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CASE DESCRIPTION: 2 captive sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) were evaluated because of acute onset of vomiting, mucoid diarrhea, lethargy, and anorexia 1 week after eating live trout from a northern California reservoir. CLINICAL FINDINGS: In 1 of the bears, a CBC and serum biochemical analyses revealed mild anemia, mild eosinophilia, moderate lymphopenia, moderate hypoalbuminemia, and high serum G-glutamyltransferase activity. Ultrasonographic examination of the same bear revealed ascites and mesenteric lymphadenopathy. Histologic examination of gastrointestinal tract biopsy specimens revealed moderate to severe lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic gastritis, enteritis, and colitis. Ova of Nanophyetus salmincola, the trematode vector of Neorickettsia helminthoeca (a rickettsial organism that causes salmon poisoning disease), were detected in fecal samples from both bears. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: The bears were treated with oxytetracycline, doxycycline, praziquantel, and famotidine. Within 1 week after initiation of treatment, the appetite and fecal consistency of each bear were considered normal. Fecal ova shedding began 4 days after onset of clinical signs and ceased 9 days later. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Salmon poisoning disease can be rapidly fatal in untreated animals, but if diagnosed early and treated appropriately, full recovery can be achieved. Domestic dogs and captive exotic bears are highly susceptible to clinical disease after ingestion of trematode-infected fish. Salmon poisoning disease may develop outside the geographic range in which the causative organism is endemic as a result of the transplantation of infected fish for sport fishing; veterinarians practicing in areas where infected fish may be transplanted should be aware of appropriate diagnostic and treatment protocols.  相似文献   

The clinical symptoms of ethanol intoxication in a Jack Russell terrier dog of 5 kg, that consumed 50 ml of whisky (40%) within 15 minutes on an empty stomach are described. The clinical case is completed with literature information on clinic, pathogeneses and therapy.  相似文献   

Lead poisoning in dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  



Tutu (Coriaria arborea Lindsay) is a small tree or shrub, variable in height, with leaves lin. to 3in. long, oblong and sessile, which has many flowers in long, drooping racemes. The fruit is purplish-black and is enveloped by juicy, persistent, and enlarged petals. It is a shrub that is found abundantly on certain river banks, bush, scrub, and tussock grassland throughout New Zealand (Connor, 1951 Aston, B. C. 1934. N.Z.J. Agric, 49: 150150.  [Google Scholar]). The green fruit and associated racemes, and also the flowering racemes, are highly toxic. The ripe fruit is relatively not as toxic (Easterfield, 1901 Christie, L. 1890. N.Z. med. J., 4: 11.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   


Lead poisoning in dogs is insidious in onset, difficult to diagnose, and frequently overlooked. It is more prevalent in the older and more run-down areas in cities, where deteriorating paint, old lead plumbing, and untidy yards present many opportunities for dogs to acquire toxic amounts. My own practice is situated in one of the older areas of Christchurch and, over the 11 years covered by this paper, I have confirmed 107 cases of lead poisoning.  相似文献   

Amphetamine intoxication in dogs referred to the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory or the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Minnesota was characterized by excitement, agitation, hyperthermia, and convulsive episodes that could be confused with other convulsant poisonings. Extraction procedures on stomach contents or urine enabled indentification of the drug, using ultraviolet spectrophotometry.  相似文献   

In 2005, the deaths of three dogs were reported in Erdek, Turkey. Examining appropriate historical and clinical signs, postmortem findings and the discovery of cyanide in their stomachs and intestinal contents and livers supported a diagnosis of cyanide poisoning.  相似文献   

Three adult dogs were evaluated following oral administration of phenol by the owner. All three dogs experienced severe oral and gastric ulceration. Hematological abnormalities included neutropenia with the presence of toxic neutrophils, thrombocytopenia, and increased muscle enzymes. Endoscopic examination was performed, and biopsies yielded a diagnosis of gastric mucosal necrosis in two of the dogs. Following supportive care, the dogs recovered completely. Phenol is a caustic, highly poisonous derivative of coal tar. The dogs of this report were poisoned inadvertently by their owner who received misinformation concerning the use of this chemical via the Internet.  相似文献   

Subsequent to a possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) poisoning operation purportedly using 1% phosphorus baits, six dogs with access to poisoned possums died of phosphorus poisoning. Two dogs survived, following treatment with oral copper sulphate and parenteral vitamin K. Clinical signs included depression, jaundice, vomiting and bloody diarrhoea. Post-mortem lesions included large areas of subcutaneous, interstitial and intermuscular haemorrhage, subserosal haemorrhage and liver degeneration. Free phosphorus was detected in the ingesta of three of the dogs which died up to 7 days after the last of the poison was laid. Analysis of two batches of baits used showed P levels of 1.17% and 1.24%.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the species and distribution of ticks infesting domestic dogs in southern Mozambique. To this end 89 collections were taken from dogs and the geographic coordinates of the localities at which they were made noted. Fifty-eight of these collections were from animals in the city of Maputo and 16 from animals at rural settlements close to Maputo. A further 15 collections were made from dogs in rural environments north of Maputo. Ten ixodid tick species, of which one was only identified to genus level, were recovered. Rhipicephalus sanguineus was the most numerous of the ten species, and its prevalence and intensity of infestation were significantly higher on city dogs than on rural dogs (P < 0.01), whereas the converse was true for Haemaphysalis leachi (P < 0.01). Including the city of Maputo, the exact localities at which nine tick species were collected, were recorded.  相似文献   

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