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A 9-year-old spayed female German Shepherd dog with a history of orthopedic disease was presented to the North Carolina State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital for evaluation of recent, progressive, bilateral, hindlimb ataxia. Analysis of cisternal and lumbar cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples revealed normal total nucleated cell counts and a mild increase in protein concentration in the lumbar sample. In cytocentrifuged specimens of both CSF samples, aggregates of refractile, angular to irregular, pale blue to colorless, crystalline material were observed in the background. Some of the material appeared birefringent under polarized light. Differentials for the material included contrast agent, epidural anesthetics or other pharmacologic agents, or artifact introduced through sample processing, collection, or handling. Based on investigation of clinical and laboratory processes it was determined that tubes used to collect CSF in the hospital recently had been changed from additive-free glass tubes to silica-coated shatter-resistant plastic tubes (BD Vacutainer Plus serum tubes, silicone-coated, Becton Dickinson). A cytocentrifuged preparation of saline placed in a silica-coated tube contained crystalline material identical to that observed in the CSF samples; saline placed in an additive-free glass tube contained no material. In this case, we document the microscopic appearance of highly concentrated silica particles in cytocentrifuged preparations of CSF and underscore the importance of recognizing and identifying this artifact in cytologic preparations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To obtain the anatomic and morphometric data required for biomechanical analysis of the hind limb in dogs. ANIMALS: A healthy adult mixed-breed 23-kg male dog. PROCEDURE: Following euthanasia of the dog, all muscles of the right hind limb were identified and meticulously removed. Physiologic cross-sectional areas (PCSA) and architectural indices (AI) were calculated. The coordinates for the origin and insertion of each muscle were determined, using orthogonal right-handed coordinate systems embedded in the pelvis, femur, and tibia. RESULTS: PCSA and AI were calculated for 29 muscles, and coordinates for the origins and insertions of these muscles were determined. CONCLUSIONS: Results provide the morphometric and anatomic data necessary for 3-dimensional biomechanical studies of the hind limb in dogs.  相似文献   

We report a 5-year-old gelding with a rare benign tumour of 2-month duration in the subcutis of the hind limb that presented with lameness. Physical examination revealed normal vital signs. Laboratory findings were within normal ranges. No bone abnormalities were detected on radiographic examination of the affected area. Bloody fluid was obtained by aspiration. Through an I-shape skin incision the tumour was excised en-block. Microscopic study showed a vascular hamartoma characterized by cavernous haemangiomatous tissue and proliferation of multiple vessels of variable diameter. This report highlights the importance of limb vascular hamartoma, as an infrequent lesion, in the differential diagnosis of lameness in the horse.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old, neutered, male Labrador retriever was diagnosed with a tarsometatarsal grade II mast cell tumor. Metastasis was identified in the popliteal lymph node. Amputation was not an option. A reverse saphenous skin flap was used to cover the skin defect caused by excision of the tumor. Surgery was followed with adjunctive chemotherapy.  相似文献   

A 5-month-old, intact female Great Dane was presented for an acute onset of rapidly progressive lameness, severe pain, and diffuse swelling of the right hind limb. Ultrasound evaluation revealed echogenic fluid pockets extending along fascial planes of the right hind limb, from the proximal femur to the hock. Necrotic soft tissues were debrided, and closed-suction drains were placed. No foreign material was identified at surgery. Fluid culture identified a beta-hemolytic Streptococcus sp., and affected fascial histopathology was consistent with necrotizing fasciitis. Postoperatively, the puppy was managed with intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotics, local infusions of amikacin, and daily physical rehabilitation. Oral pentoxifylline was administered to treat bronchopneumonia and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome that developed secondary to necrotizing fasciitis. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a successfully managed case of beta-hemolytic, streptococcal, necrotizing fasciitis successfully managed after a single surgical debridement in combination with systemic broad-spectrum antibiotics, local amikacin infusion, active closed-suction drainage, daily cytology, massage, and passive range-of-motion exercises to maintain limb function.  相似文献   

A case of lymphangiomatosis is described affecting the right pelvic limb of an 18-month-old, female Maltese dog. A progressive swelling around the stifle had developed subsequent to a routine tibial crest transposition. The swollen area eventually progressed to involve the entire limb circumferentially, to end abruptly in the mid-metatarsal region. The skin of the affected area was deep red in colour, devoid of hair, and had numerous large, thin-walled vesicles that were easily ruptured and from which a serosan-guineous fluid exuded. The swelling pitted on digital pressure and showed fluctuant mobility. The microscopic appearance of biopsied and post mortem material mimicked that of lymphangioma. However, the signalment, clinical presentation and histological features are consistent with a diagnosis of the recently reported variant of human lymphangiomatosis, lymphangiomatosis of the limb.  相似文献   

Postanesthetic hind limb adductor myopathy in five horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five horses that underwent prolonged anesthesia (greater than 3 hours) in dorsal recumbency for a surgical procedure were unable to stand after recovery and were euthanatized. A provisional diagnosis of postanesthetic myopathy was confirmed at necropsy in all 5 horses. However, distribution of affected muscles in these horses was atypical, because there was bilateral hind limb adductor muscle involvement.  相似文献   

A 10-week-old Labrador Retriever was examined because of a swelling above the left eye. Ophthalmic examination revealed a tubular, light-pink, slightly raised lesion of the left conjunctiva that extended from the limbus to the fornix and into the dorsal eyelid. The lesion affected the entire margin of the dorsal eyelid and extended 2 cm dorsal to the eyelid margin. With compression of the left jugular vein, the exophthalmos worsened immediately and the subconjunctival and eyelid lesion enlarged. Results of ultrasonography, computed tomography, and contrast venography were consistent with a diagnosis of an orbital varix. Coil embolization was elected for treatment of the varix to prevent the pain and morbidity associated with an orbitotomy. Coils were introduced through a 22-gauge IV catheter inserted through the upper eyelid into the varix. The only complication was moderately severe orbital swelling. The owners reported that the lesion had resolved by 2 weeks after coil embolization.  相似文献   

Atrial septal defect, while rare in dogs, can result in severe clinical signs. Surgical correction of atrial septal defect requires open-heart surgery. Transcatheter closure techniques provide minimally invasive surgical alternatives.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old, male, mixed-breed dog presented with a 12-day history of vomiting, depression, and weight loss after ingestion of industrial-strength wood glue containing diphenylmethane diisocyanate as its active ingredient. A diagnosis of gastric foreign body was made from survey abdominal radiographs. A large aggregate of solidified wood glue was surgically removed, and the dog recovered uneventfully. Fourteen other cases have been reported to the Animal Poison Control Center at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Eight of those 14 cases required surgical intervention. All cases recovered completely.  相似文献   

In contrast to other mammals, the large variation in dog sizes is not accompanied by any significant genetic re-organization. In order to study the relationship between body mass, limb length and the functional anatomical muscle parameters of the canine hind limb, a large dataset comprising of muscle masses, optimal muscle fibre lengths and physiological cross-sectional area's (PCSA) were acquired for twenty-five muscles in ten dogs of sizes varying between 20 kg and 52 kg. The potential of body mass and limb length for reliably scaling individual muscle masses, optimal muscle fibre lengths and PCSA's were examined. For the majority of the muscles of the canine hind limb, neither body mass nor limb length were reliable scaling parameter for either muscle masses, PCSA's and optimal fibre length. These results indicate the need of a breed-specific approach to musculoskeletal modelling in future canine musculoskeletal research.  相似文献   

Summary: A new locomotory disturbance of cattle is described. The condition has occurred sporadically since the mid-1980s. Affected herds had all grazed flood plain pastures in a restricted area of north-western New South Wales. Calves were either born with clinical signs or developed them by 4 months of age. The disease was characterised by a slowly progressive, irreversible, asymmetrical, paresis of the hind limbs. Affected cattle experienced persistent hyper-extension of the hip and stifle joints. Macroscopic and microscopic examination of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems failed to demonstrate abnormalities that would account for the clinical signs. The disorder shares many similarities with bovine spastic paresis. It is suggested that the pathogenesis of the disorder is nervous, and probably involves nigro-striatal, medulla oblongata, and spinal dysfunctional inputs. An in-utero plant poisoning was suspected but no specific plant association was determined.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old Appaloosa mare was admitted because of acute, severe hind limb lameness (grade 4 of 5). The hock could be flexed or extended without influencing the position of the stifle joint, and the fetlock and proximal interphalangeal joints could be extended while the hock was maintained in flexion. The diagnosis was functional loss of the reciprocal apparatus. The differential diagnoses for functional loss of the reciprocal apparatus include disruption of the common calcaneal tendon, the gastrocnemius muscle, the peroneus tertius, or the superficial digital flexor muscle. In this horse, the diagnosis was disruption of the superficial digital flexor muscle. The horse made an excellent recovery following 5 months of stall confinement.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old female Welsh Terrier was presented for evaluation of multiple skin masses. Two of them were diagnosed as a follicular (epidermal) cyst and a sebaceous epithelioma by cytology and histopathology. The third mass was located in the subcutis adjacent to the cervical trachea. Clinical findings, thoracic radiography, and laboratory results were otherwise unremarkable. Cytologically, the cervical mass was characterized by the presence of round to polygonal cells with distinct cell borders, mild to moderate anisocytosis, round to oval eccentric nuclei with prominent nucleoli, and a variable amount of finely granular, eosinophilic cytoplasm. Differential diagnoses included endocrine/neuroendocrine tumors such as thyroid adenocarcinoma, medullary thyroid carcinoma, carotid body chemodectoma, and parathyroid carcinoma. The mass was removed surgically and submitted for histopathologic and immunohistochemical examination. Histologically, the mass was composed of rows and nests of densely packed cells separated by thin fibrovascular stroma. Neoplastic cells had moderate to large amounts of pale eosinophilic dusty or finely vacuolated cytoplasm and round to oval nuclei with finely dispersed chromatin and 1 or 2 small nucleoli. On immunohistochemistry, neoplastic cells were positive for chromogranin A, calcitonin, and neuron-specific enolase, and were negative for cytokeratin and thyroglobulin. The final diagnosis was medullary thyroid carcinoma, an uncommon endocrine tumor of dogs that has cytologic and histopathologic features similar to other endocrine and neuroendocrine tumors. Immunohistochemistry or immunocytochemistry should be performed to differentiate medullary thyroid carcinoma from other endocrine/neuroendocrine tumors of dogs.  相似文献   

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