样性均显著高于地衣和苔藓结皮。生物结皮从藻类到地衣和苔藓的演替,有降低种子数量和种子多样性的现象。在不同沙丘部位,沙丘顶部流沙的种子数量和多样性较低,与丘顶流沙相比沙丘底部的藻类结皮显示出较高的丰富度和多样性,但沙丘底部的地衣和苔藓结皮与丘顶流沙相比未表现出明显的差异。背风坡中部的藻类结皮种子多样性较高,显著高于迎风坡中部的藻类结皮。  相似文献   

荒漠藻固沙结皮试验研究初报   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
本文利用跑道式培养池培养了已筛选的两个荒漠藻品种 ,并在野外进行了荒漠藻结皮人工接种效果的研究 ;探讨了荒漠藻固沙结皮的形成与植被发育的关系 ;提出了藻沙粒结皮是荒漠藻结皮的早期形式。进一步分析了荒漠藻固沙结皮综合固沙技术的关键问题  相似文献   

沙坡头地区生物结皮的水文物理特点及其环境意义   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
包兰铁路中甘段,大规模生物防护体系取得了明显的生态环境效益。随着时间的展延环境诸要素发生变化,特别生物结皮的形成和发育,制约着生态防护体系的演变和发展。生物结皮是人工生态防护体系建立后,外来尘埃动态沉积,一年生植被的侵入,植物凋落物腐解,在微生物及其环境条件综合作用下的新生成物。生物结皮作为一新的环境因子介入人工生态防护体系之中,使沙面固结稳定,增强了抗风蚀的能力。同时它的形成和发育,增大了降水的无效蒸发,使降雨入渗浅,沙地水分恶化,导致深根性植物衰退,浅根性的半灌木和草本植物得到发展,使人工体系向半人工半自然体系变化和演变。  相似文献   

新疆古尔班通古特沙漠生物结皮绿藻研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
通过对古尔班通古特沙漠中39块样地253份生物结皮土样的分析,研究了古尔班通古特沙漠中绿藻的区系组成、生态分布特点和结皮不同发育阶段绿藻的种类组成的动态变化.结果表明:该沙漠中有绿藻门植物10科14属26种,其中以单细胞种类占优势;绿藻在该沙漠不同地貌部位的分布,以背风坡的种数最多(9种),迎风坡、丘间低地和垄顶逐渐降低;在结皮的不同层次中,绿藻主要分布在结皮层,而在结皮层以下种类很少;在生物结皮的几个不同发育阶段中,绿藻的物种多样性差别不大,其种类组成略有差别.  相似文献   

北方农牧交错带沙地生物结皮研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为了解我国北方农牧交错带生物结皮的生态意义,本文以宁夏盐池为例,采用样线调查法进行结皮及植被调查,并在有结皮和无结皮覆盖两种情况下进行入渗试验。研究表明:北方半干旱区生物结皮对植物生长存在先促进、后抑制的过程。在风蚀环境条件和不稳定的土壤条件下,生物结皮的出现可创造适合植物生长的微环境,为植物的生长提供了条件。方差分析显示有结皮时的植被盖度明显高于无结皮覆盖的植被盖度。当环境条件改善时,结皮开始抑制植物的生长,两者存在一种显著的线性负相关关系。研究区从封育边缘到核心,结皮盖度为核心>边缘,植被盖度正好相反,两者的相关系数高达-0.920;生物结皮对入渗具有明显的阻碍作用,结皮盖度与入渗深度之间呈线性负相关,相关系数为-0.765,说明结皮的存在使土壤水分呈现浅层化趋势。  相似文献   

古尔班通古特沙漠生物结皮影响下土壤水分的日变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对新疆古尔班通古特沙漠生物结皮影响下土壤水分的日变化特征进行了定量研究,结果表明:①无论是结皮覆盖区还是无结皮覆盖区,其土壤含水量随深度的变化均表现出明显的层次性,其中以距地表 20 cm处的土壤含水量最高.②结皮覆盖区距地表5 cm和10 cm处的土壤含水量显著高于无结皮覆盖区(LSD检验, p <0.05);而45 cm和60 cm处的土壤含水量则表现为结皮覆盖区极显著低于无结皮区(LSD检验,p<0.05),说明生物结皮具有较强的保持土壤表层水分的能力.③结皮覆盖区与无结皮覆盖区土壤水分的日变化特征明显不同于距地表5 cm处,而其他各土层的变化趋势则较为一致.无结皮覆盖区距地表5 cm处土壤水分的日变化呈先上升后下降的趋势,而结皮覆盖区的变化则恰恰相反.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (BSCs) play an important role in the early succession of vegetation restoration in the Loess Plateau, China. To evaluate the effects of artificially cultivated BSCs on the soil surface micro-envir- onment, we obtained natural moss crusts and moss-lichen crusts from the Loess Plateau of Shaanxi province, and subsequently inoculated and cultivated on horizontal and sloping surfaces of loess soil in a greenhouse. The chemical and biological properties of the subsoil under cultivated BSCs were determined after 10 weeks of cul- tivation. The results indicated that BSCs coverage was more than 65% after 10 weeks of cultivation. Moss crust coverage reached 40% after 5 weeks of cultivation. Compared with the control, soil organic matter and available nitrogen contents in moss crust with the horizontal treatments increased by 100.87% and 48.23%, respectively; increased by 67.56% and 52.17% with the sloping treatments, respectively; they also increased in moss-lichen crust with horizontal and sloping treatments, but there was no significant difference. Available phosphorus in cultivated BSCs was reduced, soil pH was lower and cationic exchange capacity was higher in cultivated BSCs than in the control. Alkaline phosphatase, urease and invertase activities were increased in artificially cultivated BSCs, and alkaline phosphatase activity in all cultivated BSCs was obviously higher than that in the control. Numbers of soil bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes were increased in the formation process of cultivated BSCs. These results indicate that BSCs could be formed rapidly in short-term cultivation and improve the mi- cro-environment of soil surface, which provides a scientific reference for vegetation restoration and ecological reconstruction in the Loess Plateau. China.  相似文献   

Winter snowpack is an important source of moisture that influences the development ofbiological soil crusts(BSCs)in desert ecosystems.Cyanobacteria are important photosynthetic organismsin BSCs.However,the responses of the cyanobacterial community in BSCs to snowpack,snow depth andmelting snow are still unknown.In this study,we investigated the cyanobacterial community compositionand diversity in BSCs under different snow treatments(doubled snow,ambient snow and removed snow)and three snow stages(stage 1,snowpack;stage 2,melting snow;and stage 3,melted snow)in theGurbantunggut Desert in China.In stages 1 and 2,Cyanobacteria were the dominant phylum in the bacterialcommunity in the removed snow treatment,whereas Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes were abundant inthe bacterial communities in the ambient snow and doubled snow treatments.The relative abundances ofProteobacteria and Bacteroidetes increased with increasing snow depth.The relative abundances ofCyanobacteria and other bacterial taxa were affected mainly by soil temperature and irradiance.In stages 2and 3,the relative abundance of Cyanobacteria increased quickly due to the suitable soil moisture andirradiance conditions.Oscillatoriales,Chroococcales,Nostocales,Synechococcales and unclassifiedCyanobacteria were detected in all the snow treatments,and the most dominant taxa were Oscillatorialesand Chroococcales.Various cyanobacterial taxa showed different responses to snowpack.Soil moisture andirradiance were the two critical factors shaping the cyanobacterial community structure.The snowpackdepth and duration altered the soil surface irradiance,soil moisture and other soil properties,whichconsequently were selected for different cyanobacterial communities.Thus,local microenvironmentalfiltering(niche selection)caused by snow conditions may be a dominant process driving shifts in thecyanobacterial community in BSCs.  相似文献   

As one of the most important biological factors that maintain the stability of the largest fixed and semi-fixed desert in China,the Gurbantunggut Desert,the biological soil crusts (BSCs) develop well and play critical ecological roles in the desert ecosystem. In this paper,we briefly summarize our research findings since 2002 including species composition,distribution pattern and ecological functions of BSCs in the desert. Our results indicate abundant species diversity of BSCs in the Gurbantunggut Desert in comparison to other deserts in China. At the scales of sand dune or whole desert,the distribution patterns of BSCs are location-specific. The existence of BSCs in this desert could:(1) accelerate the formation of desert soil and the weathering of minerals; (2) accumulate organic matter in surface soil through related species in soil crusts; (3) enhance the abilities of sand surface to resist wind erosion; (4) influence seed germination of vascular plants; and (5) enhance the production of dew deposition on sandy soil surface.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are an important type of land cover in arid desert landscapes and play an important role in the carbon source-sink exchange within a desert system. In this study, two typical BSCs, moss crusts and algae crusts, were selected from a revegetated sandy area of the Tengger Desert in northern China, and the experiment was carried out over a 3-year period from January 2010 to November 2012. We obtained the effec- tive active wetting time to maintain the physiological activity of BSCs basing on continuous field measurements and previous laboratory studies on BSCs photosynthesis and respiration rates. And then we developed a BSCs carbon fixation model that is driven by soil moisture. The results indicated that moss crusts and algae crusts had significant effects on soil moisture and temperature dynamics by decreasing rainfall infiltration. The mean carbon fixation rates of moss and algae crusts were 0.21 and 0.13 g C/(m2.d), respectively. The annual carbon fixations of moss crusts and algae crusts were 64.9 and 38.6 g C/(m2.a), respectively, and the carbon fixation of non-rainfall water reached 11.6 g C/(m2.a) (30.2% of the total) and 8.8 g C/(m2.a) (43.6% of the total), respectively. Finally, the model was tested and verified with continuous field observations. The data of the modeled and measured CO2 fluxes matched notably well. In desert regions, the carbon fixation is higher with high-frequency rainfall even the total amount of seasonal rainfall was the same.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts(BSCs) play an important role in surface soil hydrology. Soils dominated with moss BSCs may have higher infiltration rates than those dominated with cyanobacteria or algal BSCs. However, it is unnown whether improved infiltration in moss BSCs is accompanied by an increase in soil hydraulic conductivity or water retention capacity. We investigated this question in the Tengger Desert, where a 43-year-old revegetation program has promoted the formation of two distinct types of BSCs along topographic positions, i.e. the moss-dominated BSCs on the interdune land and windward slopes of the fixed sand dunes, and the algal-dominated BSCs on the crest and leeward slopes. Soil water retention capacity and hydraulic conductivity were measured using an indoor evaporation method and a field infiltration method. And the results were fitted to the van Genuchten–Mualem model. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivities under greater water pressure(–0.01 MPa) and water retention capacities in the entire pressure head range were higher for both crust types than for bare sand. However, saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivities in the near-saturation range(–0.01 MPa) showed decreasing trends from bare sand to moss crusts and to algal crusts. Our data suggested that topographic differentiation of BSCs significantly affected not only soil water retention and hydraulic conductivities, but also the overall hydrology of the fixed sand dunes at a landscape scale, as seen in the reduction and spatial variability in deep soil water storage.  相似文献   

沙漠生物结皮对维管植物养分吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物结皮是沙地表面被固定的重要特征,并能够富集养分,通过降水淋溶作用改善沙丘土壤的性质。研究表明,生物结皮层覆盖对植物体的养分元素吸收具有促进作用,但是,由于不同植物养分生理特性的差异及其根系分布深度的不同,不同植物吸收养分时对生物结皮层肥岛效应的敏感程度不同。  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts(BSCs) are capable of modifying nutrient availability to favor the establishment of biogeochemical cycles. Microbial activities serve as critical roles for both carbon and nutrient transformation in BSCs. However, little is known about microbial activities and physical-chemical properties of BSCs in the Gurbantunggut Desert, Xinjiang, China. In the present research, a sampling line with 1-m wide and 20-m long was set up in each of five typical interdune areas selected randomly in the Gurbantunggut Desert. Within each sampling line, samples of bare sand sheet, algal crusts, lichen crusts and moss crusts were randomly collected at the depth of 0–2 cm. Variations of microalgal biomass, microbial biomass, enzyme activities and soil physical-chemical properties in different succession of BSCs were analyzed. The relationships between microalgal biomass, microbial biomass, enzymatic activities and soil physical-chemical properties were explored by stepwise regression. Our results indicate that microalgal biomass, microbial biomass and most of enzyme activities increased as the BSCs developed and their highest values occurred in lichen or moss crusts. Except for total K, the contents of most soil nutrients(organic C, total N, total P, available N, available P and available K) were the lowest in the bare sand sheet and significantly increased with the BSCs development, reaching their highest values in moss crusts. However, pH values significantly decreased as the BSCs developed. Significant and positive correlations were observed between chlorophyll a and microbial biomass C. Total P and N were positively associated with chlorophyll a and microbial biomass C, whereas there was a significant and negative correlation between microbial biomass and available P. The growth of cyanobacteria and microorganism contributed C and N in the soil, which offered substrates for enzyme activities thus increasing enzyme activities. Probably, improvement in enzyme activities increased soil fertility and promoted the growth of cyanobacteria, eukaryotic algae and heterotrophic microorganism, with the accelerating succession of BSCs. The present research found that microalgal-microbial biomass and enzyme activities played important roles on the contents of nutrients in the successional stages of BSCs and helped us to understand developmental mechanism in the succession of BSCs.  相似文献   

黄土地表生物结皮对土壤贮水性能及水分入渗特征的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用双环法对山西省偏关县3种结皮覆盖下(苔藓藻结皮、藻结皮和薄层藻结皮)土壤的贮水性能和渗透特征进行了对比研究.结果表明:不同结皮覆盖下土壤的贮水能力受结皮厚度和孔隙度状况的影响较大,0~10 cm土层饱和贮水量为502.69~525.80 t/hm2 ,滞留贮水量为169.71~198.29 t/hm2;初渗速率的变化范围为5. 19~11.10 mm/min,无结皮最高,苔藓藻结皮最低;稳渗速率变化范围为1.6 7~2.67 mm/min.采用的3种入渗模型(Kostiakov模型、Horton模型和Ph ilip模型)中Horton模型的拟合值更接近于实测值, 决定系数R2在0.98~0.99,更适用于描述本研究区具有生物结皮土壤的入渗特征.  相似文献   

Combined applications of cyanobacteria with soil fixing chemicals were investigated to generate artificially induced biological soil crust (BSC). Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and Tacki-Spray (TKS7) chemicals composed of bio-polysaccharides and tackifiers were examined under laboratory conditions. Following singular applications of chemicals, the mean weight diameter values of soil treated with TKS7 were 1.4–2.5 times higher than those of soil treated with PVA and thus TKS7 was selected for further tests for application with cyanobacteria (Nostoc Vaucher ex Bornet &; Flahault, Phormidium Kützing ex Gomont, and Scytonema arcangeli Bornet ex Flahault). Combined application of cyanobacteria and different concentrations of TKS7 enhanced soil aggregate stability, resulting in mean weight diameter values of 0.58–0.69 mm and was comparable to TKS7 singular application (0.18–0.40 mm). Surface hardness values were also highly improved by the combined application of cyanobacteria with TKS7 (4.5 MPa) compared to singular treatment of cyanobacteria (2.3 MPa). In addition, superabsorbent polymer (SAP) was applied as a water-holding material and nutrient supplement in soil. The SAP promoted cyanobacterial cell growth under dry conditions. Chlorophyll a content of soil was improved by the addition of SAP (CST1: 2.93 µg g?1) compared to singular treatment of cyanobacteria (C: 2.25 µg g?1). These results suggest that combined application of cyanobacteria with TKS7 and SAP can induce BSC formation faster than singular application of cyanobacteria. The novel method presented herein can be applied to restoration of degraded soils in arid and semiarid areas.  相似文献   

选择古尔班通古特沙漠的北部(一号点)、中部(二号点)、南部(三号点)3个不同样点的裸沙和藻结皮、地衣结皮与苔藓结皮3种生物结皮类型,对比研究了草本植物多样性的差异性及其主要环境影响因素.结果表明:(1)不同生物结皮类型的土壤理化性质有明显差异,土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾含量以及黏粒、粉粒和细沙的含量随生物结皮演替显著...  相似文献   

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