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在不同光照梯度(55.44%自然全光照、21.12%自然全光照、3.47%自然全光照和0.86%自然全光照)的人工遮荫条件下,研究了不同光照强度对臭椿Ailanthus altissima幼苗早期生长的影响。结果表明:移栽后约3个月的臭椿幼苗株高、基径、复叶数、主根长、单株叶面积、总干质量、根冠比、相对生长率和净同化率等生长参数均以55.44%自然全光照处理最大,分别为77.30 cm、13.82 mm、17.80、67.20 cm、4 852.22 cm2、60.57 g、0.24、49.76×10-3g.d-1和5.62×10-5g.cm-2d-1,而且随着光照强度的减弱而减小。研究结果可为臭椿苗木繁育与造林实践提供参考。  相似文献   

Current practices in many nurseries involve the germination of tropical rainforest seedlings in shaded conditions and transferral, at a later date, to environments with greater light intensities. Determination of the ability of these seedlings to acclimate to increased light intensities will allow seedling stock to be processed with maximum efficiency within the nursery. The acclimation abilities of three species, Agyrodendron actinophyllum, Cardwellia sublimis, and Flindersia brayleyana, commonly found in north Queensland's rainforests were investigated in this study. These particular species are highly valued for their cabinet timber qualities and are being reared in nurseries for use in reforestation trials and programs in north Queensland. Seedlings were initially raised in greenhouse conditions under two layers of shade cloth (16% of full sunlight) and then transferred into full sunlight at three different ages (3 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks). Upon transfer, organ ratios and the direction of dry matter distribution was determined for each species and age group. Approximately 3 months after the seedlings were transferred, the acclimation ability of each species and age group was then determined. Dry matter distribution was found to change with age, irrespective of light environment. Individuals within a species with larger root systems and thicker or more dense leaves had a greater acclimation ability than those with smaller root systems and thinner or less dense leaves. Furthermore, individuals within a species whose dry matter distribution upon transfer was directed towards developing a large root system, and a small photosynthetic area and mass, had a greater acclimation ability than those whose dry matter distribution was directed away from such morphologies. Awareness of these relationships allows a better understanding of seedling response to gap formation in natural forests, and also allows plant nursery operators to make a more informed decision about when to move seedlings to environments with a higher light intensity.  相似文献   

The effects of widely spaced trees ofAcacia tortilis andAdansonia digitata on their understory environments were investigated in four savannas located along a gradient of increasing livestock utilization in Tsavo National Park (West), Kenya. Plant species composition and biomass and the physical and chemical properties of soils that occur below tree crowns were compared to open grasslands. The tree-crown zones at lightly and moderately grazed sites had a unique understory flora and higher plant biomass, lower temperatures and bulk densities, and higher levels of P, K, Ca and mineralizable N than their associated opengrassland zones. In the heavily grazed savanna, few differences between tree-crown and grassland zones were found. The beneficial effects of savanna trees on their understory environments appear to diminish with increasing livestock utilization.  相似文献   

Aphalo PJ  Lehto T 《Tree physiology》1997,17(2):125-132
We studied the effects of light quality and nutrient supply on growth and nitrogen accumulation in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) seedlings to test three hypotheses: (1) growth of birch seedlings is sensitive to changes in light quality; (2) the response of birch seedling growth to light quality depends on nutrient supply; and (3) assimilation and allocation of nitrogen by birch seedlings are affected by light quality. The two light regimes simulated the spectral quality of sunlight and shadelight, but did not differ in photosynthetic photon flux density, and the two nutrient supply regimes differed in the rate of supply, but not in the composition, of mineral nutrients. Accumulation and allocation of dry weight and nitrogen were strongly affected by nutrient supply regime, but light quality had little effect. During the first 15 days of the experiment, the largest effect of light quality was on height growth, which was greater in seedlings in simulated shadelight than in seedlings in simulated sunlight. Light quality had little effect on dry weight and nitrogen allocation to the stem during this period. However, at the end of the experiment (Day 29), there was an increase in N concentration per unit dry weight in leaves and stems of seedlings in the simulated shadelight plus high nutrient supply treatment.  相似文献   

为筛选适宜油橄榄扦插容器苗生长的轻基质,提高油茶果壳废弃物利用率,降低环境污染,以泥炭、细沙、珍珠岩和油茶果壳作为试验材料,设置10种基质配方,对油橄榄扦插后容器苗的生长情况进行研究。结果表明:轻基质组分对油橄榄扦插苗各生长指标均有较大的影响。根径多集中在0~0.5mm,珍珠岩质量分数35.00%~66.67%有助于增加根系粗度,泥炭中添加油茶果壳能显著增加苗高、地径和根系数量,细沙和珍珠岩能提高扦插苗生根率,根系平均直径与根系数量和根冠比呈显著负相关。综合来看,泥炭和珍珠岩混合基质(体积比3∶2)适宜作为油橄榄扦插育苗基质,油茶果壳作为容器育苗的轻基质具有一定的开发价值。  相似文献   

铅胁迫对4种行道树种幼苗叶片丙二醛含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以具有较高观赏价值、适合作行道树的香樟、深山含笑、栾树、鹅掌楸的1年生幼苗为试材,通过盆栽试验,研究其在不同程度铅污染土壤中叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化。结果表明,铅胁迫下,植株叶片的丙二醛(MDA)含量不仅受Pb2+浓度主效应的影响,还受树种×浓度、树种×浓度×时间交互效应的影响。  相似文献   

We investigated the combined effects of soil moisture and light intensity on the growth, development and ecophysiological characteristics of one-year old Amorpha fruticosa seedlings. Soil moisture and light intensity influenced the ecophysiological characteristics of Amorpha fruticosa seedlings. Soil moisture resulted in the decreases of growth rate, individual size, net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, leaf water loss rate (WLR), and biomass accumulation of plant parts, and led to increased leaf water saturation deficit (WSD). Under water stress, more photosynthetic products were allocated to root growth. With decreasing light intensity, net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, chla/b, water saturation deficit, water use efficiency, water loss rate and biomass accumulation declined, while Chla, Chlb, Chla+b and carotenoids (Car) increased and more photosynthetic products were allocated to stem and leaf growth. Maximum growth vigor, net photosynthetic rate and total biomass accumulation in Amorpha fruticosa seedlings was recorded at 75 80% soil water-holding capacity and 100% light density in greenhouse environments.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨基质配方对红豆树容器苗生长和生理的影响,筛选适宜红豆树容器苗生长、提高苗木生理质量的基质配方,为培育红豆树优质苗木提供技术指导.[方法]以泥炭、椰糠、珍珠岩和蛭石为基质原料,按体积比配制成9种育苗基质,以无纺布袋作为容器进行红豆树容器育苗试验,分析基质配方的理化性质,测定红豆树容器苗苗高、地径、生物量和根系...  相似文献   

Containerized seedlings of three commercially important tropical species were grown under four different light treatments [i.e., 100 (open site), 45, 22 and 10% sunlight] for 130 days. Light-saturated photosynthesis (A max) and light saturation estimates (LSE) reflected the species successional status with Terminalia superba Engl. and Diels, the pioneer species showing largest mean A max and LSE at 100% sunlight, whereas at 10% sunlight, it showed the lowest A max and LSE. At 22% sunlight, Cedrela odorata L., an intermediate successional species had greater A max and LSE than Mansonia altissima A. Chev., a non-pioneer light demander and T. superba. T. superba had the lowest relative growth rate (RGR) at 10% sunlight and greatest net assimilation rate (NAR) at 100% sunlight; although a higher RGR at this light level was not seen for this species. Strong and positive linear mean A max–mean NAR relationship of C. odorata and T. superba indicated that differences in leaf photosynthetic rates of the two species were reflected in their NAR, which increased with increasing light. At final harvest, superior biomass production was found at 45% sunlight for all the species. Seedling responses in specific leaf area, leaf area ratio, leaf mass ratio and root mass ratio were typically those found along a light gradient. At the 100% sunlight, intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUE), F v/F m and final root system of the plants was generally superior in T. superba but at 10% sunlight, WUE was inferior in T. superba when compared to C. odorata and M. altissima, reflecting the respective species’ short-term acclimation to high or low light. Results of this study may have practical use in screening tropical tree species for use in plantation forestry.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic light response curves (A/PPFD), leaf N concentration and content, and relative leaf absorbance (alpha(r)) were measured in 1-year-old seedlings of shade-intolerant Betula papyrifera Marsh., moderately shade-tolerant Quercus rubra L. and shade-tolerant Acer rubrum L. Seedlings were grown in full sun or 26% of full sun (shade) and in ambient (350 ppm) or elevated (714 ppm) CO(2) for 80 days. In the shade treatments, 80% of the daily PPFD on cloud-free days was provided by two 30-min sun patches at midday. In Q. rubra and A. rubrum, leaf N concentration and alpha(r) were significantly higher in seedlings in the shade treatments than in the sun treatments, and leaf N concentration was lower in seedlings in the ambient CO(2) treatments than in the elevated CO(2) treatments. Changes in alpha(r) and leaf N content suggest that reapportionment of leaf N into light harvesting machinery in response to shade and elevated CO(2) tended to increase with increasing shade tolerance of the plant. Shifts induced by elevated CO(2) in the A/PPFD relationship in sun plants were largest in B. papyrifera and least in A. rubrum: the reverse was true for shade plants. Elevated CO(2) resulted in increased light-saturated A in every species x light treatment combination, except in shaded B. papyrifera. The light compensation point (Gamma) decreased in response to shade in all species, and in response to elevated CO(2) in A. rubrum and Q. rubra. Acer rubrum had the greatest increases in apparent quantum yield (phi) in response to shade and elevated CO(2). To illustrate the effects of shifts in A, Gamma and phi on daily C gain, daily integrated C balance was calculated for individual sun and shade leaves. Ignoring possible stomatal effects, estimated daily (24 h) leaf C balance was 218 to 442% higher in the elevated CO(2) treatments than in the ambient CO(2) treatments in both sun and shade seedlings of Q. rubra and A. rubrum. These results suggest that the ability of species to acclimate photosynthetically to elevated CO(2) may, in part, be related to their ability to adapt to low irradiance. Such a relationship has implications for altered C balance and nitrogen use efficiency of understory seedlings.  相似文献   

强化林木种苗检验工作提高造林苗木质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对辽宁省林木种子质量检验工作进行了全方位的调查,文章回顾和总结了检验工作所取得的成绩、存在的问题以及经验教训,分析了检验工作所面临的形势和任务,提出了加强我省林木种子检验工作的具体办法和措施。  相似文献   

Seed production in tropical timber trees is limited by abiotic resources, pollination and pre-dispersal seed predation. Resource availability is influenced by the number of competing trees and by lianas that often reach high densities in disturbed parts of tropical forests. The distance between conspecific trees affects pollination efficiency and seed predation intensity, and may therefore indirectly affect the long-term sustainability of selective logging. Here we investigate how reproductive status and the number of seeds dispersed per tree are affected by liana load, distance to the nearest conspecifics, number of competing neighbours and tree diameter in the timber trees Cariniana ianeirensis and Terminalia oblonga. The study is based on a large-scale silvicultural experiment in lowland Bolivia. We found that the reproductive status of the two species was negatively correlated with liana cover and positively with tree diameter. In C. ianeirensis the most liana-infested trees dispersed fewer seeds. In T. oblonga the intensity of pre-dispersal seed predation decreased with distance to the nearest conspecifics. There was no evidence that seed viability or seed production decreased with distance to nearest conspecifics in either species as would be expected if isolation resulted in increased self-pollination. Our results indicate that reproduction can be severely reduced in timber trees if the largest, most healthy and least liana-covered trees are logged, but that liana cutting on the remaining seed trees can considerably improve seed production. In some species seed production may be further improved by ensuring that seed trees are located far apart.  相似文献   

Red pine seedlings were grown for 16 weeks under contrasting fertilizat (conventional, exponential) and moisture (wet, moist, dry) regimes to assess preconditioning effects of treatments on biomass production, nutrient uptake and allocation, and water relations. Growth, nutrient status, and water relations were affected more by moisture availability than by fertilization regime. Exponential fertilization under limited irrigation lowered shoot/root mass ratio, increased root nutrient reserves, and enhanced drought avoidance compared to conventional fertilization regimes. Drought treatments decreased nutrient uptake in the shoots of both fertilization regimes by 24%, but increased nutrient accumulation in the roots by 39% in the exponential regime compared to 17% in the conventional. These results may explain improved outplanting performance noted for exponentially fertilized container stock.  相似文献   

In the light of putatively increasing liana abundances in present-day tropical forests and a persistent lack of understanding of liana abundance patterns and the responsible factors, we attempt to identify the key factors controlling liana abundance along an altitudinal transect in NE Ecuador. At four elevational levels (500, 1000, 1500, and 2000 m), each represented by 10 plots of 400 m2, the abundance and diameters of all lianas (dbh ≥ 1 cm) and trees (dbh ≥ 10 cm) were recorded in old-growth forest stands in the Sumaco Biosphere Reserve (SBR). Results were analysed with available data on soil chemical properties and canopy structure.  相似文献   

不同强度的择伐作业对保留木与幼树幼苗的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
采用标准地的方式调查不同强度的择伐作业前后常绿阔叶林林分中保留木和幼树幼苗的变化.结果表明:保留木的损伤与采伐木的胸径及择伐强度有关.胸径越大则损伤率越大.择伐强度亦然.择伐作业后幼树的破坏与择伐强度间无明显的关系.这与作业的具体情况有关.择伐后与皆伐未整地经一段时间.林内幼苗数量都有所增加,尤以皆伐作业和弱度择伐为最.  相似文献   

Dwarf bamboo, Pleioblastus chino, grows extensively in abandoned coppice woodlands on the Kanto Plain in central Japan and suppresses other understory plants. In order to clarify the factors determining the growth of P. chino, we considered the effect of light conditions under a coppice canopy and examined its relationship with slope aspect, slope angle, and basal area of the trees. The relative photon flux density under the canopy was highly correlated with canopy coverage (R 2 = 0.97). The light conditions under the canopy were almost the same at all sites in the summer leafy season regardless of the stand type, while they were remarkably different among the sites and depended on the basal area of evergreen trees in the winter leafless season. The biomass of P. chino on the forest floor was described by the equation: y = 3.18 x 1 – 0.05 x 2 + 3.11 (R 2 = 0.77, P < 0.01), where y is the log-transformed value of P. chino biomass (gdrymassm–2), x 1 is cos at solar noon at the winter solstice, and x 2 is the canopy coverage during the winter leafless season. is the angle between the suns rays and the normal to the surface and changes with slope aspect and angle. We concluded that light conditions under the canopy in the leafless season had a great effect on P. chino biomass, and that the basal area of evergreen trees and slope characteristics can provide useful guidelines in the control and management of P. chino.  相似文献   

以洋紫荆(Bauhinia variegata)成熟种子为试验材料,采用质量浓度为0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0 mg/mL的秋水仙素溶液分别处理12、24、36和48 h,并以蒸馏水浸泡种子作为对照,观察测定其种子萌发特性及幼苗生长指标.结果表明,随着秋水仙素质量浓度的增加,种子发芽率逐渐降低,2.0 mg/mL溶液使大部分种子致死,0.5、1.0 mg/mL质量浓度秋水仙素处理24 h有利于种子萌发;种子胚根的伸长随着秋水仙素质量浓度的增加也受到不同程度地抑制;秋水仙素对发芽种子胚芽的发育有一定的抑制作用;不同质量浓度秋水仙素处理后第7个月,各处理间苗高与地径差异均极显著(P<0.01),质量浓度为1.0 mg/mL,处理36 h时,苗高和地径都最大;当秋水仙素质量浓度为2.0 mg/mL时,对叶片平均分裂角度有一定促进作用.  相似文献   

We surveyed the germination number (N cs) of 2-year and a 1-year survival of Abies sachalinensis and Picea jezoensis seedlings and saplings on 29 fallen logs from 2004 to 2005 in a natural coniferous forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan, in relation to the surface and light conditions of fallen logs. Moss height (H moss), log hardness (Hardness), and the area of fallen log (Area) were measured as the surface conditions by each 1-m block from bottom to top of all fallen logs. The relative photosynthetic photon flux density (rPPFD) 10 cm above the tallest seedling in each block was measured as the light condition. In addition, the height of the tallest seedling or sapling in each block (H max), the difference between a height of each seedling and sapling and the H max (Shading), and a height of seedlings and saplings in 2004 (H ini) were considered. N cs of A. sachalinensis was affected by Hardness and Area, whereas N cs of P. jezoensis was affected by H moss, Hardness, Area, H max, and rPPFD. The survival of seedlings (height < 5 cm) and saplings (5 cm ≤ height < 50 cm) were affected by H ini, rPPFD, and shading for both species. However, the survival of P. jezoensis saplings was more sensitive to decrease in rPPFD and increase of shading than that of A. sachalinensis. Therefore, seedling emergence was influenced by surface conditions, whereas survival was affected by light conditions. Furthermore, P. jezoensis emergence and survival were more sensitive to surface and light conditions than that of A. sachalinensis.  相似文献   

Most studies of the effects of fragmentation and landscape patterns on plant communities focus on particular patches and on local species richness (α-diversity), while few studies examine different patch-types at the whole landscape level and address effects on abundance and composition of species or functional groups. The present study aims to identify and characterize relationships between patch-type metrics and species density and abundance of trees using four tropical subdeciduous forest landscapes in the Yucatan Peninsula considering the entire landscape as the unit of study. Species density and abundance of different groups of tree species resulting from hierarchical clustering were related to landscape patterns of patch-types (area, edge, shape, similarity and contrast) using regression analysis and Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). The abundance of tree species in the oldest stages of succession was associated with percentage of land of a patch-type. Total area may favor the establishment of shade-tolerant tree species in the study area because as the area of forest patches increases, the area of forest interior conditions also increases. Conversely, the abundance of species at early and intermediate stages was related to total edge contrast and edge density, respectively. Fragmentation increases the proportion of edge zones of a patch-type, creating contrasting microclimate conditions that could promote the establishment of pioneer and light-demanding species. Thus, the combined effect of total area and edge length of a patch-type may enhance total tree species richness in the study area by favoring species with different life-history strategies. The appearance of area, shape, edge and contrast in most of the regression models suggests that some generalization can be made about the effects of spatial geometry of patch-types on species composition and abundance of tropical trees. Understanding associations between landscape metrics and species density and abundance of objectively derived groups or guilds of species can provide important insights on the effects of fragmentation and landscape pattern on these guilds and on overall α-diversity, as well as guidelines for their conservation and management.  相似文献   

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