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The conjunctival fungal flora of 32 adult horses with normal eyes (n = 64) from the State of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil was identified in the fall of 2000 using horses of different breeds, both genders and aged 5-19 years old. The culture samples were taken from the conjunctival sac of both eyes with a sterile cotton swab wetted with saline solution, seeded in Sabouraud's dextrose agar with chloramphenicol, and incubated for 5 days at an average temperature of 25 degrees C. The number of fungal colonies per eye varied between 0 and 250 colony forming units (CFUs). There were often differences in colony types between eyes of the same animal. Filamentous fungi of genera were isolated and identified in the following proportion of the total genera of fungal colonies isolated: Aspergillus (32.2%), Penicillium (25.8%), Scopulariopsis (15.9%), Trichoderma (11.2%), Cladosporium (5.6%), Mucor (2.1%), Syncephalastrum (2.1%), Eurotium (1.7%), Geotrichum (0.9%), Rhizopus (0.9%), Gliomastix (0.4%), Fusarium (0.4%), Staphylotrichum (0.4%) and Verticillium (0.4%). Yeast genera represented 9% of the total isolates. Over half the horses had at least one normal eye with either Aspergillus, Penicillium, Trichoderma or Scopulariopsis isolated, which is a departure from other studies of the normal horse eye.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the collection of ejaculate from anaesthesized dog foxes. General anaesthesia was produced by inhaling 3 to 5% narcotan mixed with oxygen, the inhalation rate being two litres per minute. An electroejaculator with a bipolar electrode, introduced in the rectum, was used for the electrostimulation of ejaculation. The voltage needed to produce the ejaculation effect and the number of impulses depended on the individuality of the foxes. The average amount of ejaculate per one collection was 0.86 ml, the sperm motility percentage was 74.80% sperm concentration was 270.62 x 10(3) spermatozoa per mm3, and the average pH value was 6.87.  相似文献   

The effects of metaraminol bitartrate on intraocular pressure (IOP) were studied in dogs anesthetized with halothane. Forty-five healthy, adult, mixed-breed dogs, of both sexes, were divided into three groups of 15 dogs each (GI, GII and GIII) and maintained under general anesthesia with halothane after tranquilization with levomepromazine and induction with thiopental. Saline (0.9%) was administered intravenously (IV) to GI through continuous infusion, at a velocity of 0.125 mL kg−1 min−1. GII and GIII received metaraminol 0.004% IV, at a dose of 5 μg kg−1 min−1, at 0.125 mL kg−1 min−1 and at a dose of 2 μg kg−1 min−1, at 0.06 mL kg−1 min−1, respectively. IOP was measured by applanation tonometry (Tono-Pen) before and during anesthesia. Results showed that IOP decreased in GI, increased in GII, and remained at basal levels in GIII. Continuous infusion of metaraminol at 2 μg kg min−1 maintained IOP at pretest levels, while infusion at 5 μg kg−1 min−1 produced an elevation of IOP.  相似文献   

Enucleation was performed in 5 horses under local anesthesia and sedation with the horse standing. Minimal hemorrhage occurred during the surgical procedure, and there were no other reported complications. Standing enucleation is a surgery that is safe to perform in horses.  相似文献   

The arrhythmogenicity of dopamine, its effects on cardiac function, hemodynamics, and diuresis under halothane anesthesia were evaluated in dogs. The induction time of arrhythemias and the effect of arrhythmias on cardiac function, hemodynamics, and diuresis were determined after infusion of dopamine for 30-min period at increasing doses of 3, 5, 7, 10, and 15 micrograms/kg/min. The results were as follows. 1. Arrhythmia induction percentage was 28.6% at 5 micrograms/kg/mn, 42.9% at 7 micrograms/kg/min, 25% at 10 micrograms/kg/min, and 41.7% at 15 micrograms/kg/min. The induction time of arrhythemias (sec) was 459 at 5 micrograms/kg/min, 332 at 7 micrograms/kg/min, 152 at 10 micrograms/kg/min, and 279 at 15 micrograms/kg/min. No arrhythmias were present at 3 micrograms/kg/min. 2. Heart rate and myocardial oxygen consumption was increased in the arrhythmia-induced group compared to the non-arrhythmia-induced group. 3. Myocardial contractility, mean aortic pressure, mean pulmonary arterial pressure, and diuresis increased dose-dependently in the non-arrhythmia-induced group; however, these measures were increased in the arrhythmia-induced group without regard to dose.  相似文献   

The pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of ketamine, when administered by infusion as an adjunct to halothane anaesthesia in horses, were investigated in 5 equine patients presented for routine castration. Anaesthesia was induced with detomidine, 20 μg/kg, followed by ketamine, 2.2 mg/kg bwt, the trachea intubated and the horses allowed to breathe halothane in oxygen. Five minutes later, a constant rate infusion of ketamine, 40 μg/kg min, was commenced and the halothane vaporiser concentration adjusted to maintain a light plane of anaesthesia. The mean infusion duration was 62 min (range 40–103). The ketamine was switched off approximately 15 min before the halothane. Plasma ketamine and norketamine levels, determined by high performance liquid chromatography, ranged from 0.74–2.04 μg/ml and 0.15–0.75 μg/ml, respectively, during the infusion period. The harmonic mean elimination half-life of ketamine was 46.1 min, mean volume of distribution at steady state (Vdss) was 1365 (271) ml/kg, mean body clearance (Cl) was 32.3 (9.1) ml/min.kg, and average mean residence time for the infusion (MRTinf) was 105.9 (20.4) min, respectively. Following termination of halothane, mean times to sternal recumbency and standing were 21.1 (6.9) and 41.6 (17.0) min, respectively. Surgical conditions were considered highly satisfactory, and physiological parameters were well preserved in most animals.  相似文献   

Anaesthesia was induced in 24 horses with xylazine and ketamine and maintained with halothane (12 cases) or enflurane (12 cases) in oxygen. Pulse rate, arterial blood pressure, arterial blood gas values, respiratory rate and tidal volume were measured at regular intervals during anaesthesia. Serial venous blood samples were taken for assay of glucose, urea, haemoglobin, packed cell volume, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and creatine kinase. Operating conditions and the horses' behaviour in the recovery period were also recorded. In the case of the group of horses receiving enflurane, difficulty was experienced maintaining anaesthesia deep enough for surgery. This group also displayed greater respiratory depression. There were no significant differences between arterial blood pressure values, or any of the haematological or biochemical parameters recorded in each group. Recovery from anaesthesia was significantly faster in horses receiving enflurane but less smooth. It was concluded that, although enflurane appeared to be safe in the horse, the respiratory depression and the unpleasant recovery did not make it a desirable alternative to halothane.  相似文献   

兔卵母细胞去核方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究观察了兔卵母细胞的纺锤体在不同条件下的变化,并对不同去核方法的去核效率进行了比较。结果表明,在卵母细胞去核时应用piezo-driven操作系统,能有效减少去核对卵母细胞的机械挤压损伤,使卵母细胞去核后存活率达98%。卵母细胞中极体与核的相对距离随着卵龄的增加而加大,卵龄16h的卵母细胞只有70.4%的核位于极体附近,当卵龄增加到19h时,这一比例下降到60.5%。用spindle view系统能有效提高去核效率,使去核率从盲吸法的83.8%提高到98.4%,且发现在注射hCG后19h左右去核较为合适。纺锤体对环境变化敏感,适宜的温度为36~37℃,温度不适容易使纺锤体解聚。  相似文献   

Cardiovascular effects of halothane in the horse   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cardiovascular effects of venous alveolar concentrations of halothane in oxygen were studied in 8 young, healthy horses under conditions of constant arterial carbon dioxide tension. The alveolar concentration of halothane was expressed as a multiple of the minimal alveolar concentration (MAC) which was known for each animal. Increasing alveolar halothane concentrations to MAC 2.0 resulted in a progressive and significant (P less than 0.05) decline in systemic arterial pressure and left ventricular work. Cardiac output decreased between MAC 1.0 and MAC 2.0 as a result of a significant (P less than 0.05) decrease in stroke volume. Heart rate, total peripheral resistance, pulmonary artery pressure, hematocrit, plasma protein concentration, arterial oxygen tension, and arterial pH remained constant over the same range of anesthetic dosages. Continuation of anesthesia, spontaneous ventilation, and the accompanying rise in arterial carbon dioxide tension and electrical stimulation of the horse's oral mucous membranes produced varying degrees of stimulation of cardiovascular function at MAC 1.5.  相似文献   

Use of halothane and isoflurane in the horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When compared with halothane, isoflurane has several distinct characteristics. Vaporizer settings are higher because of its lower potency. Respiratory rates will be slower, and intraoperative changes in depth and recovery from surgical depth of anesthesia will be more rapid, although total recovery times frequently will not be different. Halothane and isoflurane appear similar in their effects on ocular reflexes and mean arterial blood pressure. Recovery from isoflurane should be managed to provide added sedation or physical support if the horse attempts to stand prematurely.  相似文献   

Clinicians should be familiar with the most common fungal diseases of amphibians. Because lesions in mycotic diseases are nonspecific, a diagnosis cannot be established solely on the basis of clinical presentation. Bacterial, mycobacterial, chlamydial, and parasitic infections, and toxic or environmental conditions may mimic mycotic disease to various extents. Furthermore, mycoses may be masked by overwhelming secondary bacterial infection and therefore remain undiagnosed. Skin scrapings, impression smears, biopsies, and fungal culture are all useful tools in confirming or dismissing a diagnosis of mycosis. Whenever possible, an effort should be made to forward samples and biopsies for culture to appropriate laboratories. Providing the laboratory with a tentative etiologic diagnosis may allow for specific selection of more specific agars and culture conditions and maximize the chances of recovering the fungus from lesions. Identification to species level should also be encouraged, if progress is to be made in the understanding of mycoses in amphibians. The morphology of an isolate should be consistent with the microscopic features of the fungus in histological sections of affected tissues, if it is to be firmly incriminated as the cause of disease. A complete necropsy should be conducted on animals that die or are found dead, and, ideally, isolates from confirmed cases of fungal infection should be deposited in scientific collections, so that they are available for later studies. In addendum, readers should be aware that there is recent evidence to suggest that at least some published cases of amphibian basidiobolomycosis were in fact cases of chytridiomycosis [38], and therefore the validity of basidiobolomycosis as a disease entity in amphibians may be revisited in the years to come.  相似文献   

In swine and cattle given 0, 0.1, or 0.5 and 0, 0.5 mg of diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS)/kg of body weight, IV, respectively; DAS had a large volume of distribution and total body clearance. The shortness of the interval between halothane and DAS exposures significantly (P greater than 0.05) decreased DAS biotransformation. Urinary excretion of DAS as a parent compound was not an important route of elimination. In swine and cattle, DAS was transformed by sequential deacetylation to monoacetoxyscirpenol and scirpentriol.  相似文献   

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